The Accident Helped To Detect A Rare Brain Tumor From Germ Cells - Alternative View

The Accident Helped To Detect A Rare Brain Tumor From Germ Cells - Alternative View
The Accident Helped To Detect A Rare Brain Tumor From Germ Cells - Alternative View

Video: The Accident Helped To Detect A Rare Brain Tumor From Germ Cells - Alternative View

Video: The Accident Helped To Detect A Rare Brain Tumor From Germ Cells - Alternative View
Video: Imaging Findings of Brain Tumors 2024, September

23-year-old handyman Jordan Pine from Derbyshire, after examination, doctors took only 18 months to live.

The reason was revealed in him a very rare malignant brain tumor from germ cells.

Such tumors are called germ cell tumors.

The cause of these tumors has not yet been clearly established, but they grow from the same germ cells that are involved in the development of the human embryo.

During the maturation of the embryo, the germ cells "migrate" through the body to the genital area, where the testicles develop from the germ cells in boys, and the ovaries in girls.

But during migration, a malfunction can occur and some of the germ cells can get stuck in any part of the body. Subsequently, a tumor may begin to grow from them. Most often it happens in the abdomen and very rarely in the brain.

According to one theory, a tumor occurs when too many germ cells accumulate in the body of the embryo.

In March 2018, Jordan Pines began to feel very lethargic and had problems with memory, he even began to forget the names of his friends.

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In the following month, he also put on a sharp increase in weight, but doctors felt that he simply became less active, as he spent more time in hospitals trying to find the cause of his ailments.

And then an accident happened. Pine was working on a construction site and was wearing a helmet when a heavy pipe burst and rubble flew towards Pine. The man was not injured, but the helmet was dented and his girlfriend, worried about his health, asked him to go and have a CT scan of the head.

It was after the tomography that Jordan's brain revealed a tumor in the pituitary gland the size of a golf ball. According to the doctors, it was with this that the sharp weight gain was associated, as the tumor affected the level of hormones.


If not for this case, Pine would probably have known about his tumor even when any treatment would have been useless.

After a devastating diagnosis, Jordan went through four stages of chemotherapy, 44 sessions of radiation therapy and six brain surgeries. Despite all this, Pine was told last month that the tumor, on the contrary, had increased even more.

His only hope now is for a very risky brain operation, during which the entire tumor will be removed. Either this operation or 100% death.

But even if successful, removal of the tumor can affect other parts of the brain and Pine may remain blind or paralyzed for the rest of his life.


Now Jordan is trying to hold on and hope for the best. He says that he must be an optimist, otherwise his family will suffer more than himself. Now his memory loss is progressing and he can no longer live on his own, he needs constant supervision.

Jordan is looked after by his mother, Ellen, as well as his girlfriend Leah Groom. She also collects money for his treatment. Jordan himself most of all regrets that he will not have time to see his younger sister Freya, whom he loves very much, become an adult.