It Looks Like The World Is Being Prepared For The Transition To A New Currency - Alternative View

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It Looks Like The World Is Being Prepared For The Transition To A New Currency - Alternative View
It Looks Like The World Is Being Prepared For The Transition To A New Currency - Alternative View

Video: It Looks Like The World Is Being Prepared For The Transition To A New Currency - Alternative View

Video: It Looks Like The World Is Being Prepared For The Transition To A New Currency - Alternative View
Video: The World in 2021: five stories to watch out for | The Economist 2024, September

How many years has there been talk about the collapse of the US dollar soon? Ten years? But the dollar "is still more alive than all the living." Although, according to the predictions of the American magazine "The Economist", the dollar is living out its last days and soon the world will see a new world currency - the phoenix, which will revive from the ashes of national currencies that burned out in the fire of hyperinflation.


The Economist weekly belongs primarily to two powerful clans - the Rothschild family (the British branch) and the Agnelli family. The Rothschilds own 75.42% of the shares of "A", Agnelli (regulars of the Bilderberg Club) own 100% of the shares of "B". Seven members of the Board of Directors are elected by holders of shares "A", six seats - by holders of shares "B". Since February 2015, the editor-in-chief of the magazine has been a member of the Bilderberg Club Zanni Minton Beddos. It is believed that encrypted messages are sent to the world on the covers of the magazine, which often predict future events in the field of politics, economics and general world order.

The cover of The Economist, January 1988 / Explanation: World currencies burn in flames in 2018 and are being replaced by the new world currency Phoenix
The cover of The Economist, January 1988 / Explanation: World currencies burn in flames in 2018 and are being replaced by the new world currency Phoenix

The cover of The Economist, January 1988 / Explanation: World currencies burn in flames in 2018 and are being replaced by the new world currency Phoenix

In 1988, the United States did not live very well economically, and the only positive moment was the resulting warming in relations with the USSR. That is, there was no need to fear a nuclear war. And in these conditions, an article appeared in The Economist magazine in which it was predicted that in thirty years a new single world currency would appear in the world, which would replace national currencies, since everything would be so bad that it could not be worse and only a new currency could change the situation cases.

The article appeared on the eve of the "obese" 1990s, in which the United States, having ruined Russia, flaunted, buying up the collapsed socialist camp for a pittance. This was followed by Yugoslavia, which was torn to shreds, Chechnya and Khasavyurt, after which a united Russia could cease to exist as a state. Then the United States climbed into the Middle East, blowing many countries to shreds.

But then an economic crisis followed, which, in general, was a man-made circumstance, not an irresistible force. The crisis has spread all over the world and, perhaps, there is no country in the world where they do not know that the United States has lent too much.

Promotional video:

Plan for 30 years ahead

What has changed since then? Nothing. The world's debts only got bigger, and in 2015 the entire world owed about $ 200 trillion.


And at the end of 2015, the US Federal Reserve went back to the old and raised the interest rate - albeit a little, but this was enough for American businesses to start running out of money. And the beginning of 2016 was marked by falling fireworks on all world exchanges. Moreover, China is often blamed for this, but the Celestial Empire is just a factory, and it works as it does. Here are just fewer of its products. And if we consider that the United States consumes 21% of all world energy and 29% of all produced, it becomes clear that this is not about China. It's about America, which stopped buying. Moreover, it has ceased to be so much that renting a dry cargo ship is now cheaper than a Ferrari: renting a dry cargo ship will cost $ 1,563 a day, and a Ferrari F40 - $ 5,597. And even if you add the cost of fuel,which eats a dry cargo ship per day (35 tons or $ 4,000 per day), renting a dry cargo ship is still cheaper than renting a car.

American retailer Wal-Mart unexpectedly announced the closure of 269 stores worldwide, including 154 in the US, which will cost America another 10,000 jobs. The American chain is experiencing the largest drop in sales over the past 27 years and does not expect a new rise in the near future, but predicts a further drop in sales for 2 years by 6-12%.

The American oil industry is also going through hard days. In 2015, she lost 130,000 jobs, and American banks braced themselves for losses. Wells Fargo (WFC) reserved $ 1.2 billion for losses, JPMorgan Chase (JPM) - $ 124 million and was preparing to lose up to 750 million, and Citigroup expected losses of 600 million. Standard & Poor's believes that 50% of oil companies' bonds - waste "and are at risk of default. That is, in this wave of the crisis, the stake was placed not on mortgages and loans, but on the oil industry.

It is also worth remembering the agreements “TPP” (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and “TTIP” (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), the subordination of Europe and Japan to the United States, and return to the article. So what does it say?

Thirty years from now (1988 + 30 = 2018), Americans, Europeans, Japanese and residents of many other rich countries and some relatively poor countries will pay with the same currency. The price will be indicated not in dollars, yen or deutch marks, but let me say, in phoenixes. Phoenix will become the currency of choice for companies and buyers because it will be more convenient than current national currencies, which seem to be the bizarre cause of most of the economic disruption of the late 20th century.

Silver dollar "Phoenix"
Silver dollar "Phoenix"

Silver dollar "Phoenix"

Further in the article, very veiledly, it is written about how in the 70s of the last century, the United States refused to provide the dollar with gold.

The biggest change in the global economy since the early 1970s was that cash flows, not trade in goods, were the main driving force behind currency quotes. As a result of the endless integration of world financial markets, the difference in economic policies of different countries could affect interest rates (or the expectation of changes in interest rates) and the movement of capital from one country to another. With inconsistent economic policies, currencies can only become more volatile.

And then free cheese is put into the mousetrap:

In the phoenix zone, perestroika and economic shifts in relative prices will occur more smoothly and automatically. And the complete absence of foreign exchange risks will stimulate trade, investment and employment.

But, of course, not everything is so smooth:

The Phoenix Zone will impose severe restrictions on national governments. Such a thing as national monetary policy will be abolished. A new central bank will emerge in the phoenix world, possibly replacing the IMF. The world inflation rate and, consequently, in a narrow limit and inflation in each state, will be in its (bank) responsibility. Every country will be able to use taxes and government spending to offset the temporary drop in demand, but only to borrow, not print money to fill the budget. Without the option of resorting to inflation taxes, governments will be forced to carefully reconcile their spending and borrow more carefully.

Here the soothsayers admit that this “will lead to the loss of economic sovereignty, but the trends that make the phoenix so attractive will cancel any independence. Even in a world of more or less floating exchange rates, governments have often faced challenges from "unfriendly neighbors" to their currencies.

The article also provides an alternative.

The alternative - maintaining the policy of autonomy (independence) - will require the application of truly draconian measures to regulate trade and capital flows.

And in conclusion:

From destruction, from the ashes of the old world order, the Luciferian new world order will be born like the Phoenix.

And for those who will not borrow, controlled terrorists will cut off gas, electricity and oxygen.

Russia and China continue to increase their gold and foreign exchange reserves

In 2016, no central bank or government bought gold at the same vigorous pace as the Russian central bank, which has significantly increased its gold holdings, and this trend continues.


In September 2016, Russia increased its gold reserves by 500 thousand troy ounces (15.55 metric tons). In the current 2017, gold and foreign exchange reserves in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation increased by 125 tons and, as a result, the total reserves reached 1,542 tons. Excluding the International Monetary Fund, Russia boasts the sixth largest gold and foreign exchange reserves in the world (ahead of China, France, Italy, Germany and the United States).

Moreover, over the past seven years, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been significantly ahead of the People's Bank of China in terms of official purchases of gold - 895 tons versus 770 tons. Basically, all the attention of experts is paid to the rapid growth of gold and foreign exchange reserves in China, but for many years it was Russia that was the world's largest buyer of gold.

Since mid-2014 alone, Russia has added over 400 tons of gold bars to its vaults. During this time, the country's central bank also de-dollarized the economy by reducing its holdings in US Treasury bonds. Today, the bank has brought its investments in US securities to nearly $ 100 billion, which is significantly lower than in 2014 compared to $ 160 billion.

Experts believe that the share of Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves is currently 15 percent of all foreign exchange reserves. Like China, Russia keeps most of the gold mined in the country, refusing to export it, unlike other raw materials. Meanwhile, low oil prices are not helping to strengthen the energy-export-led Russian economy.

It is obvious that, as in China, Russia seeks to diversify its monetary policy, getting rid of dollar dependence as much as possible. Many experts point out that the IMF's decision to add the Chinese yuan to the SDR basket was partly due to the growing confidence in China's financial system. Undoubtedly, the large gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Celestial Empire played a role in this. This makes sense: after all, such rich countries with advanced economies as the USA, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland and the UK are among the ten countries with the largest gold and foreign exchange reserves.

Here's what the Gainesville News writes about it:

Russia may also seek to pursue a similar strategy. There have been joking suggestions that they may even introduce the gold ruble in the next decade. In any case, it is clear that this state intends to strengthen its financial position in the world economy with the help of the most reliable resource - gold.

China launches its own digital currency

Against this background, news from China, published by Bloomberg, is especially interesting: the People's Bank of China has taken the first steps to launch its own digital currency. The creation of a research group that specializes in Blockchain and Big Data technologies will allow the Chinese central bank to become the first regulator in the world to issue its own cryptocurrency to buy anything from noodles to cars.


For Chinese people who already use transactions via their laptops or smartphones, the PBOC's cryptocurrency probably won't be much different from existing payment methods like Alipay or WeChat. The changes will affect sellers as they will receive cryptocurrency directly from buyers, without intermediaries. Due to this, operating costs will be reduced.

At the same time, while the Central Bank of China intends to introduce its own cryptocurrency, the regulator is closely studying Bitcoin and other private digital currencies. The Chinese authorities do not want the Bitcoin bubble to explode. Since historically all the currency in the country is issued by the state, and not by private players, the PRC authorities do not want to yield this market to companies that are not controlled by the state.

It should also be recalled that the Central Bank of China has been trying to block capital outflows with Bitcoin in recent months. Residents of China actively use online payments to settle any transactions - they scan QR codes with their smartphones to buy even a small can of cola, preferring digital transactions to traditional settlements.

The PRC's central bank has decided to follow a proven strategy: if you can't win, join it. The release of the digital currency will allow the People's Bank of China to control risks in the financial system and track transactions across the economy, experts say.

Russian analogue of SWIFT

In order to manage its vast and global money-printing scheme, after the U. S. dollar was no longer backed by gold, the United States and its allies in Western Europe in 1973 created what is now called the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT), a system messaging, connected to every bank in the world and transferring trillions of dollars every day.


Since all world currencies are part of the petrodollar system and their currency values are also pegged to the US dollar, the SWIFT messaging system is vital for the health of the entire global economy, but in 2012, for the first time in history, it was used as a "weapon of war" against Iran when the Obama regime ordered its shutdown, which plunged Iran into economic chaos.

When it became clear in 2012 that the US was now using SWIFT as a "weapon of war", President Putin ordered the creation of an alternative global banking system called the Financial Information Transfer Service (SPFS). On March 23, 2017, the Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) Elvira Nabiullina said:

There were threats that we might be disconnected from SWIFT. We have completed work on our own payment system, and if something happens, all SWIFT operations will work within the country. We have created an alternative.

A week before Nabiullina announced that the SPFS system works as an alternative to SWIFT, it is important to note that the Central Bank of Russia also opened its first-ever foreign branch in China, whose goal, combined with the wishes of the Chinese side, is to bypass the American dollar in the world monetary system.


"SPFS" in Russian is "SPPB" - a universal system for the exchange of financial data and electronic document management. International name: CyberFT. The system was originally launched in 2014 and immediately combined almost the entire range of SWIFT Fin, InterAct and FileAct functions, as well as many additional options developed using advanced technologies that SWIFT lacks. Thus, CyberFT competes with the SWIFT system, which has a long history and a huge customer database, but is less flexible and technologically outdated.

According to a report by SC intelligence analysts, it became known that almost immediately after the Central Bank of Russia announced that the SPFS was working, explosive reports began to emerge as a result of leaked NSA (National Security Agency) documents indicating that the United States was using the SWIFT system in as a spy tool, both for their allies and opponents.

The report also notes that one of the greatest fears of Western elites is that the world's largest corporations will undoubtedly move from SWIFT to SPFS. As one prominent economist recently observed:

If the United States begins to keep everyone in SWIFT by force, it will have to deal with the sharply negative attitude of the European business community, since businessmen never like those who meddle in their affairs so unceremoniously. All large corporations are beginning to ask the question: “What are we going to do next? What if Washington forces me to sacrifice my interests and my reputation?"

This report also concluded:

If both countries can beat the US dollar as a whole, their national currencies will remain stable and gain in value. Both countries have huge gold reserves, while the United States is slowly liquidating the last of its gold assets. The world of finance will never be the same if these plans come true. That's for sure.

What can we expect?

An analysis of what was published in the magazine "The Economist" makes it possible to present the plan of the Bilderberg members in general terms: to transfer the financial system implemented in the USA to a number of countries that will sacrifice their sovereignty and will be controlled thanks to the new "stable" currency. Within the framework of this plan, the agreements "TPP" and "TTIP" appeared, the text of which is kept secret, but to which a number of countries have already signed.


The new American president, Donald Trump, clearly does not fit into this system, because when he came to power, he first pulled the United States out of the TTP for his own reasons. This only confirms that Trump is an unplanned figure for the Bilderberg Club and was indeed chosen by the people of the United States. And since the implementation of the plan with the phoenix misfired, the timing of the appearance of the new currency can be postponed to a later period or canceled altogether.

The Russian and Chinese authorities, of course, see these plans. Judging by the build-up of their own gold and foreign exchange reserves and the reduction of risks from possible damage when disconnected from the SWIFT system, they may well prepare for the transition to their own currencies or a single currency pegged to gold, acting "ahead of the curve."

Where it leads? Once the new gold-pegged currency is publicly announced, the value of the highly overvalued dollar will plummet and will continue to fall until it equals its real value - the price of used paper and the paint on it.

When can this happen? Yes, at any time. Follow the news and hints from the authorities, of which there are already quite a few.

In April 2017, Sergei Glazyev, a Russian economist, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on regional economic integration and a member of the National Financial Council of the Bank of Russia, publicly warned Western elites:

The more aggressive the Americans are, the sooner they will see a definitive dollar collapse, since the only way for victims of American aggression to stop this aggression is to get rid of the dollar … [and] once we and China are done with the dollar, it will be the end of the military power of the United States.

News from RIA FAN:

Washington, July 31, 2017. In an interview with ABC News, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that attempts to influence Russia's actions with the help of sanctions are "doomed to failure" and stressed that "Russia does nothing under pressure." Ryabkov also noted that because of the sanctions, Russia may abandon the dollar as a reserve currency and develop an alternative system.

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