The Beatles - Special Services Project? - Alternative View

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The Beatles - Special Services Project? - Alternative View
The Beatles - Special Services Project? - Alternative View

Video: The Beatles - Special Services Project? - Alternative View

Video: The Beatles - Special Services Project? - Alternative View
Video: Don’t panic! Major changes for The Beatles' "Get Back" film project 2024, September

At the end of 2010, the President of the United States awarded Paul McCartney the John F Kennedy Center for the Arts Prize for his contribution to the development of American culture. The reader will learn a little later about why we took the name of the legendary Beatle in quotes. In the meantime, we note that McCartney received this award both on time and according to his deserts. After all, if it were not for the project of the special services called "Bugs", then the American system would hardly have resisted during the heyday of The Beatles.

Ecstasy, bought for 20 bucks

The Beatles arrived in the United States in February 1964. Their disembarkation at the John F. Kennedy International Airport was accompanied by atrocities, as the press then wrote, "thousands of hysterical female fans." All this action was filmed from different angles by hundreds of cameras and replicated by dozens of channels throughout the country. But no one knew that each of the "fans" … received $ 20 for participating in such a crowd. Well, the students of several schools in the Bronx then made good money on their own screaming and ripping off their panties "in ecstasy".


I wonder why Beatlemania was in demand, playing the role of a bug eating the brain of the rebellious West? There is an interesting answer to this question. As we remember, The Beatles' heyday came in the years when the capitalist system seemed to be bursting at the seams and was about to collapse. Now, probably, only the Americans of the older generation remember what shock their country experienced when the Russians first launched a satellite into space, and then sent a person into orbit. And what a horror people felt in connection with the assassination in November 1963 of President Kennedy - a man who inadvertently promised to "smash the CIA into thousands of pieces and scatter it to the wind" …

And the protests that were more reminiscent of the beginning of the civil war, led by Martin Luther King? And the "American Afghan" - the Vietnam War, provoking millions of demonstrations and strikes?

It can be assumed that in the late 1950s (the birth of the "Bugs" project) and, by a strange coincidence, up to the collapse of the group, the "Western cauldron" was seething in earnest. Therefore, it was urgently required to cool it down by reprogramming the overly politicized society, which in many ways sympathized with the Soviets.

Promotional video:

The mystery of the "fifth Beatle"

Many are still haunted by the "mystery" of the notorious "fifth Beatle", which means either Stuart Sutcliffe (artist and bass player), then Pete Best (the forerunner of Ringo Starr), or even George Martin (producer of EMI). However, in reality, the real "fifth Beatle" - at least it would be more correct to call him the first! - was the philosopher and theorist of music Theodore Adorno, according to the revelation of a high-ranking British intelligence officer, Dr. John Coleman, who wrote both lyrics and music for the quartet.


Running a little ahead, we note that, "by a strange coincidence," the Beatles broke up exactly one year after Adorno's death, although later his developments were used (as he still does) by a man who calls himself Paul McCartney.

"What the wildest nonsense!" - any admirer of the Liverpool four will exclaim. Well, for the skeptics, let's explain who Adorno really was. Let us give the floor to a serious specialist - political scientist Daniel Estulin, a native of Russia, a relative of a high-ranking KGB officer and futurologist, famous for the fact that long before the famous September 11, the invasion of American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, he predicted all these events.

“The man responsible for the unprecedented success of The Beatles was Theodor Adorno.

Back in 1939, Adorno was sent to the United States to spearhead the Princeton Radio Research Project, a joint effort by the Tavistock Institute and the so-called Frankfurt School to gain control of the masses. This project was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and was created by Hadley Cantril, an opinion researcher and consultant to Roosevelt, and Frank Stanton, who headed the information department in the 1940s and then became the head of the CBS radio company. The aim of the project was to study the impact of radio on the population, as in the case of Orson Welles' radio show "The War of the Worlds", the famous novel by H. G. Wells, which caused a real panic. Adorno's secret weapon was the atonal music system, or, as it is also called, 12-tone music,which awakened sensations common to many people in the minds and especially acted on certain age groups. This system is a method of musical composition created at the end of 1910 by the Austrian composer and secret agent of British intelligence Arnold Schoenberg. Schoenberg sought to make his method of composition the main driving force of music, replacing the tonal system based on harmony … The new form of music negatively affected the psyche of Americans, leading to a consistent and at the same time radical severing of family, religious and cultural ties. The Beatles' offensive, which addicted an entire generation to LSD and marijuana, brought the civil rights movement to an abrupt halt. "created at the end of 1910 by the Austrian composer, secret agent of British intelligence Arnold Schoenberg. Schoenberg sought to make his method of composition the main driving force of music, replacing the tonal system based on harmony … The new form of music negatively influenced the psyche of Americans, leading to a consistent and at the same time radical severance of family, religious and cultural ties. An offensive by The Beatles that addicted an entire generation to LSD and marijuana brought the civil rights movement to an abrupt halt.created at the end of 1910 by the Austrian composer, secret agent of British intelligence Arnold Schoenberg. Schoenberg sought to make his method of composition the main driving force of music, replacing the tonal system based on harmony … The new form of music negatively influenced the psyche of Americans, leading to a consistent and at the same time radical severance of family, religious and cultural ties. An offensive by The Beatles that addicted an entire generation to LSD and marijuana brought the civil rights movement to an abrupt halt.based on harmony … The new form of music negatively influenced the psyche of the Americans, leading to a consistent and at the same time radical severance of family, religious and cultural ties. The Beatles' offensive, which addicted an entire generation to LSD and marijuana, brought the civil rights movement to an abrupt halt. "based on harmony … The new form of music negatively influenced the psyche of the Americans, leading to a consistent and at the same time radical severance of family, religious and cultural ties. An offensive by The Beatles that addicted an entire generation to LSD and marijuana brought the civil rights movement to an abrupt halt.

Kennedy, McCartney, Lennon …

The secret services brought the Beatles to Adorno, who declared in 1945: "Writing poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric." Seduced by the glory and money promised by him, the members of the group began to cooperate with the "special scientist" (perhaps this is the key to why the work of the early "beetles" is so radically different from their music "at the time of maturity" It was The Beatles who began to "promote" talented groups at the state level).


So, according to Estulin and the researcher Richard Warren Lipak who echoes him, thanks to the Beatles, the main goal of the special services was achieved, and rock music was used "as the main weapon against the democratization of society" (really, why fight for your rights, be interested in politics, protest if "Real" riots, discoveries and revolutions lie in the plane of free love, drugs and T-shirts with Che Guevara on the chest? They, these T-shirts, are still popular and are an excellent example of the transformation of genuine rebellion into a common commodity). And what about the Beatles? Really, having bought into the promised blessings, they didn’t rebel at least once - even under the weight of internal contradictions? Yes, they rebelled. At least two of them are: John Lennon and Paul McCartney. And both … were eliminated. Like the President of the United States,whose name was the airport where paid schoolgirls created extras for the Beatles.

Kennedy, who spoke at the UN General Assembly on September 20, 1963, with a proposal to provide a seat for a Soviet cosmonaut on the Apollo spacecraft, was destroyed for these, even if uttered aloud, "wrong words" on November 22, 1963. But McCartney and Lennon were liquidated just for the intention to divulge the circumstances of their "creative" agreement with the special services (note that the musicians were supervised by an MI-5 officer named Maxwell. The song "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" on the "Abbey Road "). However, both (more precisely, three) of these liquidations are phenomena of the same scale. After all, if the President of the United States could unwittingly contribute to the exposure of the fact that the Americans were not going to land on the Moon (the Soviet cosmonaut would be an unnecessary witness),then the Beatles' revelations would have exposed the very technology of "silencing popular protests."

… In the early autumn of 1966, on the eve of a new large-scale US offensive in Vietnam, which could cause another civil explosion, and even under the potential "accompaniment" of the disclosures of one of the leaders of the Beatles, the special services decided to eliminate Paul McCartney, which was done November 9 of the same year. According to insiders (that is, people with access to all kinds of valuable information that is not available to the general public), the operation was codenamed "Free Kiss".

"Free kiss" of death

So, on November 9, closer to five o'clock in the morning, McCartney, having quarreled with the rest of the group (according to the conspiracy theorists, the quarrel was due to the fact that the other "bugs" persuaded Paul to "keep his mouth shut"), got into his car of the brand "Aston Martin" and went to a friend. Not far from the studio, Paul pulled up next to a hitchhiker girl and offered to give her a lift (the intelligence had accurately calculated the psychology of this romantic!).

Approximately 20 minutes after the start of the trip, a staff member of the special services - she is a pretty "hitchhiker", purposefully waiting for McCartney, pounced on him, imitating a rush of passion. The car lost control and crashed into a wall. An explosion followed. As a result, both the Beatle and the unlucky "saboteur" died.

The fact that it was a special operation, and not a tragic incident, is evidenced by the super-fast arrival of the team of evacuators, and the lightning-fast, without autopsy, cremation of the bodies of the dead. In October 1969, an anonymous radio listener, who introduced himself as an intelligence officer, told the WKNR-FM DJ that Paul had fallen victim to a planned action.

Instead of the deceased McCartney, the Beatles were imposed on the actor William Shears Campbell, who was already ready to play this role, the winner of The Beatles lookalike competition, who also had good vocal abilities. Apparently, it was him who was awarded at the end of 2010 by Barack Obama for his "services" to American culture. The only one who intended to publicize the fact of Paul's death was John Lennon, who informed his accidental (or not accidental?) Drinking companion about it. The reckoning was not long in coming: on December 8, 1980, John followed Paul so that, from the point of view of the special services, "the legendary duo would be reunited in the next world."

As for the whole group, right up to the "moment of truth" that took place in 1979-1980, the Beatles and McCartney's double himself (apparently, not completely lost his conscience) found the courage only to hint at Paul's fate. Although sometimes such hints were so transparent that they would make anyone think.

McCartney is still alive today?

Now we will not dwell on all the "beacons" with which the Beatles signaled that they were "under the hood" of the special services. Or, at any rate, that McCartney was liquidated on November 9, 1966. You can see many of these secret "beacons" by looking at the photos with comprehensive comments below them. However, we will still consider a few points …

So, let's put the "vinyl" of the Beatles called "White Album" on the turntable and play the song "Revolution No. 9" in "reverse order" (music lovers know: many of their idols use this method of "writeback" openly or simply wanting to hammer some thought into the subconscious of the crowd) … “Turn me on, dead man. Paul is dead, miss him, miss him, miss him. I'm so tired". What is old John singing about?

Perhaps now Lennon would have answered such a tricky question if Chapman’s bullets had not "pacified" him forever. By the way, John's killer - as if by order, just before the McCartney award ceremony in the White House! - in September 2010, he said that "I just wanted to become famous" and, "if Lennon did not turn up, he would have killed Elizabeth Taylor or talk show host Johnny Carson. You have to understand that there was no target "order"?

Let's listen to a song from the same album called "Glass Onion" … But here - from the point of view of the initiates - John just cries out. Listen: "And here's another tip for all of you: Paul was the walrus!"

Of course, the average reader, not burdened with knowledge of the occult, will not understand such a subtle hint; And we will explain that in Scandinavian mythology, which all Beatles were fond of (with the exception of Ringo Starr), the walrus is a symbol of death or a deceased person.

But as for the cover of the last joint album of The Beatles "Abbey Road" … You need to be well versed in the symbols to understand: the photo depicts not just musicians walking along the "zebra" - each of them has a very specific role, and all this symbolizes Paul's funeral. So, the first is the "priest" in a white suit (Lennon), followed by the "mourner" Ringo Starr, dressed in black, then - the "dead" Paul in an old suit and barefoot, and the "gravedigger" George Harrison in a sloppy shirt closes the procession and jeans.

Also, McCartney is left-handed, but here he is holding a cigarette in his right hand. It is common knowledge that cigarettes are “nails in the coffin lid”, so Paul’s “coffin lid” is boarded up, and the person in the photo is his double. And yet - McCartney is out of step with the rest of the group, this once again emphasizes his difference from others. On the photo, if you wish, you can find many, many different "chips" confirming that Paul actually died in a car accident.


… Of course, both conspiracy theorists and former high-ranking intelligence officers cannot 100% claim that this is how everything happened. However, the version we have considered has a right to exist. In addition, everything secret always becomes apparent. Finally, we note that in the history of The Beatles, in any case, there is a distinct criminal flavor. After all, if behind the backs of the nameless "hitchhiker" and "herostratus" -Chapman there were specific customers from the special services, they should - even strongly after the fact - be called to account. But if we imagine that US President Barack Obama was still shaking hands not with the double, but with the "real" McCartney, then the question remains: are the Beatles worthy of awards for their contribution to culture or … humanity cannot thank them for the fact that modern music went exactly this way.