10 Contacts With Aliens That Shocked The Whole World - Alternative View

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10 Contacts With Aliens That Shocked The Whole World - Alternative View
10 Contacts With Aliens That Shocked The Whole World - Alternative View

Video: 10 Contacts With Aliens That Shocked The Whole World - Alternative View

Video: 10 Contacts With Aliens That Shocked The Whole World - Alternative View
Video: Is Alien ‘Life’ Weirder Than We Imagine: Who Is Out There? 2024, July

Every year, thousands of people around the world talk about strange encounters with alien guests. They describe mysterious flying machines in the sky and tell gruesome stories of abductions.

Some of them are pure fantasy. However, the lion's share of these stories are true.

Of all the incredible extraterrestrial events that have been recorded around the world, only 10 are amazing enough to make them one of the most iconic alien contacts of all time.

10. Bermuda Triangle

On December 5, 1945, a team of 5 Avenger torpedo bombers with 14 crew members was on a training mission. The Second World War was ending. During the mission, American bomber pilots saw balls of light in the sky.

When the tests were completed, the control tower of the Fort Lauderdale airfield received several reports from the pilots - they were frightened and disoriented.

Their speech was confused and strange, and then it stopped altogether. 5 aircraft and their crews - 14 people in total - disappeared without a trace.

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And although this has never been proven, the data show that more than 750 people have already disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.

9. Battle of Los Angeles

On February 24, 1942, shortly after the United States entered World War II, 100,000 people witnessed the invasion of an unknown flying object into the skies over Los Angeles.

Anti-aircraft guns engaged in battle against an unidentified aircraft near Los Angeles. Searchlights closely followed the object along the coast and kept it in sight.

1,400 anti-aircraft shells were fired into the object. But he remained unharmed in the air.

The military assured: this object is actually a meteorological balloon. But they had no explanation as to why the shells did not damage it.

8. Solvay-Firth cosmonaut

On May 23, 1964, in the UK, a father took his daughter for a walk in a quiet park overlooking a bay called Solway Firth. He photographed the girl.

But when the film was developed, the parents made an unexpected discovery. In the background a figure appeared, dressed in white - something like a spacesuit and a helmet.

The photograph was so bizarre that Kodak even offered a cash prize to anyone who could solve the mystery.

7. The Roswell incident

On July 8, 1947, the Air Force announced it had found a flying disc that crashed at a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. It was reported that they even found the bodies of the aliens, and one of them remained alive.

A few days later, the military comes out with a new statement. They argue that what was mistaken for a flying saucer turned out to be just a meteorological probe.

6. Russian UFO artifact

On January 29, 1986, in Russian Dalnegorsk, hundreds of people witnessed a red streak of gunfire in the sky and an accident in the mountains known as Height 611.

At the scene, investigators found irrefutable evidence that something had crashed on the slope and disappeared. Only a huge crater and dark glass beads remained in that place. Chemical analysis showed that the beads contain a significant amount of rare earth elements.

5. Close contact at White Sands

In 1964, Officer Lonnie Zamora stumbled upon rounded objects that landed in the desert. He stopped 200 meters away. And when I got out of the car, I noticed two figures dressed in white at the ship.

Zamora was even able to sketch a few signs that he saw at the bottom of the ship when they took to the sky.

US Air Force investigators and FBI specialists arrived at the scene. They found that the sand was scorched and fused. The footprints on the ground were different from those left by spaceships on the moon.

4. Light over Phoenix

On March 13, 1997, the entire city of Phoenix was paralyzed by an amazing sight in the sky. On that unforgettable night, thousands of people took to the streets to watch the comet Hale Bop. And with her they saw light, spheres, balls of light, huge balls of light in the shape of the letter W.

The US military said the light over Phoenix was nothing more than rocket flashes.

The story of incredible light was on the front pages of publications. It was called the most massive observation.

3. The kidnapping of Travis Walton

Travis Walton's case is one of the most incredible UFO encounters in history. He was kidnapped and taken aboard an alien ship.

This happened on November 5, 1975. While working in the mountains, he noticed a light between the trees.

When I noticed this, I was numb and just stared. The sound in an instant began to intensify and it began to move, the movement was like vibrations and rocking. And it was at that moment that something hit me. Then I saw some outlines above me, when at the end I was able to focus, I realized that some creatures were looking at me, - recalls Travis.

Travis Walton was shocked when he found out that he had been gone for 5 days. He survived close contact of the fourth type - a real encounter with aliens and an abduction.

2. Alien code

On December 26, 1980, Bentwaters Air Force Base security personnel traveled to Rendlesham Forest to investigate the strange lights. According to the radar data, an aircraft fell in this place.

When Sergeant Jim Penniston and a small group of soldiers entered the forest, a UFO literally landed near them. The sergeant approached the ship and touched it with his hand. At this moment, the man froze and a mysterious code literally occupied his brain - it was telepathic communication.

I remember a flash of white light. I couldn't see anything else, I was blinded. Only then ones and zeros began to appear before my eyes, - says Jim.

Only 30 years later, his friend John Burroughs saw this code and realized what Penniston actually got.

The team deciphered the code and released an incredible message. This alien message may contain secrets of the future of humanity or its past.

1. Real people in black

On October 14, 2008, the manager of the Niagara Falls hotel informed local authorities that he had seen a black triangular UFO. Eyewitnesses stated that these two faces had neither eyebrows nor eyelashes. These faces were not at all like people, and the hotel employees had the impression that someone was reading their thoughts.
