A Person Can Independently Change Their DNA - Alternative View

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A Person Can Independently Change Their DNA - Alternative View
A Person Can Independently Change Their DNA - Alternative View

Video: A Person Can Independently Change Their DNA - Alternative View

Video: A Person Can Independently Change Their DNA - Alternative View
Video: How This Man Changed His DNA 2024, July

Since the discovery of the structure of DNA and genes, scientists have found out that it is genes that are responsible for the heredity of all organisms, the transmission of certain traits to subsequent generations. At the same time, it was previously believed that it is impossible to change the information contained in them, therefore, in some way, the fate of every living creature, in particular, a person, is already predetermined. However, there are many examples when people managed to get rid of even serious diseases to which they were genetically predisposed.

Research by Bruce Lipton

US geneticist Bruce Lipton is studying genes and their effect on the human body. In the 80s of the last century, he investigated the behavior of the cell membrane, which, under the influence of the cell nucleus, selectively lets in certain substances. As a result, the scientist came to the conclusion that due to external influence it is possible not only to control the behavior of genes, but also to change their structure. In particular, Lipton made the discovery that under certain circumstances, genes can change under the influence of the power of thought, leading to healing from serious ailments. This is exactly what happens, according to the researcher, when incurable diseases forever receded in an inexplicable way in hopeless patients, in some cases, leading doctors to surprise.

Lipton's colleagues are suspicious of his conclusions and consider the studies carried out by the geneticist to be frivolous, however, these results help explain what happens when a person, without medical intervention, copes with an incurable disease on his own.

According to the researcher, a person can heal himself with the power of thought and using special mental attitudes. But, nevertheless, thoughts alone may not be enough, since the impact should occur at the subconscious level, with which you need to work for a long time and carefully to achieve a positive result.

Currently, Lipton is actively continuing to work in this direction. He conducts seminars, which are equally attended by scientists and representatives of traditional medicine - healers and healers. This is carried out with the aim of joining efforts to achieve an effective result, in order to explain the hidden capabilities of the human body. In addition, the scientist, thus, wants to find a way to control the genetic program with the power of thought and learn how to heal serious ailments, in the fight against which medicine cannot cope today.

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Self-destruct program

According to statistics, in recent years, the number of suicides has increased sharply, while not all such cases occur as a result of depression or other negative factors. Often people commit such acts when nothing portends such a situation. So, there are cases when a person suddenly had a strong desire to step down, standing on a balcony, or any other elevation. In other cases, the victims were hypnotized by the brilliance of a sharp knife or razor, and they inflicted severe wounds on themselves.

Similar behavior occurs in animals, when dolphins and whales in groups for unknown reasons are thrown ashore and die. Some researchers call the reason for such behavior of animals and people a certain "call of death", a program embedded in genes and activated under certain conditions. Under normal conditions, it is blocked by some "fuses", but the modern rhythm of life, an abundance of stress and numerous other problems have a negative impact on this system. As a result, the self-destruct program works in some cases even for no apparent reason. And often this happens as if unintentionally - the body simply stops fighting and a person can die even from a common cold.

At the same time, it is already known that the threshold for the strength of the human body has very high limits. So, in Norway, a 5-year-old boy fell under the ice on a pond and stayed there for about an hour. When they took him out and began to reanimate, he quickly came to his senses. This incident can be called unique, since it is believed that a person dies in icy water after about 7 minutes. There are other known cases when people were buried underground for several days, were fatally wounded, fell from a great height and remained alive. However, they did not even receive much damage. This can serve as a clear example of the action of forces opposite to the program of self-destruction.

Currently, a team of researchers, which includes Bruce Lipton, believes that a person can independently heal from many diseases and change their genes. The key to this is the utmost awareness and concentration of attention, which can be achieved through careful work on oneself. Scientists continue to work on this problem, hoping in the future to develop a methodology that will allow everyone to change their genetic program in a positive way.