The Human Race Needs To Return To "humanity" - Alternative View

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The Human Race Needs To Return To "humanity" - Alternative View
The Human Race Needs To Return To "humanity" - Alternative View

Video: The Human Race Needs To Return To "humanity" - Alternative View

Video: The Human Race Needs To Return To
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, July

An ordinary morning. A cup of coffee and a traditional oatmeal, and then checking your phone messages and Facebook news … and everything goes wrong! An article about disgusting animal cruelty has opened on Facebook! On the news, there was a guy who was almost beaten to death with truncheons by police in front of his child !? Well, and then another horrible story about the rape and murder of 100 women and children by the Islamists … It's disgusting!

It is for this reason that aliens do not want to come into contact with humanity. And this will continue until people acquire a true sense of humanity and unite as a whole. So why don't aliens want to communicate with humans? The most important reason for this is:

The cruelty of humanity

The human race is slowly but surely becoming very violent. One has only to look around. Wars occurring in many parts of the world, violent crimes, the number of which is growing daily … No wonder why aliens still haven't descended from heaven and said "hello". This will not happen while we live in a world where violence is a way of control.

Aliens are not stupid and can see the consequences for the human race if they try to make contact with it! Authorities unleash wars to rule and control people, divide countries with borders around the world, force people to work 40 hours a week and pay their bills monthly. This is the way of life that those who rule them have established for people. Therefore, it is not surprising that people are completely uninterested in life outside the planet Earth, when they are mired in the routine work that they are forced to do.

If humanity does not change its attitude to what surrounds it in this world, then those who observe people from heaven will always consider it too aggressive and are unlikely to agree to rapprochement.

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The world is influenced by terrorists and paranoids

How will religious extremists treat aliens? It is obvious that any zombie extremist will want to kill them. Terrorist groups like ISIS are trying to divide the world, wreak havoc and suffering throughout the world, and destroy everything that is different from them. They are trying to destroy the historical evidence of human development by destroying famous statues and artifacts that have existed since ancient times.

Some governments can also be viewed as terrorists for the way they intimidate and punish those who oppose them. Those who want to control people and impose their will on them only help divide the world, not unite all people. Looking at terrorists threatening the whole world or at governments trying to sow fear and hatred between people, aliens can definitely see humanity as a nervous species that reacts to what is happening with a knee-jerk reaction, especially when they announce their existence in the world.

The destruction of planet Earth by humanity

Today, the natural resources of the planet Earth are being depleted every day, from pumping oil from the bowels to the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. All this destroys the planet, which is the cradle of Humanity. Animals that now live on the planet are dying out, and the memory of their existence will soon remain only in history books for children of the future!

Every day, wars and famines cause unnecessary death and destruction across the planet. Most wars boil down to one thing called Greed, which goes hand in hand with control. People do not learn from their mistakes, and one conflict creates many future conflicts.

It is known that during World War II, two UFOs witnessed an air battle. Ball-shaped objects from a great height watched as military aircraft destroyed each other.

Surely the aliens who visit our planet have an idea of all the destructive ways that people destroy themselves and their own planet! One can only imagine that they consider humanity to be an aggressive and ruthless species, which still unleashes wars for "fossil fuels". But along with this comes the hope that people will unite and realize the importance of respecting each other and their planet. Maybe aliens are waiting for this?

But it may also happen as it already happened once … This became one of the most significant UFO events in history. The military attack on a ball-shaped UFO near Los Angeles, during which hundreds, if not thousands, of projectiles were fired at it, gave aliens a true understanding of the human race. And this happened back in February 1942!


Despite all the negativity, there is still some kind of hope, and this hope comes from every person on this planet. The Internet is currently awash with bad events, however, it gives people the opportunity not only to see what is really happening in the world, but also to communicate with other people who live far away! People will still seek the truth, and, most importantly, this will help unite the world, which in one voice can exclaim: “We want to know the truth!” And people will start waking up!

Perhaps there is some kind of genetic connection that makes people strive for knowledge about the true origin of life on Earth. The time will come when humanity will need to recognize the fact that it was born in the universe … and perhaps not without the help of alien friends.

The human race, already fed up with limitations and horrors, is slowly but surely awakening. And the unification of humanity will be able to help it unite with extraterrestrial beings for future development. The time has come when the human race needs to return to "humanity" … And admit that it is part of something much, much more!
