Old Gods - Star Aliens? - Alternative View

Old Gods - Star Aliens? - Alternative View
Old Gods - Star Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: Old Gods - Star Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: Old Gods - Star Aliens? - Alternative View
Video: Are Our Gods Actually Aliens? – Sadhguru Answers 2024, July

Many religions and simply religious cults of various peoples of the world tell of mysterious aliens who once descended “from heaven” to Earth and taught people various wisdom. There is no doubt that certain events that actually took place and are reflected in numerous legends and myths have been deposited in the memory of mankind.

A small tribe of Kayapo Indians lives in the endless jungles of South America in Brazil. Back in 1952, an expedition of British scientists who visited those lands noted an unusual religious cult of the aborigines.

In the ancient legends of the Indians, it is said about a mysterious creature that "once appeared in the Kayapo settlement." The aborigines call him Bep Kororoti. The mysterious alien was wearing a "bo," a suit that covered him from head to toe. In his hands Bel Kororothi held a cop, a weapon of thunder. When this creature entered the village, the inhabitants hid. Only a few daredevils tried to attack the stranger. But they failed to do any harm to the "messenger of heaven." Their clubs and spears just crumbled when someone managed to touch the "bo". Bel Kororoti turned out to be a "good god". To show his strength to people, he raised a "cop - a weapon of thunder", pointed it at a tree, and it turned to dust, pointed it at a stone, and it crumbled. Bel Kororoti stayed in the village and spent many years there. He taught the inhabitants to count, showed how to heal wounds,improved methods of hunting and brought many changes to the life of the tribe.

However, while hunting with everyone, he never "ate kayapo food." After some time, the "messenger of heaven" married a girl from the tribe, and soon Bel Kororothy had children. Legends note that the new Kayapos were much smarter than the rest of the inhabitants. Bel Kororoti made sure that the knowledge that he passed on to the tribe did not disappear. For this, he "gathered several young men and women and taught them all kinds of wisdom."

One day a messenger from heaven went to a high mountain to ascend to heaven from it. Almost the entire tribe went after him to see off their benefactor. Bep Kororoti ascended the mountain, where “a cloud descended on him, thunder resounded, lightning flashed”. In the "burning cloud" Bep Kororoti disappeared into the heavenly heights …

The natives have not forgotten their "teacher". Until our time, the Kayapo Indians have preserved a holiday in honor of the "god Bep Kororoti". The Indians weave ritual garments from palm leaves, which symbolize the image of the deity, his "bo" costume. The Kayapos dress in them and dance. The dancers hold palm sticks in their hands, which represent the mysterious weapon of Bep Kororoti - “cop”. According to researchers, the ritual clothing of the Indians strikingly resembles modern space suits.

No less interesting are the legends of another Brazilian tribe

Indians - tupanimba. They talk about the powerful god Monana, who created the universe and man. According to the legends of this tribe, the god Monan lived in those distant times among the people who worshiped him. But then people began to "live not according to the precepts of Monan." The angry god went to heaven "in a huge sparkling cloud of fire", deciding from there to punish people for their sins. He sent "heavenly fire" to Earth, which destroyed all people. Only one person was spared by Monan. His name was Irin-Mage, and he was pardoned for "great veneration" of the deity. After the fire stopped raging, he took Irin-Mage as his wife one of Monan's daughters and went down to earth to continue the human race.

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Another small tribe of South America, living on the banks of the Hingu River (a tributary of the Amazon), in their legends that have come down to our times, reports amazing information about the history of mankind. According to their legends, in ancient times people lived "on a distant star." Somehow, all the inhabitants of the star gathered for a council to choose a new place of residence. One of the "Indians" told his fellows about a beautiful planet, which he once managed to visit, having passed through a "hole" in the sky. After his message, the council made a decision to move to Earth. The entire population of the star began to weave a thread from cotton, along which they were to slowly descend to Earth. Soon, most of the "Indians" moved. However, thanks to this mysterious thread, the new inhabitants of the Earth were constantly in contact with their brothers who remained on the star. But the evil demon cut the thread, and the "Indians" were never able to meet their "star relatives" again.

The tales of the inhabitants of the African continent, thousands of kilometers away from America, also tell us about events that are surprisingly reminiscent of the legends of the Brazilian Indians. African mythology says that in ancient times "the children of God lived with their father in heaven in peace, wealth and happiness." But once God decided to test his children and sent them to Earth, forbidding "to eat the salt of the earth." The "children of God" descended from heaven along the thread that their father had woven for them. But almost all the sons forgot their father's covenant and tasted salt. When they decided to ascend to heaven again, the thread broke, and they were forced to stay on Earth forever. Only one of the sons fulfilled his father's behest and returned safely to heaven.

Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan myths also tell us about the “sons of heaven” who descended from heaven and stayed on Earth. The legends are unusually similar, which indicates that they all describe real events that took place in time immemorial.

Anthropologists from different countries testify that “primitive peoples” tend to take more developed peoples for gods and imitate what they see. History knows numerous examples when missionaries, conquerors, travelers and ordinary people were mistaken in various tribes for gods and higher beings. The most striking example is the Spanish conquistadors, whom the local tribes considered gods and at first did not resist the conquerors at all. In 1871, the Russian traveler Miklouho-Maclay landed on the shores of New Guinea. The locals mistook him for the supreme god Tamo Anut, who "together with other white gods descended from the moon on a wonderful divine ship."

And in 1945, a strange religious cult arose on the small island of Vivak, near New Guinea. For a long time, the aborigines watched various planes that landed on their island and soared into the sky again. When the island airfield was moved to another location and planes stopped flying to Vivak, the natives began making huge models of planes out of straw, hoping that "the birds of the sky will come again."

The Dutch military, based for some time on one of the islands of New Guinea, noted the amazing feature of the natives. After observing people for some time, they began to build radio stations from straw and leaves. The natives talked to each other using wooden microphones, carved antennas and helmets from wood, which they wore on their heads, and twisted leaves in the form of condensers.

Such examples indicate that primitive peoples copy the technique and adaptations of more advanced peoples that they do not understand, which are mistaken for various gods or returned ancestors. From the point of view of ethnologists, sociologists and anthropologists, there is no doubt that in ancient times people also took some creatures for gods, copying, if possible, their clothes, technical means, and behavior. Who were these mysterious aliens who visited the earth in ancient times, science cannot yet answer.