Turn Into Rainbow Light And Disappear - Alternative View

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Turn Into Rainbow Light And Disappear - Alternative View
Turn Into Rainbow Light And Disappear - Alternative View

Video: Turn Into Rainbow Light And Disappear - Alternative View

Video: Turn Into Rainbow Light And Disappear - Alternative View
Video: 160,000 Monks TRANSFORMED Their Bodies into LIGHT!? The Mysterious Rainbow Body 2024, July

The gospel story about the resurrection of Jesus Christ says that Mary Magdalene, and then the apostles Peter and John, having come to the cave where the body of their Teacher was left, taken from the cross, did not find it there. But the myrrh-bearers, who were the first to appear at the sepulcher of Christ, saw an angel, dazzling like lightning. When they picked up the shroud in which Jesus was wrapped, and the headscarves that covered his head, it became finally clear - there is no body in the cave! So the Gospel tells us about the miraculous resurrection of Jesus … But perhaps people, being in a state of deep shock from what they saw, did not notice something?

Only hair and nails

Fast forward now to today's time. In the Himalayas.

Indeed, according to some non-canonical sources, it was there until the age of 30 that Jesus got acquainted with the secret teachings of the Eastern sages.

In the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, the practice of jalu, or the realization of the Body of Light, has long been known. This amazing practice still exists today. Famous Lama Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. living in the West today, gives numerous examples of this mystical performance. One such story Namkhai Norbu heard from his teacher Dorje Changchub, an eyewitness to a similar phenomenon. This is how it was.

Once Lama Nyagla Padma Duddul. who summoned his disciples, among whom was Dorje Changchub, announced that his time had come to die, and pointed to the mountain where he would like to meet death. The disciples escorted the llama to his chosen place and set up a small canvas tent by the rock. Nyagla Padma Duddul retired to the tent, and ordered his disciples to sew up the entrance tightly and leave it alone for seven days. By following the instructions. the disciples went down to the foot of the mountain and waited there for seven days. Throughout this time, there were continuous rains, lightning flashed, and in rare moments of calm, the sky was colored with rainbows.

When the disciples climbed the mountain at the specified time, they found the tent tightly sewn up, just as they left it. They ripped open the tarpaulin, they went inside, but found there only crumpled clothes of the teacher. So snakes must shed their skin. The disciples lifted their clothes and saw their teacher's hair and nails underneath. There was nothing and no one else in the tent

Promotional video:

“My teacher, Dorje Changchub, was there,” says Namkhai Norbu, “and told me all this. Therefore, I know that this is true, and it is possible.

Strange stonecutter

But the story told by Togden, Namkhai Norbu's uncle, is especially interesting. In 1952, an old man lived in the Tibetan province of Derge, who in his youth served as a stone mason at a monastery. No one would have thought that this stone-mason was practicing some kind of teachings. But once, already in extreme old age, this man announced that he would soon die, and asked to be left locked up in one of the cells for seven days. And since everyone understood what the matter was, many people gathered. There were nomads and monks, there were even representatives of the Chinese administration. Everyone wanted to see what would happen. And when they opened the cell in which the old stone-cutter was locked, there was no one there. There were twenty nails and hair on the floor alone - all this is considered by Buddhists to be body impurities and cannot be transformed into particles of light. All this happened in front of many people.

Returning to the times described in the Gospel, and carefully drawing parallels, it can be assumed that Jesus possessed this secret teaching. And although the conditions and timing of the disappearance of the body in the cases described are somewhat different, it can still be assumed that the nature of these phenomena, both in Judea and in Tibet, is the same. Jesus Christ was resurrected in the Body of Light, and his nails and hair, unnoticed by anyone, remained in the cave.

How to explain this to the Chinese authorities?

In the spring of 1984, Namkhai Norbu visited Nepal and there he received news concerning his uncle Togden. One Tibetan who arrived in the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, told the following story about Togden. Togden lived for a long time in a secluded cave. When the "cultural revolution" began in China, he, like many other yogis (those who practice yoga - ed.), Was forced to leave the cave, called anti-social elements and vestiges of the Middle Ages. Togden was more fortunate than others: he was put under house arrest. And the man who, having arrived in Kathmandu, told this story to Namkhai Norbu, served as an official and, among other things, had to look after Togden.

Later, Namkhai's uncle Norbu was allowed to leave for a small village and live under less strict supervision. He was given a separate house, and the same Tibetan regularly visited him to check. But during one of these visits, the official came across a locked door. He began to knock, but in response only the brass bell over the door tinkled, as if he wanted to tell about something to the uninvited guest. Then a Tibetan official broke down the door. Running into the back room, he was dumbfounded with horror! Before his gaze appeared togden, meditator in the lotus position, with his head covered with a light veil. Tormented by a bad presentiment, the official tore off the veil with trembling hands and staggered back in fear. Togden, or rather, his body shrank to the size of a baby! The arms and legs were bent and pressed against the small torso.

When a wave of fear left the official, he was seriously worried about another matter - how to explain this to the Chinese authorities? What if the authorities accused him of aiding Togden's escape? We need to hurry. And the official rushed to report the incident to his superiors. When, a few days later, together with the military, he returned to the house, Togden's body disappeared completely. Only hair and nails remained.

The confused authorities demanded clarification. The official threw up his hands and said that ancient Tibetan texts mention yogis who attained the so-called Light Body. Their bodies disappeared for seven days, dissolving in an endless rainbow light.

Lama in meditation

In 1994, I visited Nepal for the first time. My old dream - to visit Buddhist monasteries, to talk with Tibetan lamas - was finally destined to come true. Dozens of monasteries are scattered around the Kathmandu Valley on the picturesque mountain slopes. I went to one of these, Naji Gonpa, almost the next day of my arrival. The monastery courtyard was empty. The entrance to the building was closed by a long red curtain with an embroidered golden Buddhist symbol on it. This symbol means the transformation of the endless knot of our delusions into endless wisdom. I pushed back the curtain and asked the monks, who were gathering the flat pillows from the floor, on which they sit during the service:

- Can I see the llama? Monks smiling at me. answered:

- Lama in meditation.

After waiting an hour, I repeated my question. The monks, who were now walking carelessly around the monastery, shook their heads:

- Lama in meditation.

For the next three hours I admired the Kathmandu valley from the height of the monastery wall. But when the sun crept up to the ridge, and the colors of the day darkened, for the third time I asked my question to the inhabitants of the monastery hurrying to serve. They gave me a long look and answered me, dull, syllable:

- La-ma in med-di-ta-tion.

- How so? How long will he be in this meditation?

And then one of the monks burst out laughing and, covering his face with his hand in embarrassment, blurted out:

- I don't know: a day, two, a month … two, three …

Then, to be honest, I thought that I was simply dismissed, not wanting to bore my teacher with another stupid tourist. But I was wrong. The knot of my ignorance was tied too tightly.

Later I learned that the lama with whom I was seeking a meeting was Tulku Urgen, a great master of meditation who went into seclusion, it happened, and for years. On February 13, 1996 Tulku Urgen left this world. According to the testimony of many, after his death, his body was significantly reduced!

Obviously, in this case there was a partial realization of the Body of Light.

Once I was returning to my hotel after a short trip to Nepalese villages. A tropical downpour has just passed. The air sparkled with freshness. The streams seemed clearer than usual. Butterflies with dark blue wings, the size of a man's palm, touched my shoulders. Green parrots chirped merrily in the branches of the trees bent over my head. Paradise, and more!

And to complete this idyllic picture, a giant rainbow emerged from the depths of the sky. I then thought: maybe in some mountain monastery or small settlement some great master of meditation has now realized the practice of jalu, and the light of his new existence played over the earth with all the colors of the rainbow. And this rainbow is like a road to heaven!

Oleg Pogasiy. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 11 2010
