Should You Kill Spiders? - Alternative View

Should You Kill Spiders? - Alternative View
Should You Kill Spiders? - Alternative View

Video: Should You Kill Spiders? - Alternative View

Video: Should You Kill Spiders? - Alternative View
Video: Why You Shouldn't Eradicate Those Spiders In Your House 2024, September

There are a lot of people in the world who are panicky afraid of spiders, and not only poisonous and dangerous, but even the most harmless insects that live in almost every home. At the same time, someone simply shies away from even a small spider, while someone tries to immediately destroy the hated insect. But is it worth killing spiders?

In the signs of many peoples, including Russians, it appears that it is strictly forbidden to kill spiders in the house - this can lead to sad consequences. For a materialist, this statement, of course, is bullshit, however, killing spiders, such a person then does not trace (and cannot trace this causal relationship) how such actions negatively affect his life.

However, sometimes it can be traced very clearly, for example, the other day a resident of the city of Redding, Northern California, in an effort to kill a wolf spider "accidentally" burned down his apartment. Immediately, we note that in the United States, killing spiders in a house is also considered a bad omen, but apparently this man had never even heard of such "superstition", and therefore chose to fight the insect … a gas burner, directing a stream of fire directly at the intruder.

The spider, obviously, started to run. It is not known whether he survived after all that happened, but the gas burner set fire to the curtains, which were crammed like gunpowder, the fire spread to other flammable signs of the room's decoration - and now the American's entire apartment is on fire.


The firefighters who arrived on call, of course, pacified the fire element, but the fight against the spider cost the unlucky American 11 thousand dollars, not to mention the condemnation from the neighbors, who had to evacuate "just in case."

As confirmed by the head of the local fire department Jerry Gray, the fire occurred in a residential area for an "undetermined reason", since we know about the true cause of the fire only from the words of the victim and his neighbors, but to write it down in the protocol is laughter and nothing more.

So, before dealing with spiders, think about where they come from and why? Perhaps, as the Russian omen says, for example, this insect brings you some important message. And you - to kill him right away: they don’t do that with postmen, and therefore the punishment will be inevitable …

Promotional video:

Don't you believe in omens? Great, then do not kill spiders just out of purely human compassion for everyone living on this earth. And not only spiders, don't even break a twig in the forest in vain. And you will soon notice how life around you will change for the better …

Daniil Myslinsky