The Mystery Of Stalking - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Stalking - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Stalking - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Stalking - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Stalking - Alternative View
Video: ВЫЖИЛ ТОЛЬКО ОДИН ► S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Farthest Edge (Покинутые земли Ep 1) Прохождение (Серия 2) 2024, September

Children and adults alike believe in fairy tales. Only these fairy tales change over the years: some leave, others rush to replace them.

First, these are fairy tales about talking animals and plants that are capable of wrinkling and helping humans. Later comes the stage of fairy tales with their amazing transformations, mysterious castles, terrible dragons and noble unicorns.

However, now a person becomes an adult and he is carried away by the mysteries of Atlantis, aliens from other worlds and parallel worlds in which his warriors live. For most of us, all these miracles remain unfulfilled fairy tales. However, fortunately, there are other people for humanity. They are fanatically looking for Bigfoot in the northern forests, in the deep lakes of Yakutia for preserved lizards, and in the Perm Triangle for traces of still unknown, inexplicable phenomena.

Children and adults alike believe in fairy tales. Only these fairy tales change over the years: some leave, others rush to replace them.

First, these are fairy tales about talking animals and plants that are capable of wrinkling and helping humans. Later comes the stage of fairy tales with their amazing transformations, mysterious castles, terrible dragons and noble unicorns.

However, now a person becomes an adult and he is carried away by the mysteries of Atlantis, aliens from other worlds and parallel worlds in which his warriors live. For most of us, all these miracles remain unfulfilled fairy tales. However, fortunately, there are other people for humanity. They are fanatically looking for Bigfoot in the northern forests, in the deep lakes of Yakutia for preserved lizards, and in the Perm Triangle for traces of still unknown, inexplicable phenomena.

Stanislav Ermakov, Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences, is related to them. Narodnaya Gazeta has already written several times about his travels to areas located not somewhere far away, but in the Oskov region, about his encounters with UFOs, "ghosts" and even doubles. We publish excerpts from his activities, written for people, volunteers to step over the border of the ordinary.

… We all long for the Miracle and yearn for the secret. I assert this on the basis of my experience and observation of people who, to varying degrees, are involved and not involved in things that prefer to remain unknown. We come up with names for these things, always putting different shades of meaning in them. And their essence does not change from the given: falling completely and irrevocably outside the ordinary world, or rather, the ordinary perception of the “world” around us, they continue to exist. It seems that they just do not care whether we believe in their reality or not. And our attitude towards them - that there is an expectation of a Miracle, shyly turns into efforts to touch them, to comprehend the Mystery. It seems as if someone from the very beginning put in us a guess that it was there, m / s, that the reaction to the meaning of the Great Mystery of Life lies.

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… And any person is arranged in such a way that he seeks his own initiation into this Mystery, but willy-nilly goes to it on his own path. Well, in the end we all assert ourselves in our own way.

Once upon a time, my method of self-affirmation was just a hobby. The game. Later it became a way of life. Now is Life. Now - the Game again. What to create? Otherwise, it makes no sense.

It is possible to go to the stations in different ways. The fashionable word "stalker" is perhaps not quite suitable for a person who is regularly affected by "zone sickness". "Stalker", well-known to the broad masses for "Roadside Picnic", is clearly, so to speak, from another opera … And what image appears in your mind, reader? A little bit of a superman with a bias in extrasensory perception and tourism, with pockets full of all sorts of rubbish for all situations of life (I will clarify caustically - "zone life"); a strange facial expression inherent in people involved in C, the all-understanding grin of a wise contactee (this is especially for Ufa fans), etc., etc. and so on. Is not it?

Well, those who climb all sorts of "Strange Places" are not people, or what? Most ordinary people. Believe it or not. And their shortcomings are hardly less than those of others, and some are not whitewashed by their merits.

It's just that life develops so that they have to look at the world a little differently. For what reason does any person “suddenly” or “not all of a sudden” begin to travel to these most areas? I don’t want to offend any of my colleagues, but I personally think that the whole point is in choosing a form of self-affirmation. As well as all our work in general.

With regard to the zones, the difference is that someone gets involved in such adventures, having stumbled upon something incomprehensible during the night in the forest; another - sees the place of accumulation of various miracles and phenomena, and tries to understand them; III searches for and finds the "place of Power"; The 4th is there, therefore, that his acquaintances or friends called him.

Of the considerable number of people who spend their own, as they say, leisure time at such "anomalous resorts", 1, at best, 2 actually begin to "go to the polling stations", little by little becoming their own kind of experts.

This is how a person begins to take part in a strange Game. Apparently, something catches him, calls him into these incomprehensible, from time to time terrible, albeit clearly not forgotten by God, but incomprehensible places for people.

In these places, it seems, anything can happen (and does), starting from the appearance of the most banal UFO and ending well … with something completely incredible.

Surely, it is easier to express what does not happen in zones. And there is no predictability. Therefore, it does not happen that any time you expect an event to happen, if it does happen, it does not happen in the same way and in the wrong place, as it would seem to happen.

If you approach the zones from a research position, it is possible to unearth a lot of interesting things: patterns, anomalies, etc. It is possible to argue about all this for a long time, giving seemingly well-reasoned arguments in favor of those or other theories and hypotheses. Today they are not the main thing for us. Those who are suddenly interested in the "scientific" or "descriptive" part of the difficulty, I refer to the works of other authors and (where are you, modesty ?!) to my own.

Today I want to talk about the subjective. For now, it is enough for us to agree that the plots - whoever or whatever they are, and in the case are, moreover, as there are people for whom staying there is something more than a pleasure walk in search of thrills …

If we consider these actions, too, as different types of spiritual practices have long been considered, then they exist as a Mystery - what will happen?

The mystery behind which lies some kind of algorithm for the inner change and development of a person, the formation of a different perception of the world, of which a person is from the very beginning …

This is exactly how “stalking” appears (albeit not quite in the sense of the word, as K. Castaneda uses it) to a thoughtful observer, and even more so to a direct participant.

Yes, yes, this is exactly how, perhaps, one should approach this phenomenon. We are faced with the fact that at the heart of all serious practices that lead a person to self-knowledge through some kind of inner work is not just a hobby, a hobby, or even a way to make a living, but an act of creativity. More precisely, spiritual creativity. Also, behind all the superficial and husk dust of variegated schools and teachings, there is something great from the very beginning - the highest Mystery of our world.

The purpose of “going to the sites” in the context of our dialogue is reduced, thus, to the fact that a person tries to realize, using the properties of these places, what happens to him, who he is, his own inner feelings and experiences, motives of actions.

And for this …

For this, everything else is done: if research studies are conducted using the techniques of classical science, then you have to adhere to the "rules of the game" accepted in science. This means that you need to get acquainted with hypotheses, theories, methods of working with equipment (that's just where to get it, my dear?) And the rules for formalizing the results. Which is quite true: otherwise, what is the value of the results?

By the way, for activities in the field it is better to have decent equipment in order to feel comfortable in the most uncomfortable conditions. In general, it doesn't hurt to have some kind of experience of "wild life" and be able to create a bunch of useful things in everyday life. Still, “walking into the zone” is by no means always a safe and pleasant walk.

Better to dig a little in literature, Initiation, UFOs, parapsychology, etc. and so on … True, in order to simply throw out a large part later, actually valuable information is constantly located only in sudden places. You have the right to ask the question: why, then, is all this? No, no, not at all in order to establish "telepathic contacts" according to all the rules. (Lord, let us learn to communicate with ourselves and with ourselves !!!)

Rather, so as not to confuse a real UFO with a satellite, alpha Bootes and a lantern in a nearby village. And, to the best of his strength and abilities, not to accept the normal night coolness and its consequence - a dewy fog for "thickening the subtle astral" to the concentration of condensed milk.

Thus, such information is necessary for the preliminary acquisition of negative experience of one's own. God forbid, I do not want to say at all that, they say, “everyone is lying calendars” and that everything described in such books is nonsense and complete nonsense.

It is unrealistic to do our chosen business without untiing our hands, in quotation marks. It is pointless to look back at the authorities if you do not know what is behind their authoritative judgments. This, naturally, is both strength and weakness.

Only an internally free, uninhibited person can stand, really holding on to the roots. Practice teaches not to be bound neither by the seemingly so immutable and correct laws of science, nor by rusty chains of seemingly secret and seemingly occult doctrines. Well, what a riddle is worth if it is possible to buy it for a reasonable price on every corner. "I do not believe!" - said the great theater director. Neither do I, who has the opportunity to compare my own occult assessment and the occult backstage. True Secret Information is acquired only through experiment, thinking, comprehension and comparison.

It is not enough just to "pass" the zone. It must be grasped completely, "as it exists" and each part of it separately. You need to go back, "leaving no trace" and keeping your own brains in place.

Why, directly speaking, is this required? The reaction is paradoxical: if this does not happen, there is generally no point in going to the stations. Each comprehension of them is based on 2 extremely simple things: first of all, it is possible to realize difficulties only being outside the plane of the given difficulty; secondly, the only way to appreciate it is to taste it , to look from the inside.

Probably, this is precisely why there is a direct practice of “walking into a zone”, and not a permanent stay in it. It is hardly worth being in it always, as if being in a state of a stretched spring. As the ancients said, Yang and Yin are obliged to evenly replace each other - only then the Darkness of things will be able to stay in harmony.

Therefore, our states are obliged to alternate smoothly, following a certain hidden order of things, which seems strange only because we do not understand it.

Entering the zone and, which is especially important, knowing where he is going, and even (at least partially) imagining why he is doing this, a person finds himself where the world is clearly or implicitly different from everyday reality. This world is unstable, it immediately responds to every step, every emotional impulse, every careless thought.

We, the townspeople of the end of the 20th century, are very different from our still recent ancestors. We are mutants who have become such as a result of the fact that we have become isolated from the conditions in which man was formed as a biological species and a "luminous creature." We are exceptions to the rules, and Reality does not forgive exclusivity. And nature takes revenge for her and for herself. And here the zones, pores and veins of the Earth penetrate into our homes in the form of disastrous telluric currents, pathogenic radiation. They provoke the growth of diseases, both physical and spiritual. And we become mutants to an even greater extent, however, subconsciously feeling this, we yearn and dream of the lost Harmony, the lost unity with the world.