Old Things, Especially Mirrors - The Entrance To The Afterlife - Alternative View

Old Things, Especially Mirrors - The Entrance To The Afterlife - Alternative View
Old Things, Especially Mirrors - The Entrance To The Afterlife - Alternative View

Video: Old Things, Especially Mirrors - The Entrance To The Afterlife - Alternative View

Video: Old Things, Especially Mirrors - The Entrance To The Afterlife - Alternative View
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Antiques, pieces of furniture, musical instruments, paintings, and especially mirrors have their own biofield, which has been developing for many centuries, collecting information. In most cases, this energy does not do any harm.

But it also happens that an old thing begins to radiate not the kindest energy. Scientists say that a mirror saturated with energy can be the entrance to a parallel world.

In the century before last, the French expert on anomalous phenomena Guy Dupre made the assumption that if one ritual is constantly performed in front of the same mirror, the mirror will absorb a certain energy. The connection with the other world will not open immediately and not even in ten years, but persistence will certainly bear fruit.

Using a mirror, you can do the most incredible things, and even go through the looking glass yourself. Soviet historian Alexander Nizovsky described one incident from his life.


In March 1924, a gloomy, uncommunicative and lonely guy named Nikita settled in a multi-storey residential building in Leningrad. He was disabled from the First World War, so no one paid attention to his oddities. The guy lived only on retirement, he did not have a job, but Nikita came home only to spend the night.

But one day, late at night, Nikita's neighbors noticed a strange thing in their room: a strange flicker began to emanate from the mirror that was hanging on the wall. Later, a blurred human figure appeared in the mirror. Vague at first, and then clearly distinguishable. And even after a few seconds, in this figure it was possible to distinguish the neighbor Nikita! Another moment, and the figure disappeared, and the mirror shattered to smithereens.

Something similar happened in other apartments. A commotion arose in the communal apartment. Everyone rushed to Nikita. The door was locked from the inside. Having broken down the door, the neighbors saw their dead neighbor in the chair. He was motionless, and opposite him was a cracked mirror in the middle.

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The next morning, it emerged that mirrors had broken in many of the apartments that night. And in one of the apartments a small trader Ivan Sannikov was found with a cut throat. The door and two windows were locked from the inside, and the mirror that hung in the room was smashed to smithereens.

What happened in the spring of 1924 in that house, no one can explain. Maybe it was a massive psychosis, or maybe it's really all about the mirrors?