Stars And Human Life - Alternative View

Stars And Human Life - Alternative View
Stars And Human Life - Alternative View

Video: Stars And Human Life - Alternative View

Video: Stars And Human Life - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, July

Many have thought about a rather difficult question - what determines the fate of a person. One gets the impression that everything that happens to a person is predetermined in advance: a portion of sorrows and joys allocated to a person is prescribed. And what is important is that everything in a person's life takes place within a predetermined framework. This thought alone makes you feel uncomfortable - which means that all efforts to create your life, in any case, will lead to a predetermined result.

It is believed that there are 3 main factors influencing the fate of a person. Factor 1: stars. Factor 2: parents. Factor 3: communication.

If the first two cannot be changed by a person, then the third is quite accessible for correction. It is communication that determines human freedom in the broadest sense of the word. Therefore, it is most reasonable to be very careful about choosing the circle of your closest communication.

Parents also influence the fate of a person - after all, they do not come into our lives by chance. Regardless of whether we are happy with our parents or not, as a result of the reunification of the karma of our parents, we come to this world with a certain destiny. The information matrix of the fate of parents has a huge impact on the formation of the future of children.

But back to the first factor - the stars. A special combination of planets corresponds to the moment of birth of each person. It is their position that creates a certain energetic influence with specific characteristics.

So, it is known that some planets can deprive or, conversely, give strength. There are planets that increase emotional sensitivity, increase willpower and the ability to concentrate, etc. From all this it follows that at the moment of birth, everyone acquires a certain planetary matrix of influence.

Human interest in the starry sky and its influence on fate led to the creation of such a science as astrology.

Undoubtedly, astrology, from ancient times, has been an integral part of religion and history. And astrology itself gave impetus to the development of culture. The power of the stars combines religion and science. It was the attempt to understand the influence of stars on man that led to the need to study the mechanics of celestial bodies.

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I must say that astrology, at the present time, is rapidly entering the life of an ordinary person. So far, this group of predictive practices is just horoscopes and general forecasts for the common man in the street. And few people know that earthlings are connected with each other by an inextricable bond - this role is played by a person's personal karma, the karma of the Earth and the karma of the stars. Astrologers have noticed for a long time such an interesting feature of the stars as the influence on the fate of a person and the fact that people born under the same constellation have a common fate.

Fate and stars are inseparable concepts, since they form a mindset and a type of thinking in full compliance with the star under which a person was destined to be born. When drawing up an individual horoscope, an astrologer uses a mathematical calculation of the movement of the planets around the Sun and the path of the apparent movement of the Sun around the Earth. When building a horoscope, an astrologer needs to know not only the date of birth, but the time of birth is also important. Of course, few people know the exact time of their birth, but given the fact that the location of the planets on a birthday is known, this may be enough to prepare an astrological conclusion. Astrologers claim that knowing the position of the stars at the time of a person's birth, it is possible to determine his natural data, to tell about his talents and possible problems. But thatto give a more detailed description of a person's personal characteristics, it is required, according to the assurances of astrologers, to know the time of conception.

There are times when a person is born earlier than 9 months after conception. In this case, the sign of his birth will not accurately reflect those features that are actually inherent in him.

The horoscope can tell a person the most ordinary things: is the situation favorable for the actions he is planning, are difficulties and disagreements possible, how happy the marriage will be, whether the child has the ability to draw or music, etc.

A horoscope is not a sentence, it is the way to best realize your abilities. A lot also depends on the date the horoscope was compiled - after all, the position of the zodiacal circle changes every day, which means that the astrological forecast requires adjustment. For example, with active Mars, people born under this sign feel a huge surge of strength, easily get out of any predicaments and feel a desire to move forward towards their intended goal. But people born under the sign of Venus, at this time, experience relaxation and laziness, passively relate to events.

Undoubtedly, the luminaries closest to the Earth - the Moon and the Sun - exert a great influence on man. The location of the Sun in the horoscope indicates the manifestation of personality in various spheres of life - from friendship to career growth; determines which basic life principle will be supported by this person - either he prefers to achieve his goal with the help of lies and deception, or he will be frank and honest in everything, etc. The position of the Sun in the horoscope will even indicate which way he chooses to communicate with people - emotional, mental or sensual.

The presence of power depends on the location of the Moon in the horoscope, which helps a person during his interaction with other people. Studying the position of the night star will help to answer a very difficult question: why is it difficult to find a compromise between the desire for lofty values (faith, love, peace) with the desire to possess more and more material wealth.

The moon and the sun have a significant impact on all living organisms - and biologists have a lot of evidence for this. Each person lives in his own biological rhythm. Knowing the horoscope, he involuntarily adjusts to it - as a result, a person develops his own rhythm. Habitual rhythms in everyday life help a person to live more comfortably in society, and celestial events can significantly disrupt the already "well-worn track" of life.

Knowing this, you need to make an important conclusion for yourself: you should not blindly obey the predictions of the stars, but you need to comprehend the available information and use it to your advantage. The biological rhythm is very strictly correlated with the mechanics of celestial bodies, with the human soul and with human physiology. Listening to your rhythm, first of all, you touch the rhythm of the cosmos and vice versa.

People born under different signs see the world differently, have different problems and improve in different ways. And this should be taken into account when building relationships in society.
