Say No To The Aliens! - Alternative View

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Say No To The Aliens! - Alternative View
Say No To The Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: Say No To The Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: Say No To The Aliens! - Alternative View
Video: Aliens Are Real, Says Harvard Astronomer 2024, June

There is a certain part of the entire array of ufological information that does not allow you to continue to serenely replenish the ufological chronicles.

Unfortunately, only ufologists give themselves a full account of the seriousness of the events, but, it seems, not the state or military officials, on whom our security primarily depends. Although the facts speak for themselves. What you will read below is gleaned by our colleague - an employee of Kurumoch Airport - from confidential conversations with civil aviation pilots. The facts speak for themselves.

Bering Sea, summer, training flight

Pilot P. Gu-v made a regular training flight. Suddenly, on the side of his plane, a gleaming and clearly made of metal cigar-shaped body of enormous size appeared - not less than half a kilometer in length. The weather was calm, but turbulence of such intensity suddenly appeared around the plane that he could hardly keep the plane on course. The pilot, who closely followed the movement of his huge companion, saw two huge doors on board the UFO simultaneously opened, and his plane began to suck sideways into the UFO. The plane was virtually uncontrollable. The figures of the pilots of the apparatus where the plane was inexorably dragging were already clearly visible, when suddenly such a sharp and strong sound was heard from there that the frightened pilot heard it through the noise of the engines. A second later, the huge doors slammed shut, and the UFO disappeared, to the untold joy of the pilot,who decided to tell ufologists about this case only a few years later.

For those who thought - where is the Bering Sea, and where is the Zhiguli - let me remind you that cigar-shaped UFOs are the second most common in our area, and attempts to capture or influence our aircraft occur anywhere in the world, and the Volga region is no exception. Take this case, for example.

UFO hovering over the AVTOVAZ plant management. Reconstruction
UFO hovering over the AVTOVAZ plant management. Reconstruction

UFO hovering over the AVTOVAZ plant management. Reconstruction

An attempt to "capture" our plane was made in October 1989 after it took off from Omsk. At an altitude of 4500 meters above the Yak-40 plane, 4 bright round discs suddenly hovered, located as if in the corners of a square. Blue-green rays emanated from the discs. The aircraft's engines and non-electrical equipment continued to operate, but all electrical equipment failed. For 20 minutes the plane was "taken prisoner" - it flew in a circle and was unable to get out of the circle. After 20 minutes, the discs seemed to dissolve. The equipment, fortunately, worked, the plane went exactly on the previous flight path. It is no coincidence that "fortunately" is said, since there have been cases when a beam was fired from the same strange "clouds" or from a UFO, which, without damaging the glass of the cockpit, melted the working devices, which almost led to an accident. Maybe,accidents did happen, but it is not always possible to establish the real cause of its death from the remains of an aircraft.

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Omsk - Samara, 7200 meters above sea level

One of such cases occurred with a crew from Samara. The cargo plane was heading towards the Volga at an altitude of 7200 meters. On one of the sections of the route, the crew noticed that an object with a diameter of 6-8 meters was hanging in the sky just above their plane, in the lower part of which 7 or 8 blue "lanterns" were shining (what was their exact number, the extreme situation did not allow counting), and in the center was a source of scarlet light, from which a pale green beam shot towards the ground. The piece of land illuminated by this beam was visible as in daylight. Then the beam rose and illuminated the cockpit (the commander even ducked in surprise), after which it was pulled into the UFO, the blue lights swirled in one direction, and the bright red light (which is in the middle) in the other. Within seconds, the object disappeared, but a green spot remained in the sky. All this air extravaganza lasted for about five minutes, fortunately, remained without visible consequences.

The case near Petrozavodsk, a sketch from the words of eyewitnesses
The case near Petrozavodsk, a sketch from the words of eyewitnesses

The case near Petrozavodsk, a sketch from the words of eyewitnesses

It should be noted that the “disabling” effect of UFOs on human technology is so common that it no longer surprises (at least for those who are directly familiar with the problem). And blackouts occur not only when meeting with aerial vehicles, but also in any other conditions.

AvtoVAZ also did not stand aside, over which UFOs of various types were repeatedly patrolled. Here is just one observation.

VAZ, one of the workshops near the plant management building

During a night shift in one of the workshops of AvtoVAZ, an employee of the plant wanted to breathe fresh air (fortunately, the work allowed, but the workshop was very stuffy). I dressed casually, despite the light frost, as I was not going to be outside for a long time. Involuntarily, she looked up and saw a flashing red light hanging over her motionless and soundless. Immediately a whole chain of porthole lights flashed in green light - it turned out that they were on the side line of this object. The green glow was sometimes replaced by pink for a split second. It illuminated well the object, which had a typical "plate" shape and was perceived as made of dark metal. Strange, but for some reason the woman had a very warm feeling for him, and on the mental call to go down below she noticed,that the object really lowered itself and even seemed to shake its body in greeting. Then he began to move westward - at first not very quickly, and then suddenly disappeared at once. The woman was so focused on observation that she did not even notice how the factory pickup stalled 15 meters away from her. The driver, who could not do anything with the naughty car, thought that the brakes were jammed. Thus, there were two eyewitnesses. After departure, they exchanged remarks: "Did you see, or what?" - "Yes." - "Some devilry!" Yes, and the pickup driver complained that all these fifteen minutes that the UFO was hanging over the factory floors, his whole body was tingling. And then - nothing, passed by itself … And the car started quietly. When the woman returned to the workshop, she felt that both palms itch strongly. A few days later, all the skin fell off them, although there was no pain.

During another case of an unidentified object hovering over workshops located next to the 7th insert, part of the equipment failed. According to the technological process, pumps pump oil from one workshop to another. During the hovering of the object, the pumps began to "screech", one of them broke down altogether, and the other had to be turned off. We went out into the street and saw a pulsating "star", which, descending, looked like an oval, and after a short time it became noticeable that it was a "triangle" with slightly elongated corners. The observers did not notice the spotlights on the object, the object as a whole was shining. The color is pinkish at first, and then, as it were, heated to white. The triangle flew away towards the plant management.

Reconstruction of one of the observations at Kurumoch airport
Reconstruction of one of the observations at Kurumoch airport

Reconstruction of one of the observations at Kurumoch airport

And similar emergencies with technological equipment are not only a matter of recent years. For example, in 1977 a disc-shaped object of the color of dark metal hovered over one of the substations near our city. And hung for about forty minutes. So all these forty minutes the station equipment worked at full capacity, only there was no electricity at the output. After the UFO flew away, the power supply was restored without any effort by the maintenance personnel. There was even some kind of party investigation on this matter, but no one understood anything. Fortunately, they did not take any measures to the attendant. But they could at that time …

In this regard, I would like to remind you of the case when a small red ball in February 1985 to the west of Petrozavodsk was dragging a freight train with it, everything was turned off and set to zero … What force was dragging it along? The tiny ball that played by the train flew away an hour later, leaving behind people in a state of shock, three hundred kilograms of saved fuel and an incomprehensible trace on the speed meter tape.

Kurumoch airport

I want to tell you about one more case, told in confidence by the An-24 flight engineer. In June 1988, at the Kurumoch airport, when the An-24 aircraft was approaching, a vague "cloud" suddenly appeared ahead (I must say that there were no "normal" clouds in the sky at all). As the flight mechanic recalled later, he did not understand why he had a desire to turn away from him. He said to the commander: "Turn away from him!" They turned them away, but nevertheless the wing of the plane touched the edge of the "cloud" - and everyone had the feeling that some force seemed to hold them back and let go. After landing, the control record of the KZ-63 device was deciphered, which showed that it was at this moment that a NEGATIVE OVERLOAD occurred. And what could have happened to the plane if the commander did not have time to react to the advice of the flight mechanic,or would they not have noticed the strange "cloud" in time? Is our equipment designed to work in such conditions? But there are many cases of UFO sightings in the Kurumoch airport area.

The above examples show the colossal and so far even approximately unpredictable UFO possibilities, whether we believe in their existence or not. So isn't it time for us to start taking the phenomenon more seriously? Or will we still wait for the thunder to strike? Despite the many years of efforts by ufologists, the only results that have been achieved are some softening of the skeptical and derisive attitude on the part of official structures - both scientific and administrative. However, so far there has been virtually no assistance in UFO research. Only the army was instructed to report any unusual sightings, but the information collected is practically inaccessible to civilian researchers.

In civil aviation, the fear of sanctions from the authorities (in spite of everything, the attitude of the leadership remains almost the same inert) and today makes experienced commanders of airliners talk about such out-of-the-box cases in almost a whisper, in private, and with the strictest prohibition to mention the names of observers. Imagine the danger of such extreme flights for airplanes filled with people. Of course, there are only a few of them. And, nevertheless, it is necessary to know about them, and to teach to work in such difficult conditions - it is necessary. But trying to catch up and "test" is not necessary, no matter how much you want.

Naturally, unusual phenomena are noticed not only by pilots and passengers, and simply by "land" people. We ask you to feel free to share what you have witnessed. Maybe your experience will help someone to better navigate in an abnormal situation, maybe your experience will help someday avoid a tragedy. By the way, there is a hypothesis that the above-mentioned UFO rays can leave various traces on the surface of the earth, for example, the notorious "English circles".

Tatiana Makarova
