Secrets of history 2024, October

This Is How It Turns Out Jesus Christ Actually Looked Like - Alternative View

This Is How It Turns Out Jesus Christ Actually Looked Like - Alternative View

On the eve of Christmas, the Daily Mail decided to appeal to the image of Jesus Christ. Specifically - to research, thanks to which scientists are trying to recreate it, doubting that traditional images are correct

Hitler's Heirs - Alternative View

Hitler's Heirs - Alternative View

Everyone knows that on May 9, 1945, Nazi Germany surrendered. But did the Nazis really lose the war for world domination? Perhaps the modern world order was built precisely with the help of Hitler's heirs. August 1944

Burned By A Nuclear Flame - Alternative View

Burned By A Nuclear Flame - Alternative View

For more than a quarter of a century there has been silence over the steppes of Semipalatinsk. The last time this earth shook from an underground explosion in 1989

The Main Secrets Of The Manhattan Project - Alternative View

The Main Secrets Of The Manhattan Project - Alternative View

The Manhattan Project - the largest and most secret nuclear test project in the twentieth century. To this day, it is unknown how the experiments were carried out, the experience of which was used for nuclear strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Ruthless Empress Cixi - Alternative View

Ruthless Empress Cixi - Alternative View

The pages of world history are full of atrocities of bloodthirsty despots. Nero, Borgia, Louis XIV, Vlad Tepes, Ivan the Terrible, Joseph Stalin, Hitler - here is just a small list of tyrants that the whole world knows about

Don Juan - Azerbaijani? - Alternative View

Don Juan - Azerbaijani? - Alternative View

History, as you know, loves to surprise. On closer examination, very much turns out to be not at all what it seemed for many centuries. What associations arise in a person hearing the name Don Juan

Reich On The Roof Of The World - Alternative View

Reich On The Roof Of The World - Alternative View

Tibetan campaign of the Third Reich, 1939, end of August. Heinrich Harrer climbed Nanga Parbat, one of the highest peaks of the Himalayas, as a member of an expedition under the auspices of the Third Reich

The Nazis Hunted For An Idol Of Unearthly Origin - Alternative View

The Nazis Hunted For An Idol Of Unearthly Origin - Alternative View

Experts study fragment of sensational find Statue of Buddhist deity called "Iron Man" caused a stir among art experts

Scientists Have Found Out Who Was Buried In A Black Sarcophagus - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out Who Was Buried In A Black Sarcophagus - Alternative View

Scientists have found out who was buried in a black sarcophagus found in Alexandria. In July, researchers discovered at a depth of five meters a giant sealed sarcophagus made of black granite over two thousand years old

Etruscans - Alternative View

Etruscans - Alternative View

Russia Mediterranean Ancient Scriptures of various peoples narrate about the grandiose settlement of the peoples of the Great Race across the Eurasian continent from the Holy Land

The Story They Are Trying To Hide - Alternative View

The Story They Are Trying To Hide - Alternative View

For many years, the world "elite" and its owners, using orthodox science as a tool for manipulating people's consciousness, hid its true history from humanity

Found Particles Of The Cross, On Which Jesus Was Crucified - Alternative View

Found Particles Of The Cross, On Which Jesus Was Crucified - Alternative View

In Bulgaria, archaeologists during excavations in an ancient fortress near the city of Veliko Tarnovo discovered the first of its kind golden crucifixion of Christ, dated to the 12th century

Discovered A New Face Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Discovered A New Face Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Israeli scientists have discovered a poorly preserved portrait of Jesus Christ that is very different from the traditional Christian image. It is on the wall of the apse of a dilapidated church located in the ancient city of Shivta

Scientists Have Found The Only Lifetime Image Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found The Only Lifetime Image Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

His portrait may adorn an old copper coin A bearded man in a crown of thorns, depicted on a small bronze coin with a diameter of 24 millimeters, may be Jesus Christ

Scientists Have Denied The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Scientists Have Denied The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Scientists are not sure that the resurrection of Jesus took place in reality. Writes about this edition Live Science

Why Are There Not 700 Million Russians - Alternative View

Why Are There Not 700 Million Russians - Alternative View

The breakdown of civilization: the cost in human lives Population growth in Tsarist Russia in the 19th and 20th centuries. characterized by high rates and constancy. From 1810 to 1914

Another Story Of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich - Alternative View

Another Story Of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich - Alternative View

Grand Duke Svyatoslav Igorevich ruled in Kievan Rus during the heroic period of its formation as a powerful state. He was the son of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga and the father of the Baptist of Russia, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir

The First Stage Of The War Between Svyatoslav And The Byzantine Empire - Alternative View

The First Stage Of The War Between Svyatoslav And The Byzantine Empire - Alternative View

Previous part: "The Russian army of Prince Svyatoslav in Bulgaria"

Olga And Svyatoslav - Alternative View

Olga And Svyatoslav - Alternative View

Before us are truly great historical figures, whose importance in the fate of Russia cannot be overestimated

15 Absurd Historical Facts That You Probably Won't Believe - Alternative View

15 Absurd Historical Facts That You Probably Won't Believe - Alternative View

Surely each of you heard stories that seemed completely absurd and did not resemble the truth. But do not rush to call everything a lie, because people are the most amazing creatures in the world and are capable of various unpredictable and absurd actions. 1

Who Was The Real Prototype Of Captain Vrungel? - Alternative View

Who Was The Real Prototype Of Captain Vrungel? - Alternative View

For any Soviet boy, Captain Vrungel has always been one of the most beloved literary heroes. The book about his adventures is a bestseller, and the cartoon has gathered millions of viewers on the screens

The Deceiving Virtuoso Who Sold The Eiffel Tower Twice - - Alternative View

The Deceiving Virtuoso Who Sold The Eiffel Tower Twice - - Alternative View

Victor Lustig is considered one of the most talented and successful fraudsters in the world - about five dozen times he fell into the hands of the police, but he was always released for lack of evidence

The Main Thing About Byzantium - Alternative View

The Main Thing About Byzantium - Alternative View

For over a thousand years, Byzantium was a link between East and West. Born at the end of antiquity, it existed until the end of the European Middle Ages. Until she fell under the onslaught of the Ottomans in 1453

"Colored" Archers In The State Service - Alternative View

"Colored" Archers In The State Service - Alternative View

In 1550, by order of the Russian Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, streltsy troops were created, which subsequently participated in all wars up to the Saxon and Prut campaigns of Peter I

Myths About Kudeyar - The Legend Of Russian Robbers - Alternative View

Myths About Kudeyar - The Legend Of Russian Robbers - Alternative View

For nearly five centuries in the villages scattered along the banks of the Don and Voronezh, they talk about the legendary robber Kudeyar and his countless treasures buried in the ground or hidden in caves

The Kurchatov Institute Refuted The Theory Of Archaeologists About The Ancient Axes - Alternative View

The Kurchatov Institute Refuted The Theory Of Archaeologists About The Ancient Axes - Alternative View

Axes from the Borodino hoard are made of jadeite and minerals of the serpentinite group

How The Vikings Discovered America - Alternative View

How The Vikings Discovered America - Alternative View

In the Scandinavian sagas, there is a mention of the distant fertile land of Vinland, which is located southwest of Greenland. Historians see Newfoundland in the description of this region, and in the Vikings - the first Europeans who discovered America

Biography Of Bellingshausen Faddey Faddeevich - Alternative View

Biography Of Bellingshausen Faddey Faddeevich - Alternative View

Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen (born 9 (20) September 1778 - death 13 (25) January 1852) - Russian navigator, took part in the first Russian round-the-world voyage of I.F.Kruzenshtern

They Robbed And Forgot: How The British Tried To Turn Russia Into Their Colony - Alternative View

They Robbed And Forgot: How The British Tried To Turn Russia Into Their Colony - Alternative View

In Great Britain, Russia is considered an aggressor country and does not like to remember today what happened 100 years ago

The Tribe That Created The Shahs - Alternative View

The Tribe That Created The Shahs - Alternative View

A small tribe of Kajars did not create their own statehood. But it played a huge role in the fate of the largest empires of the East. And already at the end of the 18th century it gave its name to the dynasty that stood at the head of Persia

Ancient Secrets Of The Ustinovskiy Canyon - Alternative View

Ancient Secrets Of The Ustinovskiy Canyon - Alternative View

Ustinovsky canyon - Twenty-meter sheer limestone walls, about 300 million years old, stretching for a couple of kilometers along the bend of the Miass River. The surface of the canyon is dotted with small caves and grottoes

Fears Of The "glass King" - Alternative View

Fears Of The "glass King" - Alternative View

There have been many cases in history when the state was ruled by not entirely healthy people. And this is not always a bad thing: a disease can develop many necessary traits in a leader, as was the case, for example, with US President Franklin Roosevelt

Hitler Managed To Create A Nuclear Bomb, And Now It Threatens The World ?! - Alternative View

Hitler Managed To Create A Nuclear Bomb, And Now It Threatens The World ?! - Alternative View

"Bell" is a Nazi project of a Vimaana that moved not only in space, but also in time ?! At least, German pensioner Peter Lohr convinces the public of this

Prohibition History In The USA - Alternative View

Prohibition History In The USA - Alternative View

"Prohibition" in the USA (1920-1933) - national ban on the sale, production and transportation of alcoholic beverages

Top 10 Biggest Historical Mysteries That Will Probably Never Be Revealed - Alternative View

Top 10 Biggest Historical Mysteries That Will Probably Never Be Revealed - Alternative View

There are some historical mysteries that will probably never be revealed. Partly because the relevant historical ground has been lost or some archaeological site has been destroyed

How Much Russian Blood Was In The Russian Sovereigns - Alternative View

How Much Russian Blood Was In The Russian Sovereigns - Alternative View

It is known that Nicholas II had less than one percent of Russian blood. A little more than one and a half percent - from his father, Alexander III. We decided to see how Russian the Russian princes and tsars were

The Riddle Of Baron Ungern - Alternative View

The Riddle Of Baron Ungern - Alternative View

World War I and the Civil War left behind many unsolved mysteries related to the treasures of the Russian Empire

Was It The Battle Of The Ice? - Alternative View

Was It The Battle Of The Ice? - Alternative View

As you know from the Soviet school history course, in the summer of 1240, an army of thousands of German Teutonic knights moved to Russia, which captured several cities and planned to storm Novgorod

Discovery Of Russia. Expedition Of Richard Chancellor - Alternative View

Discovery Of Russia. Expedition Of Richard Chancellor - Alternative View

On August 24, 1553, the regularity of life of the inhabitants of the village of Nyonoksa in the Dvinsky Bay was disrupted by an extraordinary event

8 Chilling Secrets And Riddles That Still Have No Answer - Alternative View

8 Chilling Secrets And Riddles That Still Have No Answer - Alternative View

All riddles arouse our curiosity and require their solution. While supernatural reasons or conspiracy theories are more fascinating, mysteries often end up in surprisingly trivial explanations