Secrets of history 2024, October

Temple Of Anna Kashinskaya In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Temple Of Anna Kashinskaya In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Saint Anna Kashinskaya is revered by Orthodox people as the patroness of families and children, an assistant in ending all family troubles. A hundred years ago, in 1909, in St. Petersburg on Sampsonievsky Prospekt, a church in the name of Anna Kashinskaya was consecrated

Kaliningrad Woman Found In An Abandoned Park A Statue Of The Roman Goddess Ceres - Alternative View

Kaliningrad Woman Found In An Abandoned Park A Statue Of The Roman Goddess Ceres - Alternative View

Before the war, the sculpture was located in front of the entrance to one of the noble estates, then it was considered lost. In Kaliningrad - a sensational find

Unique Documents About Matrosov's Feat Have Been Declassified - Alternative View

Unique Documents About Matrosov's Feat Have Been Declassified - Alternative View

The Russian Ministry of Defense has launched on its website a multimedia section "Throw into Eternity", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the feat of the Red Army soldier Alexander Matrosov. The section presents unique archival documents

TOP-7 Pluses Of Lenin's Rule - Alternative View

TOP-7 Pluses Of Lenin's Rule - Alternative View

Even at the present time, there are many people for whom Lenin - our everything and, according to whom, for Russia he did a lot of good

Lenin's Illegitimate Sons - Alternative View

Lenin's Illegitimate Sons - Alternative View

As you know, there were no children in the family of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and his wife Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya

The Mystery Of The Ancient City In The Kalahari Desert - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Ancient City In The Kalahari Desert - Alternative View

For more than a hundred years, a mysterious story about a mysterious city, lost in the center of the most sultry desert of the African continent - Kalahari, excites the scientific community, adventurers and treasure hunters

Lenin's Secret Journey To Tyumen - Alternative View

Lenin's Secret Journey To Tyumen - Alternative View

It was the fifth day of the war, and the situation at the front after the invasion of the Nazis into the territory of the USSR developed so catastrophically that the Kremlin seriously thought about the possibility of surrendering Moscow, as it was already in our history in 1812

The Most Mystical Facts About Lenin - Alternative View

The Most Mystical Facts About Lenin - Alternative View

The larger the scale of a historical person, the more myths and legends circulate around him. The leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - not an exception

10 Dangerous Things That Were Considered Normal In The Past - Alternative View

10 Dangerous Things That Were Considered Normal In The Past - Alternative View

If you think that modern people often behave unreasonably and do something unusual, you should definitely do a better study of relatively recent history

What Did Lenin Die Of? - Alternative View

What Did Lenin Die Of? - Alternative View

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) died on January 21, 1924 (53 years old) at 18 hours 50 minutes. He was buried on January 27, 1924. Lenin suffered a series of strokes: after the first 52-year-old leader of the world proletariat became disabled, the third - killed him

German Carriage, Swedish Cap, Own Ideas: Was Lenin A Foreign Agent - Alternative View

German Carriage, Swedish Cap, Own Ideas: Was Lenin A Foreign Agent - Alternative View

In April 1917, the main characters appear on the stage. Were Lenin and the Bolsheviks agents of Germany or other forces? How did they get to Russia? Whom did the sealed carriage carry?

Directive 21: When Hitler Originally Planned To Attack The USSR - Alternative View

Directive 21: When Hitler Originally Planned To Attack The USSR - Alternative View

In late 1940, Hitler signed an ominous document - Directive 21, which became known as the "Barbarossa" plan. The attack on the USSR was originally planned for May 15: the German command planned to end the Red Army before autumn

Red King. Elite Cars, Mansions And Secret Wealth Of Lenin - Alternative View

Red King. Elite Cars, Mansions And Secret Wealth Of Lenin - Alternative View

It's about the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Lenin. He promised to give the land to the peasants, the factories to the workers, and the power to the peoples, however, some bourgeois habits were not alien to him either

The Main Secrets Of Joseph Stalin - Alternative View

The Main Secrets Of Joseph Stalin - Alternative View

Date of birth The date of birth of Joseph Stalin is a controversial moment in his biography. The choice goes between two dates: December 21, 1879 and December 18, 1878

Montenegrin "Muromets" Against The Samurai - Alternative View

Montenegrin "Muromets" Against The Samurai - Alternative View

This story happened at the beginning of the 20th century, namely in 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War. Russian regiments are stationed in the Sypinghai Heights in eastern Manchuria

Embalmed Kotovsky. Mausoleums Of Not Lenin - Alternative View

Embalmed Kotovsky. Mausoleums Of Not Lenin - Alternative View

When do we think about mausoleums? When we even utter the very word - "mausoleum"? We do this very infrequently

Experiment 1979. An Atomic Explosion In A Donetsk Mine - Alternative View

Experiment 1979. An Atomic Explosion In A Donetsk Mine - Alternative View

Ever since the Soviet Union pledged to stop testing nuclear weapons over the Earth's surface, dubious tests began to be carried out in mines and wells. In Donbass, this was arranged in an operating mine, not far from residential buildings

Why Did They Move Houses In The USSR Together With The Residents Of - Alternative View

Why Did They Move Houses In The USSR Together With The Residents Of - Alternative View

It sounds incredible, but in Moscow in Soviet times, multi-storey buildings weighing tens of thousands of tons were moved. Movements were most often carried out at night. The serenely sleeping tenants did not even suspect that they would wake up in another place

The Mummy Of The Red Pharaoh - Alternative View

The Mummy Of The Red Pharaoh - Alternative View

For 93 years, a ziggurat has been standing on Red Square in Moscow - a pyramid, in the depths of which Lenin's mummy is on display for all to see. His personality still causes controversy not only among historians, but also by people far from science

How They Wanted To Rename Moscow To The USSR - Alternative View

How They Wanted To Rename Moscow To The USSR - Alternative View

In the history of the Soviet Union, there were at least three attempts to rename the capital. Stalin rejected two of them

Why Did Peter I Execute His Mistress Hamilton? - Alternative View

Why Did Peter I Execute His Mistress Hamilton? - Alternative View

The first official emperor of all Russia not only cut a window to Europe, but also made a habit of collecting mistresses

Why Did Peter The First Kill His Son? - Alternative View

Why Did Peter The First Kill His Son? - Alternative View

At school we went through this material. At first, of course, everyone knew that Ivan the Terrible had killed his son, and only then that they remembered that Peter the Great had also killed. Or rather tortured to death. And who remembers what for?

Biography Of Angelica De Fontanges - Alternative View

Biography Of Angelica De Fontanges - Alternative View

Maria-Angelica de Scorail de Roussilles, Duchess de Fontanges (born 1661 - death 28 June 1681) - one of the many mistresses of King Louis XIV of France

The Century Of Nelson Mandela - Alternative View

The Century Of Nelson Mandela - Alternative View

July 18, 1918, exactly 100 years ago, was born Nelson Mandela - one of the most famous political figures of the twentieth century, a Nobel laureate, whose name in our country and throughout the world is strongly associated with the fight against apartheid

How Did America Live Before Christopher Columbus? - Alternative View

How Did America Live Before Christopher Columbus? - Alternative View

On August 3, 1492, the first expedition of the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus began. The traveler hoped to discover the shortest sea route from Europe to India. After 70 days of sailing, the expedition discovered America

The Mystery Of Lady Dai's Mummy - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Lady Dai's Mummy - Alternative View

In general, of course, ancient civilizations left us a lot of unusual, strange and mysterious. Moreover, the older the find, the more unimaginable the versions and explanations of what is happening

Who Invented The Zoo? - Alternative View

Who Invented The Zoo? - Alternative View

Imagine: you miraculously found yourself in Moscow of the 1575 model and are standing under the walls of the Kremlin. What do you see? An impregnable fortress surrounded by a wide moat. True, there is no water in it, but there are lions

Hitler's Mythical Polar Base - Alternative View

Hitler's Mythical Polar Base - Alternative View

The Nazis founded underground fortresses in the ice of the southern continent to receive the Fuhrer who had fled from Germany. After the war, mysterious aircraft were tested there, and rocket launchers were on alert

How Karate Was Banned In The USSR - Alternative View

How Karate Was Banned In The USSR - Alternative View

In the sixties of the last century, an exotic type of martial arts became popular in the Soviet Union - karate. These were the times of the Khrushchev "thaw", international relations of the USSR were developing, including sports

Secrets Of The Third Reich: Scientists. Hans Gorbiger - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Third Reich: Scientists. Hans Gorbiger - Alternative View

In the provisions of the theory of Hans Herbiger, there is a certain similarity with the ideas of the father of Nazi geopolitics Karl Haushofer. This is not surprising. The doctrine of world ice was the official cosmological theory of the Vril Society (German

Why Did The Early Christians Not Have Communism - Alternative View

Why Did The Early Christians Not Have Communism - Alternative View

The fact that the basis of the communist teaching is the Christian principles of humanism and the ascent of man is obvious to many today. Only representatives of the "right-wing" forces undertake to deny this point of view

April 1 - The History Of The Holiday - Alternative View

April 1 - The History Of The Holiday - Alternative View

Mark Twain once said about this holiday: “The first of April - this is the day we remember who we are all the other 364 days of the year "

Astragalus - Is It An Attribute For Rituals Or A Banal Dice Game? - Alternative View

Astragalus - Is It An Attribute For Rituals Or A Banal Dice Game? - Alternative View

Astragalus - this is a typical find for professional archaeologists. It should be noted that during excavations, these objects are found everywhere: among different peoples, over a vast territory, in settlements and in burials

Elisey Bomeliy: "the Fierce Sorcerer" Of Ivan The Terrible, Whom He Roasted On A Spit - Alternative View

Elisey Bomeliy: "the Fierce Sorcerer" Of Ivan The Terrible, Whom He Roasted On A Spit - Alternative View

Elisha Bomeliya is considered by some to be a clever adventurer and charlatan who managed to get into the credibility of Ivan the Terrible himself, others -; professional magician and astrologer. In the annals he is called "the evil sorcerer." Who really was this man

Who Are The Russian Magi? Part Two - Alternative View

Who Are The Russian Magi? Part Two - Alternative View

Part One - Titles Title - today it is interpreted as a rank or high position in society, this concept has three meanings. The first - this is the passing of a horse by a person (i.e. serving the divine Pantheon) and the transition to the next

Who Are The Russian Magi? Part One - Alternative View

Who Are The Russian Magi? Part One - Alternative View

Part Two - The topic of the Magi is perhaps the most inaccessible for research and study, since over the past three hundred years the Magi have been the most destroyed part of the population

The Accursed Treasure Of The Vishnevetsky - Alternative View

The Accursed Treasure Of The Vishnevetsky - Alternative View

There are many legendary treasures in the world, which everyone knows about, but no one can find them. Ancient chronicles mention them, their existence is confirmed by legends, stories about them are passed from mouth to mouth

Amazing Drawings Of The Koske Cave - Alternative View

Amazing Drawings Of The Koske Cave - Alternative View

In 1985, deep-sea diver Henri Cosquer discovered a narrow crevice in the rock at the bottom of the Morges calanque near Marseille. It turned out to be the entrance to the tunnel

History Of Ancient Crimea (briefly) - Alternative View

History Of Ancient Crimea (briefly) - Alternative View

The development of the peninsula by man begins in the late Acheulean era 400-100 thousand years ago. Inhabited mainly the area of the Inner Ridge, where there are sites located under rock canopies

Salvation Of Rus, In Kazan, Manifested - Alternative View

Salvation Of Rus, In Kazan, Manifested - Alternative View

November 4 - the holiday of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and the Day of National Unity … “It was a terrible time