Secrets of history 2024, October

Scientists Have Discovered A 37,000-year-old Skull Capable Of Rewriting History - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered A 37,000-year-old Skull Capable Of Rewriting History - Alternative View

On the island of Borneo, a team of specialists discovered a skull, which, according to preliminary estimates, is 37,000 years old. Scientists suggest that this find could "rewrite" the history of the planet's settlement

Ruskolans Or Roksolans? - Alternative View

Ruskolans Or Roksolans? - Alternative View

Professor DI Ilovaisky (1832 - 1920) in his work "History of Russia" (v. 1) wrote that the formation of the Russian state should be attributed to very ancient times and precisely to those when the Roksolan tribes settled on the middle Dnieper, conquering the neighboring tribes, t

Paracelsus - Doctor, Scientist, Visionary - Alternative View

Paracelsus - Doctor, Scientist, Visionary - Alternative View

"Paracelsus" translated from Latin means "super-noble". This "pseudonym" was taken by the famous medieval physician Philip Aureol Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim

Master Of Numbers - Alternative View

Master Of Numbers - Alternative View

Can you say something about Pythagoras, except that he was a great mathematician and formulated the famous theorem about "pants that are equal in all directions"? Meanwhile, most of his cases have nothing to do with proving theorems

Hunting For Geneticists In The USSR. The Defeat Of The "Vavilov Group" Condemned Science To Vegetation - Alternative View

Hunting For Geneticists In The USSR. The Defeat Of The "Vavilov Group" Condemned Science To Vegetation - Alternative View

The trials that began in the USSR in the mid-1930s did not concern only political opponents of Stalin

Entrepreneur, Inventor And Friend Of The World Alfred Nobel - Alternative View

Entrepreneur, Inventor And Friend Of The World Alfred Nobel - Alternative View

In 1874, the Italian Ascanio Sobrero managed to develop an oil with very explosive properties - - nitroglycerine

Famous People Who Disappeared - Alternative View

Famous People Who Disappeared - Alternative View

American magazine Life paid tribute to the memory of the missing. Yes, not simple, but outstanding

Babylonian King Belshazzar - Alternative View

Babylonian King Belshazzar - Alternative View

To understand who King Belshazzar is, one should return to the origins and get acquainted with the kingdom, whose name is Babylonia. This kingdom has a 1,500 year history

Dungeons Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Dungeons Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Whatever they say, one thing is indisputable: there is no more extensive and more ramified underground fortification in the world than the one that was dug in the Warta river triangle - Obra - Oder more than half a century ago

Tuva Republic: "shaman" Russia - Alternative View

Tuva Republic: "shaman" Russia - Alternative View

Tuva is located in the very center of Asia and is practically isolated from the world. Thanks to this, the land of Scythian burial mounds, Chinese palaces, shamans and strange customs has managed to preserve its unique identity

The Mystery Of The Surgeon Pirogov's Mummy, Or There Is Life After Death! Probably - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Surgeon Pirogov's Mummy, Or There Is Life After Death! Probably - Alternative View

This mummy remains unchanged for 40 years longer than the mummy of V. Lenin

780 Years Ago, Batu Khan Invaded The Ryazan Principality - Alternative View

780 Years Ago, Batu Khan Invaded The Ryazan Principality - Alternative View

780 years ago began the five-day siege of Ryazan by the Mongols - one of the main and most developed centers of Ancient Russia

Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn - Alternative View

Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn - Alternative View

Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn (July 29, 1651 (according to some sources, 1654) - October 18, 1714, Florischeva Monastery) - boyar (1689), statesman of the times of Tsarevna Sophia and Peter the Great, head of the Order of the Kazan Palace

The Mystery Of The Death Of Glenn Miller - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Glenn Miller - Alternative View

Glenn Miller, the famous American trombonist, composer, author of the world famous Moonlight Serenade, leader of a popular orchestra, disappeared without a trace at the end of 1944 during a flight across the English Channel

HUGO BOSS - Hitler's Personal Stylist And Nazi Uniform Creator? - Alternative View

HUGO BOSS - Hitler's Personal Stylist And Nazi Uniform Creator? - Alternative View

What can I say, the Nazis created a great visual background for themselves: events, symbols, clothing. I remember as a kid I looked at Stirlitz in a German uniform - spectacularly

Lenin's Son - Alternative View

Lenin's Son - Alternative View

It turns out for a long time in the media and on the Internet the version about the existence of the SON OF LENIN is walking. In general, this is more reminiscent of the story of the "children of Lieutenant Schmidt", but I still decided to ask

15 Most Mysterious And Enigmatic People In History - Alternative View

15 Most Mysterious And Enigmatic People In History - Alternative View

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to completely hide data about yourself, because it is enough to type a few words in a search engine - and secrets are revealed, and secrets come to the surface

Interesting Facts About The "Bruce Calendar" - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About The "Bruce Calendar" - Alternative View

More than three centuries ago, in 1709 year, the "Bruce calendar" was published. Not one century he "dictated" to people "the rules of life"

Unconquered Virgin Lands - Alternative View

Unconquered Virgin Lands - Alternative View

In 1954, the Central Committee of the CPSU makes a historic decision (however, any decisions of the Central Committee should have been considered historical at that time) "On the further increase in grain production in the country and the development of virgin and fallow lands"

The Mont Blanc That Blew Up Halifax - Alternative View

The Mont Blanc That Blew Up Halifax - Alternative View

Early in the morning of December 5, 1917, a small French transport ship Mont Blanc, with a displacement of 3121 tons, arrived from New York, docked on the roadstead of the Canadian port of Halifax

A Million Dollar Story - Alternative View

A Million Dollar Story - Alternative View

Miraculously surviving parts of military equipment, two swords with scabbards and saddles lined with gold plates, horse harnesses made of gold and gilded linings, decorated with grenades … About a hundred valuable things by chance went to an unemployed resident

Russian Laziness. Myth Or Reality - Alternative View

Russian Laziness. Myth Or Reality - Alternative View

The fact that a pig is certainly dirty, and that "Rusish Schweine" is also extremely lazy is, of course, a "historical axiom". This is written about in all the memoirs of foreigners who have visited here, in Russia, who with strange persistence and consistency (it would seem: if you don’t like it - don’t go!) Si

Studying An Ancient Computer From Antikythera - Alternative View

Studying An Ancient Computer From Antikythera - Alternative View

A high-tech mechanism discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century near Crete is one of the arguments for the assertion that our history textbooks on the development of mankind contain many blank spots

Coincidence Or Foresight? - Alternative View

Coincidence Or Foresight? - Alternative View

At dawn on May 4, 1882, a sailor from a Brazilian patrol boat in service noticed a bottle swaying on the waves in the sea. Bottles found in the sea were treated with more respect back then than they are today

"Mein Kampf" - The Most Dangerous Book In The World? - Alternative View

"Mein Kampf" - The Most Dangerous Book In The World? - Alternative View

Since the end of 2015, Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf is no longer copyrighted. What happens when the authorities cannot control its publication

The Incredible Secrets Of Agatha Pylos - Alternative View

The Incredible Secrets Of Agatha Pylos - Alternative View

A previously unbroken tomb filled with treasures, some of which once again led to believe in the existence of ancient highly developed civilizations

The Reasons For The Emergence Of Law In The State - Alternative View

The Reasons For The Emergence Of Law In The State - Alternative View

In general, the preconditions for the emergence of law are similar to the reasons that gave rise to the state. Law arises together with the state, is inextricably linked with it. Law is the result of his activities under the prevailing economic, class conditions

Kolyma Sensation - Alternative View

Kolyma Sensation - Alternative View

A new man-made sea will spill in the upper reaches of the Kolyma during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. In the meantime, according to the established rules, intensive archaeological research is underway in the flood zone

The Christian Kingdom Of Jonna, Which Was Not - Alternative View

The Christian Kingdom Of Jonna, Which Was Not - Alternative View

The successes of the First Crusade came to naught. Jerusalem, taken with such difficulty from the infidels, is about to be lost again. Only now the knights realized what an impossible task they got into

The Biggest Scam In The History Of - Alternative View

The Biggest Scam In The History Of - Alternative View

The mythical land In October 1822 Gregor MacGregor - native of Scotland - made a startling statement. According to him, he was not only the son of a local banker, but also the "prince" of the land of Poyis, which is located along the Black River in Honduras

Vikings - Facts And Misconceptions - Alternative View

Vikings - Facts And Misconceptions - Alternative View

Who does not know them - harsh northern warriors. However, as always happens in such cases, much of what we know is just myths and fictions that have nothing to do with reality

Prophetic Oleg - Alternative View

Prophetic Oleg - Alternative View

Prophetic Oleg (i.e. one who knows the future) (died in 912), - the great prince who came to power immediately after the legendary Rurik - the first ruler of Russia. It is the Prophetic Oleg who is credited with the formation of the state - Kievan Rus, centered in Kiev

The Secret Squad Of Astronauts - Alternative View

The Secret Squad Of Astronauts - Alternative View

In the mid-sixties of the last century, the United States of America was preparing to take revenge and finally bypass the Soviet Union in the field of space research

The Legend Of The Prophetic Oleg - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Prophetic Oleg - Alternative View

I am sure that many, having read the title, immediately recalled the words of Pushkin: "How the prophetic Oleg is getting ready now / To take revenge on the unreasonable khozars …", and how it all ended: "Like a black ribbon wrapped around his legs, / and suddenly cried out the stung prince"

How Many Citizens Of The USSR Hitler Planned To Keep Alive - Alternative View

How Many Citizens Of The USSR Hitler Planned To Keep Alive - Alternative View

The "Famine Plan" was part of the economic strategy of the Third Reich, according to which no more than 30 million people were to remain in the occupied territories of the USSR

An Ancient "magic Wand" Was Dug Up In Syria - Alternative View

An Ancient "magic Wand" Was Dug Up In Syria - Alternative View

Archaeologists have unearthed a "magic wand" with two realistic human faces carved on it near a cemetery where about 30 headless people were buried in southern Syria

Magic Or Magic Wand In History - Alternative View

Magic Or Magic Wand In History - Alternative View

This shell, at least in the form as it was used in Europe, is only one of the links in a whole system of magical devices

Penal SS Battalions: Who Fought In Them - Alternative View

Penal SS Battalions: Who Fought In Them - Alternative View

Penal battalions consisting of former criminals or fined soldiers and officers are known mainly from the historiography of the Red Army

The Philadelphia Experiment: Between Reality And Fiction - Alternative View

The Philadelphia Experiment: Between Reality And Fiction - Alternative View

The mystery of the Philadelphia Experiment has been alive for over half a century. During this time, the movement in space of the US Navy destroyer Eldridge, which allegedly took place in 1943, managed to acquire an unthinkable number of myths, turning into an "urban legend"

As They Used To Prepare Concubines For The Sultan's Harems - Alternative View

As They Used To Prepare Concubines For The Sultan's Harems - Alternative View

Once Dursun Bey (Turkish chronicler) wrote: "If the sun were a man, then even he would be forbidden to look into the harem." Odalisques, the so-called beauties, intended only for the sultan, and living in real paradise