Secrets of history 2024, October

CIA Psychic Spy Training Program - Alternative View

CIA Psychic Spy Training Program - Alternative View

This week, the CIA, according to a court order, declassified the entire archive of the agency's activities from its founding to 1992

Egasfer - The One Who Hit Christ - Alternative View

Egasfer - The One Who Hit Christ - Alternative View

He had many names: Bottadio, Cartafilus, Budedeo, Isaac Lacedem. However, Agasfer - by this name we know the man who once struck Christ and was punished for this by Jesus with eternal life

The Deception Formula - Alternative View

The Deception Formula - Alternative View

Nothing binds people like common sins. Sometimes joint adventures are stronger than even such a deep feeling as love. It was the fraud that tied the adventurer Count Alessandro Cagliostro and his wife Lorenza Feliciana with a strong thread

Parallels In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Parallels In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

The period from 1989 to 2000 is similar to the period 1905 - 1917 - the very bend, completing the transition from the second and third spirals to the next

On The Day Of The Death Of Jesus Christ, Even The Planets Took The Form Of A Crucifixion - Alternative View

On The Day Of The Death Of Jesus Christ, Even The Planets Took The Form Of A Crucifixion - Alternative View

For hundreds of years, people have been trying to reliably study the day of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, to understand more about the event two thousand years ago

How A Russian Shaman Took Revenge On The Grave-diggers - Alternative View

How A Russian Shaman Took Revenge On The Grave-diggers - Alternative View

The polar night and thick frosty fog, enveloping the sleigh, quickly moving away from the fort, did not allow the musher to see the wormwood formed on the ice of one of the many lakes of the Middle Kolyma. The sleigh quickly went under water, dragging the riders along

Pirate Myths - Alternative View

Pirate Myths - Alternative View

Let's talk about pirates, not those who steal software and distribute it or sell it for pennies, but real ones, with a parrot and crutch Pirate flags In addition to the standard black flag with a skull and bones, there were many different options

Revision Of The Old Chronology In Western History - Alternative View

Revision Of The Old Chronology In Western History - Alternative View

Most historians and archaeologists know about the theory of the mathematician academician A.T. Fomenko and about his numerous books on chronology (to a large extent, written in collaboration with G.V. Nosovsky) only by hearsay

Kalinov Bridge, River Smorodina - Places Of Horror Of The Ancient Slavs? - Alternative View

Kalinov Bridge, River Smorodina - Places Of Horror Of The Ancient Slavs? - Alternative View

Russian folk tales abound with numerous folklore elements. Overseas distant kingdom, rivers of milk and jelly banks, a white-combustible stone, under which untold riches are hidden, or the mysterious Sin-Stone

"A Thousand And One Nights" - A Grand Falsification? - Alternative View

"A Thousand And One Nights" - A Grand Falsification? - Alternative View

The book "A Thousand and One Nights" is included in the list of one hundred best books of all times and peoples. Plots from it have been repeatedly turned into plays, ballets, films, cartoons and performances

Why Did They "bake" Children In Russia? - Alternative View

Why Did They "bake" Children In Russia? - Alternative View

Remember the evil Baba Yaga, who put Ivanushka on a shovel and sent him to the oven

What Did Semyon Dezhnev Discover - Alternative View

What Did Semyon Dezhnev Discover - Alternative View

Dezhnev Semyon Ivanovich (about 1605 - death of 1673) - Russian polar explorer, navigator-pioneer, Cossack chieftain, explorer of North and East Siberia, North America

Beavers, Crocodiles And A Little Vinegar: The Most Ridiculous Methods Of Contraception Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View

Beavers, Crocodiles And A Little Vinegar: The Most Ridiculous Methods Of Contraception Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View

In order to avoid pregnancy, our ancestors used tricks unimaginable for a modern person. At all times there were people who wanted intimate relationships without planning to have a child

Vatican Intelligence - Alternative View

Vatican Intelligence - Alternative View

Crossed keys are depicted on the coat of arms of the Vatican. With one key, the Catholic Church, as it were, opens access to everything that interests it, and with the other - - locks up everything that contradicts it. This image on the coat of arms is very symbolic

Paper Will Endure Everything! - Alternative View

Paper Will Endure Everything! - Alternative View

For most of their history, people have made money from metal: gold, silver, copper. At the same time, a small duchy, where there were ore deposits, could easily be richer than a large kingdom

The Pursuit Of Knowledge Is Older Than History - Alternative View

The Pursuit Of Knowledge Is Older Than History - Alternative View

A person who does strange things always tries to hide them from those close to him; Gleb Ivanovich Bokiy, realizing what a powerful structure he created, what unique affairs and projects his Special Department and his scientific divisions are engaged in outside the walls of the Special Department

5 Most Ancient Books That Have Survived To This Day - Alternative View

5 Most Ancient Books That Have Survived To This Day - Alternative View

Many believe that in the age of information technology, the book is losing its significance. But before it was the only way to transfer knowledge through generations

Satanic Oak On The Alatyr River - Alternative View

Satanic Oak On The Alatyr River - Alternative View

The story about this anomalous old oak tree has been circulating on the Internet in different variations for more than one year and is based on legends and bikes. The exact location of this tree is not indicated anywhere, there are also no photographs of it

Was The Astronaut Of The Third Reich In Space - Alternative View

Was The Astronaut Of The Third Reich In Space - Alternative View

Scientists who worked in the Third Reich are credited with inventing the most amazing things, including flying discs capable of ascending into space

Who Was Behind Robert Kennedy? - Alternative View

Who Was Behind Robert Kennedy? - Alternative View

For a short, swift moment, it seemed to the Americans that Robert Francis Kennedy was going to try on the presidential costume of his murdered brother John

Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn - Alternative View

Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn - Alternative View

Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn (d. 1619) - commander and prominent figure of the Time of Troubles. In 1590 - voivode in the campaign against Narva, in 1596 and 1599 - in Smolensk

Astrologers And Politicians - Alternative View

Astrologers And Politicians - Alternative View

It is known that Winston Churchill had a whole staff of astrologers-consultants at his disposal, thanks to which England allegedly managed to avoid the German invasion during the Second World War

Alchemist Laboratories In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Alchemist Laboratories In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Except when laboratories work for defense or on technologies protected by patents, a modern chemist does not hide his equipment and research methods at all

The Pharmacist At The Court. Who Treated Ivan The Terrible, Napoleon And Louis XVI - Alternative View

The Pharmacist At The Court. Who Treated Ivan The Terrible, Napoleon And Louis XVI - Alternative View

They occupied some of the most honorable positions in the royal family. But these privileges were not easy for them. The smallest mistake could lead to the collapse of their careers, the final point of which would not be a reprimand or dismissal, but death

Alchemists Knew The Secret Of The Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

Alchemists Knew The Secret Of The Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

The ancient Greek sage Apollonius of Tiais traveled across India for a long time. The brahmana priests treated him as an equal. They introduced A

What Did The Alchemists Do - Alternative View

What Did The Alchemists Do - Alternative View

There are areas of human knowledge that are recognized as scientific, and there are areas that are considered unscientific. Alchemy also belongs to the latter type. But was it really that unscientific? And was it the only search for the philosopher's stone that alchemists were doing?

Gold Obtained By Alchemists - Alternative View

Gold Obtained By Alchemists - Alternative View

There is little gold on Earth, so the question arises: is it possible to make it artificially? For example, the alchemists of the Middle Ages stubbornly strove for this. And I think, not only from greed alone

When People Possessed The Secrets Of Element Transmutation - Alternative View

When People Possessed The Secrets Of Element Transmutation - Alternative View

Arthur Conan Doyle has the story "The Discovery of Raffles Howe." Her hero invents a way of converting chemical elements from one to another, respectively - and the production of gold. But the scientist is in no hurry to make his discovery public

Scientists In The Kuraga Region Are Trying To Preserve The Ancient Shalabol Petroglyphs - Alternative View

Scientists In The Kuraga Region Are Trying To Preserve The Ancient Shalabol Petroglyphs - Alternative View

Shalobolinskaya Pisanitsa is located 35 km from the village of Kuragino, on a steep rock mass. Stone Age art is presented right on the banks of the Tuba. The drawings are several thousand years older than the Egyptian pyramids

Mithridates Eupator - The Great Ruler Of The Ancient Crimea - Alternative View

Mithridates Eupator - The Great Ruler Of The Ancient Crimea - Alternative View

It is naive to think that the history of the Earth has been studied for a long time, that there are almost no "white spots" in it. It's not like that at all. A lot of unusual and surprising things have not been solved yet. Everything in the world is interdependent and interconnected

Arrow Of Tokhtamysh. In The Footsteps Of A Legend - Alternative View

Arrow Of Tokhtamysh. In The Footsteps Of A Legend - Alternative View

In June 1391 (according to the generally accepted chronology), one of the largest battles of the Middle Ages took place on the territory of the Middle Volga region. Here, the troops of the ruler of Central Asia, Emir Timur and the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh, met in a deadly duel

Are There Genetic Traces Of The 13th Century Mongol Conquests? - Alternative View

Are There Genetic Traces Of The 13th Century Mongol Conquests? - Alternative View

Resume: Are there genetic traces of the 13th century Mongol conquests in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Balkans? To answer this question, an analysis of the haplogroups of the Y-chromosome of the populations of Eurasia, transmitted through the male line, was carried out

The Revolution. A Hundred Years To Save From Collapse? - Alternative View

The Revolution. A Hundred Years To Save From Collapse? - Alternative View

On the day of the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, as some call it, or the October Revolution of 1917, as others insist, disputes about the significance of this event, both for Russia and for the whole world, flared up with renewed vigor

Reforms Of Peter The Great (Briefly) - Alternative View

Reforms Of Peter The Great (Briefly) - Alternative View

Reforms of Peter 1, an overview: goals, content, result. The price of Peter's reforms. During the reign of Peter 1, reforms were carried out in all areas of state life of the country

The Most Famous Criminals - Alternative View

The Most Famous Criminals - Alternative View

Who are the most famous criminals in human history? Fearless swindlers or mentally ill people? Geniuses of the underworld or just lucky ones who managed to hit the jackpot in time?

Secrets Of Russian Tsars - Alternative View

Secrets Of Russian Tsars - Alternative View

Our history, as well as any other, is full of secrets and uncertainties. Of course, in those days it was common to embellish or censor current events that were transferred to paper or canvas

The Secret Of General Samsonov - Alternative View

The Secret Of General Samsonov - Alternative View

This story began a long time ago, during the First World War. The Russian army entered East Prussia on August 4, 1914. She entered clearly prematurely, Not fully mobilized, - but the French allies pleaded: “Save Paris

The Challenger Crash - Alternative View

The Challenger Crash - Alternative View

1986, January - a ball of fire shot up into the sunny skies over Florida. After a series of successful flights, the Challenger shuttle exploded. 7 astronauts on board the ship were killed. What happened?

I Am The Grandson Of A UFO Pilot! - Alternative View

I Am The Grandson Of A UFO Pilot! - Alternative View

That I am the grandson of the pilot of an unidentified flying object, I learned at a fairly mature age. I was then twenty years old. Later I will explain why the age was remembered so precisely, but for now … Do not rush to send the author to a psychiatric hospital