Secrets of history 2024, October

History On Blood - Alternative View

History On Blood - Alternative View

Good for everyone - this populist promise has sounded throughout the ages. Our distant ancestors have always promised good for their own citizens. However, traditionally, the promises of politicians are almost never fulfilled

Tsar - Bluebeard - Alternative View

Tsar - Bluebeard - Alternative View

The number of celebrity wives is always of interest to the layman - be it a show business star, politician or historical figure. In this sense, Ivan the Terrible is the subject of tireless research

Kvasnikov's Land. High Energy Intelligence - Alternative View

Kvasnikov's Land. High Energy Intelligence - Alternative View

June 16, 2017 marks the 112th anniversary of the birth of one of the founders and leaders of Soviet scientific and technical intelligence, an active participant in Operation Enormoz to extract American atomic secrets, an honorary employee of the state security

The Truth About The Man In The Iron Mask - Alternative View

The Truth About The Man In The Iron Mask - Alternative View

Who among us doesn't like detective stories? An intriguing plot, mysterious characters and an absolutely unexpected solution to a seemingly insoluble problem. All this attracts the attention of fans of the detective genre

Three Crowns Of Alienora Of Aquitaine - Alternative View

Three Crowns Of Alienora Of Aquitaine - Alternative View

Alienora Aquitaine can be called the grandmother of medieval Europe. Why "grandmother"? Of course, this is a metaphor, and yet there is a great deal of truth in it. Because her grandchildren, and then great-grandchildren, ruled in many states of Western Europe

In Vologda, A Mystical Medieval Burial Was Discovered - Alternative View

In Vologda, A Mystical Medieval Burial Was Discovered - Alternative View

An archaeological team led by Igor Polievktovich Kukshin discovered a strange burial in Vologda, which was located in the medieval cultural layer of the city. A coffin with human remains was found on Udarnikov Street

Bluebeard, Or The Story Of Gilles De Rais - Alternative View

Bluebeard, Or The Story Of Gilles De Rais - Alternative View

It is believed that the French Marshal Gilles de Montmorency-Laval, Baron de Rais, Comte de Brienne became the prototype of the terrible assassin called Bluebeard. Who was this man and was he so guilty?

The Wehrmacht Division Fought For Two Days With One Soviet TankE - Alternative View

The Wehrmacht Division Fought For Two Days With One Soviet TankE - Alternative View

This case was described in detail in his memoirs by Colonel Erhard Raus. It was his division that fought for two days with one single Soviet tank "Klim Voroshilov"

Ritual Cave In Thailand - Alternative View

Ritual Cave In Thailand - Alternative View

Modern science, relying on material evidence, builds a certain scheme that would give all the answers to the stable illusion of awareness and concepts of the past built by mankind

When Hitler Came To Power In Germany - Alternative View

When Hitler Came To Power In Germany - Alternative View

The coming to power of Adolf Hitler took place in January 1933. In this article, we'll talk about how it happened, how the Germans themselves allowed a man to power who brought huge problems to both Germany and the whole of Europe

The Mysterious Books Of The Turkish Seral - Alternative View

The Mysterious Books Of The Turkish Seral - Alternative View

Not all classic creations that fell victim to barbarians and fire were lost and destroyed in that stormy era.The best of the Turkish sultans, Mohammed II {Magomed II (1451-1481) - Turkish sultan.}, An adherent of the muses, sciences and arts, fell into his heart to collect and preserve the precious remnants of the ancient book culture of Byzantium, This ruler was above the prejudices and fanaticism of his people , a whole head taller than their contemporaries

The Astrophysicist Debunked The Myth Of The Star Of Bethlehem - Alternative View

The Astrophysicist Debunked The Myth Of The Star Of Bethlehem - Alternative View

Professor of theoretical astrophysics and cosmology, Grand Matthews from the University of Notre Dame in the United States, denied the church tradition that the Magi were brought to Jerusalem by a star. Reported by

Who Are Blue Stockings - Alternative View

Who Are Blue Stockings - Alternative View

Nowadays, the nickname "blue stocking" is most often awarded to old maids who sacrificed their personal lives for the sake of a career or science, although this interpretation of this phrase has nothing to do with its original meaning

Duels Of Snipers Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Duels Of Snipers Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The shots of Soviet snipers could stop the attacks of entire fascist companies. German well-aimed shooters were sent to fight them, whose fate in most cases turned out to be unenviable

General Chronology Of Mankind And The Earth - Alternative View

General Chronology Of Mankind And The Earth - Alternative View

At the dawn of humanity, two Suns shone in the sky … but not for long Given the complexity and multi-layered events that took place in our distant past, paleocontact and migration, it makes sense to build a timeline with the main "notches"

Found A Collection Of Brains Of Nazi Victims - Alternative View

Found A Collection Of Brains Of Nazi Victims - Alternative View

Dozens of brains and parts of them were discovered during the renovation of the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich. The remains belonged to victims of the Holocaust and Nazi experiments, which were carried out in order to "improve the human race"

The Uneasy Fate Of The Queen - Alternative View

The Uneasy Fate Of The Queen - Alternative View

In the Carolingian era, women did not always manage to do things that were familiar to the weaker sex. Sometimes they had to show masculine courage and determination, to lead states and armies

Grigory Rasputin. A Fraudster Disguised As A Confessor - Alternative View

Grigory Rasputin. A Fraudster Disguised As A Confessor - Alternative View

The junction of the XIX-XX centuries for our civilization was a very interesting phenomenon. We can say that the old system of world order was replaced by a new one. The development of science and technology has brought about significant social changes

Scribes Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Scribes Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Scribes of Ancient Egypt - a class of officials trained in literacy, who mastered the art of hieroglyphic and hieratic writing. The scribes were men, they did business at the court of the pharaoh, in the army and temples

Why Did The USSR Fail To Have The Internet? - Alternative View

Why Did The USSR Fail To Have The Internet? - Alternative View

In the Soviet Union, long before the advent of the Internet, attempts were made to breathe new life into a stagnant planned economy by creating a large-scale computer network. Why this venture failed, according to BBC Future

Richard III - A Victim Of Intrigue Or The Embodiment Of Deceit? - Alternative View

Richard III - A Victim Of Intrigue Or The Embodiment Of Deceit? - Alternative View

For more than four centuries, the English king Richard III has been the personification of cruelty and deceit. The controversy surrounding him revolves around several events, namely the deaths of Edward Lancaster, Henry VI, George Clarence, and the princes in the Tower

History Of The United States: What Myths Have Been Completely Debunked? - Alternative View

History Of The United States: What Myths Have Been Completely Debunked? - Alternative View

The idea of "fake" news "is relatively new. But lies and myths - are not new at all. America was based on myths. Below is a debunking of the most enduring myths in American history. History or lies? 1. Young George Washington "Couldn't Lie"

Louis XVII: The Posthumous Life Of A King - Alternative View

Louis XVII: The Posthumous Life Of A King - Alternative View

June 8, 1795 in Paris, in the Temple, turned by the authorities into a prison, a prisoner was dying - - 10-year-old Louis-Charles, he is also the King of France Louis XVII. The boy was seen off on his last journey by two old guards

Voynich Manuscript - Encryption From The Past - Alternative View

Voynich Manuscript - Encryption From The Past - Alternative View

For several hundred years this encrypted book has been one of the unsolved mysteries of the past, over which the greatest minds of mankind fought

Harold Shipman: Dr. Death - Alternative View

Harold Shipman: Dr. Death - Alternative View

The dear doctor from England became famous not only for his medical abilities, but also for the inclinations of a reckless sadist. The investigation has not yet established the exact number of his victims. Someone says that 250, and someone counts to half a thousand

Catherine II Gave Her Lover The Polish Throne, But He Could Not Save It - Alternative View

Catherine II Gave Her Lover The Polish Throne, But He Could Not Save It - Alternative View

Going to Oranienbaum for the ball dedicated to the birthday of the future Emperor Peter III, 24-year-old Polish diplomat Stanislav Ponyatovsky did not suspect that his life was about to change

Revenge Of The Beauty - Alternative View

Revenge Of The Beauty - Alternative View

The ritual of lifting the curse from the Malay island of Langkawi was held at a high official level, in which travel agencies have become actively interested in recent years

Underground Business Ruined The USSR - Alternative View

Underground Business Ruined The USSR - Alternative View

There was a shadow economy both under Stalin and under AndropovBribes in the USSR were always taken and given.- Salik.bizAnd they also worked "to the left", were engaged in postscripts. They say this was not the case under Stalin. But no

Order Of The Golden Fly - Alternative View

Order Of The Golden Fly - Alternative View

The two most honorable military awards of Ancient Egypt during the first dynasties of the New Kingdom (1540 - 1290 BC) - the Order of the Lion and the Order of the Fly. Often they were awarded to the distinguished person at the same time

The Uprising Of The Decembrists (briefly) - Alternative View

The Uprising Of The Decembrists (briefly) - Alternative View

The uprising of the Decembrists - the first open armed uprising in Russia against autocracy and serfdom. The uprising was organized by a group of like-minded nobles, most of whom were guards officers

Anna - Daughter Of Yaroslav The Wise French Queen - Alternative View

Anna - Daughter Of Yaroslav The Wise French Queen - Alternative View

Princess Anna Yaroslavna - the youngest of three daughters of the Kiev prince Yaroslav the Wise. 1048 - the ambassadors of the widowed French king arrived in the Kiev palace of Yaroslav Vladimirovich. N.M

Marathon Battle - Alternative View

Marathon Battle - Alternative View

Marathon battle - September 12, 490 BC e. In the southern part of the Marathon Plain, eight hundred meters from the sea, there rises a hill - the common grave of the Athenians who died in the legendary battle. All names are clearly inscribed on 10 tombstones

Selling Bored Wives In England In The 18th-19th Centuries: How It Was - Alternative View

Selling Bored Wives In England In The 18th-19th Centuries: How It Was - Alternative View

Today, women have freedom and equality, but in medieval times it was different. The fairer sex was actually the property of the spouse and completely obeyed his whims

Features Of The Victorian Era - Alternative View

Features Of The Victorian Era - Alternative View

We call the Victorian era the period of time when Queen Victoria ruled the British Empire, who made a significant contribution to the development of world culture and the way of life of the whole society

The "terrible Secret" Of The Appearance Of George The Victorious In Russia - Alternative View

The "terrible Secret" Of The Appearance Of George The Victorious In Russia - Alternative View

The acceptance of George the Victorious as the patron saint of Moscow statehood is no less mysterious than the appearance in Russia of a two-headed eagle

Lenin Was Poisoned? - Alternative View

Lenin Was Poisoned? - Alternative View

So much has been said and written about the last days of the life of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) in the 1920s-1930s that it can take years to simply process this information

Sacred Scrolls - Alternative View

Sacred Scrolls - Alternative View

The ruler of Abyssinia Negus ("king of kings") Menelik II in 1894, shortly after he ascended the throne and was crowned, undertook a major military operation in a completely different direction from where he was expected to be active

Civilized American Savages - Alternative View

Civilized American Savages - Alternative View

The leader of the Redskins Seattle, or Siatl, after whom the city in the United States is named - a real historical figure

The Indians Never Cut Their Hair. The Reason Will Make Your Hair Move! - Alternative View

The Indians Never Cut Their Hair. The Reason Will Make Your Hair Move! - Alternative View

This information about hair was deliberately hidden from the public during the Vietnam War, according to TheMindUnleashed. Our culture leads people to believe that hair is just a matter of fashion and personal preference

Revolt Against The Catholicization Of Russia - Alternative View

Revolt Against The Catholicization Of Russia - Alternative View

Many historians and religious leaders note that before Nikon's reform in Russia there was no pure Christianity, and it differed especially strongly from Catholic Judeo-Christianity. Our version of Christianity has absorbed all the best from the teachings of Christ and Vedic Orthodoxy