Secrets of history 2024, October

Ancient Slavic Expansion - Alternative View

Ancient Slavic Expansion - Alternative View

A fresh look at history, the discovery of hitherto unknown artifacts and cultures, modern discoveries in natural science give us the opportunity to comprehend and revise the history of the ancient Slavs in a different way

Biography Of Prince Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark - Alternative View

Biography Of Prince Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark - Alternative View

Vasily 2 - briefly (article review) Vasily 2 Vasilievich (Dark) - (born March 10, 1415 - death March 27, 1462) Son of Vasily 1 Dmitrievich. Grand Duke of Moscow. Under Vasily II, a long internecine war was fought

The Mysterious Worker Of The "black Room" - Alternative View

The Mysterious Worker Of The "black Room" - Alternative View

The Scotland Yard archives contain a reliable document that describes a startling, inexplicable case dating back to the 17th century, to the period when the Lord Protector, or more simply, the dictator Oliver Cromwell (1599 - 1658) ruled in England

The Possible Cause Of The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group, In 1959, Was Described By The Witness N.I. Kuzminov - Alternative View

The Possible Cause Of The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group, In 1959, Was Described By The Witness N.I. Kuzminov - Alternative View

At the very beginning of 1999, the newspaper "Uralsky Rabochy" (now virtually closed) published a series of articles related to the mystery of the death of tourists, at an altitude of 1079, in 1959

The History Of The Copper Riot Of 1662 - Alternative View

The History Of The Copper Riot Of 1662 - Alternative View

Copper riot - the riot that took place in Moscow on July 25 (August 4), 1662, the uprising of the urban lower classes against the increase in taxes during the Russian-Polish war of 1654 - 1667. and release from 1654

What "superman" Was Hitler Talking About? - Alternative View

What "superman" Was Hitler Talking About? - Alternative View

It would seem clear: about the "superman" Nietzsche. But as "daddy Mueller" used to say, "clarity is one of the forms of fogging."

Doctor Death, The Butcher, The Beast And Other Escaped Nazis - Alternative View

Doctor Death, The Butcher, The Beast And Other Escaped Nazis - Alternative View

On January 25, 1983, the Nazi criminal Klaus Barbie, also known by the nickname "the butcher of Lyon", was arrested

Karl Ernst Kraft - Astrologer Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Karl Ernst Kraft - Astrologer Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Kraft's name is known to few - It was not safe to advertise an astrologer in Nazi Germany. Kraft was born in Basel in 1900

The Creepiest Nightmares In Real Life - Alternative View

The Creepiest Nightmares In Real Life - Alternative View

Are you afraid to watch horror films, but still having decided, then for several days you are afraid to sleep without light? Let it be known to you that in real life even more terrifying and mysterious stories happen than the fantasy of Hollywood scriptwriters can invent

Alchemical Treatises Of King Solomon - Alternative View

Alchemical Treatises Of King Solomon - Alternative View

In the late Middle Ages, all of Europe was engulfed in the pursuit of magical secrets and mystical revelations. Magicians and alchemists tried to comprehend all the secrets of nature, learn how to turn lead into gold and live forever

The Sinai Manuscripts Contain Hidden Texts In Extinct Languages - Alternative View

The Sinai Manuscripts Contain Hidden Texts In Extinct Languages - Alternative View

Christian Great Martyr Catherine, who was born in Alexandria, came from a noble princely family and was famous far beyond the borders of her native city due to her outstanding mind and level of education

General Chernyakhovsky. Biography - Alternative View

General Chernyakhovsky. Biography - Alternative View

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich (born June 29, 1907 - death February 18, 1945) - Soviet commander, general of the army (1944) Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1943, 1944) In military service since 1924. Party member since 1928

Political Correctness In The USA - Alternative View

Political Correctness In The USA - Alternative View

America has really gone crazy - along with old Europe. Only Russia remains an island of sanity in this insane, insane, insane world, which is called "the triumph of political correctness." - Salik.bizHalf-dead classicThe term Political Correctness (PC) was coined in 1975 by Karen de Crouw, President of the American National Organization for the Advancement of Women's Rights, and implies a requirement to speak in a way that avoids discrimination against any population

Where Did The Gold Reserves Of Russia Disappear - - Alternative View

Where Did The Gold Reserves Of Russia Disappear - - Alternative View

By the beginning of the 20th century, Russia's gold reserves were one of the largest in the world. In 1918, the supreme ruler of Russia, Alexander Kolchak, became the custodian of 490 tons of gold bars

The Last Interview Of The Fuhrer - Alternative View

The Last Interview Of The Fuhrer - Alternative View

A day before Hitler's suicide, the Swiss journalist Kurt Speidel took his last interview "I'll tell you what, no one here in Europe knows Russia and never knew it

15 Mysterious Events That Someone Didn’t Figure Out - Alternative View

15 Mysterious Events That Someone Didn’t Figure Out - Alternative View

More recently, people believed that the Earth was flat, supported by whales and turtles. That the heavenly dome could collapse What can be said about a person's skull about his character, foul or nordic

How Does The Mysterious Magic Power Of Gold Affect People - Alternative View

How Does The Mysterious Magic Power Of Gold Affect People - Alternative View

The history of the search for the legendary Black Prince frigate once again shows how the mysterious "witchcraft" power of gold bewitches people. In the fall of 1854, the sworn "friends" of Russia?

Closed Cities In The USSR - Alternative View

Closed Cities In The USSR - Alternative View

There were real ghost towns in the Soviet Union. They were not marked on maps, and residents of neighboring cities were often unaware of their existence. If a simple-minded passer-by, by pure chance, wandered into the vicinity of strange cities, he was invariably greeted by a fence with barbed wire and a gloomy-looking armed military who politely advised the uninvited guest to leave

The Founder Of The Russian State - Oleg The Prophetic - Alternative View

The Founder Of The Russian State - Oleg The Prophetic - Alternative View

According to A.A. Kuru, the reports of the Surozh and Amastrid hagiographic legends about the forays of Rus on the Black Sea coast in the first half of the 9th century, Byzantine and eastern evidence of the campaigns of Rus in the second half of the 9th century. and the first half of the X century

Ancient Egyptian Two-toed Socks - Alternative View

Ancient Egyptian Two-toed Socks - Alternative View

When I came across this photo of a pair of these very, very old socks, with the laconic caption "ancientaliens", I thought that this is another fake, to which for some reason some artistes are very inclined lately - often not

Secrets Of The 1917 Revolution: Why? - Alternative View

Secrets Of The 1917 Revolution: Why? - Alternative View

The myth of the revolutionary situation in the Russian Empire This myth boils down to the fact that the people in Russia were so dissatisfied with the tsarist government that they "did not want to live in the old way," and the tsarist government was so weak that it "could not rule in the old way."

British Scientist Searches For Medieval Miracles From An Ancient Manuscript. And Finds - Alternative View

British Scientist Searches For Medieval Miracles From An Ancient Manuscript. And Finds - Alternative View

Andrew Evans uses 1000-year-old texts to study the wonders of Britain and search for mysterious creatures

Captive Nations Act - Alternative View

Captive Nations Act - Alternative View

This law was passed unanimously by the US Senate and House of Representatives

How The Voynich Manuscript Secrets Are Revealed: An Investigation - Alternative View

How The Voynich Manuscript Secrets Are Revealed: An Investigation - Alternative View

What is behind the sensational news about the Voynich manuscript and about Russian scientists, is it possible to accurately determine the language from the text, how adequate mathematicians are in working on the "field" of linguistics

Cheers Linda Book - Alternative View

Cheers Linda Book - Alternative View

Ludwig Seidler left us an interesting testimony about the death of Atlantis. In his book Atlantis, he writes that in 1869 the library of the city of Levenwarden (North Holland) bought fragments of a copy of an ancient Frisian manuscript

The Scientist Claims That He Was Able To Decipher The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

The Scientist Claims That He Was Able To Decipher The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

The Voynich manuscript - it is a historical mystery shrouded in darkness. According to researchers, the events described in the manuscript took place in Central Europe in the 15th or 16th century

The Voynich Manuscript Is Called A Sophisticated Forgery - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript Is Called A Sophisticated Forgery - Alternative View

The cipher scientist called the Voynich manuscript a cunning hoax The famous Voynich manuscript that cannot be deciphered - graceful knockoff of a medieval joker

The Indian Princess And John Smith: The Real Story Of Pocahontas - Alternative View

The Indian Princess And John Smith: The Real Story Of Pocahontas - Alternative View

Do you remember the Disney cartoon about the beautiful Pocahontas, who fell in love with the Englishman John Smith, saved him from death, and then the Indians and the British became friends? In general, we have bad news for you

What Happened To Dantes After The Duel With Pushkin - Alternative View

What Happened To Dantes After The Duel With Pushkin - Alternative View

The man who killed Alexander Pushkin made a brilliant political career in Europe, and lived 83 years, extremely pleased with himself and his biography

Mysteries Of Ancient Biarmia - Alternative View

Mysteries Of Ancient Biarmia - Alternative View

The founder of the Russian people is Gostomysl - the person is so legendary that no one knows anything concrete about him, and in textbook historical manuals and textbooks on Russian history, even mentions of this person are quite rare

Kitten Ginger Became A Radar - Alternative View

Kitten Ginger Became A Radar - Alternative View

In 1941, the entire multinational Soviet Union rose to defend the Motherland. Thousands of the most incredible events took place in the war and situations arose that even the masters of detective stories and science fiction writers could not invent

Wilhelm Tell's Riddle, Solved? - Alternative View

Wilhelm Tell's Riddle, Solved? - Alternative View

Many people know the legend of Wilhelm Tell

20 Most Ambitious Plans Of Russian Rulers - Alternative View

20 Most Ambitious Plans Of Russian Rulers - Alternative View

Russia could be different. Russian rulers dreamed of southern capitals and lands from China to the Mediterranean

The Vatican Keeps The Secrets Of The Emergence Of The Slavs - Alternative View

The Vatican Keeps The Secrets Of The Emergence Of The Slavs - Alternative View

It's no secret that the Vatican holds a thousand secrets. The Holy See always keeps its finger on the pulse of the life of the majority of the world's population

Scientists Have No Doubts That Jesus Existed! - Alternative View

Scientists Have No Doubts That Jesus Existed! - Alternative View

The largest specialist in biblical studies, Doctor of Sciences Andrei Desnitsky told the readers about the secrets and riddles of the Bible. For thousands of years the Bible has been the most popular book of all times and peoples

What A Feat Did The Pioneer Hero Marat Kazei - Alternative View

What A Feat Did The Pioneer Hero Marat Kazei - Alternative View

During the Great Patriotic War, children went to the battlefields. They fought for their parents, brothers, sisters. They avenged their loved ones who were destroyed by the Nazis

Space Projects That Died Before Being Born - Alternative View

Space Projects That Died Before Being Born - Alternative View

In the 20th century, space projects of incredible scale were born in the minds of the best engineers in the USA and the USSR. All of them pursued only one goal - and ndash; overtake your geopolitical opponent

Sweet Disaster - Alternative View

Sweet Disaster - Alternative View

98 years ago, one of the strangest disasters of the twentieth century occurred in the United States: part of the city of Boston was flooded with a sticky sweet liquid

Medicines That Kill - Alternative View

Medicines That Kill - Alternative View

Humanity has long been looking for new means of treating diseases. Nowadays, drugs are thoroughly tested in a clinical setting, tested on animals, then on volunteers, and only then go on sale