Secrets of history 2024, October

Gilles De Rais: Why Was He Called The Blue Beard? - Alternative View

Gilles De Rais: Why Was He Called The Blue Beard? - Alternative View

French critic Georges Bataille called Gilles de Rais "a Shakespearean hero." The life of the Baron was theatrically oversaturated with vivid exploits and inhuman crimes that went beyond reason

Why Did The Germans Put Giant Buoys With Red Crosses In The English Channel - Alternative View

Why Did The Germans Put Giant Buoys With Red Crosses In The English Channel - Alternative View

A military pilot is one of the most expensive military specialists in the most literal sense. During the Second World War, the German command was seriously concerned about the potential depletion of valuable military personnel. With the experience of the First World War behind them, the Germans found an unusual solution to the problem

Robots Hundreds Of Years Ago - Alternative View

Robots Hundreds Of Years Ago - Alternative View

For the first time the word “robot” was used by the Czech writer Karel Čapek in the play “RUR” (“Rossum Universal Robots”). However, this word was coined by his brother, the famous theater artist Josef Czapek. In the play “RUR

Golem - The Robot Of Rabbi Ven Bezalel - Alternative View

Golem - The Robot Of Rabbi Ven Bezalel - Alternative View

If you read the cult book of the Strugatsky brothers "Monday begins on Saturday", then, of course, remember that the NIICHAVO institute kept seven items that once belonged to the great magician Ben Bezalel

How Did The Vikings Go To The Greeks - Alternative View

How Did The Vikings Go To The Greeks - Alternative View

We know about the ancient path "from the Varangians to the Greeks" from school. However, the fact that this route was actually used a thousand years ago raises big questions

Messenger Of Space - Alternative View

Messenger Of Space - Alternative View

At the magnificent Kremlin reception, where the masters of culture were present, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin approached the famous director Aleksandrov and said with a smile … Stalin: Grigory Aleksandrovich, I recommend that you take care of your wife Lyubov Orlova

War Of Geneticists - Alternative View

War Of Geneticists - Alternative View

Academician Trofim Lysenko is called the executioner of Soviet genetics and is accused of almost a personal "order" for Academician Vavilov, who ended his days in the dungeons of the NKVD

The History Of The Reign Of Ivan III Vasilievich - Alternative View

The History Of The Reign Of Ivan III Vasilievich - Alternative View

Ivan III Vasilievich (Ivan the Great) b. January 22, 1440 - died October 27, 1505 - Grand Duke of Moscow from 1462 to 1505, the sovereign of all Russia. Gatherer of the Russian lands around Moscow, the creator of the all-Russian state

Animals Or People? - Alternative View

Animals Or People? - Alternative View

Historians continue to investigate the crimes of the Nazi regime. All inhuman, so-called medical experiments that have been conducted on humans are carefully documented

The Most Interesting Entertainment Of Russian Tsars - Alternative View

The Most Interesting Entertainment Of Russian Tsars - Alternative View

Power does not have the best effect on people. Absolute power corrupts especially strongly. This is clearly seen in the example of Russian tsars and tsarits, who had unusual hobbies and got into funny stories

Bedlam, Or Why Did The British Buy Tickets To An Insane Asylum - Alternative View

Bedlam, Or Why Did The British Buy Tickets To An Insane Asylum - Alternative View

Bethlem Royal Hospital in London, known as Bedlam, is one of the world's oldest mental health treatment facilities. She has been receiving patients since the 14th century

Biography Of Admiral Kolchak - Alternative View

Biography Of Admiral Kolchak - Alternative View

Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich - (born 4 (16) November 1874 - death 7 February 1920

Vinland Map - Alternative View

Vinland Map - Alternative View

In the middle of the last century, a myth appeared that is associated with the discovery of America. The so-called Vinland map stirred up the entire scientific world, and traces of this myth passed into the present century

Jean Lauret - The Son Of Hitler - Alternative View

Jean Lauret - The Son Of Hitler - Alternative View

Many people wonder why they turn from quite ordinary people to tyrants, dictators or murderers. It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, but the environment of children, the foundations of upbringing and the views of parents on life leave a very large imprint

"The Frog Princess" In The Indian Vedas - Alternative View

"The Frog Princess" In The Indian Vedas - Alternative View

In one of the oldest cities in the world, Mohenjo-daro (modern Pakistan), no temples were found. None of the buildings, according to archaeologists, can one hundred percent claim to be a sanctuary.However, there were very large pools, and a version was put forward that they were built not at all for hygiene procedures, but for some kind of rituals of worshiping water

Why Did Adolf Hitler Wear A Mustache Like Charlie Chaplin? - Alternative View

Why Did Adolf Hitler Wear A Mustache Like Charlie Chaplin? - Alternative View

A mustache with a brush, or "toothbrush" (with English Toothbrush mustache) - mustache style 1-5 cm wide rectangular in the center of the upper lip gained popularity in the early 20th century. They were worn by many eminent people of that time - including Adolf Hitler

Gold Cape From Mold - Alternative View

Gold Cape From Mold - Alternative View

This hill in the northeast of Wales, near the town of Mold in Flintshire, from time immemorial was called Bryn yr Ellyllon, which means either Fairy Hill or Goblin Hill

What Documents Were Put On The Most Secret Stamp In The USSR - Alternative View

What Documents Were Put On The Most Secret Stamp In The USSR - Alternative View

Everyone has secrets and secrets. People and organizations. But the most ambitious and serious are the secrets of countries or state secrets

Madame Scarcity - Alternative View

Madame Scarcity - Alternative View

In May 2012, Karl Lagerfeld staged a show of a cruise clothing collection in Versailles, the main character of which was Marie Antoinette - the last queen of France and the first style icon in the history of fashion

Kings And Cardinals - Alternative View

Kings And Cardinals - Alternative View

The sixteenth century was very difficult for the Catholic Church. The church suffered the largest schism in its entire existence

Archaeologists Have Found In Cambodia An Ancient Two-meter Statue - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found In Cambodia An Ancient Two-meter Statue - Alternative View

Cambodian and Singaporean archaeologists working in the area of the ancient capital of the Khmer Empire of Angkor in the present Cambodian province of Siem Reap, on Saturday removed from under a 40-centimeter layer of earth a two-meter statue of a giant guard, which stood

Cursed By The "angels" - Alternative View

Cursed By The "angels" - Alternative View

Sometimes great intelligence goes side by side with equally great credulity. John Dee, renowned Renaissance mathematician, geographer and astrologer - a vivid example of this

The Secret Of Sogdian Rock Carvings In Central Asia - Alternative View

The Secret Of Sogdian Rock Carvings In Central Asia - Alternative View

Japanese professors-Sogdiologists are very interested in Sogdian rock carvings in Talas

How The Defense Of Christianity Turned Cognitive Science Upside Down - Alternative View

How The Defense Of Christianity Turned Cognitive Science Upside Down - Alternative View

Presbyterian priest Thomas Bayes had no idea that he would make a lasting contribution to human history. Born in England in the early 18th century, Bayes was a quiet man with an inquisitive mind

The Curse Of The Murdered Nun - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Murdered Nun - Alternative View

In 1910. Jacques Fauré, a major in the French army, found a treasure that was truly priceless - both in purely monetary terms and in artistic and historical

Batu-Hitam - A Sensation From Archaeologists - Alternative View

Batu-Hitam - A Sensation From Archaeologists - Alternative View

The wreck of an old ship accidentally discovered at the bottom turned out to be a scientific sensation. One of the most significant underwater treasures in Southeast Asia lay in the wreckage of an Arab merchant ship (dhow) that sank off the coast of Sumatra 1200 years ago

Research: Viking Swords Were Of Little Use For Battles - Alternative View

Research: Viking Swords Were Of Little Use For Battles - Alternative View

Scientists in Denmark have for the first time subjected several Viking Age swords to neutron scanning. The study found that considered a formidable weapon of the northern warriors was poorly suited for battle

By The Roads Of The Underworld. In The Dungeons Of Khitrovka, Time Has Stopped - Alternative View

By The Roads Of The Underworld. In The Dungeons Of Khitrovka, Time Has Stopped - Alternative View

This Moscow area - the place is truly tricky, in full accordance with its name. It seems that walking along the old alleys, among the estates, temples and tenement houses is the main pleasure of these places

Six Inventions Of Antiquity That Amaze Modern Scientists - Alternative View

Six Inventions Of Antiquity That Amaze Modern Scientists - Alternative View

We have lost the secrets of some useful ancient inventions. Despite all the advances in science, the ingenuity of our ancestors, who lived thousands of years ago, sometimes baffles us. Only very recently has it been possible to create analogues of some of these inventions

Archaeological Detective - Alternative View

Archaeological Detective - Alternative View

Where written history is silent, the voice of material history sounds. And sometimes it is much more convincing than all written sources put together

Durendal And Other Legendary Swords - Alternative View

Durendal And Other Legendary Swords - Alternative View

The sword is not just a weapon, it is a faithful amulet, the strength and glory of which is forged in battles. History has known many swords, among them legendary swords occupy a special place, raising the morale of whole nations

The Main Headdresses Of Monarchs In Russia - Alternative View

The Main Headdresses Of Monarchs In Russia - Alternative View

A hat for a Russian person has always been more than a headdress. Yes, we are often accused of hats, but there are hats in our history that we will not throw at anyone. They crowned the kingdom of Russian monarchs

Why Are There No People In Old Photos? - Alternative View

Why Are There No People In Old Photos? - Alternative View

Pay attention to old enough photos? Often cities are represented on them like this - without people. One could assume that this is a night for example, but with night lighting such a photo would not work

The Philosophy Of Francis Bacon - Alternative View

The Philosophy Of Francis Bacon - Alternative View

Francis Bacon (born January 22, 1561 - died April 9, 1626

Archaeologists Have Found Inca Sacrificial Stones At The Bottom Of Mountain Lakes - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found Inca Sacrificial Stones At The Bottom Of Mountain Lakes - Alternative View

Polish scientists have found ancient ritual platforms on which the Incas performed sacrifices at the bottom of three mountain lakes in the Machu Picchu region, Science in Poland reports

How Much Were Paid To The Members Of The "firing Squads" In The USSR - Alternative View

How Much Were Paid To The Members Of The "firing Squads" In The USSR - Alternative View

The death sentence has always existed in the USSR. For certain crimes, the culprit was expected to be shot. There was a whole apparatus that served the needs of the law enforcement system. It was based on the so-called firing squads, consisting of five people who carried out sentences

Secret Veins Of Palaces - Alternative View

Secret Veins Of Palaces - Alternative View

Many secrets have remained since the time of tsarist Russia. Emperors often led a secret life that their subjects and associates did not even know about. And so that their personal affairs were not available to a wide range of people, they had to resort to various tricks

About Cyrillic And A Little Nervously - Alternative View

About Cyrillic And A Little Nervously - Alternative View

The core of our identity is under threat.Actually, who am I to write this text? And to whom is it addressed? Who is going to read it? And if he does, then why are these few of them all described in him? I do not know. Today an amazing story has become possible - you can write to anyone, write in general, write to nowhere

Nikolai Radkevich: What Russian Jack The Ripper Has Done - Alternative View

Nikolai Radkevich: What Russian Jack The Ripper Has Done - Alternative View

At the beginning of the twentieth century, St. Petersburg shuddered with horror. A maniac appeared in the city who killed women of easy virtue with incredible cruelty. He introduced himself to his victims as Vadim Krovyanik

Banner Of Victory Over The Reichstag - Alternative View

Banner Of Victory Over The Reichstag - Alternative View

Ours took Berlin three times. On October 9, 1760, during the Seven Years War (1756-1763), Russian troops under the command of Major General Count Gottlieb-Heinrich Totleben entered the capital of the then Prussia for the first time