Secrets of history 2024, October

The Mystery Of The Flying Island - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Flying Island - Alternative View

Sometimes there are moments in life when seemingly well-known and even familiar things appear before us in a completely unexpected light

The Love That Changed The Course Of History - Alternative View

The Love That Changed The Course Of History - Alternative View

History is filled not only with wars and tragedies. There is also room for true love. This review features couples whose love has overcome many obstacles and even influenced the course of history

How Chapaev Actually Died - Alternative View

How Chapaev Actually Died - Alternative View

Surely everyone remembers the textbook episode from the film of the Vasiliev brothers "Chapaev", in which the legendary commander, fleeing machine-gun bursts, swims across the Urals. How did Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev (who was Chepaev according to his passport) actually die?

Bekhterev's Secret Weapon - Alternative View

Bekhterev's Secret Weapon - Alternative View

The death of the great Russian scientist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, who, among many others, studied the physiology of higher nervous activity, is still surrounded by a veil of secrecy. He died on December 25, 1927, after poisoning himself with canned food

Battle Of The Sit River - Alternative View

Battle Of The Sit River - Alternative View

Battle of the City River (Battle of Sith) - the battle that took place on March 4, 1238 on the river. City between the troops of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich and the Mongols under the leadership of Burundai, Temnik Batu

10 Intriguing Finds That Were Made Thanks To Bad Weather - Alternative View

10 Intriguing Finds That Were Made Thanks To Bad Weather - Alternative View

Sometimes the destructive forces of nature remind people of how many interesting things are hidden from their eyes

DNA Analysis Will Tell Who Were The Relatives Of Jesus - Alternative View

DNA Analysis Will Tell Who Were The Relatives Of Jesus - Alternative View

Located in the Black Sea near Sozopol on the eastern coast of Bulgaria, the island of Sveti Ivan has long been a favorite tourist destination. In ancient times, there was a temple of Apollo

Royal Throne: A Pompous Symbol Of Greatness Or A Sign Of "cockroaches In The Head" - Alternative View

Royal Throne: A Pompous Symbol Of Greatness Or A Sign Of "cockroaches In The Head" - Alternative View

The throne is considered one of the symbols of royal power. In the old days, some monarchs sat on a richly decorated chair, while others were comfortable with an almost ordinary chair. Whatever it was, but no one had any doubts about the power of the one who occupied the throne

"Do Not Dig A Hole For Another", Or The Cautionary Story Of Pope Stephen VI, Who Punished The Corpse For Heresy - Alternative View

"Do Not Dig A Hole For Another", Or The Cautionary Story Of Pope Stephen VI, Who Punished The Corpse For Heresy - Alternative View

The Papacy is one of the oldest institutions in the world, and the Pope is the central figure of the Roman Catholic Church

The Brutal Chess Of The Inquisitor - Alternative View

The Brutal Chess Of The Inquisitor - Alternative View

The medieval Spanish Inquisition was an extremely brutal and reckless phenomenon. Positioning themselves as defenders of the Catholic faith, the inquisitors committed atrocities that were contrary to Christian charity and love - what they preached so zealously

D. B. Cooper - Crime On The Brink Of Fantasy - Alternative View

D. B. Cooper - Crime On The Brink Of Fantasy - Alternative View

Terrorists - hijackers of airliners - it is a constant headache for the governments of civilized states and the cause of fears of aircraft crews and their passengers

The Prophetic Dreams Of Igor Sikorsky - Alternative View

The Prophetic Dreams Of Igor Sikorsky - Alternative View

On May 25, 1889, the youngest son Igor was born into the family of a professor at Kiev University, doctor of medicine Ivan Alekseevich Sikorsky. The professor, who was reputed to be a very original person, decided by all means to raise his son … a genius

The Story Of Gangster John Dillinger - Alternative View

The Story Of Gangster John Dillinger - Alternative View

John Herbert Dillinger was born June 28, 1903, in Indianapolis, his family owned a grocery store. John's mother died of serious injury when he was just 3 years old

On The Benefits Of Some Monarchs - Alternative View

On The Benefits Of Some Monarchs - Alternative View

Philip IV the Handsome of the Capetian clan - one of the few kings whose name is forever inscribed in history

Nightmare Of The Ashmyany Volost - Alternative View

Nightmare Of The Ashmyany Volost - Alternative View

In the 16th century, it was restless in Belarus. Several centuries ago, the people of the region repulsed the invasion of the Mongols and did not submit to them, becoming the "not blackened" White Russia

The Mystery Of The Coin With The Swastika And The Date 2039. Is It From The Future Or Is It Just Another Hoax? - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Coin With The Swastika And The Date 2039. Is It From The Future Or Is It Just Another Hoax? - Alternative View

Hitler planned to take over the world and for this purpose collected various artifacts around the planet. He managed to get the "Spear of Destiny" and spent hours in the room in which it was kept. Many supporters of the mystical forces are sure that it was the ancient artifacts that helped Germany capture the cities of Europe one by one

The Secret Of The Iron Crown - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Iron Crown - Alternative View

The iron crown of Lombardy is the oldest surviving royal regalia in Europe

The Terrible Secrets Of Jeanne D ' Ark - Alternative View

The Terrible Secrets Of Jeanne D ' Ark - Alternative View

Jeanne was born in 1412 in the village of Domréme on the border of Champagne and Lorraine in a family of wealthy peasants

Which Famous Brands Have Collaborated With The Third Reich? - Alternative View

Which Famous Brands Have Collaborated With The Third Reich? - Alternative View

These brands today are among the most famous and respected in the world. It is difficult to imagine that the companies that created them at one time supported active cooperation with the Third Reich. What to do: business is business

A Deadly Weapon Of The Past That Even Historians Did Not Know About - - Alternative View

A Deadly Weapon Of The Past That Even Historians Did Not Know About - - Alternative View

Warriors of the distant past knew a lot about their bloody craft. Time after time, archaeologists and historians stumble upon extremely unusual, complex and very effective weapons, developed back in time immemorial

The Myth Of The Burnt Alive Soviet Woman-cosmonaut Lyudmila - Alternative View

The Myth Of The Burnt Alive Soviet Woman-cosmonaut Lyudmila - Alternative View

At the dawn of cosmonautics, all projects were carried out in the strictest secrecy. This gave rise to many rumors and speculation, not supported by any evidence

Charles Fort: A Pioneer In Search Of Scientific Anomalies, Or An Anti-dogmatist Who Collected Mysterious Stories? - Alternative View

Charles Fort: A Pioneer In Search Of Scientific Anomalies, Or An Anti-dogmatist Who Collected Mysterious Stories? - Alternative View

Charles Goy Fort - American "self-taught publicist, successful short story writer, loser novelist, inventor and eccentric natural philosopher" - has many followers as a pioneer in the field of scientific anomalies

Riddles Of The Queen Of Berel - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Queen Of Berel - Alternative View

In the summer of 2016, a group of Kazakh and foreign archaeologists excavated one of the Berel kurgans in East Kazakhstan. Burial of a noble woman, dated to the second half of the 4th century BC. eh

On An 800 Year Old Pot, The Inscription "Made In China" Was Found - Alternative View

On An 800 Year Old Pot, The Inscription "Made In China" Was Found - Alternative View

The researchers examined two labels that were found on ceramic vessels. Scientists have found that a ship that sank in the Java Sea could go to the bottom a century earlier than previously thought

The Life Of The "first Americans" Was Very, Very Difficult - Alternative View

The Life Of The "first Americans" Was Very, Very Difficult - Alternative View

Having crossed the Bering Strait, people first came to the American continent about 15 thousand years ago. According to the results of a new study by American and Mexican anthropologists, a very difficult life awaited them in America

Phrenology: The Study Of Personality On The Head - Alternative View

Phrenology: The Study Of Personality On The Head - Alternative View

Phrenology - the science of cerebral localization of mental functions - was popular in the 19th century. In Europe, North and South America, doctors carefully measured the skulls of patients. Police monitored their work

Fabian Kastner: The Nazis Studied Satan And How To Raise The Dead - Alternative View

Fabian Kastner: The Nazis Studied Satan And How To Raise The Dead - Alternative View

Nazi occultism since at least Indiana Jones - favorite topic in pop culture

Unsolved Mysteries - Alternative View

Unsolved Mysteries - Alternative View

1900 - Eileen More Lighthouse on Flannan Island. The entire watch of the lighthouse keepers disappeared without a trace. 1902 - The Paris Crash. On the night of December 29-30, at 1:00 05 minutes, clocks stopped in many places in Paris. 1908 - The fall of the Tunguska bolide (meteorite)

What Was The Gambling Business In The USSR - Alternative View

What Was The Gambling Business In The USSR - Alternative View

In the USSR, despite the strict ideology, activities related to gambling were still allowed

How Ingenious Things Were Invented - Alternative View

How Ingenious Things Were Invented - Alternative View

What our ancestors didn’t think of to make their life more convenient and comfortable! Do you know how a spoon and a fork, a needle, a condom or toilet paper were invented, and how ancient people replaced things that were so necessary for us

Medicines From Dead People - Alternative View

Medicines From Dead People - Alternative View

From the time of the classics of ancient Rome to the 20th century, smart people in different parts of the Old World were engaged in the manufacture of medicinal potions from human bodies

The Whole Truth About The Mysterious Fighting Monks Of Shaolin - Alternative View

The Whole Truth About The Mysterious Fighting Monks Of Shaolin - Alternative View

The ancient Chinese Shaolin monastery has long turned into a cultural phenomenon. The spread of Buddhism from Asia to the West, Bruce Lee and even the story of "Star Wars" and "Kung Fu Panda" were inspired by this monastery

Biography Of The Noblewoman Marfa Boretskaya - Alternative View

Biography Of The Noblewoman Marfa Boretskaya - Alternative View

Martha Boretskaya, the wife of the mayor Isaac Andreevich, who after the death of her husband became the head of the Lithuanian pariah in Novgorod and in this connection is better known as Martha the Posadnitsa. Fought for the independence of Novgorod from Moscow and rapprochement with Lithuania

Inquisitor's Bloody Chess - Alternative View

Inquisitor's Bloody Chess - Alternative View

Human cruelty, especially when driven by authority, is simply amazing. An example of this is the Spanish inquisitor Pedro de Arbues de Epila

"Russian Yoga". This Is Not Spiritual Fitness For You! - Alternative View

"Russian Yoga". This Is Not Spiritual Fitness For You! - Alternative View

In the late eighties - in the early nineties of the last century in the USSR they suddenly started talking about "Russian yoga". Rather, they started talking about it, probably much earlier. But then in some narrow circles of amateurs

Who Are The Turks Really - Alternative View

Who Are The Turks Really - Alternative View

The territory of modern Turkey in the Middle Ages became a real melting pot for dozens of nomadic peoples. In addition, Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians and even Jews got here by chance. How did the Turks come from all this?

Why Do We Decorate The Christmas Tree For The New Year? - Alternative View

Why Do We Decorate The Christmas Tree For The New Year? - Alternative View

Why are we decorating the tree for the new year? Where did the custom of putting a Christmas tree in the house and decorating it begin when the year changes? Why a Christmas tree? Why balloons? It turns out that earlier the New Year was celebrated in the fall and a completely different tree was decorated

The Life And Death Of Malyuta Skuratov - Alternative View

The Life And Death Of Malyuta Skuratov - Alternative View

Biography of Malyuta Skuratov (born? - death on January 1, 1573

In A Temple Near Zaporozhye, The Migovites Discovered The World's Oldest Image Of A Swastika - Alternative View

In A Temple Near Zaporozhye, The Migovites Discovered The World's Oldest Image Of A Swastika - Alternative View

I will clarify right away: this temple, which is called the seven-gate, does not have domes shining under the sun, and a bell tower, scattering ringing around. And the temple, as such - in our usual understanding, the temple of the Seven Gates also does not exist

Biography Of Felix Dzerzhinsky - Alternative View

Biography Of Felix Dzerzhinsky - Alternative View

Dzerzhinsky Felix Edmundovich (born August 30 (September 11) 1877 - death July 20, 1926) - Professional revolutionary, one of the leaders of the Bolshevik Party, head of a number of People's Commissariats. Organizer of the "red terror", founder of the Cheka