Secrets of history 2024, October

Living Devices - Alternative View

Living Devices - Alternative View

The first security system, or rather the notification of methane leaks, in coal mines was not high-tech, but it was extremely effective. They just kept canaries in the mines. If the bird died, then it was a sign for everyone to leave the mine

Epic Of Gilgamesh. Finding The Tablets. Decryption. Transfer. Content. Versions Of - Alternative View

Epic Of Gilgamesh. Finding The Tablets. Decryption. Transfer. Content. Versions Of - Alternative View

"The Epic of Gilgamesh", or the poem "About everything that has seen" (Akkad

Corpse Synod: How The Vatican Condemned A Dead Man - Alternative View

Corpse Synod: How The Vatican Condemned A Dead Man - Alternative View

The Catholic Church at all times sought to control not only the minds of the people, but also the actions of those in power. However, in the 9-10 centuries, the Vatican was not going through the best times

The Big Moon Swindle: How It Really Was? - Alternative View

The Big Moon Swindle: How It Really Was? - Alternative View

On August 25, 1835, The New York Sun published the first of a series of articles describing the miracles that astronomers allegedly saw when observing the moon through a super-powerful telescope

Cixi, The Last Empress Of China - Alternative View

Cixi, The Last Empress Of China - Alternative View

The modest concubine of the Emperor of China secretly cherished ambitious dreams. She was able to come to power over a huge country thanks to cunning, deceit and luck - gave birth to a son and heir to the emperor

Queen Theodora: The Crowned Harlot - Alternative View

Queen Theodora: The Crowned Harlot - Alternative View

The former circus performer and prostitute Theodora became the head of Byzantium! Before becoming emperor, Justinian worked for many years, taking care of the prosperity of the state. But I never met my wife

The Trusting Hero - Alternative View

The Trusting Hero - Alternative View

In the 12th century BC, the Jewish state actually disintegrated into 12 independent republics (tribes), for which only the unity of religion and law, as well as the consciousness of its brotherhood by blood, served

How Did You Get The Winter Palace? - Alternative View

How Did You Get The Winter Palace? - Alternative View

One of the secrets of the XX century - how in reality was the seizure of the residence of the Provisional Government, the Winter Palace, on the night of October 26, 1917

Tula Gingerbread Man - Alternative View

Tula Gingerbread Man - Alternative View

Let's start from afar, with the story of the gingerbread man The gingerbread man originates from cookies that were baked for various religious rites back in pagan times

Trier: Thunderstorm Of The Ancient Seas - Alternative View

Trier: Thunderstorm Of The Ancient Seas - Alternative View

The ancient Greek Triere had a length of 37 to 45 meters, a width of 5-6 meters, a carrying capacity of about 45 tons, and a draft of about 1-2 meters. According to the testimony of ancient historians, the ship could develop a speed of 7-8 knots and maintain it for 18 hours

Why Did The Vikings Disappear From Greenland? - Alternative View

Why Did The Vikings Disappear From Greenland? - Alternative View

The mysterious disappearance of the settlements of Norwegian colonists in Greenland has troubled the minds of scientists for centuries. Recently, archaeologists conducted a comprehensive study and revised old theories about how the Nords lived and where they disappeared, leaving their lands

Where To Look For Kolchak's Missing Gold - Alternative View

Where To Look For Kolchak's Missing Gold - Alternative View

By the beginning of the First World War, the Russian Empire had the largest gold reserve in the world, a significant part of which disappeared after the revolution. What was missing?

The Uncrowned King Of Intrigue. Baron Jean De Butz - Alternative View

The Uncrowned King Of Intrigue. Baron Jean De Butz - Alternative View

The whole world is a theater and the people in it are actors. How sometimes the greats are right in their statements. We live life and it becomes history, but it is not always possible to appreciate the one who picked up the costumes and wrote the script

Was The Ice Age In The Past Provoked By Humans? - Alternative View

Was The Ice Age In The Past Provoked By Humans? - Alternative View

About 13 thousand years ago, the first ancient people set foot on the lands of America, and soon spread to all corners of the planet

Carl Sagan Is The First Contactee Of Humanity - Alternative View

Carl Sagan Is The First Contactee Of Humanity - Alternative View

For many centuries, humanity has dreamed of establishing contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. But, perhaps, only one person was able to prove to the world that the search for extraterrestrial intelligence - this is a serious scientific field, not a kind of mania

Battle Of Tsushima - Alternative View

Battle Of Tsushima - Alternative View

The battle of Tsushima took place on May 14-15, 1905 in the Tsushima Strait between the East China and Japan seas. In this grandiose naval battle, the Russian squadron was completely defeated by the Japanese squadron

Angry City - Alternative View

Angry City - Alternative View

In 1237, the Mongol hordes of Batu attacked Russia. One after another, large and well-fortified cities fell, and small Kozelsk was able to hold out for almost two months. Before that, the Mongols had never met such stubborn resistance

How The Etruscans Predicted The Weather From Bird Bones-forks - Alternative View

How The Etruscans Predicted The Weather From Bird Bones-forks - Alternative View

Belief in the mystical properties of bird chest bones (they are usually called arches or forks) has existed for more than two thousand years and originated in the Etruscan civilization. Most often, these temples were used for weather forecasting

Who Funded The October Demon? - Alternative View

Who Funded The October Demon? - Alternative View

A hundred years ago, people returned from political emigration to Russia, who after a while became the organizers of the October 1917 coup. Among them was Leon Trotsky, the real organizer and inspirer of the "Great October"

The History Of The Monomakh Hat - Alternative View

The History Of The Monomakh Hat - Alternative View

Monomakh's hat - one of the symbols of autocracy in Russia, the crown of Russian grand dukes and tsars

The Riddle Of "the Dwarf Pedro" - Alternative View

The Riddle Of "the Dwarf Pedro" - Alternative View

In October 1932, two gold diggers, Frank Carr and Cecil Maine, roamed the San Pedro Mountains of Carbon County, Wyoming. A hundred kilometers from the city of Kasper, they were looking for a gold deposit for industrial development

Prohibited Technologies Of Besieged Leningrad - Alternative View

Prohibited Technologies Of Besieged Leningrad - Alternative View

In 1941, Army Group North attacked Leningrad. The Nazis managed to cut off the city from land and establish a blockade. They sought to break the resistance of its defenders with hunger, constant artillery shelling, and air strikes

Whose Mummy Is This? Why Paleogenetics - Inexact Science - Alternative View

Whose Mummy Is This? Why Paleogenetics - Inexact Science - Alternative View

Many remember the sensational statement made in 2011 by the Swiss geneticist Roman Scholz: they say that 50% of men in Western Europe are distant relatives of the most famous Egyptian in history, Pharaoh Tutankhamun

The Most Mysterious Disappearances That Are Hard To Believe - - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Disappearances That Are Hard To Believe - - Alternative View

As soon as a person or a group of people disappears without a trace, the construction of a variety of, sometimes supernatural, versions of what happened. The people in this collection have disappeared once and for all, and their stories have already become overgrown with legends and rumors

Flammable Oil From Torrey Canyon - Alternative View

Flammable Oil From Torrey Canyon - Alternative View

This ecological disaster, unparalleled in its tragic consequences, occurred on the early Saturday morning of March 18, 1967 with the largest Italian oil tanker "Torrey Canyon", built in the USA and sailing under the Liberian flag

300 Tons Of German Gold And Jewelry That Disappeared After The War May Have Been Found - Alternative View

300 Tons Of German Gold And Jewelry That Disappeared After The War May Have Been Found - Alternative View

Wroclaw's gold was reportedly taken out by a special armored train ahead of the city's surrender. Breslau was already overrun by the Bolshevik hordes, and the Germans saved everything they could.Apart from gold, anything of outstanding value was loaded onto the wagons

The Mystery Of The Catastrophe And Strange Phenomena In Russia In 1230. What Was It? - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Catastrophe And Strange Phenomena In Russia In 1230. What Was It? - Alternative View

In the summer of 6738 (1230), events took place in Russia that no one can explain unambiguously until now. But the scale of these events was such that we can confidently call them one of the "black swans" of Russian history

Sayan Samoyeds And Other Disappeared Peoples Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

Sayan Samoyeds And Other Disappeared Peoples Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

More than a hundred different ethnic groups lived on the territory of the Russian Empire. As the state expanded, the smallest of them were absorbed by the larger peoples - Russians, Tatars, Circassians, Latvians

In Search Of A Yakut Raft From Petrified Trees - Alternative View

In Search Of A Yakut Raft From Petrified Trees - Alternative View

There are legends and myths in Yakutia that ancient rafts made from very thick logs, from tree species that do not grow in these parts lie at heights in various mountainous regions

The Heroic Delusion Of Ivan Susanin - Alternative View

The Heroic Delusion Of Ivan Susanin - Alternative View

In November 1836, the premiere of Mikhail Glinka's opera "A Life for the Tsar" took place at the St. Petersburg Bolshoi Theater

Boyarynya Morozova And Her Sins - Alternative View

Boyarynya Morozova And Her Sins - Alternative View

"THE SIN OF THE SPLIT IS NOT WASHED OFF EVEN BY THE MARTYRAL BLOOD" (St. John Chrysostom).Vasily Ivanovich Surikov was a stern Siberian Cossack from the Krasnoyarsk Territory (are there fellow countrymen of the great master here?). “Ideals of historical types have been brought up in me by Siberia since childhood. S

Look For The Helmet Of Monomakh In The Chernihiv Region! - Alternative View

Look For The Helmet Of Monomakh In The Chernihiv Region! - Alternative View

There is a chronicle telling about the exploits of Vladimir Monomakh, the son of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich and the Greek princess Anna (according to other sources, Mary), who drove the Polovtsy from the Russian land

Biography Of Marshal Zhukov - Alternative View

Biography Of Marshal Zhukov - Alternative View

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (born November 19 (December 1) 1896 - death June 18, 1974) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943), Minister of Defense of the USSR (1955 - 1957)

History, Activities And Significance Of The Zemsky Sobor - Alternative View

History, Activities And Significance Of The Zemsky Sobor - Alternative View

What is the Zemsky Sobor In the 16th century in Russia a fundamentally new body of state administration arose - Zemsky Cathedral

5 Real Shots Behind Which Lie Horror Stories - Alternative View

5 Real Shots Behind Which Lie Horror Stories - Alternative View

The invention of photography allowed man to preserve the memory of the most amazing incidents. Now we can easily prove the most incredible things just by taking a good shot. Or unfortunate, but frightening

The Italians Found Something In Tungussk - Alternative View

The Italians Found Something In Tungussk - Alternative View

The latest issue of the American Geophysical Union's online journal Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems published a report from a group of Italian geologists claiming that they have finally found something very similar to a fragment of the famous Tunguska

The Trial Of The Fascist Oligarchs - Alternative View

The Trial Of The Fascist Oligarchs - Alternative View

"… 12 years in prison with confiscation." And the hall exploded with an alarming rumble! Nobody pleaded guilty. The last of the 27 condemned in the case of accomplices of the Third Reich was released in 1952. Alfried Krupp came out even earlier, in 1951

Oskar Dirlewanger: The Worst Man In The SS - Alternative View

Oskar Dirlewanger: The Worst Man In The SS - Alternative View

Many materials about the history of the Third Reich are still of interest to modern society. Documentary channels show many programs about German combat aircraft and tanks, about the huge battles that took place during World War II

15 Frightening Facts And Photos Of The Nuremberg Trials - Alternative View

15 Frightening Facts And Photos Of The Nuremberg Trials - Alternative View

Everyone has heard about the Nuremberg Trials, because it became an important moment in the history of the modern world

Summer 1604: The Most Terrible Time In The  History Of Russia - Alternative View

Summer 1604: The Most Terrible Time In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

The summer of 1604 was remembered not only for the unusual climatic cataclysm that struck Russia. Then there were more terrible events that changed the course of history. He collected materials on this period and presented it in the book "Time of Troubles