Secrets of history 2024, October

Philip James Corso. The Story Of One Book - Alternative View

Philip James Corso. The Story Of One Book - Alternative View

The events of the mid-20th century had many far-reaching consequences. The Second World War finally divided the world into two political camps, whose goals, in fact, consisted in the complete destruction of the ideology of the opponents

Moscow Plague Riot - Alternative View

Moscow Plague Riot - Alternative View

The history of our country keeps the memory of many bloody uprisings. But the Moscow plague riot of 1771 differed from others in at least two circumstances

9 Stories About The Laziest Criminals - Alternative View

9 Stories About The Laziest Criminals - Alternative View

Criminals are different. Some of them - real geniuses who can single-handedly rob even the most secure building. The heroes of our next stories, on the contrary, are losers who made the whole world laugh at themselves

Duplessis Orphans - Alternative View

Duplessis Orphans - Alternative View

In the 1940s and 1950s, quiet Canada became the scene of a terrible tragedy

7 Most Famous Russian Fortresses - Alternative View

7 Most Famous Russian Fortresses - Alternative View

In Russia the word "city" was used to describe any fortified place surrounded by a fortress wall. The construction of defensive structures was vital, as it guaranteed protection from numerous external enemies

Adolf Hitler Had A Supernatural "army Of Werewolves" - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler Had A Supernatural "army Of Werewolves" - Alternative View

World War II is known for some of the most incredible stories, from UFOs and secret experiments to paranormal occult forces

Secrets Of The Mithridates Catacombs - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Mithridates Catacombs - Alternative View

In the first centuries of our era, the slopes of Mount Mithridates were actively used by the inhabitants of Panticapaeum for the burial of their deceased relatives. As a rule, these were the so-called. undercut graves

Battle Of Orsha In 1514 - Alternative View

Battle Of Orsha In 1514 - Alternative View

Battle of Orsha - took place on September 8, 1514 during the Russian-Lithuanian war of 1512 - 1522

The Demon Charge And The Strange Death Of Luis Zlotin - Alternative View

The Demon Charge And The Strange Death Of Luis Zlotin - Alternative View

The experiment began on May 21st, 1946, in a secret laboratory three miles from Los Alamos, New Mexico - where the atomic bomb was first created

Who Actually Baptized Rus - Alternative View

Who Actually Baptized Rus - Alternative View

Ancient chronicles preserve the news of several baptisms of the rulers of ancient Russia during the 9th-10th centuries. No less interesting is the way in which Christianity came to Russia

New Archaeological Mystery: Traces Of A Unique Operation Were Found In The Mummy - - Alternative View

New Archaeological Mystery: Traces Of A Unique Operation Were Found In The Mummy - - Alternative View

The unique find was made by American scientists when analyzing an ancient Egyptian mummy, Express reports. The discovery was made during a routine DNA analysis by researchers from Brigham Young University in the United States

DNA Analysis Has Revealed One Of The Mysteries Of The Titanic - Alternative View

DNA Analysis Has Revealed One Of The Mysteries Of The Titanic - Alternative View

In 1940, a certain Helen Kramer spoke on the radio claiming to be a child presumed dead in a superliner crash

Medicine In Antiquity Among Different Peoples - Alternative View

Medicine In Antiquity Among Different Peoples - Alternative View

Modern ideas about ancient medicine are based primarily on the fossil remains of prehistoric people and their tools, as well as on the practices of primitive peoples that have survived to the present

9 Surprising Facts About Ancient Mummies That You Might Not Know About - Alternative View

9 Surprising Facts About Ancient Mummies That You Might Not Know About - Alternative View

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you mention Ancient Egypt? For most people, these are pyramids, pharaohs, hieroglyphs and mummies, resting in their ancient sarcophagi

Terrible Archeology: Pits Full Of Large And Very Large Severed Hands Found In Egypt - Alternative View

Terrible Archeology: Pits Full Of Large And Very Large Severed Hands Found In Egypt - Alternative View

While excavating a 3,600-year-old palace in the once great city of Avaris, Egypt, a team of archaeologists unearthed four pits. What was found in the pits? These are the hands. No bodies - just a bunch of dismembered hands

British Intelligence Agencies Have Been Chasing UFOs For 50 Years To Create Superweapons Against China And The USSR - Alternative View

British Intelligence Agencies Have Been Chasing UFOs For 50 Years To Create Superweapons Against China And The USSR - Alternative View

UK declassified documents according to which the British government spent 50 years trying to catch a UFO

How Much Was A Person Worth? - Alternative View

How Much Was A Person Worth? - Alternative View

More than 150 years ago, in 1860, the preparation of the peasant reform was in full swing in the Russian Empire, which primarily provided for the liberation of serfs

Occultists Of The Special Department Of Barchenko - Alternative View

Occultists Of The Special Department Of Barchenko - Alternative View

In the winter of 1924, Gleb Bokiy attracted the mystic scientist Alexander Barchenko to work at the Special Department

Just A Hundred Years Ago, The British Hid Their Shoes In The Walls Of Their Homes To Protect Themselves From Evil - Alternative View

Just A Hundred Years Ago, The British Hid Their Shoes In The Walls Of Their Homes To Protect Themselves From Evil - Alternative View

In the British Isles, boots and shoes are hidden in walls and in various hiding places in thousands of houses. An old tradition assumed that this would save the house and its owners from troubles and misfortune

The First Persons Are Held Captive By Superstitions - Alternative View

The First Persons Are Held Captive By Superstitions - Alternative View

On May 3, 1988, the memoirs of Donald Regan - the former head of the presidential administration. The author claimed that Ronald Reagan chose the date of important meetings only after consulting with his wife's astrologer

Archaeologists Talked About The Discovery, Which Had To Be Hidden For Several Years - Alternative View

Archaeologists Talked About The Discovery, Which Had To Be Hidden For Several Years - Alternative View

French archaeologists talked about a startling discovery that they had to hide for several years. Scientists explain their silence simply: the excavation site needed to be protected from black diggers and the loitering public

The Mystery Of The "Dog Of The Baskervilles" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The "Dog Of The Baskervilles" - Alternative View

The plot of the work is based on an old legend Nobody, probably, will argue with the fact that the most famous work of Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes is "The Hound of the Baskervilles"

The Legend Of The Imperial Jade Seal That Mysteriously Disappeared In China - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Imperial Jade Seal That Mysteriously Disappeared In China - Alternative View

Of the many famous Chinese seals, none is as famous as the Imperial Seal of China. This artifact was carved from He Shi Bi's jade. The man who found it lost both legs. The seal was made in 221 BC

Imperial Power - Alternative View

Imperial Power - Alternative View

Yerzhava - or, as it was also called, the "sovereign apple" - since ancient times has been one of the main regalia of Russian monarchs. The state dates back to ancient times

Vatican - "The Secret Always Becomes Apparent." Secrets Of The Papal Chancellery - Alternative View

Vatican - "The Secret Always Becomes Apparent." Secrets Of The Papal Chancellery - Alternative View

The unheard-of popularity of the book The Da Vinci Code, distributed around the world in tens of millions of copies, has caused a sharp heightened interest in the history of Christianity

Sponsors Of The Hundred Years War. The End Of The Florentine Power. Houses Of Bardi And Peruzzi - Alternative View

Sponsors Of The Hundred Years War. The End Of The Florentine Power. Houses Of Bardi And Peruzzi - Alternative View

King Charles IV died, leaving no heirs, the Capetian dynasty was interrupted. For the first time in centuries, France is on the verge of complete disintegration

Voices Of Ancient Novgorod - Alternative View

Voices Of Ancient Novgorod - Alternative View

In Europe, people from generation to generation lived in the same stone houses, which gave a guarantee against fire. In our country, after 1240, almost all of Russia was completely, "up to a horse's hoof", destroyed by hordes of nomads

Unusual Artifacts From The Future - Alternative View

Unusual Artifacts From The Future - Alternative View

Over and over again, historians fall into the hands of objects that do not correspond to their historical era. This always baffles them, since they are unable to explain it. Here are just a few of these cases. - Salik.bizPackage from the burgomasterOn August 26, 1912, the burgomaster of the Norwegian city of Ott Johan Nygard sent a packet to the capital's post office, which said: open in 100 years

The Tailor Is A Werewolf From Chalon - Alternative View

The Tailor Is A Werewolf From Chalon - Alternative View

In 1598, the city of Chalon in the French province of Champagne fell into the grip of fear, and children began to disappear there.In those days, the disappearance of a child was common, but this time there were too many missing children. At first it seemed as if the children had simply disappeared from the face of the earth, but then there were rumors of a monster, half animal, half human, who roamed the wilderness in the area

Are Crystal Skulls Fake Or Not? - Alternative View

Are Crystal Skulls Fake Or Not? - Alternative View

One of the most exciting mysteries to this day remains crystal skulls, which at various times were found in the American jungle. Someone considers them artifacts of an ancient powerful civilization, someone - Mayan products

"&Hellip; Div's Already Crashed To The Ground " - Alternative View

"&Hellip; Div's Already Crashed To The Ground " - Alternative View

Among the many characters in The Lay of Igor's Campaign, Div is the most mysterious. In the work itself, he appears twice

1967: First Space Murder - Alternative View

1967: First Space Murder - Alternative View

On January 27, 1967, a fire broke out during the tests of the Apollo-1 spacecraft. Astronauts Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee became its victims. They burned to death. For a long time they were considered victims of an accident

Where To Look For The Ancestral Home Of The Indo-Europeans - Alternative View

Where To Look For The Ancestral Home Of The Indo-Europeans - Alternative View

In the 19th century, the proximity of the languages now called Indo-European (at that time they were called Indo-Germanic) was discovered, and the corresponding term appeared to denote the language family

Auction For The Sale Of Wives - Alternative View

Auction For The Sale Of Wives - Alternative View

The English custom of selling a wife was a way to end a failed marriage by mutual consent. The custom dates back to the end of the 17th century, when divorce was almost impossible for everyone except the most prosperous people

Ancient Tverichi Founded China - Alternative View

Ancient Tverichi Founded China - Alternative View

Recently, there has been a particularly numerous controversy over where the fair-haired and blue-eyed people come from in seemingly primordial Chinese villages. Genetic tests have already been done for a number of such residents

Russia - Asylum For Refugees - Alternative View

Russia - Asylum For Refugees - Alternative View

When a person is killed - naturally, he runs.Yu. Slepukhin. "South Cross".- Salik.bizIf rivers of blood were spilled in Russia throughout its long-suffering history, then, perhaps, the Russians, saving their lives, somehow tried to escape from all the horrors?

The Reasons For The Murder Of Sarajevo - Alternative View

The Reasons For The Murder Of Sarajevo - Alternative View

The right of the first bullet "So they killed our Ferdinand" - this is how the funniest book about the First World War by Yaroslav Hasek begins

Mask Of Shame - Truly English Game In The World Of Torture - Alternative View

Mask Of Shame - Truly English Game In The World Of Torture - Alternative View

The Middle Ages were a terrible time: wherever they spit, witches were burned, people were tortured by Torquemada, and the Inquisition raged like never before. Then came the Renaissance, enlightenment and New Time, and it became quieter

Mysteries Of History. Nibelungen - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Nibelungen - Alternative View

This mysterious people is told in the "Song of the Nibelungs", which was composed about 1200 years ago by unknown wandering poets from Germany and Scandinavia

Ancient People Found Advanced Technologies - Alternative View

Ancient People Found Advanced Technologies - Alternative View

Anthropologists at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History have found that ancient people who lived in East Africa 320,000 years ago used colored pigments and sophisticated tools that were not typical of the early paleo