Secrets of history 2024, October

How Rich Was Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

How Rich Was Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler, intoxicated by the idea of world domination "Deutschland ü ber alles" ("Germany above all"), was, most likely, an unmercenary - at least he did not seek personal enrichment as clearly as some of his subordinates did

Wild West Legend - Alternative View

Wild West Legend - Alternative View

Fate took Billy the Kid very few years - only 21 years old, but his life still excites the imagination of Americans. About him, since 1943, it was filmed - think about it! - as many as ten films

Biography Of Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze - Alternative View

Biography Of Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze - Alternative View

Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich (party pseudonym - Arseny, Trifonych; born January 21 (February 2) 1885 - death October 31, 1925) - party, statesman and military leader, military theorist

Secret Fighting Vehicles Of The German Army - Alternative View

Secret Fighting Vehicles Of The German Army - Alternative View

Hitler's engineers secretly developed some of the most ambitious projects of their time. The "weapon of victory" was forged in the gloomy basements of engineering institutes: the best minds from all over Europe worked for the good of the deadly machine of the German fascist troops

10 Most Expensive Coins In The World - Alternative View

10 Most Expensive Coins In The World - Alternative View

Ruble of 1825The ruble of 1825 is a silver coin, the most expensive of the Russian ones. Precious metal of 900 standard was used for casting. The coin differs in that the obverse depicts the brother of Nicholas I, Konstantin Pavlovich Romanov, who was supposed to reign after Alexander I, but renounced the throne

Mystery Of The Makhpela Cave - Alternative View

Mystery Of The Makhpela Cave - Alternative View

Hebron is located 30 kilometers south of Jerusalem, in a flourishing mountain valley surrounded by high mountains. The mountains serve as a natural border between fertile lands in the west and the scorched yellow desert in the east

What Is Left There, In The USSR - Alternative View

What Is Left There, In The USSR - Alternative View

People born in the 70s remember well how they sacredly believed in the ideals and righteousness of the party. How they were looking forward to the program in "Guests at the Fairy Tale" and looking out for their drawings, among the dozens shown at the end of the program

Shooting Riot - Alternative View

Shooting Riot - Alternative View

The rifle revolt, which shook the foundations of the statehood of the Moscow kingdom, was recorded in the annals of history 2 times - these are 1682 and 1698. His background is inextricably linked with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov

Triumvirate Of Yaroslavichi - Alternative View

Triumvirate Of Yaroslavichi - Alternative View

Fraternal union Yaroslav died in 1054. At that time he had five sons. The sixth, eldest son of Vladimir, the prince survived for two years

In Britain, A Skeleton Was Found With A Stone Instead Of A Tongue - Alternative View

In Britain, A Skeleton Was Found With A Stone Instead Of A Tongue - Alternative View

British archaeologists have discovered a skeleton in a Roman cemetery in Northamptonshire county with a flat stone in the tongue area, according to the Guardian

How Traditional Healers Became Popular In The Late 80s - Alternative View

How Traditional Healers Became Popular In The Late 80s - Alternative View

In the Soviet Union, they did not believe in miracles, especially if these miracles were not backed up by the proletarian consciousness and advanced communist ideology

Jack Gould - Mephistopheles Of Wall Street - Alternative View

Jack Gould - Mephistopheles Of Wall Street - Alternative View

At the ancient Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx, you can see a large Roman-style pantheon, standing alone in the middle of the largest piece of land in the cemetery. There are no inscriptions on it

The Board Of Vladimir Monomakh - Alternative View

The Board Of Vladimir Monomakh - Alternative View

Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh, baptized Vasily (born May 26, 1053 - death May 19, 1125), - one of the most famous princes of Ancient Rus

When Did The First People Appear In America? - Alternative View

When Did The First People Appear In America? - Alternative View

The theory "Clovis First" that the Paleo-Indians came to the New World along the Bering Isthmus 13.5 thousand years ago is increasingly criticized. Most likely, the first Americans appeared in the New World much earlier

7 Real-life Empires You've Never Heard Of - Alternative View

7 Real-life Empires You've Never Heard Of - Alternative View

To paraphrase the classics, we can say: Empire - it sounds proud! Remember at least the Roman Empire - the only state in history that owned the entire Mediterranean coast

A Feat That Even The Enemy - Alternative View

A Feat That Even The Enemy - Alternative View

A monument to a Soviet soldier who is holding a German girl in his arms, erected in Berlin, is known all over the world

Mystical Wars Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Mystical Wars Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Passion for the occult, mysticism, the creation of secret occult centers and institutions that worked out various problems, always had a purely applied significance in the Third Reich

Hitler Died In Antarctica In 1971? - Alternative View

Hitler Died In Antarctica In 1971? - Alternative View

Any editorial office is often visited by strange people

The Best Enemies Of Caesar - Alternative View

The Best Enemies Of Caesar - Alternative View

Modern France was formed on the territory of Gaul, the former Roman province. From the 4th century BC. e. Gauls settled practically all over continental Europe - from the future Spain and Portugal to the then Scythia

Letter To Caesar About Jesus - Alternative View

Letter To Caesar About Jesus - Alternative View

In Rome, in one of the libraries, an undeniably truthful manuscript was found of great historical value. This is the letter that Publius Lentulus, who ruled Judea before Pontius Pilate, wrote to Caesar, the ruler of Rome. It reported on Jesus Christ

Biography Of Guy Julius Caesar - Alternative View

Biography Of Guy Julius Caesar - Alternative View

Gaius Julius Caesar (born July 12, 100 BC, death March 15, 44 BC) - great commander, politician, writer, dictator, high priest of Ancient Rome

10 Ancient Beauty Secrets Of Cleopatra - Alternative View

10 Ancient Beauty Secrets Of Cleopatra - Alternative View

The legendary beauty of Cleopatra - the benchmark all over the world. Cleopatra seduced two titans of Roman power, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, and went down in history as the most beautiful woman of the era

Russian Empire Without Inventions - Alternative View

Russian Empire Without Inventions - Alternative View

Unlike the scientific world, the mass public consciousness lives on myths. Every society has its own national historical myth, which plays a central role in national self-awareness

Johnstown - Overkill - Alternative View

Johnstown - Overkill - Alternative View

The Johnstown Massacre 1977 - was founded "City of Dreams" of the religious cult "People's Temple" Jim Jones. It ceased to exist after a mass suicide and murder of residents took place in it

Transport Experiments Of The Past That Have Failed Miserably - Alternative View

Transport Experiments Of The Past That Have Failed Miserably - Alternative View

Now we are living in the era of a perfect transport system. We offer subways, cars, trains and planes. It's hard to imagine that we could live differently

Janissaries - The Mob That Became The Elite Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

Janissaries - The Mob That Became The Elite Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

In the 13th century, the Turkic nomadic tribes, driven back by the Mongol conquerors, entered the service of the Seljuk sultan, receiving from him a small feudal possession on the border with Byzantium and creating their own emirate

The Birth Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

The Birth Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

Having become the ruler of the mountainous region, Osman received the title of bey from the Seljuk sultan in 1289. Having come to power, Osman immediately set out to conquer the Byzantine lands and made the very first captured Byzantine town Melangia his residence

10 Things We Did "then" And Don't Do "now" - Alternative View

10 Things We Did "then" And Don't Do "now" - Alternative View

In the USSR, hundreds and even thousands of people could drink soda in a vending machine from one glass. I drank it, rinsed it, put it back

Beans: Who Are They - Alternative View

Beans: Who Are They - Alternative View

The phrase "live a boar" is today used to refer to single men who do not seek to get married and start a family. And who is this monster? EtymologyFrom the 15th to the 18th century, a specific class was called beans in the Russian state

The Irrepressible Nestor - Alternative View

The Irrepressible Nestor - Alternative View

Nestor Makhno entered the history of the formation of the Soviet state as an anarchist thug. But it would be wrong to consider this extraordinary personality only from this side

Hitler's Personal Enemy: How The Captured Pilot Devyatayev Changed The Course Of The War - Alternative View

Hitler's Personal Enemy: How The Captured Pilot Devyatayev Changed The Course Of The War - Alternative View

On February 8, 1945, an incident occurred in the German Peenemünde concentration camp on the Baltic island of Usedom, which shocked the German Reich Aviation Minister Hermann Goering himself

Biography Of Fyodor Ioannovich - Alternative View

Biography Of Fyodor Ioannovich - Alternative View

Fyodor I Ioannovich (or Fyodor the Blessed) - (born 31 May 1557 - death 7 (17) January 1598) - Tsar of All Russia and Grand Duke of Moscow (1584 - elected to the kingdom by the Moscow Zemsky Sobor)

An Affair With A Witch. The Love Story Of Elena And Mikhail Bulgakov - Alternative View

An Affair With A Witch. The Love Story Of Elena And Mikhail Bulgakov - Alternative View

Elena Bulgakova proved the truth "with a sweetheart paradise and in a hut" not in word, but in deed. For the sake of Mikhail Bulgakov, she left a wealthy husband and a wealthy life, fully devoting herself to the problems and concerns of the writer

New Year's Birthday: As The Holiday Was Celebrated Under Peter I - Alternative View

New Year's Birthday: As The Holiday Was Celebrated Under Peter I - Alternative View

In December 1699, by an official imperial decree, the celebration was scheduled for January 1. In an effort to synchronize the Russian calendar of holidays with the European, at the end of December 1699, Emperor Peter I ordered to postpone the celebration by an official decree

Suicide Bombers In The Red Army: Who Were They - Alternative View

Suicide Bombers In The Red Army: Who Were They - Alternative View

It is widely known that the Japanese used the kamikaze - suicide bombers who rammed enemy ships on planes or mini-submarines. The image of the kamikaze is fanned by a romantic halo

The Years Of The Semboyarshchyna Government 1610-1613 - Alternative View

The Years Of The Semboyarshchyna Government 1610-1613 - Alternative View

Seven Boyars is "Seven Boyarshina" - "Seven-numbered boyars", the Russian government formed after the overthrow of Tsar Vasily Shuisky in July 1610 and formally existed until Tsar Mikhail Romanov was elected to the throne

The Stealth Airplane By Robert Bartini - Alternative View

The Stealth Airplane By Robert Bartini - Alternative View

Back in the 1930s, the USSR tried to implement the most fantastic projects. Alas, or maybe, fortunately, many objective factors hindered their implementation

Skeletons In The Closet Of History - Alternative View

Skeletons In The Closet Of History - Alternative View

The most famous archaeologist in the world - Indiana Jones - excavated with a shovel and flashlight. It took place in 1936 in South America and Egypt. A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then

Christopher Columbus. The Story Of A Successful Adventurer - Alternative View

Christopher Columbus. The Story Of A Successful Adventurer - Alternative View

Christopher Columbus was Christopher Colomb - Spanish Jew. ‎ -From magazines. The era of the great geographical discoveries was one of the most romantic periods in the life of mankind

Why America And Not Colombia? - Alternative View

Why America And Not Colombia? - Alternative View

Everyone knows that America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. And it is named after the Florentine Amerigo Vespucci. Why? What did he do? How did he surpass Columbus? Let's try to figure it out