Secrets of history 2024, October

What Hides The Golden Train Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

What Hides The Golden Train Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

The hype began out of the blue: two unknown treasure hunters announced an unprecedented find

The FBI Has Stopped Searching For The Mystically Disappeared Terrorist - Alternative View

The FBI Has Stopped Searching For The Mystically Disappeared Terrorist - Alternative View

Federal Bureau of Investigation finally closed the case of the sensational hijacking of a passenger plane in the early seventies

CIA Secrets: Secret Maps Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

CIA Secrets: Secret Maps Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

In the early 1940s, the CIA formed a special cartographic department, whose specialists made maps for the President of the United States, the command staff of the army, navy and special services

New Version Of The Disappearance Of Hitler: Documentary Evidence - Alternative View

New Version Of The Disappearance Of Hitler: Documentary Evidence - Alternative View

The Soviet squadron, which was trying to pursue the Fuhrer, was attacked by UFOs

The Secret Of The Crest From Ancient Chile - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Crest From Ancient Chile - Alternative View

In the pre-Columbian era, people did not want to shave their heads, so they created special combs made of wood and bone to comb out lice. One of them was found in Chile. People have suffered from head lice since ancient times

The Mysterious Disappearance Of The La Perouse Expedition - Alternative View

The Mysterious Disappearance Of The La Perouse Expedition - Alternative View

There are strange coincidences in human life sometimes. 270 years ago, on August 23, 1741, the famous navigator Jean-François de Galo, Comte de La Perouse, was born. And 44 years later, again in August, his last voyage began

Strange Events In The World - Alternative View

Strange Events In The World - Alternative View

Events and stories for which no explanation can be found are called miracles, mysticism. They are trying to study, prove, based on the achievements of modern science and technology, but this is not always possible

The Mystery Of The Missing Yacht - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Missing Yacht - Alternative View

In the history of mankind, both ancient and modern, there have been many cases of inexplicable and irrevocable disappearance of people, both individuals and crews of cars, ships and aircraft, as well as entire military units

The Mysterious Disappearance Of Brandon Swenson - Alternative View

The Mysterious Disappearance Of Brandon Swenson - Alternative View

The mysterious disappearance of American Brandon Swenson still regularly appears in various tops of the most bizarre and unsolved disappearances. May 14, 2008, 1.45 a.m

Secrets Of The Missing Expeditions - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Missing Expeditions - Alternative View

The history of studying our planet, travel and geographical discoveries is full of dramatic pages

The Lost Lemurian (about The Mysterious Count Saint-Germain) - Alternative View

The Lost Lemurian (about The Mysterious Count Saint-Germain) - Alternative View

At all times, people have been eagerly looking for something mysterious in the life around them that could entertain them, comfort them, and help them fight the hardships of life

Secrets Of Creatures With Long Skulls - Alternative View

Secrets Of Creatures With Long Skulls - Alternative View

Long skulls have been found in various parts of the world in ancient burials. Most of these findings are the result of an intentional deformity of the skull, which was carried out at an early age with the help of tight bandages

Mystical Stalin - Alternative View

Mystical Stalin - Alternative View

The further Stalin's times are from us, the more secrets about these times are revealed to us

The Truth About The War? Who Needs It Now? The Story Of One Letter - Alternative View

The Truth About The War? Who Needs It Now? The Story Of One Letter - Alternative View

I have a good friend, the son of a front-line soldier. Reserve officer. He served at a time when many more front-line officers served in the army. Heard many interesting frontline stories from him

How Tibet Almost Became Russian - Alternative View

How Tibet Almost Became Russian - Alternative View

For a century, the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union wanted to annex Tibet. But the plans were violated by China, which on November 17, 1950 included the state of Tibet

Secret Treasures Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Secret Treasures Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

The great day is rapidly approaching, which will be celebrated for 74 times. Of course, this is Victory Day, in honor of which I would like to tell you a curious story today. I often write about various finds and treasures, so why not talk about the famous treasures of the Nazis

The Nazis' Search For Connections With The "superior Race" In Tibet Went Under The Degree Of - Alternative View

The Nazis' Search For Connections With The "superior Race" In Tibet Went Under The Degree Of - Alternative View

In 1938, German researchers traveled to Tibet to find evidence of the connection between the Germans and the "superior race"

Green Dragon Of Tibet - Alternative View

Green Dragon Of Tibet - Alternative View

After the outbreak of the First World War, by some miracle, Russia was kept on the brink of death for several years. Some called this "miracle" by Grigory Rasputin. The elder himself was also convinced of this

People Settled In The Tibetan Plateau Much Earlier Than Expected - Alternative View

People Settled In The Tibetan Plateau Much Earlier Than Expected - Alternative View

Scientists believed that the first people appeared on the ice-bound Tibetan plateau or the Tibetan plateau 15 thousand years ago. New genomic analysis suggests this data could be quadrupled

How Did The Search For The Origins Of The Aryan Race In Tibet End - - Alternative View

How Did The Search For The Origins Of The Aryan Race In Tibet End - - Alternative View

To confirm their racial theories, German Nazis went to the mythical land of Shambhala. The mysterious and sinister organization Ahnenerbe (from German: Ahnenerbe - "Legacy of the ancestors") was related to many crimes of Nazism: from monstrous

Vasco Nunez De Balboa - Discoverer Of The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View

Vasco Nunez De Balboa - Discoverer Of The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View

And the monarch for this Land the size of Europe, Overshadowing wealth And Naples and Brabant, Gave him a hemp tie: Was in the market courtyard, Like a thief, Balboa was pulled up In the middle of San Sebastian. - G. Heine

What A Feat Did Alexander Matrosov - Alternative View

What A Feat Did Alexander Matrosov - Alternative View

According to the official version, a private of the 2nd separate rifle battalion of the 91st separate Siberian volunteer rifle brigade Alexander Matrosov died on the day of the Red Army, February 23, 1943, in a battle near the village of Chernushki near Velikie Luki, cover

Who Is Ghoul Dashing? - Alternative View

Who Is Ghoul Dashing? - Alternative View

Hearing such a name, you immediately need to be baptized and get away from sin. But this is scary only at first glance, but in fact such a strange name was possessed by the first famous Old Russian scribe, a priest of the 11th century, who lived in Veliky Novgorod

What A 14-year-old Boy Could Do 100 Years Ago In Russia - Alternative View

What A 14-year-old Boy Could Do 100 Years Ago In Russia - Alternative View

In peasant families in Russia, children were taught very early to take responsibility and systematic work: this was both the main issue of upbringing and the guarantee of survival

The Main Secret Of The Battle Of Borodino - Alternative View

The Main Secret Of The Battle Of Borodino - Alternative View

Let's start with the fact that there was such a period in the history of our country when all our achievements and discoveries were considered more significant than in other countries

Mzymta Treasure - Alternative View

Mzymta Treasure - Alternative View

In 1997, on the banks of the Mzymta River, not far from Krasnaya Polyana, a resident of the village of Kazachiy Brod, "black archaeologist" Andrei Chamkin, made a sensational find. He discovered the burial place of a Greek warrior, later dated to the 5th century BC

10 Lost Treasures Around The World - Alternative View

10 Lost Treasures Around The World - Alternative View

With amazing advances in technology, one would think that all the lost treasures - it is either rumor or something that has already been found. However, talk of massive amounts of gold and jewelry abounds in the 21st century

The Lost Treasures Of Hetman Pavel Polubotok - Alternative View

The Lost Treasures Of Hetman Pavel Polubotok - Alternative View

For a long time, people have been attracted by stories about hidden treasures and buried treasures. And there are many such stories in the register of mankind, and most of them are reflected in the works of various writers, as well as in world cinema

The Decline Of The Industrialization Economy - Alternative View

The Decline Of The Industrialization Economy - Alternative View

1st part: "Soviet industrialization - to the 90th anniversary of the beginning".Part 2: "On the sources of financing for Soviet industrialization."- Salik.biz3rd part: "Soviet industrialization - how the economic machine worked".4th part: "Soviet industrialization - some results"nThe economic model created during the Soviet industrialization (Stalinist economy) existed until about the mid-50s

Everything You Wanted To Know About Mummies, But Were Afraid To Ask - Alternative View

Everything You Wanted To Know About Mummies, But Were Afraid To Ask - Alternative View

Mummies have long been associated with Ancient Egypt, although this is not entirely true. We have known the existence of mummies since ancient times

How People Imagined The Earth In Antiquity - Alternative View

How People Imagined The Earth In Antiquity - Alternative View

Since ancient times, people have watched the starry sky with excitement, trying to unravel the mystery of the structure of the surrounding world. Today humanity knows a lot more about how the Universe works, what elements and objects it consists of

10 Little-known Facts About The Vikings, Which Became Known Thanks To Archaeological Finds - Alternative View

10 Little-known Facts About The Vikings, Which Became Known Thanks To Archaeological Finds - Alternative View

Vikings as they are Civilized, dirty and bloodthirsty crowds of barbarians who destroyed and plundered everything that could be tucked under the arm - this is how many imagined the Vikings

The Bloody Rejuvenating Baths Of Countess Bathory - Alternative View

The Bloody Rejuvenating Baths Of Countess Bathory - Alternative View

Most contemporaries believe that serial killers and maniacs are the "invention" of the 20th century. But this is far from the case. The bloodiest serial killer, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the medieval Countess Elizabeth Bathory

Sargat Culture - Alternative View

Sargat Culture - Alternative View

In the forest-steppe territory of the Trans-Urals and Western Siberia, monuments of various cultures of the Early Iron Age

The Real Vlad Dracula. The History Of The Wallachian Prince - Alternative View

The Real Vlad Dracula. The History Of The Wallachian Prince - Alternative View

The legend of the "king of vampires", Prince Dracula is still alive. In Romania, near the Tikhut Pass, there are still dilapidated walls of the Poenari fortress. Locals claim that today the spirit of Vlad III still roams the earth

Vampires Among Us - Alternative View

Vampires Among Us - Alternative View

The topic of ghouls has occupied the minds of people for centuries, without losing its relevance

One-Eared Goat Gang - Alternative View

One-Eared Goat Gang - Alternative View

By the standards of US history - young country. She has no folk epic legends, but there are characters akin to Robin Hood. One of them - Sadie Farrell aka The Goat

In The Tower Of London, Magic Rituals Were Performed - Alternative View

In The Tower Of London, Magic Rituals Were Performed - Alternative View

The Tower of London, in the darkest times of English history, turned out to be a place where magic was used to fight evil spirits. The Independent reports on the finds of relevant artifacts in one of the main symbols of Great Britain

Lobengula Treasures - Alternative View

Lobengula Treasures - Alternative View

This immediately gave rise to rumors: Losiqueia - once a beloved wife, and now the widow of the ruler of the Ndebele people Lobengula - unexpectedly appeared in the Bulawayo market and paid with old gold sovereigns

Cases Of Vampirism - Alternative View

Cases Of Vampirism - Alternative View

Clipping from a Shanghai Chinese newspaper describing a rather peculiar case of vampirism I in 1947