The Lost Lemurian (about The Mysterious Count Saint-Germain) - Alternative View

The Lost Lemurian (about The Mysterious Count Saint-Germain) - Alternative View
The Lost Lemurian (about The Mysterious Count Saint-Germain) - Alternative View

Video: The Lost Lemurian (about The Mysterious Count Saint-Germain) - Alternative View

Video: The Lost Lemurian (about The Mysterious Count Saint-Germain) - Alternative View
Video: The Immortal Alchemist | The Count of St. Germain 2024, June

At all times, people have been eagerly looking for something mysterious in the life around them that could entertain them, comfort them, help them fight the hardships of life. You have noticed that when the hardships become too much, prophets and mystics enter the arena, mysterious personalities who can show humanity the right path in the darkness of existence. The Prophet wants to believe and follow the path indicated by him, because he is none other than the Great Teacher. Superhuman with capabilities and characteristics that were once inherent in many representatives of the human race, but eventually lost. The mysterious Count Saint-Germain can be considered such a person, lost in the new time as a Lemurian.

Let's start with who the Lemurians are. According to the theosophical teachings of Blavatsky, who was considered the guide to the life of great knowledge, the emergence of human civilization on earth comes precisely from them. She called the first people on Earth, who were of enormous growth (from 3 to 15 meters), the ability to move freely in space, live under water, read minds, rule the world with the help of psychic energy, Lemurians, inhabitants of ancient Lemuria. The Lemurians were replaced by the Atlanteans, then the modern people - the Aryans.

The civilization of the Lemurians and Atlanteans gradually fell into decay, since the giant people, with all their magnificent abilities, did not learn to control their emotions and desires. False prophets appeared among them, inequality and wars began to arise. Atlantis died for unknown reasons. But many initiates believe that the terrible earthquakes and catastrophes that led to this arose from an imbalance that arose primarily in the minds of people. That is, the great Atlanteans destroyed themselves. The last human civilization does this with an enviable constant repetition of human mistakes. That is, we, as Helena Roerich would say, “creating a catastrophe by mutual efforts”.

But we distracted ourselves from Saint Germain … At all times, some special personalities appeared among ordinary people who seemed to keep the remnants of that great knowledge and those wonderful abilities that the very first people on the planet possessed. They seemed to their contemporaries extremely strange, someone considered them abnormal, someone was magicians and sorcerers, someone ascribed to charlatans and skillful deceivers. But no one remained indifferent. The magicians so wanted to believe, because they really could somehow magically influence reality.

Saint Germain was a person who freely moved around the world for a huge period of time of the same middle years, was friends with the most influential and wealthy people, possessed fabulous wealth of unknown origin, a person who can speak without an accent in any language of the world, who knows history so good that his stories, full of incredible details, testified to the fact that he himself was a participant in all these stories. He could speak freely about Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ, as if he knew them personally. “Oh yes, we were good friends,” Saint-Germain said of Jesus Christ. - He was perhaps the best of all my friends and acquaintances. And an idealist, such as the world has never seen! But I predicted to him that he would end very badly!.."

What is it? Impudent Khlestakovism or true truth? Of course, we would like to know for sure. But everything connected with this person is shrouded in mystery.

Remained only indirect evidence of eyewitnesses who closely knew the amazing person. He predicted scientific discoveries and palace coups, could make gold from metal and grow diamonds, which were literally strewn with his rather simple clothes.

At the same time, for more than a hundred years, he always looked like a man of the same age, a lean fit man of about 45 years old, with deep, kind eyes penetrating into the very core of the phenomena. He possessed aristocratic manners and a stately bearing and could give advice to monarchs and the greatest people on equal terms. Once Saint-Germain mentioned that he had been wandering around Europe for 500 years in search of the application of his abilities. And actively helps people. And although he rarely lent money, considering it a despicable metal, wise prophetic advice helped more than one person.

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It is not known where he came from and where he disappeared. Many believe that Saint Germain is still reincarnated and is constantly trying to influence our lives. Ch. U. Leadbeater, a famous theosophist, believed that in the 17th century Saint-Germain was the embodiment of Francis Bacon and Lord Verulam, and in the 15th century he was a monk Robertus, in the 14th century he was a Christian Rosicrucian. Many modern Freemasons and esotericists believe that he was embodied in Vsevolod Belyustin, a famous occultist, master of the Moscow Rosicrucian Order in the 30-40s of the twentieth century. And at all times, in one way or another, this person influenced the political events of the era in which he lived.

A person who has knowledge about everything in the world, from the past, present and future at the same time, who knows the recipe for the miraculous elixir of youth and immortality. Isn't this mysterious count the prototype of the hero of Oscar Wilde's famous novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray"? By the way, Saint-Germain has always been a Freemason at all times. Oscar Wilde is also considered a representative of this fraternity. Maybe they really were the owners of some secret knowledge that ordinary people should not know about?

The owner of the Philosopher's Stone, Saint Germain, always appeared where the world was on the verge of change, revolution and war. As if he felt that he could help humanity not to fall even lower than the abyss in which they are already, mired in the material world of vanity and rationality. As if he gave a chance to play the last three magic cards: love, wisdom and kindness.

Remember those Pushkin's "three, seven, ace", which drove poor Herman crazy. It was from Saint-Germain that the old countess got these tips. This is the true story of Countess Golitsina, heard by the poet. A. S. Pushkin, she acquired new artistic forms:

“You have heard of the Comte Saint-Germain, about whom so many wonderful things are told. You know that he posed as the Eternal Jew, the inventor of the life elixir and the philosopher's stone, and so on. They laughed at him as if he were a charlatan, and Kazakova in her notes says that he was a spy, however, Saint-Germain, despite his secrecy, had a very respectable appearance and was a very amiable person in society. Grandmother still loves him without memory and is angry if they speak of him with disrespect. Grandma knew that Saint-Germain could have a lot of money. She decided to resort to him. I wrote him a note and asked him to come to her immediately.

The old eccentric appeared at once and found him in terrible grief. She described to him in the blackest colors her husband's barbarism and said at last that she was placing all her hope in his friendship and courtesy. Saint Germain thought about it. (A. Pushkin. The Queen of Spades)

No one knows exactly when this amazing wandering lemurian was born and when he died. All information about him is confusing and mysterious and is repeatedly refuted by each other. Maybe it's not even that important. It is important that he was. And maybe it still stays among us, trying to adapt to the newest information space and guide us on the right path, to prevent another fall into an even deeper abyss of the human spirit. He helped the emergence of great scientific discoveries, tried to warn of the breaks in history. But he himself could not stop them, because humanity must win back karma and learn the lessons of its mistakes on its own. When it does this, that Someone, from above, will return to people those unique Lemurian abilities that practically made them gods.