New Version Of The Disappearance Of Hitler: Documentary Evidence - Alternative View

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New Version Of The Disappearance Of Hitler: Documentary Evidence - Alternative View
New Version Of The Disappearance Of Hitler: Documentary Evidence - Alternative View

Video: New Version Of The Disappearance Of Hitler: Documentary Evidence - Alternative View

Video: New Version Of The Disappearance Of Hitler: Documentary Evidence - Alternative View
Video: The death of Adolf Hitler | DW Documentary 2024, September

The Soviet squadron, which was trying to chase the Fuhrer, was attacked by a UFO

Colonel-General Leonid IVASHOV, President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, former head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense, wrote the book "The Overthrown World". It was based on documents from the archives of the KGB and the USSR Ministry of Defense. Each of them is a real sensation. The contents of the secret folders are so contrary to the official history that they are afraid to even comment on the book. These facts are more like science fiction than intelligence reports. At the same time, Leonid Grigorievich only documented the versions that are considered conspiracy theories.

Secret documents from the archives of the special services came to Leonid Ivashov in the early 90s

“After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the liberal democrats were seized by a fierce passion to sell all Soviet heritage, including state secrets,” says Leonid Grigorievich. - At one of these moments my friends from the KGB called me and asked for an urgent meeting. They said that a group of people came to them with an order from Boris Yeltsin to let them into the archive and issue materials according to the list. Among the first on the list are the results of the expedition of 1926-1929 to Tibet by Yakov Blumkin. At the same time, another group appeared in the Research Institute of the KGB of the USSR "Rhombus" - the Soviet analogue of the Ahnenerbe, a society for the study of ancient German history and heritage of ancestors. In general, the guests wanted to scoop up all our research in the field of mysticism and esotericism.

Honest Chekists still remained then, and today they also exist. During the night, we took this collection out of the archive and hid it in a regular garage. I used some of these documents in the book.

Later it turned out that this group represented a closed Jewish-Masonic organization called B'nai-Brit, whose headquarters, by decision of Mikhail Gorbachev, was allocated a building in the south-west of Moscow. Permission to loot the archives was lobbied by Yeltsin's adviser, General Dmitry Volkogonov.

General Leonid IVASHOV saved the archives of the KGB and the USSR Ministry of Defense from the Freemasons. Frame:
General Leonid IVASHOV saved the archives of the KGB and the USSR Ministry of Defense from the Freemasons. Frame:

General Leonid IVASHOV saved the archives of the KGB and the USSR Ministry of Defense from the Freemasons. Frame:

Promotional video:

According to Ivashov, the interest in Yakov Blumkin is not accidental. This man, who is considered a genius, the founder of the Cheka and almost a devil in the flesh, turned out to be the key to the innermost secrets of mankind.

- Blumkin got into the Great Soviet Encyclopedia as an outstanding intelligence officer. His entire official biography is a complete lie, - Ivashov is sure. - They write that he has been a resident in five countries in two years. This is basically impossible. This Jewish boy, the son of a shoemaker, was a Left Socialist-Revolutionary who was trained as a fighter for one of three thousand Jewish troops. Having trained, Yasha came into the field of vision of Leon Trotsky, who in 1918 assigned him to the special department of the OGPU, which is looking for ways to control the mass consciousness. That is why, when a delegation from Tibet arrived in Russia and the lamas invited Felix Dzerzhinsky to send a delegation to them to get acquainted with the secrets of mankind, Blumkin went.

Tibet saw the Soviet government as an ally because it rejected religions. Perhaps this circumstance played a major role in attempts to establish friendly relations.

Blumkin was really shown a lot there. But Yasha is Yasha. Returning to Moscow, he contacted the German resident Werner von Stilhe and handed over the collected archive for $ 2.5 million. Blumkin did not say that he gives almost everything. Therefore, the Germans believed that most of them remained in Moscow, and they received only a small part of the documents.

Yakov Gershevich got caught in the household. Having received that kind of money, he decided to leave for Latin America and called his mistress, the daughter of the Odessa usurer Margarita Polezhaeva, also an employee of the OGPU, with him. His level as a scout is evidenced by the fact that he showed her a suitcase of money and gave her a wad of dollars to buy new clothes. Margarita was detained on the same day while trying to exchange and immediately went to Blumkin.

If you believe the secret archives of Soviet intelligence, then Adolf Hitler and Eva BRAUN did not commit suicide in Berlin, but died quietly a few years later somewhere in Argentina
If you believe the secret archives of Soviet intelligence, then Adolf Hitler and Eva BRAUN did not commit suicide in Berlin, but died quietly a few years later somewhere in Argentina

If you believe the secret archives of Soviet intelligence, then Adolf Hitler and Eva BRAUN did not commit suicide in Berlin, but died quietly a few years later somewhere in Argentina

The book contains a fragment of his interrogation.

Question: What characteristics of the weapons you discovered in Tibet did you give to the Germans? What is this weapon, where did you see it? What is its method of action?

- I was taken to the underground halls and shown some so-called artifacts - the weapons of the gods, preserved on Earth from 15-20 thousand years BC. These weapons are kept in separate rooms. The characteristics of the weapon are approximately as follows:

1. Giant forceps - "Wajaru". With their help, precious metals are melted. If you melt gold at the temperature of the sun's surface, then the gold flares up and turns into powder for 70 seconds. This powder was used in the construction of huge mobile stone platforms. If this powder is poured onto the platform, then its weight is lost to a minimum.

2. Bell - the so-called "Shu Dzy", with the help of which you can blind a large army or an entire army for a while. Its mode of action consists in the transformation of electromagnetic waves at a certain frequency, which the human ear does not perceive, but shines directly on the brain. This is a very strange weapon. With his help, the Indian prophet Arjuna won big battles, causing his enemies to panic.

This weapon remained from about 8-10 thousand years BC, it was discovered in underground cities under the ice of Antarctica in the area of Queen Maud Land. This place is guarded by guards. They travel on special circular aircraft that are not like airplanes and airplanes known to us. I also reported their technical characteristics to Shtilhe.

Yasha BLUMKIN learned the secrets of the Tibetan sages and sold them to the Germans
Yasha BLUMKIN learned the secrets of the Tibetan sages and sold them to the Germans

Yasha BLUMKIN learned the secrets of the Tibetan sages and sold them to the Germans

Adolf's missing testicle

The Germans very carefully approached the received papers and managed to use the knowledge gained.

Based on reports from Soviet intelligence, Leonid Ivashov argues that in the spring of 1945, Adolf Hitler was not found in Berlin. The Fuhrer hid in those very cities under Queen Maud Land.

- For the 35th anniversary of the Victory, the head of the Museum of the Armed Forces of the USSR asked me, as the head of the secretariat of the Ministry of Defense, to turn to Dmitry Ustinov with a request to allow him to display the skulls of Eva Braun and Hitler, which were kept in the basements of the museum. I did not see anything unusual in this, and one evening I turned to Dmitry Fedorovich. He paused, lit a cigarette and said: “We will not exhibit. These are not their skulls. I then thought, why keep other people's skulls and where are the real ones? I got the answer only by studying the archive that I got in the garage.

From the documents it turned out that the report on Hitler's suicide was prepared in haste. Our counterintelligence and the doctors of the Fifth Army, which captured the bunker, made such a conclusion without any analysis and thorough examinations. They hurried to please Stalin. Foreign intelligence had certain doubts already in June. Orders followed to re-investigate. It turned out that the main testimony for teeth and jaws was given only by a woman who entered to work as a nurse at Hitler's dentist. The jaws were urgently taken to a secret laboratory in Fili, where it became clear that it was a fake. Then the Fuhrer's senior adjutant testified that he and his team were sent to the station area to look for corpses similar to Eva Braun and Hitler. The question was immediately classified and began to be studied seriously. When examining the corpse of a burned man, only one testicle was found. Doctor Werner Haase was immediately questioned. He testified that he last made an external examination of Hitler in March 1945 in connection with inflammation of the appendages of the right kidney and both testicles were in place.

The head of the Third Reich left Kiel on a submarine. For a couple of years he hid in Antarctica, and then landed in Puerto Madryn and "disappeared" in Argentina
The head of the Third Reich left Kiel on a submarine. For a couple of years he hid in Antarctica, and then landed in Puerto Madryn and "disappeared" in Argentina

The head of the Third Reich left Kiel on a submarine. For a couple of years he hid in Antarctica, and then landed in Puerto Madryn and "disappeared" in Argentina

By that time, intelligence had already begun deciphering a huge array of captured documents of the Third Reich, and it became clear where the Nazi leader could disappear.

- Back in 1938-1939, our intelligence officers who worked with the Germans, in particular the future academician Savelyev, said that in Germany they were actively engaged in Blumkin's papers and even tried to involve us in joint research. In particular, Saveliev was told that the very inner cavity of the Earth was discovered, where there are all the conditions for life, and that a new Germany is now being built there.

Indeed, in January 1939, the transport ship Swabia, equipped with two Dornier flying boats, explored Antarctica, and in January 1943 at a meeting of the Reich elite, Gross Admiral Karl Dönitz solemnly declared: “The German submarine fleet is proud to have created on the other side of the world for Fuhrer's impregnable fortress."

What did the grand admiral mean when he made such a grandiose statement? All the more emphasizing the role of the German submarine fleet, and not the transport ships of the "Swabia" type?

- Soviet military intelligence in 1945 found out the following, - says Ivashov. - During the war, the German Navy created a group of 150 best submarines, called the "Fuehrer's Special Convoy", to carry out the "South Seas Navigation Mission". The grouping was functionally divided into submarines for delivering cargo and passengers to the Queen Maud Land area and a group of submarines that received cargo and passengers for their delivery to the inner space of the Earth. On June 11, 1945, SMERSH counterintelligence officers in the building of the General Staff of the German Navy discovered pilot maps of the passage of depths for the captains of submarines of the second group. The maps were printed in the Dachau concentration camp in the "sonderlaboratory" in January 1944, which testifies to the extreme secrecy of the information on the maps and that all personsthose involved in their manufacture are destroyed.

The Nazis somehow staked out the southern continent for themselves. And if for the riches of the Arctic there are now "battles" between several countries, then no one especially opens their mouths to Antarctica
The Nazis somehow staked out the southern continent for themselves. And if for the riches of the Arctic there are now "battles" between several countries, then no one especially opens their mouths to Antarctica

The Nazis somehow staked out the southern continent for themselves. And if for the riches of the Arctic there are now "battles" between several countries, then no one especially opens their mouths to Antarctica

The best representatives of the nation

From the message of the head of the GRU on September 5, 1945, it follows that in June 1945, the submarine of the German Navy U-530 from a special convoy of the Fuhrer surrendered to the Argentine military, and on August 17, another submarine, U-977, returning from the South Pole, was discovered by the American squadron, after which the boat's crew surrendered. As follows from the message, submarine captains in the period from 1944 to May 1945 carried out about 14 raids, transported 260 passengers and thousands of boxes of secret cargo to Antarctica. Thus, according to our information, prominent German scientists with their families and "the best representatives of the nation" were evacuated from Germany. U-530 captain Otto Vermouth said that he last handed over the personal belongings of Adolf Hitler and 150 boxes of jewelry. According to other sources,Hitler himself was on board the submarine U-977.

“I have not seen the later documents, but I believe those researchers who claim that Hitler lived in one of the Latin American countries until his death in 1964,” says Leonid Grigorievich. - Probably did not take root in underground Germany. I asked to go outside. Our illegal spy Yuri Drozdov, who was introduced to a group of Nazis in Latin America, described in his memoirs how he took an oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer somewhere in the early 50s. Moreover, those around him clearly emphasized that the Fuhrer was alive.

When it was proved that Hitler had fled, the Politburo of the Central Committee issued a closed resolution to look for him in Latin America. The variant with underground Berlin in Antarctica was also worked out. In November 1945, three of our finest submarines sailed towards Queen Maud Land. We dived in and followed the fascist pilot's maps, but did not complete the task. The commander of the detachment was forced to give the command to return, because the boats were attacked by incomprehensible weapons.

It is known that a similar attempt was made by the Americans in 1947. The powerful squadron of Rear Admiral Richard Byrd followed the same route and was defeated. The flying saucers sank two destroyers, seriously damaged the aircraft carrier and destroyed several aircraft.

General Ivashov confirms that there is evidence from experts that the Germans were really engaged in the creation of flying saucers and even tried to use them in the Battle of Kursk as a means of monitoring the battlefield, but the project was not successful. Who, then, protects the entrance to the underworld? Is it possible that under the ice of Antarctica the remnants of ancient civilizations, which took in fugitive fascists, continue to exist? The part of the secret KGB archives that ended up in the hands of Leonid Grigorievich does not give an answer.