Secrets of history 2024, October

They Were Mistaken For Vampires - Alternative View

They Were Mistaken For Vampires - Alternative View

In the ancient chronicles there is a mention of the dead, whose bodies remained incorrupt for centuries and looked as if people had just fallen asleep. In the common people, the finds of such "living corpses" caused mystical fear

Double XX Beams - Alternative View

Double XX Beams - Alternative View

Fire in the clouds West Germany. Ravensburg. The usual meeting of the city court is going on … The accused is called to testify - Professor, Doctor of Sciences Hans Erhard. Then the verdict is announced: two years six months in prison

Dracula: Who The Legendary Vampire Really Was - Alternative View

Dracula: Who The Legendary Vampire Really Was - Alternative View

The story of Vlad Tepes is known to everyone. The medieval ruler who inspired Bram Stoker on the famous "Dracula" became famous for his incredible cruelty, bordering, according to legends, with insane mania

Slavic Folk Ways To Identify And Eliminate A Vampire - Alternative View

Slavic Folk Ways To Identify And Eliminate A Vampire - Alternative View

Imagine an isolated, remote little village in Eastern Europe, in which only a few peasants live with their families, a miller, a blacksmith, a couple of merchants, and perhaps a priest

Descendants Of The Fierce Polovtsians Among Us: Who They Are, And How Can They Be Recognized Today - Alternative View

Descendants Of The Fierce Polovtsians Among Us: Who They Are, And How Can They Be Recognized Today - Alternative View

Polovtsi - one of the most mysterious steppe peoples, which went down in Russian history thanks to raids on principalities and repeated attempts by the rulers of the Russian lands, if not to defeat the steppe inhabitants, then at least to come to an agreement with them

"Vampire Skeleton" Found In UK - Alternative View

"Vampire Skeleton" Found In UK - Alternative View

A strange skeleton has been unearthed in the UK. In a new report, the researchers say the skeleton they found belonged to a man who lived around 550. He was buried in the ancient city of Southwell, Nottinghamshire

Wild West. Desperados - Desperate - Alternative View

Wild West. Desperados - Desperate - Alternative View

In July 1886, an unusual announcement could be read in the Border Ruffian newspaper: Wanted

Why Did The Red Army Men Tied A Mosin Rifle To The Barrel Of Artillery Guns - Alternative View

Why Did The Red Army Men Tied A Mosin Rifle To The Barrel Of Artillery Guns - Alternative View

The Red Army men have always been rich in inventions. Today, few people remember this, but during the Second World War, the artillerymen of the Red Army came up with the idea of tying Mosin rifles to the barrel of the guns. This system worked flawlessly. Why

Empire Of Evil. Third Reich - The Coming Of The Dark Age - Alternative View

Empire Of Evil. Third Reich - The Coming Of The Dark Age - Alternative View

The black abyss of Hitler's devilish subconscious "If the tyranny of the Nazis - this is not evil in its pure form, then what can be considered evil at all

The System Of "Four Crosses" Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

The System Of "Four Crosses" Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

During the 9th-15th centuries in Russia, according to the surviving historical sources, a system of underground communications between the settlements of defense significance was created. Their length is admirable - hundreds of kilometers

We Are All Gangsters - Alternative View

We Are All Gangsters - Alternative View

The word "gangster" has very interesting roots that no one really thinks about. The official etymology suggests looking for the root "gang" in "gan, go", that is, "go, pass." But it is obvious that this is not so.Meanwhile, even a superficial glance at the meaning of this word already says a lot about the history of mankind, about the principles of the historical development of society

A Person Does Everything To Destroy Himself - Alternative View

A Person Does Everything To Destroy Himself - Alternative View

The story begins with bloodshed and is written in blood. From century to century, new weapons were developed and old weapons were improved. From a stone ax to a thermonuclear warhead - all this is just the result of the destructive nature of humanity

In China, They Discovered Treasures From The Legend - Alternative View

In China, They Discovered Treasures From The Legend - Alternative View

The ancient Chinese legend about the treasures of the peasant king, which rested on the river bottom, turned out to be true. Archaeologists in mid-March raised more than ten thousand silver and gold artifacts from the bottom of the Minjiang River in Sichuan province

In Adygea, They Learned That A Detachment Of SS Occultists Was Looking For In The Mountains - Alternative View

In Adygea, They Learned That A Detachment Of SS Occultists Was Looking For In The Mountains - Alternative View

In the mountains of Adygea, they found two skulls of a creature unknown to science and a chest with the emblem of "Ahnenerbe" - perhaps the most secret society under the Hitler SS, engaged in occult sciences and otherworldly forces

At The Cradle Of The Giant - Alternative View

At The Cradle Of The Giant - Alternative View

From the very moment of its birth Russia-Russia became a bridge between two worlds - Europe and Asia. And these parts of the world were really different worlds

Elixirs Of Longevity From Mechnikov And Bogomolets - Alternative View

Elixirs Of Longevity From Mechnikov And Bogomolets - Alternative View

In 2013, scientists from Tomsk and Novosibirsk achieved, according to reviews of foreign colleagues, the impossible. We have developed a drug that stimulates the work of stem cells, which has become a real means of rejuvenating the human body

Long-livers Of Antiquity - Truth Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Long-livers Of Antiquity - Truth Or Fiction? - Alternative View

One of the possible explanations is that in the Middle East in ancient times there was a different chronology, and the length of the year was different from the modern

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Korovina Group: Khamar-Daban - Buryat Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Korovina Group: Khamar-Daban - Buryat Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

The most famous and mysterious case of the death of tourists is the tragedy that happened to the Dyatlov group in early February 1959. The circumstances have not yet been clarified, and several dozen versions have been put forward

"Wife For Sale" Or How Europeans Divorced In The 17-19th Centuries - Alternative View

"Wife For Sale" Or How Europeans Divorced In The 17-19th Centuries - Alternative View

In 1800s Europe, women and children were considered the property of men. He could do anything with them, including sell

The Inconvenient Truth Of Katyn - Alternative View

The Inconvenient Truth Of Katyn - Alternative View

With this, in fact, no one has ever argued. The Katyn massacre was called a war crime not only by the US Congress and the Polish government in exile, but also by Stalin and Hitler

How The Cavalry Fought Against Tanks - Alternative View

How The Cavalry Fought Against Tanks - Alternative View

Discussions on the role of cavalry during the war are ongoing. Allegedly, our cavalry with checkers flew headlong at German tanks, and Soviet marshals before the war overestimated its importance

Where And When Was Jesus Christ Born? - Alternative View

Where And When Was Jesus Christ Born? - Alternative View

Surprisingly, it is also a fact - it is impossible to compile a real biography of Jesus Christ from the Gospel texts! The main part of the information concerning the life of the Savior is only the assumptions and guesses of the researchers

The Code Of Laws Of King Hammurabi - Alternative View

The Code Of Laws Of King Hammurabi - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 20th century, the French archaeologist Jacques de Morgan managed to convince the Persian Shah to grant the French a monopoly on excavations within Iran. He agreed after long negotiations

The Mystery Of The "Angelic Books" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The "Angelic Books" - Alternative View

Book of Kells - A richly illustrated handwritten book by Irish monks in 800. This is one of the most lavishly decorated with exquisite miniatures and ornaments of medieval manuscripts among all that have come down to us

Secrets Of The Gold Treasures Of Russia - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Gold Treasures Of Russia - Alternative View

At the bottom of Lake Baikal, scientists have discovered some shiny objects that resemble gold bars. The find was made by members of the scientific expedition "Mira" on Baikal "during a dive in the area of the Circum-Baikal Railway

The Secret Life Of Ancient Concubines - Alternative View

The Secret Life Of Ancient Concubines - Alternative View

Many rulers and senior members of society had not only wives, but also concubines. This showed not only the prestige of a person due to the ability to produce children, but also meant limitless possibilities for satisfying sexual desires

War Of The Scarlet And White Rose - Alternative View

War Of The Scarlet And White Rose - Alternative View

One of the brightest English dynasties in England - Plantagenets originate from one of the branches of the Anjou dynasty (France). The name Plantageneta comes from the name of the planta genista flower, which has long been the emblem of the Count of Anjou

As Historians "joke" - Alternative View

As Historians "joke" - Alternative View

“In 1856, - reports K. Keram, - remains of a skeleton were found near Dusseldorf

The Mystery Of The Lycurgus Cup Or Ancient Nanotechnology - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Lycurgus Cup Or Ancient Nanotechnology - Alternative View

The word "nanotechnology" has become extremely fashionable these days. The governments of all developed countries, including Russia, are adopting programs for the development of the nanoindustry. But what is it

Damascus: The Shine Of Steel And The Smell Of Gunpowder - Alternative View

Damascus: The Shine Of Steel And The Smell Of Gunpowder - Alternative View

Damascus - the oldest of the state capitals that have survived to this day. Arab historian Yakut al-Hamawi believed that the age of the city should be counted from Adam and Eve

How Did The Brazilian Explorers Of The Other World Die - Alternative View

How Did The Brazilian Explorers Of The Other World Die - Alternative View

In August 1966, the bodies of two people were found on a hill in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro. The banal story unexpectedly turned into one of the main mysteries of the era, when it turned out that experts could not establish the cause of death of men, the police were not able to put forward a single reasoned version of their death, and the men themselves planned to establish contact with some supernatural forces

Florence Nightingale: The One Who Carried The Light. The First Nurse Reduced The Death Rate Of The Wounded By 15 Times! - Alternative View

Florence Nightingale: The One Who Carried The Light. The First Nurse Reduced The Death Rate Of The Wounded By 15 Times! - Alternative View

Today it is even difficult to imagine that even in the 19th century there was no such thing as nursing care in military hospitals. Actually, there was no profession of a highly qualified nurse

Concubines At The Court Of The Ruler - Alternative View

Concubines At The Court Of The Ruler - Alternative View

Many books can now be found about the concubines of the great ancient rulers. Their fates were different. But some concubines, later, became great rulers or wives of the greatest rulers of the world

Deities Of Ugra - Alternative View

Deities Of Ugra - Alternative View

The farther from the boundaries of “ civilization ”, from the influence of Western culture and places whose inhabitants were first of all crushed and planed under the foundations of “ unobtrusive ” Christianity, the brighter and more vividly the images of the primordial gods appear before man, once inhabited

Why Was It Customary To Beat Women In Russia? - Alternative View

Why Was It Customary To Beat Women In Russia? - Alternative View

The tradition of regularly hitting his wife appeared in Russia with the adoption of Christianity. In the pagan period, the woman was a more equal member of society than in the Christian

The Story Of King Richard The Lionheart - Alternative View

The Story Of King Richard The Lionheart - Alternative View

Richard I the Lionheart - King of England from 6 July 1189 - to April 6, 1199 (born September 8, 1157 - d. April 6, 1199) Richard I - English king and duke of Normandy, spent most of his life in military campaigns away from England

Ancient Cultures Of Siberia Of The Caucasian Anthropological Type - Alternative View

Ancient Cultures Of Siberia Of The Caucasian Anthropological Type - Alternative View

Many people think that people with European features in Central and Eastern Siberia appeared after Yermak's campaigns. Let's look at official sources and make sure that this is far from the case

Mammoth Leather Boots - Alternative View

Mammoth Leather Boots - Alternative View

It is officially believed that most of the mammoths died out about 10 thousand years ago during the last cooling of the Vistula Ice Age. Some groups of animals lived longer

Slavic Magic Of The Naked Body - Alternative View

Slavic Magic Of The Naked Body - Alternative View

Mutual nudity in ancient times was undertaken quite often, but not for entertainment purposes, as now, but as a special magic practice. The main gods of the ancient Slavs were the highest entities associated with fruiting, harvest, childbirth

Mysterious Artifacts Of Fate - Alternative View

Mysterious Artifacts Of Fate - Alternative View

Today we are surrounded by many things that should refute all kinds of beliefs and instill in a person confidence about his exclusivity, however, this is not so