Secrets of history 2024, October

The Odious Discoverer: The Biggest Mistakes And Crimes Of Christopher Columbus - Alternative View

The Odious Discoverer: The Biggest Mistakes And Crimes Of Christopher Columbus - Alternative View

In the biography of Christopher Columbus, there are more blank spots than reliable facts. His name is surrounded by legends, he remains one of the most mysterious figures in history

Doctor Death - Alternative View

Doctor Death - Alternative View

Disputes about the admissibility of experiments on humans, about ethical norms and the boundaries of such experiments have been conducted for a long time

Scientists Have Found Out Why The Vikings Arranged Funerals For Their Homes - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out Why The Vikings Arranged Funerals For Their Homes - Alternative View

Norwegian scientists have found that the Vikings had special burial rituals of houses, which were similar to those of their fellow tribesmen

Scientists Have Learned How The "alpine Ice Man" Ötzi Was Killed - Alternative View

Scientists Have Learned How The "alpine Ice Man" Ötzi Was Killed - Alternative View

Scientists who examined the mummy of the "alpine ice man" Ötzi learned the details of his death. It turned out, for example, that Ötzi was shot from a bow from a rather long distance - - his killers are believed to have been driven by jealousy or revenge

Ice Mummy Ötzi - Alternative View

Ice Mummy Ötzi - Alternative View

Since the discovery of Etsi - Ice man (or - Ice mummy) - more than two decades have passed, but many of his secrets still haunt scientists

Found Slavic Woman 1 Million Years Old - Alternative View

Found Slavic Woman 1 Million Years Old - Alternative View

A group of researchers, led by Professor Kislenkov, during the excavation of one unremarkable mound, accidentally discovered an ancient burial (according to

Is Transbaikalia The Ancestral Home Of The Indians? - Alternative View

Is Transbaikalia The Ancestral Home Of The Indians? - Alternative View

Archaeologists have established that Indians lived in Transbaikalia 10 thousand years ago The largest archaeological expedition in Transbaikalia has been working in the Krasnochikoysky region, in the ancient settlement of Ust-Menza since the 1980s

Tyumen Scientists Have Found Out How The Komi People Fought Against Bad Weather - Alternative View

Tyumen Scientists Have Found Out How The Komi People Fought Against Bad Weather - Alternative View

Researchers at the Institute for Problems of Northern Development SB RAS (Tyumen) Nina Aleksandrovna Liskevich and Angela Khairullovna Masharipova studied the practices of influencing the weather and natural disasters in different Komi groups in Western Siberia

Schoolchildren Have Found An Ancient Talisman At The Excavations - Alternative View

Schoolchildren Have Found An Ancient Talisman At The Excavations - Alternative View

Eleventh graders from the Kultuk school №7 during excavations in on the shore of Lake Baikal found a miraculous amulet, which is more than 400 years old

10 Little-known Facts About The Ice Mummy Ötzi, Whose Age Is 5300 Years Old - Alternative View

10 Little-known Facts About The Ice Mummy Ötzi, Whose Age Is 5300 Years Old - Alternative View

Advances in technology have allowed archaeologists to take the study of ancient artifacts to a whole new level. And today there is a mummy of an ancient European, which is studied in such detail as no other

In The Krasnoyarsk Territory, Rock Paintings Of Mythical Monsters Were Found - Alternative View

In The Krasnoyarsk Territory, Rock Paintings Of Mythical Monsters Were Found - Alternative View

More than a hundred previously unknown petroglyphs were found during the study of the Shalabolinskaya scribble - a monument of rock art in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Accidents That Have Turned The History Of The World - Alternative View

Accidents That Have Turned The History Of The World - Alternative View

Supporters of the doctrine of "Tikhism" are sure that everything in the Universe is determined by chance. We do not know about the Universe, but the fact that in world history chances have played a decisive and fatal role more than once is an indisputable fact

The Mystery Of Lily Brick - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Lily Brick - Alternative View

This magical woman, like a bright comet, swept across the sky of the 20th century. Talented and famous men fell in love with her. She was condemned, bullied, anathematized, envied, imitated and admired by her

Black Kingdom - Alternative View

Black Kingdom - Alternative View

The stereotype of Africa as a backward continent, where exclusively wild tribes live, is still popular. Meanwhile, in Africa there were very noticeable states with an interesting history. One of them was the Kingdom of the Congo

5 Most Mysterious People In The World - Alternative View

5 Most Mysterious People In The World - Alternative View

Did you know that the mystery of the construction of the pyramids was not only solved, but the man who understood how the Egyptians moved multi-ton blocks himself built a whole city from giant boulders

Hitler: "How Can We Build The Slavic Empire?" - Alternative View

Hitler: "How Can We Build The Slavic Empire?" - Alternative View

There are real documents that today make it possible to fully judge the actions of the allied forces and their leaders in Europe and Asia, aimed at destroying fascism, its armies and the armies of the Hitlerite alliance; Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam, preparatory

Prophet Of Terror - Alternative View

Prophet Of Terror - Alternative View

Jacques Casotte was a poet, writer, mystic and diviner. He lived in France in the 18th century. He was a bright personality. extraordinary and quite popular

Who Is Don Juan And How Did This Image Come About? - Alternative View

Who Is Don Juan And How Did This Image Come About? - Alternative View

Don Juan, who is so well known to us from literary and musical works, an insidious seducer, a destroyer of families, a seeker of pleasures and adventures, impudent and brave - had at least 2 real prototypes, according to the historian S. Pervushin

Bloody Chess - Alternative View

Bloody Chess - Alternative View

In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Spanish Inquisition fought especially fiercely against heretics. Codes were created defining the degree of guilt of apostates, new instruments of torture were invented

Bloody Tales - Alternative View

Bloody Tales - Alternative View

Recently, educators and psychologists have often complained that folk tales are too cruel. However, many do not even realize that children hear heavily edited versions of them

The Mystery Of An Artifact Called "London Hammer" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of An Artifact Called "London Hammer" - Alternative View

According to most scholars, the world's first hammer was invented in the Stone Age. However, there is also a specimen on earth, which is a joke to say -140 million years

The Hijacking Of A Boeing 727 In 1971: The Most Mysterious In History - Alternative View

The Hijacking Of A Boeing 727 In 1971: The Most Mysterious In History - Alternative View

On November 24, 1971, one of the most mysterious crimes in the history of aviation terrorism took place in the skies over the American Portland. Someone D. B

The Secret Society Of The Knights Of The Rose And The Cross - Alternative View

The Secret Society Of The Knights Of The Rose And The Cross - Alternative View

When it comes to secret societies, most people think of Freemasons. But there is a more mysterious brotherhood - "Knights of the Rose and Cross" or otherwise, the Rosicrucians. All information about this secret society is associated with mysticism

When And Where Did Hitler Die? - Alternative View

When And Where Did Hitler Die? - Alternative View

It would seem that the answer is obvious and unambiguous: the possessed Fuhrer and his newly minted wife Eva Braun committed suicide on April 30, 1945 at 15:30 in Berlin, in an underground bunker equipped in the courtyard of the Imperial Chancellery

Taurus In Taurida - Alternative View

Taurus In Taurida - Alternative View

Since the 1st millennium BC. e., and possibly earlier, on the southern coast and mountains of Crimea settled Taurian tribes, whose ethnic origin is still not completely clear

Found A Mysterious "graveyard Of Death Medallions" - Alternative View

Found A Mysterious "graveyard Of Death Medallions" - Alternative View

37-year-old military expert Dan Mackay discovered in a field near London the burial of 14 thousand "death medallions" from the Second World War

When The Snowmen Were Angry - Alternative View

When The Snowmen Were Angry - Alternative View

On January 18, kids around the world celebrated Snowman Day. That same snow woman - from several balls of snow, placed on top of each other, with carrots for nose and coals for eyes

Uglich Case: What Happened To Tsarevich Dmitry - Alternative View

Uglich Case: What Happened To Tsarevich Dmitry - Alternative View

Dangerous heir After the death of Ivan the Terrible, only two of his direct heirs remained - - feeble-minded Fedor and underage Dmitry

Kunoichi: "deadly Flowers" Of Mysterious Japan - Alternative View

Kunoichi: "deadly Flowers" Of Mysterious Japan - Alternative View

The pampered geisha feared them like fire, and cold-blooded ninja bypassed the twentieth road. Legends were made about their education and refined beauty, every man secretly dreamed of meeting them and mortally afraid of this meeting

Nuremberg Trials. The Mystery Of The Suicide Of Hermann Goering - Alternative View

Nuremberg Trials. The Mystery Of The Suicide Of Hermann Goering - Alternative View

On October 15, 1946, at night taking poison, Hermann Goering committed suicide, man No. 2 in the Third Reich and criminal No. 1 at the Nuremberg Trials

Found A Mysterious Sculpture Of The Biblical King - Alternative View

Found A Mysterious Sculpture Of The Biblical King - Alternative View

Israeli archaeologists have discovered a sculpture of the head of an unknown king, whose age reaches three thousand years. This was reported in a press release on

Easter Island: Statues, Legends, Facts - Alternative View

Easter Island: Statues, Legends, Facts - Alternative View

1687 - the pirate Edward Davis was the first Europeans to see Easter Island. Davis's entry in the ship's log was laconic, and the island's coordinates were rather inaccurate. The excuse is strong: the pirate was chased by a warship

Lenin's Ziggurat: Secrets Of The Mausoleum On Red Square - Alternative View

Lenin's Ziggurat: Secrets Of The Mausoleum On Red Square - Alternative View

Is it true that the Mausoleum was built according to the drawings of the Babylonian ziggurats? And scientists worked on the embalming of Lenin's body using occult sciences

The Legacy Of The Ancestors - Alternative View

The Legacy Of The Ancestors - Alternative View

The find made by scientists of Bashkiria contradicts traditional ideas about the history of mankind. The stone slab, which is approximately 120 million years old, has a relief map of the Ural region

The Mystical Generalissimo Stalin - Alternative View

The Mystical Generalissimo Stalin - Alternative View

The personality of Joseph Stalin is perceived ambiguously by modern historical science. There are many opinions regarding this person

TOP 10 Real Historical Facts About Dracula - Alternative View

TOP 10 Real Historical Facts About Dracula - Alternative View

Bloody ruler of Wallachia - a tiny state on the territory of modern Romania - Vlad the Tepes Dracula, impaling everyone and drinking the blood of his victims

12,000-year-old Skull With A Microcircuit Found Underwater In Mexico - Alternative View

12,000-year-old Skull With A Microcircuit Found Underwater In Mexico - Alternative View

Divers who recently descended into the giant Sak-Aktun cave system in the Mexican part of the Yucatan Peninsula discovered human remains about 12 thousand years old

How Russian History Was Changed - Alternative View

How Russian History Was Changed - Alternative View

There are many blank spots in the history of our country. The lack of a sufficient number of reliable sources gives rise not only to speculation, but also outright falsifications. Some of them turned out to be very tenacious

The Soviet Cosmonauts Who Died In Space Were "heard" By The British Media &Zwj; - Alternative View

The Soviet Cosmonauts Who Died In Space Were "heard" By The British Media &Zwj; - Alternative View

British tabloid Daily Star published another pseudo-sensation, this time timed to coincide with the recently celebrated International Day of Cosmonautics

During The Construction Of The Crimean Bridge, About A Million Artifacts Have Already Been Discovered - Alternative View

During The Construction Of The Crimean Bridge, About A Million Artifacts Have Already Been Discovered - Alternative View

About a million valuable archaeological finds have already been made on the territory of the construction of the famous bridge across the Kerch Strait, and this is clearly not the limit