Secrets of history 2024, October

Who Were The Real Witches And Sorcerers Actually - Alternative View

Who Were The Real Witches And Sorcerers Actually - Alternative View

Almost everything you know about witches is untrue. They don’t wear pointy hats, they don’t brew potions in huge cauldrons, and they’re fine with their noses

Thumbelina From Typhoon - Alternative View

Thumbelina From Typhoon - Alternative View

The maroon beret is a uniform headdress. The highest form of distinction of servicemen of special purpose units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and after 1991 of the Russian Federation.The maroon beret is awarded as a result of challenging qualification tests and is a matter of exceptional pride

Royal Curse. What Was The Fate Of The Children Of Peter The Great? - Alternative View

Royal Curse. What Was The Fate Of The Children Of Peter The Great? - Alternative View

When it comes to the children of Emperor Peter the Great, as a rule, they remember the eldest son of Tsarevich Alexei, as well as daughter Elizabeth Petrovna, who became empress. In fact, in two marriages, Peter I had more than 10 children

What Secrets Hides The Pirate Island Of La Tortuga - Alternative View

What Secrets Hides The Pirate Island Of La Tortuga - Alternative View

La Tortuga - it is the second largest Venezuelan island (approximately 24 by 10 kilometers). Covered with bushes, deprived of fresh water, it remained deserted for a long time (even mammals could not catch on there)

Mysterious Queen Of Sheba - Alternative View

Mysterious Queen Of Sheba - Alternative View

The Queen of Sheba is mentioned in the Bible, but also without a name. In the Qur'an, as well as in many Persian and Arabian tales, she is called Bilkis

The Victory That Marked The Beginning Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

The Victory That Marked The Beginning Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

July 10 - Day of Military Glory, dedicated to the great victory of Peter I over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava The Battle of Poltava, which took place on June 27 (July 8) 1709, is the key battle of the Northern War of 1700-1721

Easter, Alternative History. Ossiida And Ossirius - Alternative View

Easter, Alternative History. Ossiida And Ossirius - Alternative View

An interesting story of a well-established archetype. I will tell you the story of the appearance of the Easter holiday. When the planet was not so dense, Life forms were more fluid and not constant

Hittites. The People Who Worshiped The Two-headed Eagle - Alternative View

Hittites. The People Who Worshiped The Two-headed Eagle - Alternative View

The Hittite Empire was one of the most influential forces on the map of the Ancient World. Here the first constitution appeared, the Hittites were the first to use war chariots and revered the two-headed eagle

The Party Has Banned. How The USSR Was Deprived Of The Digital Future - Alternative View

The Party Has Banned. How The USSR Was Deprived Of The Digital Future - Alternative View

Imagine a world where the Internet, machine learning, neural networks and other gifts of modernity were created not in the West, but in the USSR. What a ridiculous fantasy, you say

Diamond Rush - Alternative View

Diamond Rush - Alternative View

It is known that greed obscures the eye. And when the desire for easy money blinded even the intelligence services and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, later they had to seriously try to hide their shame from the whole world

Battle In The Teutoburg Forest (9 AD) - Alternative View

Battle In The Teutoburg Forest (9 AD) - Alternative View

After the establishment of imperial power in Rome, the Romans continued their traditional expansionist policy, moving in a northeast direction

Avian Genocide. How Nature Took Revenge On The Chinese For The Sparrows - Alternative View

Avian Genocide. How Nature Took Revenge On The Chinese For The Sparrows - Alternative View

On February 12, 1958, Chinese leader Mao Zedong signed a historic decree to eradicate all rats, flies, mosquitoes and sparrows in the country

Mysteries Of Princess Olga - Alternative View

Mysteries Of Princess Olga - Alternative View

Even a person who is only superficially familiar with ancient Russian history knows the name of Princess Olga, the first ruler of Russia to adopt Christianity. Yes, the personality is memorable. How she took revenge on the Drevlyans for the death of Igor, her husband

South Ural Ethnographer: "Dyatlov's Group Was Killed By Rays Of Death From Under The Ground" - Alternative View

South Ural Ethnographer: "Dyatlov's Group Was Killed By Rays Of Death From Under The Ground" - Alternative View

The mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group has long haunted scientists, mystics and conspiracy theories. Several dozen theories have already been put forward - from a banal avalanche to aliens and ancient spirits

Real Treasures Waiting To Be Found - Alternative View

Real Treasures Waiting To Be Found - Alternative View

We all probably imagined how we find buried treasures and incredible treasures. That is why many people love the lottery so much. Of course, all the really interesting treasures have already been found, right? But no

How Nikola Tesla Predicted Our World - Alternative View

How Nikola Tesla Predicted Our World - Alternative View

In 1926, Collier's magazine published a conversation with the inventor Nikola Tesla. The content of the conversation at that time was shocking - and even now it is very curious. The life of bees will become the rule for the human race, says the famous scientist Nikola Tesla

The Mystery Of The Clay Golem - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Clay Golem - Alternative View

Man is so constructed that he always wanted to become like God - also to become the Creator, the Creator. In principle, this is probably inherent in the very nature of man, for it is said that God created us in his own image and likeness

Charles Jamison: The Man Who Stopped Time - Alternative View

Charles Jamison: The Man Who Stopped Time - Alternative View

This event happened more than half a century ago, but it became known to the media relatively recently

Land Deals That Influenced The History Of The World - Alternative View

Land Deals That Influenced The History Of The World - Alternative View

In the history of mankind, territories were rejected not only as a result of conquests or the appearance of unidentified troops, but also as a result of a trade deal with land. Still, it's somehow safer with a check

Potemkin Amazons - Alternative View

Potemkin Amazons - Alternative View

Almost everyone knows the expression “Potemkin villages”. It was born at a time when the annexation of Crimea was celebrated in the Russian Empire, and the empress deigned to make a trip to the Black Sea province conquered from the Turks

The Whole Lie About Jordan Bruno - Alternative View

The Whole Lie About Jordan Bruno - Alternative View

Who doesn't know about Jordan Bruno? Well, of course, a young scientist who was burned at the stake by the Inquisition for spreading the teachings of Copernicus. What's wrong here? In addition to the fact that he was executed in Rome in 1600 - all

The Story Of A Front-line Soldier - Alternative View

The Story Of A Front-line Soldier - Alternative View

My father went to the front in August 1942, was wounded twice, and reached Berlin. I remember one of his stories related, approximately, to July 45

How Was The Soviet Army Betrayed? - Alternative View

How Was The Soviet Army Betrayed? - Alternative View

Now we are proud that Russia finally has its first military base in the far abroad. This is, of course, about Syria (Latakia). But after the collapse of the USSR, “Young Russia” for some reason in large numbers closed its bases abroad and even in the CIS countries. Let

How Many Victims Were There During The "bloody October 1993" - Alternative View

How Many Victims Were There During The "bloody October 1993" - Alternative View

The topic of "bloody October 1993" is still sealed today. Nobody knows exactly how many citizens died in those troubled days. However, the numbers cited by independent sources are terrifying

Bulgakov's Secret Will - Alternative View

Bulgakov's Secret Will - Alternative View

This story looks completely implausible, but, nevertheless, this is how everything really happened

Versions: Was There An Ice Age? - Alternative View

Versions: Was There An Ice Age? - Alternative View

Everyone knows that there was an ice age on Earth! And some people think they are not alone. But in this matter, you need to be extremely careful. The power and vastness of the glaciers, many scientists urge not to exaggerate - to put it mildly

Project "New Swabia" In Antarctica - Alternative View

Project "New Swabia" In Antarctica - Alternative View

Until now, there are often reports that Nazi Germany was not destroyed as a result of World War II

New Swabia Or The Secret Base Of The Third Reich In Antarctica - Alternative View

New Swabia Or The Secret Base Of The Third Reich In Antarctica - Alternative View

It is still said that in 1945 Nazi Germany was not completely destroyed

New Swabia: What Hitler Was Planning To Do In Antarctica - Alternative View

New Swabia: What Hitler Was Planning To Do In Antarctica - Alternative View

The mysteries of this territory of Antarctica, to which Nazi Germany had claims until it ceased to exist as a state, still excite the minds of researchers of the unknown

Base 211 - Alternative View

Base 211 - Alternative View

The fact that a top-secret SS base is hidden in the bowels of Antarctica has been said for so long and so persistently that this version cannot be discounted

"Code Of Antarctica" - Alternative View

"Code Of Antarctica" - Alternative View

I learned that a secret Nazi Base-211 is located in Antarctica on Queen Maud Land while on a business trip in Germany. 89-year-old Walter Schulke, former SS Obersturmbannfuehrer, told about her

What Secrets Are Kept By The Ice Of Antarctica - Alternative View

What Secrets Are Kept By The Ice Of Antarctica - Alternative View

Scientists are still trying to unravel the secret of the Nazi underground base New Swabia in Antarctica, where, together with leading experts of the Third Reich, scientists were sent to secretly develop objects capable of conquering near-Earth

How Did Hitler Die? - Alternative View

How Did Hitler Die? - Alternative View

When did Hitler die? At first glance, the answer is obvious: Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide on April 30, 1945 at 15:30 in Berlin, in an underground bunker

Antarctica And Hitler - Alternative View

Antarctica And Hitler - Alternative View

The Nazis used the secret knowledge of the Atlanteans, and Siemens helped them to make flying saucers Researchers of the secret history of the Third Reich today already know a lot about its mystical roots and those behind-the-scenes forces that led to power and directed the action

An Interesting Case From The History Of The Russian State - Alternative View

An Interesting Case From The History Of The Russian State - Alternative View

Shortly before the start of the Judicial Reform of 1864 in Russia, the head of state, Alexander II, personally traveled around the places of detention of convicts in order to identify the conditions in which people live and find out how things are in the judicial executive system

Insidious Peaceful Atom - Alternative View

Insidious Peaceful Atom - Alternative View

After the Chernobyl disaster, our attitude towards the peaceful atom has changed dramatically. Now we no longer consider him a safe and harmless friend of man, as he was characterized in the fertile Soviet times

As A Politician-adventurer, He Shook The Russian Monarchy And Outsmarted Himself: Mikhail Rodzianko - Alternative View

As A Politician-adventurer, He Shook The Russian Monarchy And Outsmarted Himself: Mikhail Rodzianko - Alternative View

Mikhail Vladimirovich Rodzianko, chairman of the State Duma of the III and IV convocations, pushed the emperor to the idea of abdicating the throne. But his attempt to consolidate his position and lead the government after the collapse of the monarchical power and its traditional state foundations and the February Revolution was not crowned with success. His

Tomsk Pogrom In 1905. When People Were Burned Alive - Alternative View

Tomsk Pogrom In 1905. When People Were Burned Alive - Alternative View

On October 18, 1905, upon receiving news of the Manifesto on October 17 in Tomsk, a rally was held near the Commercial School on Salt Square. Students, high school students and just liberal-minded townspeople joyfully celebrated the long-awaited event

Ramses II. The Great Egyptian Pharaoh - Alternative View

Ramses II. The Great Egyptian Pharaoh - Alternative View

Ramses II the Great - Egyptian pharaoh from the 19th dynasty, who ruled from about 1279-1213 BC e. Ramses went down in history with the nickname the Great, and not without reason. He himself was aware of his importance

Aliens In The Third Reich - Alternative View

Aliens In The Third Reich - Alternative View

A lot has been said about the Third Reich, but little is known about the attitude of the Nazis and, especially, the ruling elite of Nazi Germany towards aliens