"Code Of Antarctica" - Alternative View

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"Code Of Antarctica" - Alternative View
"Code Of Antarctica" - Alternative View

Video: "Code Of Antarctica" - Alternative View

Video: Something Strange Was Found Under the Antarctic Ice Sheet 2024, September

I learned that a secret Nazi Base-211 is located in Antarctica on Queen Maud Land while on a business trip in Germany. 89-year-old Walter Schulke, a former SS Obersturmbannführer, told about her. This man was mentioned in the article "UFO over Stalingrad" ("Secrets of the XX century", No. 45 for 2011). At one time, I helped Shulka find the grave of his grandfather, who died at Stalingrad. The grateful German told me what he had kept secret until now.

Secret base

- When I graduated from the University of Berlin, my father, General of the Reichswehr, put me in one of the SS units. She was stationed on the coast of France near the English Channel, - began the story of Walter Schulke. - There I corrected the launches of V-2 missiles in London. In 1944, I was transferred to the Peenemünde test site, where the newest V-5 missiles were tested, as well as discs that looked very much like UFOs. In 1945, when the Russians came very close, you took us in submarines.

We did not know then that one of the submarines, on board which were the highest ranks of the SS and party bosses, was heading for the shores of Argentina, for a German colony. And that another submarine - with scientists and designers - was on its way to a base in Antarctica, I learned while already in the Argentine colony, where Admiral Dönitz's sea wolves lived. Have you heard anything about a secret base in Antarctica? In response, I just shrugged my shoulders: they say, from where? And the interlocutor told me an amazing story.

Bandaged people

- Base 211, or New Swabia, was created by the Nazis in the late 1930s after several expeditions to Queen Maud Land. There, not far from the sources of thermal waters, they discovered a huge territory without ice, overgrown with grass. Under the Antarctic oases, large caves with domed arches were found, and under them - geysers and underground lakes with a water temperature of 18 degrees. There were also underwater grottoes, ideal for the passage of submarines. This territory was declared the property of the Reich by the Nazis.

Promotional video:

There in the late 1930s on the Schwabenland ship and submarines from the Fuehrer's Convoy, food, building materials, laboratory equipment, tractors, rails, trolleys, mining equipment, concentration camps. They built a whole underground city of New Berlin with laboratories, factories and hangars. According to Dönitz, the Germans "created an impregnable fortress there for the Fuehrer, where the future race of underground Aryans will grow up." Volunteers of both sexes from the Hitler Youth were brought to the base in order to preserve the Aryan race. At the end of the war, the Nazis took the top officers of the Reich, Hitler's archives and looted treasures to Base 211.

The commander of the submarine U-530, Heinz Schaeffer, who made more than one voyage to New Swabia, told Schulke in Argentina that on July 10, 1945, in Kiel, he took on board five mysterious passengers. Their faces were covered with bandages. “They were silent all the way,” Schaeffer said, “but when they found us and the boat began to shake from the explosions of depth charges, two passengers, unable to bear it, began to swear. In one of them I recognized by the voice of the Reichsleiter Bormann. I believe that the second was Müller himself, the chief of the Gestapo. I was ordered to drop them off at one of the ports in Argentina and proceed to Base 211. But the commander of another submarine and I decided to surrender to the Argentine authorities."

“I believe this guy,” Schulke told me, “because I myself met in the colony with Bormann. He had plastic surgery, and he mowed like a Jew. Mueller was not afraid of anyone, behaved impudently, as if he were in his Gestapo …

A real earthly paradise

“In the 1960s, I met with the legendary pilot, the favorite of the Fuhrer, Hanna Reitsch, in Spain, where she had a helicopter center,” Schulke continued. - She told me that she visited Antarctica in 1943. "At the base," Reitsch said, "they created psychotronic and beam, laser-based weapons, and brought the discs to full readiness." According to her, plutonium for nuclear warheads was enriched at underground factories. Thank God, they have never been used.

The favorite of the Fuhrer Hanna Reitsch visited Antarctica in 1943
The favorite of the Fuhrer Hanna Reitsch visited Antarctica in 1943

The favorite of the Fuhrer Hanna Reitsch visited Antarctica in 1943

The Americans immediately got wind of the secret base, their observers more than once recorded the appearance of flying saucers over the coast of Antarctica. At the end of 1946, the Pentagon sent a "scientific" expedition to the shores of Antarctica under the command of the famous polar explorer Admiral Richard Byrd. Everything was sewn with white thread: the expedition was accompanied by an aircraft carrier, 13 warships, 25 planes and helicopters, it included only 25 scientists, but accompanied by 4,100 marines. It was soon reported in the media that the real purpose of Byrd's mission was to find and eliminate a Nazi base in Queen Maud Land.

However, upon arrival, the Americans were attacked. During the collision, they lost one ship, 13 aircraft, and dozens of soldiers were killed. The pilots talked about the flying discs emerging from the water and attacking them, the incinerating rays of all living things, the strange phenomena of mass mental disorder of people.

“Many years later, when I returned from the United States and lived in Berlin,” Schulke said, “Admiral Byrd's diary, which he kept during the expedition, was published. I will bring these records to you as soon as I find myself in Russia.

Admiral Bird's Diary

Schulke briefly conveyed the contents of the diary to me, and I bring his story to the attention of the readers. When Bird, already in Antarctica, was flying around the area of the alleged location of the Nazi base by seaplane, the compass suddenly went out of order, radio communication was interrupted. The plane itself stopped obeying the pilot. A strange-looking disc, resembling a British helmet, with a swastika on board hovered above him. As the admiral wrote, the plane was trapped.

Flag of New Swabia
Flag of New Swabia

Flag of New Swabia

An unknown person addressed the pilots in English: “We will put you in jail now. Calm down, you are in good hands! After some time, the plane landed on an area strewn with fine rubble. The Americans went out, and several people approached the admiral and the radio operator - tall blondes, somewhat similar to each other. They led the prisoners to a huge hatch and offered to go down.

A few minutes later, everyone was in an underground city in front of some building. The admiral was asked to go inside, and the radio operator was asked to stay outside. Walking along the corridor of the underground structure, Bird found himself in a spacious office, where an elderly man with regular facial features was sitting at a table.

- Welcome, admiral! - said the stranger. “We allowed you to be here because you are a noble person. You will return safely to America on condition that you leave our domain immediately. Tell your government that any interference in our affairs with the use of force, especially nuclear force, is fraught with an adequate response. I will not delay you anymore.

Meanwhile, the aircraft of the American expedition invaded the base. One of the military pilots later said: “We were suddenly attacked by strange discs, as if emerging from the water. From some unknown incinerating rays the destroyer "Murdoch" flared up like a torch and sank to the bottom, they also instantly cut off deck superstructures and aircraft that had taken off from the aircraft carrier. After about 20 minutes the nightmare stopped, the discs suddenly disappeared. The Nazis could grind us to dust, but they didn't."

The secret of the base is unlikely to be revealed

Back in Washington, the admiral conveyed word for word the German warning to President Truman. However, he did not believe Byrd and accused him of the failure of the operation. The admiral was dismissed and tried to isolate him from the newsmen.

“The diary that Bird secretly kept during the expedition was published after his death,” summed up Schulke. - The Yankees sent expeditions to Antarctica several more times, but supposedly found nothing. Base 211 lasted a long time.

According to media reports, flying saucers were observed off the coast of Chile in the 1960s-1970s and much later appeared flying saucers, apparently from the base. In 2004, Canadian scientists noticed a disc when flying around the territory on the Antarctic ice, but when they returned there after some time, they did not find anything. I suppose that many inhabitants of the underground city died of old age. Remained, apparently, only a few members of the Hitler Youth, who arrived there at the call of the Fuehrer. However, they, in the end, left Antarctica, destroying everything that was there. The German research station "Neumeier-3" is now based on this site. Outsiders are not allowed there. So the secret of the base is unlikely to be revealed …

At that point, Shulke and I said goodbye. He handed me a business card, made by him in the United States, where he moved from Argentina. A month later, a phone call rang at my house. When I picked up the phone, I heard Walter's voice:

- I am at the Volgograd hotel. Could we see you?

At the meeting, Schulke said that he had found his grandfather's surname on the memorial plaque of the German cemetery in Rossoshki, and in addition, he had brought what he had promised. Walter handed me the Brizant magazine. There I found pages from the diary of Admiral Byrd, in the footnotes to which I read: “The Admiral learned that the Yankees, during the secret operation“Code of Antarctica”, nevertheless established contact with Base-211. The Nazis gave them new technologies in exchange for raw materials. Richard Bird tried to tell the journalists about this, but was placed in a psychiatric hospital, from which he never came out. Apparently, the State Department and the CIA did not want to reveal the secret of Operation Antarctica Code."

