Secrets of history 2024, October

Fartsovschiki: What Did They Trade In The USSR - Alternative View

Fartsovschiki: What Did They Trade In The USSR - Alternative View

The cherished word "fartsa" in the late USSR was a password for rare foreign items: shoes, puser and other company. Fraudsters were illegal, but they were not typical criminals. Who were they?

Enemy Blow To Soviet Civilization - Alternative View

Enemy Blow To Soviet Civilization - Alternative View

60 years ago, on February 14, 1956, the XX Congress of the CPSU began. On it N. Khrushchev dealt an enemy blow to the Soviet civilization and its future. In Khrushchev's report "on the personality cult", Stalin was slandered, who saved the peoples of Russia from the Trotskyist internationalists (the "fifth column" of the West), the hordes of Hitler and the new invasion of the West led by the United States using nuclear weapons

Everything About Zombies - From A To Z - Alternative View

Everything About Zombies - From A To Z - Alternative View

At the word "zombie" in the brain, first of all, there appears the image of a slowly walking corpse, overwhelmed by the desire to feast on human flesh. This is how Hollywood created it, this is how many computer games represent it to us

Between Feeling And Duty - Alternative View

Between Feeling And Duty - Alternative View

Probably, in the epic of every country there is a legend about lovers who chose death over separation. One of the most famous such legends is about the knight Tristan and the beautiful Irish princess Isolde

Who Was Sent To Hard Labor In The USSR Under Stalin - Alternative View

Who Was Sent To Hard Labor In The USSR Under Stalin - Alternative View

The unprecedented measures for punishing punishers, spies and traitors, introduced since April 1943 by a special decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, provided for two types of punishment - ndash; hanging or hard labor

The Capital Ruskolani - Golun - Alternative View

The Capital Ruskolani - Golun - Alternative View

Few people know that in ancient times the Slavs had a city with this name - Golun. For a long time it was the capital of Ruskolani - Rus countries

8 Most Unlucky Days In History - Alternative View

8 Most Unlucky Days In History - Alternative View

This year, for example, October 13 fell on Friday. And many superstitious people did their best to stay safe. But there are days on the calendar that were far more terrifying. April 20, 1587

A Word About Igor's Escape - Alternative View

A Word About Igor's Escape - Alternative View

Each of us is familiar with the famous monument of ancient Russian literature "The Lay of Igor's Host." Either read it myself, or at least heard something in school lessons

The Hunt For The Rising Sun - Alternative View

The Hunt For The Rising Sun - Alternative View

At the beginning of World War II, Nazi Germany supplied Japan with military equipment and instruments: radar installations, torpedoes, bomber sights

Treasures Of The Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

The Time of Troubles is called about 20 years in the history of Russia after 1598. It is believed that it began with the death of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, son of Ivan IV the Terrible, and ended in the first years of the reign of Mikhail Romanov

What Were The Vikings In Fact, And How To Determine The Inclinations Of A Viking - - Alternative View

What Were The Vikings In Fact, And How To Determine The Inclinations Of A Viking - - Alternative View

Thanks to popular films and books, today many modern myths arose around the ancient Vikings, fanned by a halo of romance and adventure

Bloody Bender - Alternative View

Bloody Bender - Alternative View

The history of the Bender family dates back to the period after the Civil War, when the government decided to settle the lands in Kansas, belonging to the Osage Indian tribe

Secret Experiments, The Truth About Which Appeared In The History Of - Alternative View

Secret Experiments, The Truth About Which Appeared In The History Of - Alternative View

Most scientists are real heroes. They, in the end, solve all the problems of the world - from the invention of pasteurization and the X-ray machine to nuclear warheads and space travel

Princess Volkonskaya Maria Volkonskaya. Wives Of The Decembrists - Alternative View

Princess Volkonskaya Maria Volkonskaya. Wives Of The Decembrists - Alternative View

Volkonskaya Maria Nikolaevna. Date of birth December 25, 1805 (January 6, 1806) - day of death August 10, 1863 (57 years old). Princess, daughter of General N. Raevsky, wife of the Decembrist S. Volkonsky, friend of A.S. Pushkin

Swedish Misadventures At The Novodvinsk Fortress - Alternative View

Swedish Misadventures At The Novodvinsk Fortress - Alternative View

On the evening of June 24 (July 5), 1701, a group of seven ships appeared near Mudyug Island, in the Northern Dvina delta

Did Hitler Have Children? - Alternative View

Did Hitler Have Children? - Alternative View

In the relatives of Adolf Hitler, the so-called inzukht was very common. This term refers to incestuous intra-family marriages between cousins and sisters, nieces and uncles, etc

About The Battle Between The Arabs And The Franks At Poitiers - 732 - Alternative View

About The Battle Between The Arabs And The Franks At Poitiers - 732 - Alternative View

The Battle of Poitiers took place on October 10, 732, near the city of Tours, near the border between the Frankish kingdom and then independent Aquitaine

Biography Of Nadezhda Krupskaya - Alternative View

Biography Of Nadezhda Krupskaya - Alternative View

Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya (Ulyanova) (born February 14 (26), 1869 - death February 27, 1939) - revolutionary, Soviet state party, public figure. Lenin's wife

Fedor Yurievich Romodanovsky - Alternative View

Fedor Yurievich Romodanovsky - Alternative View

Fyodor Yuryevich Romodanovsky (c. 1640 - September 17 (September 28) 1717) - - prince, Russian statesman. Approximate of Peter I from the mid-1680s

Feed Everyone! - Alternative View

Feed Everyone! - Alternative View

Thanks to the kitchen factories, domestic life had to disappear forever from the life of a Soviet person, and the time that was previously spent on cooking should be spent exclusively on building a communist paradise on earth

Why Six Thousand Years Ago Surgeons Did Trepanation - Alternative View

Why Six Thousand Years Ago Surgeons Did Trepanation - Alternative View

Russian archaeologists have discovered ancient burials in the North Caucasus, in which people were buried, subjected to craniotomy

Mary Stuart: A Crown For Love - Alternative View

Mary Stuart: A Crown For Love - Alternative View

Mary Stuart was queen, but she wanted more. She wanted love. And for the sake of love she was ready to sacrifice everything, even the crown. She did not know that in this world they lose the crown only with their head

Battle On The Neva River (1240) - Alternative View

Battle On The Neva River (1240) - Alternative View

Battle of the Neva - the battle on the Neva River, between the Novgorod army under the command of the Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich and the Swedish army, held on July 15, 1240

Stalin's Personality - Alternative View

Stalin's Personality - Alternative View

Stalin's personality has been of great interest to millions of people for many decades. Striking not only the economic successes achieved by the Soviet country during his reign, but also the absolute power that this person had

Pythagoreans: "Freemasons" Of Antiquity - Alternative View

Pythagoreans: "Freemasons" Of Antiquity - Alternative View

When we talk about Pythagoras, out of many people with this name we usually mean a mathematician, after whom a theorem known to us from school is named. Now it is impossible to say which of the things associated with the name of Pythagoras he invented, and what his followers have already thought out

Old Russian Sanctuaries - Alternative View

Old Russian Sanctuaries - Alternative View

Outwardly, the sanctuary looked like a real fortress on the high bank of the Desna: a deep ditch, a high horseshoe-shaped rampart and wooden walls (fence?) Along the upper edge of the site. The diameter of the rounded (now triangular) area was about 60 m, i.e

Reasons For The Beginning And Results Of The Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

Reasons For The Beginning And Results Of The Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

What is Smoot - Time of Troubles of Troubles - indignation, rebellion, rebellion, general disobedience, discord between the government and the people. Time of Troubles - the era of social and political dynastic crisis

Galvarino - The Real Story Of A Warrior With Knives Instead Of Hands - Alternative View

Galvarino - The Real Story Of A Warrior With Knives Instead Of Hands - Alternative View

They took him prisoner, cut off his hands and released him as a living reminder of what happens if you go against the conquistadors

Sex In The Ancient World - Alternative View

Sex In The Ancient World - Alternative View

For the vast majority of living beings, sex is a tedious duty, aiming to produce offspring

The Right Of The First Night: What Is The Essence Of Tradition - Alternative View

The Right Of The First Night: What Is The Essence Of Tradition - Alternative View

Each nation has its own interesting traditions of the wedding night. And although they sometimes seem strange to us, they still have the right to be in connection with the peculiarities of the development of culture, the history of a particular country

The Sexual Life Of The Ancient Society - Shock For Modernity - Alternative View

The Sexual Life Of The Ancient Society - Shock For Modernity - Alternative View

Global moral decline and violation of family values - a topic that experts increasingly began to address. Today, the stars of the porn industry are already at the head of industrial enterprises and institutions, they wear robes and teach children in schools

Dusseldorf Airport Choked On Smoke - Alternative View

Dusseldorf Airport Choked On Smoke - Alternative View

The traditional Easter holidays in Germany ended on 11 April 1996

How Stalin Died - Alternative View

How Stalin Died - Alternative View

1953, March 5 - died Stalin, "the father of all peoples" and general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Despite the fact that more than a dozen years have passed since that day, the death of the Generalissimo is still shrouded in mystery

Sexual Culture In Russia: No Bans - Alternative View

Sexual Culture In Russia: No Bans - Alternative View

Until the end of the 10th century, the Russians were pagans with all the consequences that followed from this fact. They associated "making love" with a holiday, joy of life and fun. There were practically no bans

Why Is A Bad Dancer Getting In The Way Of Eggs? - Alternative View

Why Is A Bad Dancer Getting In The Way Of Eggs? - Alternative View

Many believe that a bad dancer is hindered by his legs, and some indecent pranksters inserted the word “eggs” into the proverb. However, it is not. Take a look at two old cartoons:- Salik.bizAs you can see, the dancers have eggs on them too, but anything indecent is completely absent! Wha

Camping Wives In The Great Patriotic War: A Complex Topic - Alternative View

Camping Wives In The Great Patriotic War: A Complex Topic - Alternative View

Camping-field wives - this was the name of the front-line girlfriends in the Great Patriotic War. Generals and officers of the Red Army torn away from their families gave birth to "civilian wives" from among women military personnel

Hitler's "nuclear Dream" Was Drowned In A Norwegian Lake - Alternative View

Hitler's "nuclear Dream" Was Drowned In A Norwegian Lake - Alternative View

During the creation of the next National Geographic program in one of the lakes in Norway, a ferry was found on which Hitler's Germany was carrying heavy water for a nuclear reactor

Revolution In Water - Alternative View

Revolution In Water - Alternative View

On the morning of September 23, 1924, two storms with a squally wind suddenly raged over the city of three revolutions one after another. At about five o'clock in the evening, the Neva overflowed its banks

What Kind Of Tattoo Did Nicholas II Make In Japan - Alternative View

What Kind Of Tattoo Did Nicholas II Make In Japan - Alternative View

For many, this question can shock. However, the last emperor of the Russian Empire really had a tattoo. A dragon was tattooed on the king's right forearm

Why Was It Considered A Curse To Be Illegitimate In Russia? - Alternative View

Why Was It Considered A Curse To Be Illegitimate In Russia? - Alternative View

Illegitimate children in Europe were called bastards, in Russia - bastards, geeks and bastards (literally formed from the words "fornication", "fornication"). All of these names were equally degrading, as was the very status of an illegitimate