12,000-year-old Skull With A Microcircuit Found Underwater In Mexico - Alternative View

12,000-year-old Skull With A Microcircuit Found Underwater In Mexico - Alternative View
12,000-year-old Skull With A Microcircuit Found Underwater In Mexico - Alternative View

Video: 12,000-year-old Skull With A Microcircuit Found Underwater In Mexico - Alternative View

Video: 12,000-year-old Skull With A Microcircuit Found Underwater In Mexico - Alternative View
Video: New investigation reveals 12,000 year old skeleton in Mexico cave 2024, September

Divers who recently descended into the giant Sak-Aktun cave system in the Mexican part of the Yucatan Peninsula have found human remains about 12 thousand years old. According to archaeologist Guillermo de Anda, in one of the caves lay a human skull covered with limestone. Scientists believe that rainwater contributed to this, that is, the remains were in the soil long before the 317-kilomeric Sak-Aktun was flooded 9 thousand years ago.

According to experts, numerous bones belong to the Maya Indians, who could come down here in search of drinking water and in order to wait out various cataclysms. The aforementioned skull was recognized by the researchers as a discovery of extreme importance, which interested many researchers of antiquity, but a little later archaeologists suddenly stopped talking about it, as if they had not found anything. This aroused even greater curiosity in the world community. Mexican journalist Pedro Sanche, who served, by the way, 9 months in prison for his too free civil views, claims that one of the insiders told him about the secret of this skull, and this secret turned out to be truly incredible.

Skull with a microcircuit has become an objectionable artifact

The Mexican says that experts unexpectedly found an artificial implant in the skull. At first, people of science thought that this was an ordinary metal plate implanted into the head of an Indian after craniotomy (such surgical operations were already practiced at that time far from us), but in reality it turned out to be a completely different artifact, and scientists did not believe their eyes. Sanche claims that a real microchip turned out to be in the Indian's cranium, and everything indicates that it was implanted in an ancient man 12 thousand years ago! How this is possible, no one even began to guess. The inappropriate find, following the charter, was quickly handed over to the authorities, and they strictly forbade archaeologists to spread about it.

It is said that the skull had traces of cranial surgery, and the mysterious integrated circuit, apparently copper, was masterfully implanted into the bone of the parietal lobe. Using a microscope, scientists discovered an extremely thin, branched network of contacts on the chip. It remains only to guess who implanted the most complex microcircuit in the head of the Mayan Indian and what a sensation this news would have become if it had not been classified from us. However, such fantastic artifacts that are objectionable to official science and the authorities are found with enviable constancy, however, even when it comes to public coverage of sensational news, nothing changes in our world, and the finds themselves disappear somewhere without a trace. In this case, the microchip was "buried" without even making it a sensation for the general public. This also happens around and everywhere …