Secrets of history 2024, October

Long Before Columbus - Alternative View

Long Before Columbus - Alternative View

In archeology, only those finds that are strictly documented are recognized as authentic. All other artifacts found by amateurs immediately fall under suspicion

The Fascist Sword Was Forged In The USA - Alternative View

The Fascist Sword Was Forged In The USA - Alternative View

World War II was started by fascist Germany. This is an undeniable truth. But the truth is far from complete. Penetrating into the deep roots of the war, we go out to its main culprit - USA

How The British Exterminated The Aborigines Of Tasmania - Alternative View

How The British Exterminated The Aborigines Of Tasmania - Alternative View

The colonization of Australia and Tasmania was a prime example of how the Anglo-Saxon race, exterminating the aborigines, conquered living space

Dark Forces - Assistants To Nicholas II - Alternative View

Dark Forces - Assistants To Nicholas II - Alternative View

With the personality of Grigory Rasputin, one of the most famous favorites of Nicholas II, many historians associate the fall of the Romanov dynasty. On the other hand, some historians say that its influence should not be exaggerated

10 Experiments In The History Of Mankind, When Scientists Had To Be Given A Hand - - Alternative View

10 Experiments In The History Of Mankind, When Scientists Had To Be Given A Hand - - Alternative View

People have always carried out experiments, but sometimes it seems that someday they will cross the border of what is permissible and conduct an experiment that will entail the death of the planet

Archaeologists Have Found Rock Paintings In The Jordanian Black Desert - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found Rock Paintings In The Jordanian Black Desert - Alternative View

Scientists from Leiden University have found thousands of rock paintings and inscriptions in the Black Desert in Jordan, which may prove to be proof of the existence of an ancient civilization

Doctor Satan - Alternative View

Doctor Satan - Alternative View

As soon as the journalists did not name Marcel Petiot: the Parisian butcher, the demonic cannibal, the monster from the rue Lesere, the Bluebeard of the XX century, but in the history of forensic science he remained as Doctor Satan

Mysterious Ancient Figurine Of "bird-man" - Alternative View

Mysterious Ancient Figurine Of "bird-man" - Alternative View

The bird-like 7,000-year-old granite figurine has puzzled archaeologists in Greece. The statuette was found in museum storerooms, carefully studied, but could not pinpoint its origin and meaning

Queen Of Kukui: Anna Mons And Peter The Great - Alternative View

Queen Of Kukui: Anna Mons And Peter The Great - Alternative View

Anna Mons - foreign woman, daughter of a wine merchant - the girl, out of love for whom Peter especially zealously turned old Russia to face the West and turned so abruptly that Russia still remains a little crooked”(D. L. Mordovtsev

Fake Cities, Or Why Did The US Need To Portray A Realistic Idyll - Alternative View

Fake Cities, Or Why Did The US Need To Portray A Realistic Idyll - Alternative View

Quite unusual cities appeared in the United States during the Second World War. Looking at the black-and-white photographs where the townspeople are quietly walking, the girls on the lawn are chatting nicely, you will not immediately guess that this is the most dummy, and such settlements have never existed

What Really Happened To Vasily Chapaev - Alternative View

What Really Happened To Vasily Chapaev - Alternative View

We remember Chapaev from books and films, we tell jokes about him. But the real life of the red division commander was no less interesting. He loved cars, argued with the teachers of the military academy. And Chapaev is not his real surname

Were Fish Ancient Ancestors? - Alternative View

Were Fish Ancient Ancestors? - Alternative View

Some time ago, a scientific expedition of American scientists from the University of Sydney, led by Professor R. Stratton, discovered four mummified humanoid creatures in one of the Tibetan caves

Children Of The Gods. - Alternative View

Children Of The Gods. - Alternative View

In the photo: A Kayapos ritual dancer dressed as an "alien". Ancient legends of the Kayapos Indians (South America) speak of a mysterious creature that "once appeared in the settlement." Aborigines call him Bep Kororoti

Prehistoric Housewives Were Stronger Than Modern Athletes - Alternative View

Prehistoric Housewives Were Stronger Than Modern Athletes - Alternative View

Women's hands have noticeably weakened in just 7 thousand years. Exercise affects bones. In response, they change shape and thickness over time

10 Incredible Versions About The Origin Of Jesus, Contradicting The Official Version Of The Church - Alternative View

10 Incredible Versions About The Origin Of Jesus, Contradicting The Official Version Of The Church - Alternative View

Alternative versions of Jesus' origins People have argued for nearly 2,000 years about the origins and milestones of Jesus Christ. Some firmly believe in his divinity, while others believe that he was (if he was) the most ordinary person

On The Trail Of Heinrich Müller - Alternative View

On The Trail Of Heinrich Müller - Alternative View

Gestapo chief Heinrich Müller Heinrich Müller, a native of Bavarian peasants, was born on April 28, 1900 in Munich. He took part in the First World War as a military pilot. At the end of 1919

Battle Of Salamis (480 BC): Trap For Xerxes - Alternative View

Battle Of Salamis (480 BC): Trap For Xerxes - Alternative View

The Battle of Salamis (480 BC) was fateful for Ancient Greece. The huge fleet of the Persian king Xerxes suffered a crushing defeat from the much smaller fleet of the Hellenes

Historical Portrait Of Giuseppe Garibaldi - Alternative View

Historical Portrait Of Giuseppe Garibaldi - Alternative View

Garibaldi Giuseppe Italian commander (born July 4, 1807 - death June 2, 1882) Italian commander, revolutionary, commanded the most victorious army in the new history of Italy, was able to achieve the unification of his country

Russian Mathematicians Have Proved The Meaningfulness Of The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

Russian Mathematicians Have Proved The Meaningfulness Of The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

Scientists from the Institute of Applied Mathematics named after M.V. Keldysh Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, after conducting statistical studies, we were convinced that the text of the Voynich manuscript was written in two mixed languages with the exception of vowels

Felix Dzerzhinsky: The Most Curious Facts - Alternative View

Felix Dzerzhinsky: The Most Curious Facts - Alternative View

"Iron Felix" - legendary personality. He is remembered not only for his concern for homeless children, but also for his fanatical devotion to the ideas of the revolution, for the protection of which all methods are good. The child of vice Felix Dzerzhinsky is from the Vilna province

People Lived In The Arctic 45 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

People Lived In The Arctic 45 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

On the bones of the Sopkarga mammoth (Zhenya's mammoth), found more than 600 km north of the Arctic Circle, archaeologists have discovered marks clearly made by tools made by man

Two Truths And Two Countries - Alternative View

Two Truths And Two Countries - Alternative View

A quarter of a century has passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and passions in the minds and souls do not subside, pouring out into endless disputes about when it was better - then or now. It would seem that all conceivable arguments have already been presented, but the disputes do not end

The Tragedy Of Boris Godunov - Alternative View

The Tragedy Of Boris Godunov - Alternative View

Boris Godunov - the first elected tsar in the history of Russia. He ascended the throne not by birthright, but thanks to his talents and abilities. Why was he so disliked by his contemporaries, and especially - descendants?

Are The Ancestors Of Kisa Vorobyaninov From Veliky Novgorod? - Alternative View

Are The Ancestors Of Kisa Vorobyaninov From Veliky Novgorod? - Alternative View

In Moscow, you can find many houses with mysterious stories. In one old mansion, ghosts used to live, in another, untold treasures were allegedly hidden. The most interesting thing is that many of these legends are based on real facts

New Year: The History Of The - Alternative View

New Year: The History Of The - Alternative View

By the way, for residents of Russian cities New Year is the main holiday of winter and is celebrated on January 1. However, there are exceptions among urban residents who do not celebrate the New Year. A real holiday for the believer - this is Christmas

Gilles De Rais - Bluebeard - Alternative View

Gilles De Rais - Bluebeard - Alternative View

The Terror of Bluebeard “He lived like a monster and died like a saint; his nature was incomprehensible - and in the memory of ordinary people, subject to fear, in awe of everything mysterious, he remained under the name of Bluebeard

Tsar Gabril - Alternative View

Tsar Gabril - Alternative View

The Russian people have always loved their tsars very much, but their closest entourage, on the contrary, could not stand the spirit and kept them on suspicion. Therefore, when the sovereign - even the old one was dying, ordinary people immediately understood: he was poisoned

The Battle On The Ice: What Really Happened - Alternative View

The Battle On The Ice: What Really Happened - Alternative View

Sources have brought to us very scant information about the Battle of the Ice. This contributed to the fact that the battle was gradually overgrown with a large number of myths and conflicting facts

Death Camps Archive: Nazi-US Relations Declassified - Alternative View

Death Camps Archive: Nazi-US Relations Declassified - Alternative View

A classified archive of the UN Commission on War Crimes opened in London. We are talking about tens of thousands of documents detailing the death camp system. Many papers were used in the preparation of the Nuremberg trials

Royal Passions - Alternative View

Royal Passions - Alternative View

During a selective geographic survey of Russians conducted last year, it turned out that there are several states that not everyone in our country has even heard of. One of them - Swaziland

Traveling Across Three Oceans. Magellan Circled The Earth, "thanks" To A Quarrel With The Portuguese King - Alternative View

Traveling Across Three Oceans. Magellan Circled The Earth, "thanks" To A Quarrel With The Portuguese King - Alternative View

Magellan's plan to go around the globe was fraught with great risk, so the members of the expedition were considered suicide bombers

Lilliputian Pies And Killing Flowers: How Sophisticated At Feasts In The Long And Recent Past - Alternative View

Lilliputian Pies And Killing Flowers: How Sophisticated At Feasts In The Long And Recent Past - Alternative View

The feast is the feast of strife, and many feasts have gone down in history, at which they not only ate, but also got up to something unusual. For the most part, in the spirit of "Game of Thrones", they cut the guests. But sometimes surprises at balls and feasts were more sophisticated

Long-headed - A Special Race Of People - Alternative View

Long-headed - A Special Race Of People - Alternative View

People with an unusual skull shape have been known for a long time. Hippocrates and Aristotle wrote about them. Despite this, all knowledge about the "long-headed" for a long time was considered mythological, fictional

Smoked Ancestors: Amazing Mummies Of The Ibaloi Filipino People - Alternative View

Smoked Ancestors: Amazing Mummies Of The Ibaloi Filipino People - Alternative View

The northern highlands in the Philippines are home to the Ibaloi people. Their life is practically no different from their neighbors: working in rice fields, a well-established way of life, if not for one "but"

What Myths Associated With A Solar Eclipse Did Our Ancestors Believe? - Alternative View

What Myths Associated With A Solar Eclipse Did Our Ancestors Believe? - Alternative View

On August 21, most of the United States will see the first total solar eclipse since 1918

The Ghost Train Is Legendary - Alternative View

The Ghost Train Is Legendary - Alternative View

These atomic trains are the object of constant envy and fear of the Amerinians. Combat railroad missile systems have been shrouded in secrecy since their introduction in the Strategic Missile Forces

The CIA Has Released Secret Maps Of The Twentieth Century In The Public Domain - Alternative View

The CIA Has Released Secret Maps Of The Twentieth Century In The Public Domain - Alternative View

The CIA has made public dozens of maps covering more than seventy years of 20th century history. Reported by the Popular Mechanics edition

Nazi Gold: Where To Find It - Alternative View

Nazi Gold: Where To Find It - Alternative View

There are many rumors and legends about the treasures hidden by the Nazis. Here and there you can hear about the found gold of the Third Reich and about empty storage facilities

Nazi Gold - Alternative View

Nazi Gold - Alternative View

According to pensioner-enthusiast Raoul Geville, the most important discoveries of Hitler's scientists were hidden not in banks, which the Nazis did not trust, but in the secluded corners of the planet - like pirate treasures

The Airship Crew That Mysteriously Disappeared From The Cockpit In 1942 - Alternative View

The Airship Crew That Mysteriously Disappeared From The Cockpit In 1942 - Alternative View

It is not difficult to go missing in war. Where they shoot and take prisoners, where companies and divisions are counted, few are interested in the fate of individual people. It is much more difficult to disappear in the deep rear, in full view of hundreds of people