Secrets of history 2024, October

Untouchables: How They Treated Blacksmiths And Potters In Russia - Alternative View

Untouchables: How They Treated Blacksmiths And Potters In Russia - Alternative View

The explanation of such a historical and cultural phenomenon is the interpretation of pagan beliefs, which boil down to the fact that a person once had a desire "to reign and own everything", while ignoring the sacred wealth of the bowels of Mother Earth

Theseus' Paradox - Alternative View

Theseus' Paradox - Alternative View

According to the Greek myth, retold by Plutarch, the ship on which Theseus returned from Crete to Athens was carefully kept by the Athenians until the era of Demetrius of Phaler, and was annually sent with the sacred embassy to Delos

Madrid Manuscript - Alternative View

Madrid Manuscript - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Royal Library of Madrid received a manuscript bearing the title "History of the Byzantine Emperors in Constantinople from 811 to 1057, Written by the Kurapalat John Skylitzia"

Fake Coins. History - Alternative View

Fake Coins. History - Alternative View

The desire to get rich existed always and everywhere. The way to achieve this goal was not always legal. With the advent of the universal unit of account - coins, counterfeiters also appeared.Counterfeit coins - the methods used by counterfeiters were completely different

Vorontsov Palace - 19th Century Mystery - Alternative View

Vorontsov Palace - 19th Century Mystery - Alternative View

Let's say right away that this unique palace of Crimea, allegedly erected at the beginning of the nineteenth century by Count M.S

Myths About China, Which The Whole Planet Believes In - Alternative View

Myths About China, Which The Whole Planet Believes In - Alternative View

In general terms, the average inhabitant of the earth knows little about China except that there are a lot of them, they have communism, and that everything is made in China

The Caucasus Is On Fire. Chronicles Of A Geopolitical Catastrophe - Alternative View

The Caucasus Is On Fire. Chronicles Of A Geopolitical Catastrophe - Alternative View

In anticipation of the shooting One of the happily grinning baboons pulled the bolt of the machine gun and stepped forward, carefully aiming. Captain of the Soviet Army Vladimir D

Disgustingly Scary Old Tales - Alternative View

Disgustingly Scary Old Tales - Alternative View

They ate without return, gave birth in a dream, disfigured themselves to avoid the harassment of their brother - these are children's fairy tales … We have collected for you 9 most famous stories that are very different from the way we remember them from childhood

Gone With The Wind - Alternative View

Gone With The Wind - Alternative View

Ordinary soldiers of construction battalions Anatoly Kryuchkovsky, Philip Poplavsky, Ivan Fedotov and their commander Askhat Ziganshin, junior sergeant, in the 1960s were more popular than the Liverpool four

Treasure Of The Town Of Chartres - Alternative View

Treasure Of The Town Of Chartres - Alternative View

The Cathedral in Chartres was built for 66 years and was opened to the people with great fanfare in 1260. The French king himself arrived for the holiday, and the pilgrims and townspeople, finally allowed to witness the miracle, went inside and stood with their mouths open

The Mysterious Book Of Feathers - Alternative View

The Mysterious Book Of Feathers - Alternative View

There is no encrypted secret knowledge in it, but it is itself a mystery - and ndash; why, why and for whom was it created?

Six Legendary Cars Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Six Legendary Cars Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Most people associate mechanical engineering with modernity, but this connection is far from the truth. The fact is that our ancestors used complex machines since the beginning of the Bronze Age

10 Amazing Relics Associated With Mystical And Supernatural Stories - Alternative View

10 Amazing Relics Associated With Mystical And Supernatural Stories - Alternative View

The world would be a very boring place without unknown, mystical and supernatural things. Throughout history, there were artifacts that were attributed to magical properties, as well as that were beyond human understanding

Interesting Facts Of The Reign Of Queen Tamara - Alternative View

Interesting Facts Of The Reign Of Queen Tamara - Alternative View

Each of us knows the name of Queen Tamara. Surely, if a sociological survey were conducted in Georgia to find out who the Georgian residents consider the greatest woman, she would undoubtedly be the first on the list

The Last Secret Of Queen Tamara - Alternative View

The Last Secret Of Queen Tamara - Alternative View

There are names known to every inhabitant of the former great country - the USSR. These include the name of the legendary Queen Tamara (1166-1209). Back in school, we were told about the brutal ruler of Georgia who lived in the Darial Gorge

Myths About St. Basil's Cathedral - Alternative View

Myths About St. Basil's Cathedral - Alternative View

The Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed for five centuries has been one of the main symbols of Moscow and Russia as a whole. However, many legends still circulate around him. MYTH # 1. Architects Barma and Postnik who were blinded by Ivan the Terrible

Legends About The Place Of The Secret Burial Of Queen Tamara - Alternative View

Legends About The Place Of The Secret Burial Of Queen Tamara - Alternative View

There are historical names that invariably arouse interest in the fate of their bearer. Such, undoubtedly, is the name of Queen Tamara, about whom many songs, legends and tales have been composed. In the work of M.Yu

In Georgia, Geologists Have Discovered A 1200-year-old Jug Of Clean Water - Alternative View

In Georgia, Geologists Have Discovered A 1200-year-old Jug Of Clean Water - Alternative View

As part of a scientific expedition in the city of Kvareli, located in the Georgian region of Kakheti, scientists discovered a vessel for making wine (kvevri), which was filled with clean water

In Georgia, They Found A Burial With A Skull On A Plate - Alternative View

In Georgia, They Found A Burial With A Skull On A Plate - Alternative View

A group of Georgian and Polish archaeologists during excavations in the Beshtasheni region in southeastern Georgia discovered 16 burials of the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age

Queen Tamara - Alternative View

Queen Tamara - Alternative View

The lion, serving Tamar the queen, holds her sword and shield. Well, me, a singer, what deed should she serve? Royal braids - agates, the fever is brighter than lalov. He who sees the sun revels in nectar

What Hitler Planned To Do On The Territory Of The Defeated USSR - Alternative View

What Hitler Planned To Do On The Territory Of The Defeated USSR - Alternative View

Hitler was absolutely confident in his victory over the USSR. He worked out in advance a plan for arranging the occupied territory. This document was called "Directive No. 32"

An Interesting Coincidence In The Photo - Alternative View

An Interesting Coincidence In The Photo - Alternative View

There are very interesting coincidences, one of such cases is given in this post. Here are four photographs taken in different locations, by different people and at different times. But these photos are connected with each other in an interesting detail

The Truth About Beria. Breaking Dogmas And Stereotypes - Alternative View

The Truth About Beria. Breaking Dogmas And Stereotypes - Alternative View

On June 26, 1953, three tank regiments stationed near Moscow received an order from the Minister of Defense - load up with ammo and enter the capital. The motorized rifle division received the same order

Why Did They Kill Lawrence Beria? Part One - Alternative View

Why Did They Kill Lawrence Beria? Part One - Alternative View

Beria was also killed twice, and if in defense of Stalin they speak more and more often, then for some reason everyone is unanimous about Beria, except for Yuri Mukhin

Thais Athens: Wise Heterosexual And Hot Mistress - Alternative View

Thais Athens: Wise Heterosexual And Hot Mistress - Alternative View

Unlike the hetera Phryne, Thais did not inspire a single sculptor or artist, no one captured the beauty of her body and face

The Appearance Of Rasputin - Alternative View

The Appearance Of Rasputin - Alternative View

The history of Russia knows many mysterious personalities, but perhaps no one else aroused such great interest as Grigory Rasputin

All Versions Of The Death Of Chapay - Alternative View

All Versions Of The Death Of Chapay - Alternative View

Sometimes you start reading all sorts of versions of well-known events and realize that something is probably wrong

Scientists Have Uncovered The Secrets Of The Origin Of The Real "King Kong" - They Died Out 100 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Scientists Have Uncovered The Secrets Of The Origin Of The Real "King Kong" - They Died Out 100 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Scientists have recently revealed the incredible secrets of the real "King Kongs". As it turned out, these animals really lived on Earth, and became extinct 100 thousand years ago. Researchers from Germany sorted out this issue

Anatomy Of A Provocation. Hull Incident - Alternative View

Anatomy Of A Provocation. Hull Incident - Alternative View

110 years ago, a war broke out between the two empires - Russia and Japan. Believed - for control over Manchuria and Korea. Although events on land and at sea have long been described in detail, "blank spots" remained in its history

How The Russian People Missed The Invasion From The Inside - Alternative View

How The Russian People Missed The Invasion From The Inside - Alternative View

How did it happen that the huge Russian people failed to prevent the greatest of the dangers - invasion from within? It happened very simply. Having conquered alien tribes, we had the unfortunate mistake of keeping them at home

A New Archival Document On The Dyatlov Group Is Presented - Alternative View

A New Archival Document On The Dyatlov Group Is Presented - Alternative View

Oleg Arkhipov, researcher of the death of Dyatlov's tourist group, presented an archival document that may indicate falsification of the investigation in this case

Storm Predictors - Alternative View

Storm Predictors - Alternative View

Currently, the origin and direction of hurricanes are recorded by satellites, and the crews of ships are notified of impending storms by radio. In ancient times, for Polynesian seafarers, the role of such satellites was played

The Stone Of Fate - Alternative View

The Stone Of Fate - Alternative View

This unremarkable block of sandstone weighing 152 kg - one of the most significant historical artifacts and perhaps the most sacred relic of Scotland

Fatal Love Triangles, Or How Peter I Dealt With Rivals - Alternative View

Fatal Love Triangles, Or How Peter I Dealt With Rivals - Alternative View

There were legends about the tough disposition of Peter I. He did not spare his enemies, and dealt with personal rivals with particular cruelty. Both of his wives were convicted of infidelity, and those who turned the king into a cuckold paid for it with their lives

Secrets Of Khalkhin-Gol - Alternative View

Secrets Of Khalkhin-Gol - Alternative View

From May to August 1939, the divisions of the Red Army fought with the Japanese army on the territory of Mongolia near the Khalkhin-Gol River. It was in Mongolia that the commanding star of the future Marshal Georgy Zhukov rose

The Mystery Of A Swiss Watch Found Inside A 400-year-old Chinese Tomb - Alternative View

The Mystery Of A Swiss Watch Found Inside A 400-year-old Chinese Tomb - Alternative View

Ancient tombs are always surrounded by a mystic halo. When archaeologists discovered a modern object in a 400-year-old Chinese tomb in 2008, even skeptics began to believe in mysticism. For some - this is proof of the possibility of time travel

The Sun King Mask - Alternative View

The Sun King Mask - Alternative View

He was seen as an inspirational actor, glutton, voluptuary. He was considered a formidable monarch, devout Catholic, selfish and ambitious. What was actually hidden behind the mask of the "sun king"?

Lashmans - Who Is It? - Alternative View

Lashmans - Who Is It? - Alternative View

In Russia, the word "lashman" has been well known to everyone since the Petrine era. But it did not refer to peoples, especially those who had disappeared, but to the unfortunate inhabitants of the Volga region, whom the sovereign attributed to the most hard labor of that time - harvesting and delivering ship timber …In the Peter the Great era, the Russian language was enriched with a huge number of foreign words, mainly German. T

In Chukotka, Archaeologists Have Discovered Traces Of An Unusual Homo Sapiens. This Is A Fly Agaric Man - Alternative View

In Chukotka, Archaeologists Have Discovered Traces Of An Unusual Homo Sapiens. This Is A Fly Agaric Man - Alternative View

There was no limit to the surprise of scientists when, in 1965, in Chukotka, in the Pegtymel River valley, they first discovered rock paintings made by the Chukchi. At first, only images of deer came across - the main source of food for the northern people

Evolution Myths - Alternative View

Evolution Myths - Alternative View

MYTH # 10: Found fossils passed off as human ancestors are actually "degradants", degraded people. It's easy to believe