Myths About China, Which The Whole Planet Believes In - Alternative View

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Myths About China, Which The Whole Planet Believes In - Alternative View
Myths About China, Which The Whole Planet Believes In - Alternative View

Video: Myths About China, Which The Whole Planet Believes In - Alternative View

Video: Myths About China, Which The Whole Planet Believes In - Alternative View
Video: Hopi Origin Story | Native America | Sacred Stories | PBS 2024, September

In general terms, the average inhabitant of the earth knows little about China except that there are a lot of them, they have communism, and that everything is made in China. People are used to being content with myths about China and its inhabitants, but these myths are exactly the same as the fact that in Russia drunken bears with earflaps and balalaikas walk the streets in Russia. Let's dispel the long-standing stupid myths about China that everyone believes in.

Great Wall of China seen from space

One of the most popular misconceptions in the world says that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure on the planet that can be seen from space, but this is a lie: a unique architectural monument cannot be seen from orbit with the naked eye, as recently announced by a Chinese astronaut, supported by the country's government … In fact, the Celestial Empire has caught the authors of some school textbooks that contain such information, and other writers and journalists claiming this "phenomenon" in lies.


In China, Internet access is completely controlled

Many people know that the Chinese government restricts its citizens to use the Internet and believe that it is almost impossible to go online in the country, but this is not true. Censorship concerns mainly criticism of the ruling party and calls for protests and organizing riots, while users are constantly finding more and more new ways to get around these prohibitions - they invent code words and whole ciphers, understandable only to their own.

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The more actively the process of computerization of the inhabitants of China proceeds, the more difficult it is for the Communist Party to control access to the World Wide Web. As Bill Clinton once said, the efforts of the Chinese government in this regard are like trying to nail jelly to the wall.

Chinese hackers are the best in the world

There is an opinion that virtual hackers from the Middle Kingdom are the most dangerous and skillful in the world, and some even argue that all hacker attacks on various sites are directly supported by the Chinese government, but there is no convincing evidence of this.


Experts have studied the most high-profile scandals associated with the hacking of popular resources and government sites of some states by the Chinese, and they say that the myth of the special sophistication and aggressiveness of hackers from China is associated with the low level of computer security of these Internet resources and the carelessness of Internet industry giants that incidents.

Chinese women have no rights

Sometimes one hears that in China women are considered a kind of "second class" people, which makes their life look like hell, but in reality, the Chinese government's policy towards the fair sex is generally more progressive than in other developed countries.


Problems undoubtedly exist, but the leaders of the Communist Party are taking various measures to cope with them: for example, they pass laws that increase the responsibility for engaging in prostitution and provide women with employment benefits. Over the past six years, the number of Chinese women with secondary and higher education has increased significantly, which means that the situation is not as dire as it is usually "painted".

China's one-child program rages

There is indeed a limit on the number of children in Chinese families, but this does not apply to everyone. The law contains amendments that lead to the fact that only about 35% of families are forced to follow this party decree. In addition, the "ban" is only to increase the tax on each "additional" child, so many wealthy Chinese can afford to have two or more children.


Children who “don't fit” into the one-child policy are killed

This eerie information is not true - the Chinese and their government do not encourage infanticide. However, there are problems: the fact is that the birth of a boy is often considered more preferable than the birth of a girl, so some parents sell female babies to childless families or decide for an abortion.


The Communist Party is trying in every possible way to combat this practice, because it leads to a significant demographic "imbalance" - at present, about 20% more boys are born in China than girls.

There is no concept of copyright for the Chinese

Chinese fakes under famous world brands have long become a proverb, and many believe that the government of the Middle Kingdom does not regulate the activities of various companies related to intellectual property at all.


However, in reality, European and American owners of brands and technologies often simply do not understand what such violations are associated with: in China, it is not necessary to register their product in order to obtain a trademark, however, in this case, the company is not immune from borrowing from competitors. If the owner formalizes intellectual property rights in China, in most cases the government of the country does everything to protect his interests.

Chinese people eat children

The hysteria surrounding the cannibalism that flourishes among the Chinese began with a performance by a famous Chinese artist who allegedly ate a baby and recorded the whole process in detail on a camera. The story received such widespread publicity that many believed that eating newborns and, in general, cannibalism was a common practice for the Chinese, but it turned out that the artist's provocation was nothing more than a trick using a duck carcass and a doll's head. In fact, cannibalism in China is no more widespread than the world average.


Bestial grin of communism

Some Western journalists and public figures argue that the Communist Party is oppressing the Chinese people and will soon lead the country to economic collapse, however, in reality, China is doing a little better - the state demonstrates sustainable economic growth to the rest of the world even in the context of the global crisis. In addition, in recent years, the country's government has taken significant steps towards capitalism, for example, by sending many young professionals to study at the best universities in the world, so that they subsequently apply their knowledge at home.


China prepares for war

Perhaps this is one of the most dangerous and widespread myths about the Celestial Empire. Politicians and political scientists convince the world community that China is constantly on alert and can start military action without hesitation. However, China does not see any point in unleashing any kind of war, because this will have the most sad effect on the economy and trade relations with other states. Of course, like any strong country, the Celestial Empire defends its interests in every possible way, but at the same time it is ready to resolve issues peacefully.