Secrets of history 2024, October

What Happened To The Scientists Of The Third Reich After They Were Taken To The USSR - Alternative View

What Happened To The Scientists Of The Third Reich After They Were Taken To The USSR - Alternative View

In May 1945, Nazi Germany was defeated. But after it, there was a huge scientific and technical potential that interested the victorious powers, primarily the USSR and the USA

How The USA Wanted To Attack The USSR On January 1, 1957 - Alternative View

How The USA Wanted To Attack The USSR On January 1, 1957 - Alternative View

The Cold War threatened to enter a "hot" phase long before the Cuban missile crisis. After World War II, while the USSR was developing the atomic bomb, the Pentagon planned a massive bomb attack on 100 Soviet cities

In The Manuscript Of The 6th Century, Hippocrates' Recipes Were Found - Alternative View

In The Manuscript Of The 6th Century, Hippocrates' Recipes Were Found - Alternative View

Employees of the library of the monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai found a manuscript of the 6th century AD, which contains the recipes of the "father of medicine", the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. The find was publicly announced by the Minister of Antiquities of Egypt Khaled El-Enani

Doctor By The Grace Of God - Alternative View

Doctor By The Grace Of God - Alternative View

For a long time, human diseases did not give in to cure, since the Catholic Church categorically forbade autopsies. Medieval doctor Andrei Vesaliy was one of the first to do this, risking his career and his own life

Marshal Tukhachevsky - Alternative View

Marshal Tukhachevsky - Alternative View

Tukhachevsky Mikhail Nikolaevich (born February 4 (February 16) 1893 - death June 12, 1937) - military leader, Marshal of the USSR

Scientists Are Shocked By The Ancient Knowledge Of Medicines - Alternative View

Scientists Are Shocked By The Ancient Knowledge Of Medicines - Alternative View

Scientists, on the basis of archaeological finds, conclude that in ancient times, people had considerable knowledge of medicines

Inconvenient Faith. The Life And Feat Of The Partisan Horuzhei - Alternative View

Inconvenient Faith. The Life And Feat Of The Partisan Horuzhei - Alternative View

Vera Horuzhaya, Hero of the Soviet Union, was born on September 27, 1903. “Don't ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. " - US President John F. Kennedy

Biography Of General Brusilov - Alternative View

Biography Of General Brusilov - Alternative View

Brusilov Aleksey Alekseevich (born August 19 (31), 1853 - death March 17, 1926) - general of infantry, took part in the Russian-Turkish (1877 - 1878) and the First World War, commander of the Southwestern Front (1916

Where Did Khazaria Disappear To? - Alternative View

Where Did Khazaria Disappear To? - Alternative View

Ida Svyatoslav on Kozars and the former battle, Svyatoslav overcame Kozaram and their city Belo Vezhu taking These lines are taken from the "Tale of Bygone Years"

Curse Of The God Of Fate - Alternative View

Curse Of The God Of Fate - Alternative View

Three items - the knife, mask, and skull appeared in the Sotheby's auction house catalog in May 1854. A wealthy collector Bram Hertz took them away from the auction

Wedding Ring: Not A Simple Piece Of Jewelry - Alternative View

Wedding Ring: Not A Simple Piece Of Jewelry - Alternative View

We cannot imagine a wedding ceremony without the exchange of newlywed wedding rings. According to custom, such a ring should not be given to someone, not only vilify, but even try on, and its loss supposedly foreshadows the collapse of the family

Why Have Women In Russia Never Cut Their Hair? - Alternative View

Why Have Women In Russia Never Cut Their Hair? - Alternative View

For a long time, women of all ages and all classes in Russia and in the Moscow State knew one and only hairstyle - braid. Girls decorated their braids with ribbons or braids, women - covered with a warrior. However, the braid wasn't just a hairstyle

The Nazis Planned To Recreate The Ancient Extinct Bison - Alternative View

The Nazis Planned To Recreate The Ancient Extinct Bison - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler's grandiose and insane plans were not limited to the destruction of half of humanity, the creation of the Aryan civilization, the construction of flying saucers and the search for Shambhala

Secret Nazi Research - Alternative View

Secret Nazi Research - Alternative View

No sooner had such a seemingly monumental empire as the Third Reich collapsed like a house of cards, and the world had already started talking about the numerous secrets to which the Nazi leadership was involved

What Was Happening In The Ancient Theaters - Alternative View

What Was Happening In The Ancient Theaters - Alternative View

Theatrical performances in ancient Rome were very spectacular. For example, in the play "House on the Fire" on the stage, a real house with all its contents was burned down. And what happened if the hero had to die during the play?

Why Were Redheads Suspected Of Having Connections With Evil Spirits? - Alternative View

Why Were Redheads Suspected Of Having Connections With Evil Spirits? - Alternative View

People with red hair are only 2 percent of the world's population. Redheads have always attracted increased attention. There are myths and legends about them. Many love them, and some are afraid. "God marks rogue

Dumas Is Pushkin - Alternative View

Dumas Is Pushkin - Alternative View

African roots, light eyes with black curly hair, a literary gift, a light syllable and workaholism, interest in Russia and France, Napoleon, the Decembrists and the Caucasus, love and passion, finally

Giordano Bruno: Prophet Of Hermes - Alternative View

Giordano Bruno: Prophet Of Hermes - Alternative View

Italian Giordano Bruno - perhaps the most famous victim of the Inquisition's court. But until now, few people can intelligibly explain why, in fact, he was sentenced to death and what prevented Bruno's acquittal in our time?

What Really Happened To Giordano Bruno? - Alternative View

What Really Happened To Giordano Bruno? - Alternative View

The story of Giordano Bruno is similar to the famously twisted detective that mankind has been reading for more than four centuries, but can never get to the end

Not Insured By Anything - Alternative View

Not Insured By Anything - Alternative View

The largest department store "Innovation" is located on Nev - almost in the very center of Brussels. It was a typical May day, almost half past one in the afternoon, when the department store usually has the most visitors

Ancient Polotsk - Alternative View

Ancient Polotsk - Alternative View

Located in the center of the Polotsk Lowland, on the Western Dvina River, at the confluence of the Polota River. Hence the name of the city and the name of the tribe "Polochane", who settled in the Upper Podvinye, forming an independent tribal "reign"

Susanin Of The Great Patriotic - Alternative View

Susanin Of The Great Patriotic - Alternative View

In Moscow, at the Partizanskaya metro station, there is a monument - an elderly bearded man in a fur coat and felt boots is peering into the distance. Muscovites and guests of the capital passing by rarely bother to read the inscription on the pedestal

Hitler's Secret Expeditions To Tibet: What They Were Looking For - Alternative View

Hitler's Secret Expeditions To Tibet: What They Were Looking For - Alternative View

Materials about the Tibetan expeditions of the Nazis in Germany by the allies of the anti-Hitler coalition, to which they got in the Great Patriotic War, are still classified

The Shortest Wars In History - Alternative View

The Shortest Wars In History - Alternative View

Against the background of the Seven Years, Thirty Years, and even the Hundred Years Wars, all other world confrontations seem very insignificant. However, many lightning battles influenced the development of the modern world to a much greater extent

Secret Archives Of The KGB: 3 Most Mysterious Stories About Security Officers - Alternative View

Secret Archives Of The KGB: 3 Most Mysterious Stories About Security Officers - Alternative View

There are many legends about the famous Soviet Chekists. What were they not accused of the KGB officers - they say, the watchdogs of the regime, capable of taking the lives of a dozen people for the sake of another asterisk on epaulettes

The Man In The Iron Mask: Legendary Bastille Prisoner - Alternative View

The Man In The Iron Mask: Legendary Bastille Prisoner - Alternative View

Shrouded in secrets, the image of a man in an iron mask not only remained in history, but "migrated" to literature and cinema. November 19, 1703, 310 years ago, a prisoner died in the Bastille, famous as "the man in the iron mask"

Stalin Secretly Lived Out His Days In Tibet? - Alternative View

Stalin Secretly Lived Out His Days In Tibet? - Alternative View

Not so long ago, the testimony of doctors who allegedly courted Stalin in the last years of his life turned out to be declassified. Why supposedly?

5 Most Mysterious Footprints Ever Found On Earth - Alternative View

5 Most Mysterious Footprints Ever Found On Earth - Alternative View

Each of these strange creatures at one time caused a real storm of emotions. Terrible and repulsive, they thrill our darkest fantasy, making a lasting impression

Landing On The Neva: How The Tu-124 Splashed Down - Alternative View

Landing On The Neva: How The Tu-124 Splashed Down - Alternative View

The forced splashdown of a Soviet passenger plane onto a river within the boundaries of Leningrad, which took place in August 1963, fortunately, did not become a tragedy - only the liner itself was damaged in this incident

Life And Death Of The Noblewoman Morozova - Alternative View

Life And Death Of The Noblewoman Morozova - Alternative View

Boyarynya Morozova Feodosia Prokopyevna (born on May 21 (31), 1632 - death on November 2 (12), 1675) - - supreme palace boyarynya

The Devil Existed. And He Lived In Paris - Alternative View

The Devil Existed. And He Lived In Paris - Alternative View

When the activities of the Frenchman Marcel Petiot were revealed, journalists began to compete with each other in wit and wit

The Remains Of Three "vampires" Were Found, Mutilated And Subjected To Ritual Torture - Alternative View

The Remains Of Three "vampires" Were Found, Mutilated And Subjected To Ritual Torture - Alternative View

A group of archaeologists discovered the remains of three people, over whose bodies a series of special rituals were performed so that they could not later rise from the dead. Fear of vampires was not created by Hollywood horror films at all

The History Of The Unique Cemetery Of Xiaohe Mummies, Which Is Almost 4000 Years Old - Alternative View

The History Of The Unique Cemetery Of Xiaohe Mummies, Which Is Almost 4000 Years Old - Alternative View

Far to the east, in the remote Chinese desert of Taklamakan, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest settlement, wooden poles stick out of the sand, pointing to an ancient cemetery, which, according to experts, is almost 4,000 years old

Shakespeare: The Main Mysteries Of The Biography - Alternative View

Shakespeare: The Main Mysteries Of The Biography - Alternative View

Everybody knows the name of the great English poet and playwright William Shakespeare. Nevertheless, his biography is fraught with many mysteries that researchers are trying in vain to solve

Scientists Have Solved The Mystery Of The Primitive "Romeo And Juliet", Buried In Sungir 34 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Scientists Have Solved The Mystery Of The Primitive "Romeo And Juliet", Buried In Sungir 34 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

In the twin burial were the bodies of two teenage boys, and not a boy and a girl, as previously believed. Sungir is a world famous archaeological site of the Paleolithic era

During Excavations In The Center Of Tula, 30 Coffins Of The 18th Century Were Found - Alternative View

During Excavations In The Center Of Tula, 30 Coffins Of The 18th Century Were Found - Alternative View

Archaeologists have found an ancient cemetery with remains. During excavations on the Exaltation of the Cross Square, archaeologists discovered a lime fragment of the Exaltation of the Cross Church of the 18th century, and a part of the city cemetery nearby

Was Shakespeare A Woman? - Alternative View

Was Shakespeare A Woman? - Alternative View

Literary critic claims that the pseudonym "Shakespeare" was used by Amelia Bassano 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare. However, his identity is still a mystery

Who Was Buried In The "vampire Graves" - Alternative View

Who Was Buried In The "vampire Graves" - Alternative View

"Vampire Graves" are found throughout Europe. These can be burials with a severed head or with a body crushed by stones, or they can simply be remains turned face down

"Stalin's Line" - Alternative View

"Stalin's Line" - Alternative View

It is known that in the 1930s, massive underground construction was launched in the USSR. Only along the "old western border" 13 fortified areas (URs) were erected. Each SD occupied an area of 100-180 km along the front and 30-50 km in depth

10 People Who Faked Their Own Death - Alternative View

10 People Who Faked Their Own Death - Alternative View

Some celebrities may have faked their own deaths. There are many examples of this. But why are they doing this? The option suggests itself non-trivial - for example, to avoid legal punishment or performance of debt obligations