Secrets of history 2024, October

Rai Stones Are Huge Stone Discs Used As Currency In The Yap Islands - Alternative View

Rai Stones Are Huge Stone Discs Used As Currency In The Yap Islands - Alternative View

If a Western man in past centuries ended up on the Yap Islands, which are part of the Federated States of Micronesia, his gold or silver coins would be worth absolutely nothing

How We Sold Our Homeland 28 Years Ago - Alternative View

How We Sold Our Homeland 28 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Unlearned Lessons of the Collapse of the People's State and the Social Justice SocietyIt is fashionable to be against the state. It is even more popular to seek to occupy the place of prosecutor in the self-appointed court of history, castigating shortcomings and revealing mistakes

Not Aliens And Not The Murder Of The KGB: Russia Closes The Case On The Death Of Tourists In The Urals In 1959 - Alternative View

Not Aliens And Not The Murder Of The KGB: Russia Closes The Case On The Death Of Tourists In The Urals In 1959 - Alternative View

The mysterious incident at the Dyatlov Pass has fed various crazy theories for many years. Family members and some experts are suspicious of the official investigation, which ended 61 years after the events, the author writes.“While we sit and sing songs. T

Five Forgotten Kings - Alternative View

Five Forgotten Kings - Alternative View

There were many outstanding personalities among Russian monarchs, such as Peter I or Catherine II. There were also less famous rulers. But there are kings that most people know almost nothing about

Petroglyphs Of The Lope Plate - Alternative View

Petroglyphs Of The Lope Plate - Alternative View

The article, according to photographs and drawing of petroglyphs, describes the compositional solution, size, material and, mainly, the shape and nature of the images

Scientists Have Found In The South Urals A Unique Rock Art - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found In The South Urals A Unique Rock Art - Alternative View

Restorers and archaeologists from Russia and other countries have discovered an unusual camel pattern in the Kapova cave in Bashkiria, indicating that people of the Stone Age actively exchanged artistic know-how, the press service of Moscow State University reports

The Story Of Four Russian Sailors Who Have Lived For 6 Years On A Desert Island - Alternative View

The Story Of Four Russian Sailors Who Have Lived For 6 Years On A Desert Island - Alternative View

In the middle of the eighteenth century, everyone was discussing a book written by the scientist Pierre Louis Leroy. In his book, he told about Russian sailors who ended up on the island of Svalbard because of the storm that broke out. The author described the difficulties the sailors had to face, what adventures they went through and how they were not afraid in the face of danger

Lady Bluebeard Or The Story Of The Ruthless Belle Gannes - Alternative View

Lady Bluebeard Or The Story Of The Ruthless Belle Gannes - Alternative View

I do not know if Belle Gannes, popularly nicknamed "Lady Bluebeard", can be called a woman or even just a man

Who Was The First American? - Alternative View

Who Was The First American? - Alternative View

Quite recently, there was a simple and seemingly irrefutable answer to the question of how and when the first people reached America: about 13 thousand years ago, via a land bridge that connected Siberia and Alaska. Who were they?

Mamaev Kurgan: Mystical Height - Alternative View

Mamaev Kurgan: Mystical Height - Alternative View

This is a strange place, Mamaev Kurgan. As historical events show, conquerors, both "small" and great, who claimed world domination, were drawn here with incredible strength. The Persian king Darius really wanted to take possession of it, and after hundreds of centuries - Hitler

Who Robinson Crusoe Really Was - Alternative View

Who Robinson Crusoe Really Was - Alternative View

Everyone knows from childhood about the adventures of Robinson Crusoe on a desert island. Have you heard that the hero had a real prototype? LAREINA decided to figure out what he was like - the real Robinson Crusoe

Collaborator's Diary, Continuation - Alternative View

Collaborator's Diary, Continuation - Alternative View

Read the beginning of here. 1942 01.01.42 Will he bring us something, this 42nd? About such an unusual and joyful event, there was shooting all night. But no artillery. Apparently, both those and others, only amused

Jesus Had 12 Male Disciples And 12 Female Disciples - Alternative View

Jesus Had 12 Male Disciples And 12 Female Disciples - Alternative View

Scientists studying biblical texts came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ had not only men in his disciples, but also the same number of women, but references to this were erased from history

Flight AQ-243: Chances Of Survival - One In A Million - Alternative View

Flight AQ-243: Chances Of Survival - One In A Million - Alternative View

A Boeing 737-29 flying AQ 243 to Honolulu began to fall apart right in the air. The chances of survival in such a situation for the crew and passengers were one in a million, no more. 04/28/1988, 13:58, Kahului airport

Why Is Dmitry Donskoy Honored And Heroized? - Alternative View

Why Is Dmitry Donskoy Honored And Heroized? - Alternative View

When you begin to read and understand historical events yourself, with historical figures, heroes, it suddenly turns out that a significant part of all this appears at all not the same as we are told about it at school, as they write in popular books and shown in films

Isaiah's Legacy: Only Prophecies? - Alternative View

Isaiah's Legacy: Only Prophecies? - Alternative View

Probably, evidence was found for the existence of one of the greatest Old Testament prophets, Isaiah, who predicted the birth of Christ from the Virgin and the suffering of the Savior

How A Poet And Playwright Became A CIA Spy - Alternative View

How A Poet And Playwright Became A CIA Spy - Alternative View

He wrote scripts for Marlene Dietrich, drank with Remarque and Chaliapin, and received millions for his plays. The Nazis forced playwright Karl Zuckmeier to flee to the United States, where he plowed on a farm and secretly worked for the future of the CIA

Assassination Of President Kennedy: The UFO Trail - Alternative View

Assassination Of President Kennedy: The UFO Trail - Alternative View

There are many versions about the motives for the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy in November 1963, but they are all approximate: there is no reliable data on the background of the conspiracy

"Surviving Pilots" From The Tunguska Ship - Alternative View

"Surviving Pilots" From The Tunguska Ship - Alternative View

We all read the classics and remember how we once moved across the country, extorting and begging, fake grandchildren of Karl Marx, non-existent nephews of Friedrich Engels, brothers Lunacharsky, cousins of Clara Zetkin, descendants of the famous anarchist Prince Cro

10 Incredible Images Of Death That Can Scare Everyone - Alternative View

10 Incredible Images Of Death That Can Scare Everyone - Alternative View

There is something morbidly attractive about death. On the one hand, from things related to death, frost goes on the skin. On the other hand, it is impossible to take your eyes off them. In our roundup of 10 incredible images taken in ossuaries and crypts around the world

The Place Where The Indians Were Deceived - Alternative View

The Place Where The Indians Were Deceived - Alternative View

Once upon a time on the island at the mouth of the Hudson River there were Indian burial places and sanctuaries, and the island was called Shainashkinek - "A place to communicate with ancestors." In the 1620s, the Dutch founded a nearby colony and named it New Amsterdam

Turin Shelter Of The Main Secret Of The Templars - Alternative View

Turin Shelter Of The Main Secret Of The Templars - Alternative View

The key to one of the mysteries of the unrecognized relic of the Christian world is hidden in the sermon of the referendarium of the Church of St. Sophia Gregory 430 years ago, on September 14, 1578, the 1,500 year wanderings of the Savior's funeral veils stopped

Byzantine Confederation Of States - Alternative View

Byzantine Confederation Of States - Alternative View

In the Western European history of the XIII-XV centuries A.D. e. traditionally considered the era of the “ Proto-Renaissance ” (i.e. “ pre-revival ”) and early “ Renaissance ” following the “ dark ages ” general European decline (VII-XII centuries A.D

Afterlife Adventures - Alternative View

Afterlife Adventures - Alternative View

Why did people stop dying in the Moldavian village, why did they hunt for the dead in the Middle Ages, and how did other inconsolable lovers act - - we talk about the most impossible cases of life after death

Stalin's Funeral - Alternative View

Stalin's Funeral - Alternative View

When the leader of the Soviet people and the world proletariat, Joseph Stalin, died at his dacha in Kuntsevo on the morning of March 5, the whole country froze in anticipation. What will happen now? Who will replace the genius? This is on the one hand

What Happened During Stalin's Funeral - Alternative View

What Happened During Stalin's Funeral - Alternative View

How many people came to say goodbye to Stalin on March 9, 1953 is not known exactly. Tens or even hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens flocked to the Column Hall of the House of the Unions, where his body was exhibited for farewell. Their faces expressed real grief

With Relics On The Way Out - Alternative View

With Relics On The Way Out - Alternative View

Exactly half a century has passed since the moment when Stalin was carried out of the Mausoleum. And all this time the event, significant for the whole country, was covered with a dark secret. The time has come not only to remember him, but to restore everything in detail. Down to the smallest detail

The Whole Truth About Purebred Russians - Alternative View

The Whole Truth About Purebred Russians - Alternative View

Geneticists refute conventional theories about the influence of the Tatar-Mongol invasion on the "root" gene pool. There is a widespread opinion that there are simply no Russians as a people and they all remained in the legends of deep antiquity, and now the country is inhabited by meth

The Woman Who Discovered Dark Matter - Alternative View

The Woman Who Discovered Dark Matter - Alternative View

In the late seventies, Vera Rubin and Kent Ford explored the spiral galaxy Andromeda. The results that astronomers received on punch cards surprised and even alarmed them

Chastity Belt: Did It Really Exist - Alternative View

Chastity Belt: Did It Really Exist - Alternative View

Who has not heard of the so-called "chastity belts" that representatives of the medieval nobility allegedly put on their wives so that they could not cheat on them while the husband was away?

Heroes Are Not Born - Alternative View

Heroes Are Not Born - Alternative View

In 1986, 20-year-old Sergei Preminin, the hold driver of the Soviet missile submarine cruiser K-219, did not hesitate to accomplish the feat. At the cost of his own life, he saved the Atlantic Ocean and the east coast of America from nuclear contamination

The Secret Of The Treasure From The Kiev Lavra - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Treasure From The Kiev Lavra - Alternative View

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The history of this monument, unique both in its beauty and in its importance in the destinies of Russia, counts nine centuries. The walls of the Lavra have seen many great, mysterious, and sometimes scandalous events

How Did The Concept Of "Uncle Sam" Come About? - Alternative View

How Did The Concept Of "Uncle Sam" Come About? - Alternative View

"Uncle Sam" is sometimes referred to as the United States. It's hard to believe that this name came about by chance and that there really was such a person who was called "Uncle Sam".Uncle Sam (Uncle Sam) is a remarkable figure, whose image has been a symbol of the United States of America for so many years

Farewell Feast In The Mysterious Tartessa: New Discoveries And New Mysteries For Archaeologists - Alternative View

Farewell Feast In The Mysterious Tartessa: New Discoveries And New Mysteries For Archaeologists - Alternative View

For centuries, Tartess was one of those mysterious states of antiquity, known to scientists only from written sources

Ancient Healers - Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View

Ancient Healers - Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View

Humanity has always been interested in two questions - - how to cure effectively from certain diseases and how to maximize your life

Survivor. What Was The Fate Of The Tenth Member Of The Dyatlov Group? - Alternative View

Survivor. What Was The Fate Of The Tenth Member Of The Dyatlov Group? - Alternative View

At the beginning of 1959, a group of tourists-skiers from the tourist club of the Ural Polytechnic Institute planned to make a hike in the Northern Urals, which the participants intended to devote to the XXI Congress of the CPSU

The Most Cruel And Painful Execution Of Foggy Albion - Alternative View

The Most Cruel And Painful Execution Of Foggy Albion - Alternative View

The attention of historians is increasingly attracted by unusual plots - far from central events, but showing the life of people and society in a new light

The Fall Of The "wooden" Titanium - Alternative View

The Fall Of The "wooden" Titanium - Alternative View

Before entering the cadet school, in 1859, 11-year-old Paul von Hindenburg, future field marshal and Reich President of Germany, wrote a "will" - in it a punctual and executive boy "bequeathed" all his toys to his brothers and sister

Russian Genes: How Did The Finns Become Slavs? - Alternative View

Russian Genes: How Did The Finns Become Slavs? - Alternative View

Russian scientists have conducted a large-scale study of the gene pool of the Russian people. Its results - a real sensation. In particular, it has been established that genetically Russians do not belong to the Slavic, but to the Finno-Ugric group of peoples

What Happened To Bruce Lee - Alternative View

What Happened To Bruce Lee - Alternative View

On July 20, 1973, Bruce Lee died suddenly in Hong Kong - probably the most famous Chinese actor in the world. He was only 32 years old. The mystery of this strange death has not yet been solved