Secrets of history 2024, October

Ghostly Doubles - Alternative View

Ghostly Doubles - Alternative View

According to the legends, doubles are supernatural duplicates of real people. They arise in several ways: you can see them out of the corner of your eye, or you can meet them on a deserted road, or you can see them standing behind your shoulder in the reflection in the mirror

Secrets Of Swamp Mummies - Alternative View

Secrets Of Swamp Mummies - Alternative View

We have all heard a lot about ancient Egyptian mummies, because they tell us about them at school. Much has been written about Otzi - the "ice man", a mummy frozen into the ice high in the Alpine mountains, or about the mummified princess Ukok

Battle Of Novi - Alternative View

Battle Of Novi - Alternative View

Battle of Novi (took place on August 4 (15), 1799) - a battle fought after the Battle of Trebbia. A major victory of the Russian-Austrian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov over the French army during the Italian campaign

The Mystery Of Elizabeth Tudor - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Elizabeth Tudor - Alternative View

The formation of England as a great power did not begin at all from the moment when the revolution of 1642 took place in the country, which replaced the absolute monarchy with a constitutional one. It was undoubtedly an important event, but it was internal

Mysteries Of History: Oguzes-Seljuks - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History: Oguzes-Seljuks - Alternative View

Initially nomadic tribes, known to the Byzantines under the name of the Oguzes (later - Turks), lived in the Altai Mountains. However, around the 5th century, they moved to the southwest and captured Turan (Turkestan), from where they drove out the Avars

The Secret "Lenin Case". The Documents About The Death Of The Leader Are Still Classified - - Alternative View

The Secret "Lenin Case". The Documents About The Death Of The Leader Are Still Classified - - Alternative View

A Moscow court is considering the case of declassification of documents on Lenin's death

The History Of The Book Of Hours Of The Duke Of Berry - Alternative View

The History Of The Book Of Hours Of The Duke Of Berry - Alternative View

One of the most significant manuscripts in world literature is considered to be the luxurious and magnificent book of hours of the Duke of Berry, created at the beginning of the IIV century by order of the son of the King of France, Jean Berry

Leonid Kulik And The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Leonid Kulik And The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Disputes about what the Tunguska meteorite was, which swept the Siberian taiga more than 100 years ago, is still ongoing. The most fantastic versions are put forward. But the name of Leonid Kulik, who actually opened this event to the world, is remembered by very few

Forgeries And Falsifications In Science - Alternative View

Forgeries And Falsifications In Science - Alternative View

Since the New Age, humanity has begun to rapidly develop science. Science was an alternative to a large number of religious philosophies, which in the Middle Ages occupied the educational and educational niches of society

Why Do They Say That "the Russians Do Not Give Up" - Alternative View

Why Do They Say That "the Russians Do Not Give Up" - Alternative View

In February 1915, when the 8th and 10th German armies launched an offensive against the Russian 10th Army. The Osovets fortress and its forebridge were the key position of the Russian defense and heavy fighting immediately began there

Sword-kladenets - The Legendary Blade Of Invincibility - Alternative View

Sword-kladenets - The Legendary Blade Of Invincibility - Alternative View

Sword - kladenets, assistant of the courageous heroes of many Russian fairy tales, the dream of any warrior. According to ancient legends, this weapon helps to win in any battle. It was used by many famous heroes from Russian epics

The Witch Hunt In The Stavropol District - Alternative View

The Witch Hunt In The Stavropol District - Alternative View

The Samara Regional Court found the peasants of the village of Chuvash Kalmayur guilty of sacrilege, people received real sentences

7 Worst Years In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

7 Worst Years In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Terrorist activity, a new round of international tension, geopolitical upheavals, economic problems - the last few years have definitely been remembered for a long time

Secrets Of The Settlement Of Maskovichi Near Braslav - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Settlement Of Maskovichi Near Braslav - Alternative View

Where did the Scandinavians come from in MaskovichiThe ancient Greek myth of the sunken state of Atlantis is widely known. In world history, there were also real cities that went under water - Bayi in Italy, Titicaca in Peru, Olus in Greece and others

Top 10 Ancient Types Of Alcohol - Alternative View

Top 10 Ancient Types Of Alcohol - Alternative View

People have been drinking alcohol since ancient times. Archaeologists have found traces of it for thousands of years

The Carousing And Brawls Of The Guard Officers - Alternative View

The Carousing And Brawls Of The Guard Officers - Alternative View

How aristocrats in uniform rested and entertainedThe atmosphere of tough drills and honors, in which the elite regiments of the Russian army lived, could not fail to provoke a response from the guard officers. Such an answer was … revelry and debauchery

Beria's Death Still Remains A Mystery - Alternative View

Beria's Death Still Remains A Mystery - Alternative View

Lavrenty Beria was a very influential official during the reign of I. Stalin. Researchers argue that Beria was a very controversial person, therefore, until now, his activities constantly provide a subject for study by connoisseurs of history

Country Ukraine - A Project Of The Austro-Hungarian Special Services - Alternative View

Country Ukraine - A Project Of The Austro-Hungarian Special Services - Alternative View

Sewn from pieces of other states, it still lives according to the principles laid down by its creators.At the end of the 19th century, Russia, which had entered a period of economic growth, seriously frightened Austria-Hungary. The Habsburg empire included many Slavic peoples - Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Poles, Rusyns

How The "Ukrainian People" Was Created - Alternative View

How The "Ukrainian People" Was Created - Alternative View

Many people still do not understand how the brotherly "Ukrainian people" suddenly became the worst enemy of Russia

What Was The Salary Of The Russian Tsars? - Alternative View

What Was The Salary Of The Russian Tsars? - Alternative View

As you know, most people are interested in money. It is especially interesting to calculate how much the neighbors receive, and even the question of the wages of those in power beats all popularity ratings

Fedor Batov: “The Ark - It Is Not A Myth, I Saw It With My Own Eyes "- Alternative View

Fedor Batov: “The Ark - It Is Not A Myth, I Saw It With My Own Eyes "- Alternative View

Exactly 100 years ago, an event took place that was rarely mentioned throughout this time

Happy Accidents That Changed Our History - Alternative View

Happy Accidents That Changed Our History - Alternative View

If the Big Bang Theory is correct, then our whole life is - just one big accident. The same applies to evolution and natural selection

Biography Of Napoleon III - Alternative View

Biography Of Napoleon III - Alternative View

Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, also known as Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte and later Napoleon III (born April 20, 1808 - death January 9, 1873) - - first President of the French Republic, Emperor of France since December 2, 1852

Glastonbury Thor - Alternative View

Glastonbury Thor - Alternative View

Glastonbury - the cradle of numerous myths and legends. This hill was a sacred site long before the establishment of Christianity. It is covered with a network of trails that are believed to be the remains of an ancient labyrinth

5 People Who Took With Them To The Grave The Greatest Secrets In History - Alternative View

5 People Who Took With Them To The Grave The Greatest Secrets In History - Alternative View

Each of us has secrets: big and not so. However, few can boast of secret knowledge that can affect the fate of all mankind. It is about such people that we will talk

The Greatest Secrets Of Humanity, Taken To The Grave - Alternative View

The Greatest Secrets Of Humanity, Taken To The Grave - Alternative View

Cordless electricity, perpetual motion machine, lifting mechanism of incredible power - all these miracles could become everyday for us. If their creators hadn't preferred to take their secrets with them to their graves

Stanford Prison Experiment Or Fake? - Alternative View

Stanford Prison Experiment Or Fake? - Alternative View

On one liberal resource I saw a discussion of the situation in France with a reference to our country. They discussed the fact that Russia will soon have a revolution and half of the police are unhappy. Will definitely go over to the side of the protesters

A Gruesome Mystery Of Private Collectors: The Most Frightening Mummy Of Peru Has Been Discovered - - Alternative View

A Gruesome Mystery Of Private Collectors: The Most Frightening Mummy Of Peru Has Been Discovered - - Alternative View

An internationally renowned researcher has infiltrated a private collection, and what he found there is shaking to the core. Popular author, radio and TV presenter L.A. Marzulli recently made a startling discovery

What Did The Jews In Russia Want To Do - Alternative View

What Did The Jews In Russia Want To Do - Alternative View

"Heresy of the Judaizing", - the religious and political movement that existed in Russia at the end of the 15th century still holds a lot of mysteries. In the history of our state, it was destined to become a landmark phenomenon

The Mystery Of The Sailing Ship "Marlboro" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Sailing Ship "Marlboro" - Alternative View

In 1890 the sailing ship "Mallboro", loaded with frozen lamb and wool, sailed from New Zealand to the English port of Glasgow. There were twenty-three crew members and several passengers on board, including one woman

Who Was Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark - Alternative View

Who Was Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark - Alternative View

On February 21, 1431, the trial of Jeanne d ' Arc began. The Maid of Orleans was not only a political enemy, she heard the voices of the Saints, ancient prophecies spoke about her. She was accused of witchcraft, but burned for heresy

Who Is The Queen Of Sheba? Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Who Is The Queen Of Sheba? Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Queen of Sheba - the only character of antiquity, which is mentioned in the sacred books of the three major world religions - Christianity, Judaism and Islam

Who Was Mummified In Russia Besides Lenin - Alternative View

Who Was Mummified In Russia Besides Lenin - Alternative View

The mummification of the body of Vladimir Lenin marked the beginning of the practice of embalming the deceased communist (and not only) leaders in the countries of the world

Witchcraft In Ancient Roman - Alternative View

Witchcraft In Ancient Roman - Alternative View

Magic played an extremely important role in the life of the peoples of the ancient world. Remnants of totemism and animism, the priesthood and all kinds of fortune-tellers influenced their mentality

Hut On Chicken Legs - Pagan House Of The Dead - Alternative View

Hut On Chicken Legs - Pagan House Of The Dead - Alternative View

In the Museum of the History of Moscow, in addition to all spoon-scoops, there is an exposition, which presents the reconstruction of the so-called "house of the dead" of Dyakov's culture

The Horrific History Of Cosmetics - Alternative View

The Horrific History Of Cosmetics - Alternative View

Beauty “ demanded sacrifice ” throughout the history of mankind, and sometimes was not limited to pain and suffering, and the case ended with the death of the beauty. As early as 10 thousand years BC

The Wreckage Of The Vasco Da Gama Ship Was Found Off The Coast Of Oman - Alternative View

The Wreckage Of The Vasco Da Gama Ship Was Found Off The Coast Of Oman - Alternative View

Not far from the coast of Oman, scientists found a ship that wrecked back in 1503. The remains of the ship "Esmeralda" were found in the Gubbat al-Rahib Bay, which is located on the southeast coast of Oman

Who Lives On The Island Of Lesvos - Alternative View

Who Lives On The Island Of Lesvos - Alternative View

Lesbos (Greek? Lambda; έ? Sigma;??? Omicron;? Sigmaf;) - Greek island in the northeastern part of the Aegean Sea. Area 1636 km ². It is the third largest Greek island and the seventh largest in the Mediterranean basin. Population - 108 thousand people

Medical Riddle: A Pin Of A Modern Type In The Leg Of A Mummy - Alternative View

Medical Riddle: A Pin Of A Modern Type In The Leg Of A Mummy - Alternative View

In 1971, a sealed ancient Egyptian coffin was brought to the Rosenkreuz Museum, located in California, inside which lay a well-preserved mummy, which was once the body of a very noble Egyptian