The Greatest Secrets Of Humanity, Taken To The Grave - Alternative View

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The Greatest Secrets Of Humanity, Taken To The Grave - Alternative View
The Greatest Secrets Of Humanity, Taken To The Grave - Alternative View

Video: The Greatest Secrets Of Humanity, Taken To The Grave - Alternative View

Video: The Greatest Secrets Of Humanity, Taken To The Grave - Alternative View
Video: 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read | Jesse Ventura | Talks at Google 2024, October

Wireless electricity, a perpetual motion machine, a lifting mechanism of incredible power - all these miracles could become everyday for us. If their creators did not choose to take their secrets with them to the grave.


Arne Burling and the secret of the T52 code

In addition to the notorious, albeit beautiful in its qualities, Enigma, there was also a more advanced model of a cipher machine, which was used by the Nazis for top-secret messages. This device was called T52 or "Geheimschreiber", which means "secret scribe". This cipher machine was larger than the Enigma in size and much more complex in its structure: in the whole history only one cipher was able to decipher its cipher, and his name was Arne Burling.


In 1940, Sweden found itself in fact between two fires - in the west, a large-scale campaign of conquest was conducted by Adolf Hitler, and in the east, Russia was conducting military operations with Finland (Soviet-Finnish war 1939-1940). In such a difficult political situation, Sweden needed to be aware of all the events that were taking place, which was done through intelligence.

At first, all messages made with the T52 were considered impossible to decrypt. However, mathematics professor Arne Burling set out to unravel the mysterious code. And after a short time, he not only learned to decipher the messages printed on the T52, he also deciphered its code. Since then, Sweden actually "got access" to the top-secret reports of the Nazis, and therefore the Swedes were one of the first and, importantly, they learned in advance about Hitler's plans, which included an attack on the USSR.

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When asked how he managed to unravel the code, Burling replied, "A magician never reveals his secrets." In 1986, Arne Burling died without telling anyone about his secret. After him, not a single ransomware was able to guess the T52 code.

Maurice Ward and the formula for eternal plastic

In the mid-80s of the last century, the English inventor Maurice Ward invented a heat-resistant plastic that can withstand temperatures up to 10,000C and an impact, the power of which exceeds the power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima by 75 times. The inventor named this material "Starlite" and decided to sell his invention to a company that wants to use it to create something truly great. Of course, NASA was interested in buying this material, because thanks to its lightness and strength, "Starlite" could revolutionize space travel and space engineering.


But, suspecting that many companies would want to use the invention without paying the author any remuneration, Ward refused to sell the formula for his most successful project. Maurice Ward died in 2011 without revealing the secret of the super-strong material. He only said that the formula includes more than 20 organic polymers and copolymers, as well as a small amount of ceramics.

Nikola Tesla and wireless electricity

The name of Nikola Tesla is familiar even to people far from physics: a great scientist who was well ahead of his time. However, despite his fame in the world of science and numerous inventions, he did not manage to realize his perhaps the most ambitious project: free wireless electricity around the globe.


The essence of the idea was to build a high tower (he called it Wardencliff, but many people know it as "Tesla's tower"), which would use the earth's ionosphere and our planet itself as electrical conductors, which would make electricity available anywhere on earth ball. In 1905, Tesla began experiments designed to prepare this project, but the crisis that hit the United States shortly after the experiment began, led to the fact that highly costly preparations were suspended.


Tesla died in 1943, effectively taking the secret of creating a wireless electrical network with him, although he did not set such a goal. The fact is that Tesla kept most of his calculations in his mind, and therefore kept notes rather messy: most of his notes are sketches and sketches that are difficult to decipher.

Johann Bessler and the perpetual motion machine

In 1712, German inventor Johann Bessler claimed to have invented a perpetual motion machine. For 5 years, he conducted several experiments and was able to convince the scientific elite of the time that he realized something truly innovative.


The design consisted of a wheel about two meters in diameter, capable of lifting a load weighing several kilograms. The summary of the official experiment mentions 54 days during which the device worked without anyone's intervention. Among the witnesses to this experiment were eminent mathematicians, scientists and philosophers, and none of them understood the principle of the device.


Bessler demanded 20 thousand pounds (about 100 thousand Reichstalers, if you translate the amount into the currency of that time) for the secret of his invention. Peter was the first to show a great interest in the invention and asked Wilhelm Gravesand, professor of mathematics and astronomy at Leiden University, to advise him before buying a "perpetual motion machine." Johann Bessler decided that they were trying to steal the secret of the "perpetual motion machine" and immediately destroyed his invention. He died without revealing the secret of the structure he assembled, which, by the way, violated several existing laws of physics. Modern scientists are trying to decipher his records or build an "engine" again, but so far in vain. So the chances are high that Johann was simply very cunning and somehow deceived scientists and witnesses to his experiment.

Edward Leedskalnin and the Moving of Huge Boulders

Edward Leedskalnin is a Latvian immigrant who moved to the United States. He built the so-called Coral Castle in Florida. He was short (about 1.6 m) and weighed about 50 kilograms, but such modest dimensions did not prevent him from moving boulders weighing up to 30 tons alone. However, he always worked alone. Few bystanders differ in their versions: two teenagers claim to have seen huge stones floating in the air; others claim to have noticed some kind of equipment resembling a wooden tripod and several ropes (however, even this equipment did not look powerful enough to lift such massive stone structures). They say that Edward Leedskalnin used some kind of small black box, which he himself called a "perpetual motion holder".


After his death in 1951, his Coral Castle became a local landmark. Many tourists still come to see it. And here's what's interesting: when in 1986 a 9-ton revolving door, which even a five-year-old child could have turned, broke, neither engineers nor scientists were able to fix it - they had to call a crane to move it.


Leedskalnin himself claimed to have discovered the secret of the Egyptian pyramids. It is a pity that he did not have time (or did not want) to share it with humanity.