Secrets of history 2024, October

5 Most Famous Bets In History - Alternative View

5 Most Famous Bets In History - Alternative View

1. Pearl cocktail One of the oldest bets in human history was between Cleopatra and her Roman lover, Mark Antony. The queen bet she could drink 10 million sesterces worth of wine in one dinner

Mysteries Of The Kola Superdeep - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Kola Superdeep - Alternative View

Many scientific and industrial works are related to the drilling of underground wells. The total number of such facilities only in Russia is hardly quantifiable

Nicknamed "China" - Alternative View

Nicknamed "China" - Alternative View

We are used to judging everything by the standards of Europe. Meanwhile, the world of the East is huge and colorful. And as of the beginning of the 16th century, it was in many ways, perhaps, more progressive than the West

Nora Walumbe: The Other Side Of The Myth - Alternative View

Nora Walumbe: The Other Side Of The Myth - Alternative View

On Tanda Hill, eight kilometers from the city of Mityana (Uganda), mysterious vertical holes have been drilled. These holes can be seen in other parts of the country, but here they are the most - - 240. They say that animals bypass them

Gold-boiling Mangazeya - Alternative View

Gold-boiling Mangazeya - Alternative View

At the very end of the 19th century, in the north of Western Siberia, on the Taz River, a settlement was found, the remains of an ancient settlement. Archaeologists have determined that there was a Russian city here in the 17th century

How Urban Municipal Electric Vehicles Were Destroyed In The United States - Alternative View

How Urban Municipal Electric Vehicles Were Destroyed In The United States - Alternative View

By the beginning of the 20th century, almost every settlement in the United States with a population of more than 2,500 people had its own system of electric roads, in addition to this, tram lines connected a huge number of cities.The longest continuous route was over 1,500 kilometers, and the average speed of intercity trains was 130 km / h

Why Did Hitler Make The Swastika A Symbol Of The Nazis - Alternative View

Why Did Hitler Make The Swastika A Symbol Of The Nazis - Alternative View

In his autobiographical and ideological book Mein Kampf, Hitler stated that it was he who came up with the brilliant idea of making the swastika a symbol of the National Socialist movement

Why Is St. Petersburg Called "Peter"? - Alternative View

Why Is St. Petersburg Called "Peter"? - Alternative View

In an informal speech, St. Petersburg is called Peter. How long ago and where did this form of the city name come from?For the city, it all began in 1703, when Peter I took Nyenschants by siege and immediately renamed it Schlotburg. At this place, the tsar decided to build a new city for the capital's purpose

The Story Of The Severed Head - Alternative View

The Story Of The Severed Head - Alternative View

A terrible exhibit has been kept in the Petersburg Kunstkamera for more than 90 years. It has never been on display and is unlikely to ever be on display. In the inventory it is listed as "the head of the Mongol"

A Controversial Rarity - Alternative View

A Controversial Rarity - Alternative View

If you visit the Hermitage every day for eight hours and stop at each exhibit for at least one minute, it will take 15 years to see all the sights of the world famous museum

5 Ancient Mysteries That Will Never Be Solved - Alternative View

5 Ancient Mysteries That Will Never Be Solved - Alternative View

Who was Jack the Ripper, where did the Moth Man disappear and did Richard III really kill the princes in the Tower? History is full of mysteries, and a person is not able to solve the simplest of them - just because some things are better left in the shade

10 Unexpected Facts About Albert Einstein - Alternative View

10 Unexpected Facts About Albert Einstein - Alternative View

On March 14, the world celebrated the 137th anniversary of the birth of one of the most famous and popular scientists on our planet - Albert Einstein. The brilliant physicist was the author of about 300 scientific papers and 150 books

Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg - History - Alternative View

Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg - History - Alternative View

Moskovsky railway station (former Nikolaevsky) and Vosstaniya square (Znamenskaya) have always been the main gates to St. Petersburg. And I want to start a series of my historical photo stories with a story about Vosstaniya Square

An Ancient Grave Of A Mysterious Man Was Discovered In Switzerland - Alternative View

An Ancient Grave Of A Mysterious Man Was Discovered In Switzerland - Alternative View

Swiss archaeologists have found a strange human burial while exploring an ancient cemetery located near the city of Schupfen. A skeleton was found in one of the local graves, the owner of which was once buried face down

10 Facts About The Second World War, Which Are Silent In History Books - Alternative View

10 Facts About The Second World War, Which Are Silent In History Books - Alternative View

They talk about World War II even in high school in history lessons. Everyone knows about the tyranny of Hitler, the Holocaust, the attack on Pearl Harbor

Discoveries Of Amerigo Vespucci - Alternative View

Discoveries Of Amerigo Vespucci - Alternative View

Amerigo Vespucci (born March 9, 1454 - death February 22, 1512) seafarer, Florentine traveler, after whom America is possibly named

How Lenin Took Power In October 1917 - Alternative View

How Lenin Took Power In October 1917 - Alternative View

For all the years of Soviet power, Leninists could not establish exactly when V.I. Lenin returned to Petrograd to carry out the Great October Socialist Revolution. When and where he was is not entirely clear. He was a conspirator

What Secrets Does The Tower Of London Keep? - Alternative View

What Secrets Does The Tower Of London Keep? - Alternative View

For nearly a millennium, the Tower of London has remained a frightening, sinister structure. The River Thames Tower was originally designed as a castle for King William the Conqueror

How Samurai Defended Their Honor: Hara-kiri - A Rite Of Suicide - Alternative View

How Samurai Defended Their Honor: Hara-kiri - A Rite Of Suicide - Alternative View

The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun have their own concept of honor and attitude towards death than the Europeans. To die of old age was considered unworthy of a warrior, it is better that death comes from the sword

War Of Queens - Alternative View

War Of Queens - Alternative View

In 1487, the War of the Scarlet and White Roses ended in England, and Henry VII of the Tudor dynasty was established on the throne. Elizabeth was his male granddaughter, and Maria - great-granddaughter for women

The History Of The Most Populous Area On The Planet - Alternative View

The History Of The Most Populous Area On The Planet - Alternative View

I have already seen this photo many times and even had a rough idea of where this place is and why it is. However, everywhere I read completely scattered information. Let's collect everything in one place and find out the detailed history of this unusual place.Not

Trees In The Culture Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Trees In The Culture Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Previously, the ancient Slavs made and made almost everything from wood: dishes, spoons, buttons, and built houses. For each item, the Slavs selected a special tree. The Slavs divided trees into good and evil

Children And Grandchildren Of Hitler Among Us - Alternative View

Children And Grandchildren Of Hitler Among Us - Alternative View

World War II, the worst in human history, is over. The persons who untied it were convicted at the Nuremberg trials

The "Mysterious Forest" In Western Romania Eclipsed The Popularity Of The Legend Of Dracula - Alternative View

The "Mysterious Forest" In Western Romania Eclipsed The Popularity Of The Legend Of Dracula - Alternative View

"Mysterious forest" in the west of Romania Hoya Bachiu, located near the city of Cluj, in the past few years has eclipsed the popularity of the legend of the "famous vampire Dracula", which was considered a kind of brand not only for Transylvania, but for the whole country

Who Is He, Vlad The Impaler Count Dracula? - Alternative View

Who Is He, Vlad The Impaler Count Dracula? - Alternative View

For almost six centuries the ominous shadow of his fearsome reputation has been trailing behind Vlad the Impaler. It seems that this is actually the fiend of hell

Children Of Count Dracula: How Was The Fate Of The Heirs Of The Bloody Ruler - Alternative View

Children Of Count Dracula: How Was The Fate Of The Heirs Of The Bloody Ruler - Alternative View

Very little is known about the personal life of the famous ruler of Wallachia. Almost everything connected with the name of this person is shrouded in mystery. Today, everyone who hears the mention of the name Dracula associates it with vampirism and blood

The Mystery Of The Tomb Of Count Dracula - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Tomb Of Count Dracula - Alternative View

In this article, we will discuss the possible location of Count Dracula's tomb. Many books have been written, films shot and legends about Count Dracula are invented, but still the image of this historical character is overgrown with new myths

His Descendants Rule Britain. And A Dozen More Real Facts About The Real Dracula - Alternative View

His Descendants Rule Britain. And A Dozen More Real Facts About The Real Dracula - Alternative View

Myths about the incredible cruelty of Prince Vlad Tepes, the real Transylvanian ruler, who became the prototype for the vampire - Count Dracula Bram Stoker

20 Little-known Facts About Vlad Tepes, Known As The Bloodthirsty Count Dracula - Alternative View

20 Little-known Facts About Vlad Tepes, Known As The Bloodthirsty Count Dracula - Alternative View

Vlad III, also known as Vlad the Impaler or simply Dracula, was a legendary commander-prince of Wallachia. He ruled the principality three times - in 1448, from 1456 to 1462 and in 1476, during the beginning of the period of the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans

The Real Count Dracula - Alternative View

The Real Count Dracula - Alternative View

"Once upon a time there was a bloodthirsty prince Dracula

Dracula's Castle. Romania - Alternative View

Dracula's Castle. Romania - Alternative View

Dracula's Castle is located in the northwest of Romania. Transylvania has long been considered the land of vampires and all thanks to the formidable and cruel Count Dracula. Since antiquity, some legends about blood-sucking monsters have reached us

Where Did The Gold Reserve Of Romania, Transferred To Russia In 1916-1917, Disappeared? - Alternative View

Where Did The Gold Reserve Of Romania, Transferred To Russia In 1916-1917, Disappeared? - Alternative View

In August 1916, royal Romania, hoping for a quick victory over Austria-Hungary, broken, as it seemed, by the Brusilov breakthrough, entered the First World War on the side of the Entente

The Secret Of The Ayud Hatchet - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Ayud Hatchet - Alternative View

Romania 1974. A team of workers found three small objects buried in fine-grained sand in river sediments in a sand quarry on the banks of the Mures River

Myths From The History Of - Alternative View

Myths From The History Of - Alternative View

Eve ate an apple Apple - a wholesome fruit, although infamous as a forbidden fruit since Eve plucked it from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden and deprived us of - their descendants - paradise life

5 Ingenious Inventions Of The Past, The Secret Of Which Has Not Been Revealed To This Day - Alternative View

5 Ingenious Inventions Of The Past, The Secret Of Which Has Not Been Revealed To This Day - Alternative View

In the 21st century, people tend to feel superior in looking back in time. However, there is no reason for such arrogance

The Adventures Of Marina Mnishek - Alternative View

The Adventures Of Marina Mnishek - Alternative View

Everyone knows the Polish noblewoman Marina Mniszek as the wife of False Dmitry I and sometimes they are sure that she was executed with him. However, the situation is somewhat different: this marriage does not exhaust her relationship with the Moscow state

Battle Of Chesme In 1770 - Alternative View

Battle Of Chesme In 1770 - Alternative View

During the Russian-Turkish war, the Russian fleet defeated the Turkish fleet in the Chesme bay. The Chesme naval battle took place on June 24 - 26 (July 5 - 7), 1770. It went down in history as one of the best naval battles of the 18th century

The Secret Base Of The USA Where The End Of The World Could Begin - Alternative View

The Secret Base Of The USA Where The End Of The World Could Begin - Alternative View

From the early 1960s to the mid-1980s, the city of Tucson was surrounded by 18 silos of Titan 2 rocket launchers equipped with nuclear warheads

Why Did Russia Give Alaska To America? - Alternative View

Why Did Russia Give Alaska To America? - Alternative View

A century and a half ago, in Washington, Russia and the United States signed an agreement on the transfer of Alaska to America. Over the years, there has been heated debate about why this event happened and how to relate to it

Russian-Indian War In Alaska - Alternative View

Russian-Indian War In Alaska - Alternative View

We once discussed with you such an interesting question for a long time, about HOW RUSSIA SELL ALASKA, and now let's get acquainted with the material, how it all began there … The development of the lands of Alaska by Russian colonists began at the end of the 18th century