Trees In The Culture Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Trees In The Culture Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View
Trees In The Culture Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Trees In The Culture Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Trees In The Culture Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View
Video: КУЛЬТУРА ДРЕВНИХ СЛАВЯН. CULTURE OF THE ANCIENT SLAVS || Лекции по культурологии 2024, July

Previously, the ancient Slavs made and made almost everything from wood: dishes, spoons, buttons, and built houses. For each item, the Slavs selected a special tree. The Slavs divided trees into good and evil. The good ones were used for building a house, household needs and ritual activities.

In our time, bioenergetics have confirmed the division of tree species into those capable of feeding a person with energy and, on the contrary, taking, sucking out vital forces. The energizing ones include: birch, oak, pine, chestnut. Trees that suck energy out include aspen, poplar and spruce, they weaken energy, but the Slavs were very smart and smart and used aspen in the following way. An aspen log was made from aspen, then it was applied to get rid of a headache, in case of toothache, the gums were rubbed with aspen chips, so aspen draws out energy and relieves tension and relieves pain.

Our ancestors often left a tree that began to grow inside the house or built a house around a noble trunk. At the beginning of the 20th century, a young mountain ash, birch or oak tree was planted in the place where the house will be logged, in Siberia - a young cedar. They planted them in the red corner, where later, during the time of Christianity, they began to hang an icon. The Slavs believed that the world is based on the Tree, which supports the Earth and all nine heavens. The construction of a house was equated with the construction of the World.

Especially revered trees - tall, wide and old - were never cut down for household needs. They believed that the souls of the dead righteous old people had taken over in them. They did not cut down the trees that grew on the graves - and suddenly the soul of the deceased has moved into this tree! They were afraid to touch trees with development anomalies - twisted, twisted, especially “against the Sun” (anti-salinity). They did not use the "damned" species - aspen and spruce. Out of respect - and the linden, which shod and sometimes dressed the ancient Slavs. They did not take dry dead trees, they no longer had vital energy that feeds a person. They did not harvest wood in winter, since the plants were in hibernation, according to the ancestors, they were "dead".

Well, the tree for felling has been selected. Now we looked: where it will fall with the top of its head. If it fell north or hung on neighboring trees, then the trunk was not taken - a bad sign. They also threw the tree that had pinned down the lumberjack. It was called "violent", "stoerosov". Even a splinter of such a tree, slipped into the frame by an evil carpenter, led, according to the Slavs, to the death of the owners.

We have never cut down trees planted by people, garden and growing inside the fence. Remember from fairy tales: the heroes talk, consult with an apple tree or a cherry? They were revered as family members.

Trees were considered living beings, the same children of Earth and Heaven. People believed that when trees were felled, they cry. Nowadays, scientific research has confirmed that indoor flowers "panic" when they are approached by a person who has just killed another plant.

Our ancestors placated trees before cutting them down. I had to take off my hat, bow, tell about the need for which I came to the forest. With a treat, the spirits of the tree were lured away so that they would not suffer during felling. Returning from the forest, you should have cleansed yourself: fast and wash yourself thoroughly, preferably in a bath.

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Our ancestors intuitively felt what scientists studying the world around us confirmed in our times, and lived in harmony with nature and the creatures that inhabited it.