Secrets of history 2024, October

Torture With Meat, Salt And More: How They Tortured People Without Resorting To Instruments Of Torture - Alternative View

Torture With Meat, Salt And More: How They Tortured People Without Resorting To Instruments Of Torture - Alternative View

People are still horrified when they read about the medieval instruments of torture with which the unfortunate victims were tortured. But there were also other methods of torture, which did not leave obvious marks on the human body, but at the same time took their life or suppressed their personality

How Old Is Humanity? - Alternative View

How Old Is Humanity? - Alternative View

Most modern scientists try to limit the history of the development of human civilization to just the last few millennia. Until that time, in their opinion, there was a long and all-encompassing Stone Age

Scholars Have Translated A 3700-year-old Tablet From Babylon - Alternative View

Scholars Have Translated A 3700-year-old Tablet From Babylon - Alternative View

Scientists have translated the 3,700-year-old Babylonian tablet that could rewrite the history of mathematics, suggesting that trigonometry may have been developed before the ancient Greeks. Reported by ET

The Flood - Alternative View

The Flood - Alternative View

A small piece of wood is kept in the residence of the Armenian Catholicos in Etchmiadzin, which is one of the main relics of the monastery

The Flood Was Caused By The Nuclear War - Alternative View

The Flood Was Caused By The Nuclear War - Alternative View

In many myths and legends, from different parts of the planet, one can find confirmation of a certain global cataclysm, or in other words - a flood that destroyed most of all life on Earth

The "hobbits" Of Flores Are Not Our Relatives - Alternative View

The "hobbits" Of Flores Are Not Our Relatives - Alternative View

The dwarfs that lived on the Indonesian island of Flores about 15 thousand years ago are not suitable for us - Homo sapiens - to relatives

What Is The Truth In The Story? - Alternative View

What Is The Truth In The Story? - Alternative View

How reliable is the information that written and other historical sources tell us

Shipwreck Treasures - Alternative View

Shipwreck Treasures - Alternative View

Once the American oceanographers Rechtinzer and Terry thought about the question: how many dead ships are at the bottom of the oceans?

Stardust And Strange Balls In The Ancient Layers Of The Earth - Alternative View

Stardust And Strange Balls In The Ancient Layers Of The Earth - Alternative View

During 2003 - 2008. a group of Russian and Austrian scientists with the participation of Heinz Kohlmann, a renowned paleontologist, curator of the Eisenwurzen National Park, conducted a study of the catastrophe that happened 65 million

Archaeologists Have Returned To Moscow The Most Ancient Holy Source - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Returned To Moscow The Most Ancient Holy Source - Alternative View

Monks of the Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery drew water from it in the 14th century.Today in the capital you can taste the spring water from the holy source, which Muscovites worshiped 7 centuries ago

Saltychikha - The Creepy Fun Of Daria Saltykova - Alternative View

Saltychikha - The Creepy Fun Of Daria Saltykova - Alternative View

Bloody Lady - the case of Saltychikha Chronicles of the beginning of the reign of Catherine II are rich in descriptions of criminal processes that are associated with mass torture and murder by landowners of their serfs

Adventurism "Barbarossa" - Alternative View

Adventurism "Barbarossa" - Alternative View

Plan "Barbarossa" for a long time will attract the attention of researchers, who will find in it a lot of details that will help to draw important (even for the present) conclusions. The Role of Neophytes, as A Was

Pounds Of Gold For The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat - Alternative View

Pounds Of Gold For The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat - Alternative View

In Siberia, human life has always directly depended on the distances covered on horseback, along rivers, and later on the railroad. A week to be on the road, bypassing the steppes, hills, taiga - it was in the order of things

Natural Mysticism, Or The Holiday Of The Future - Alternative View

Natural Mysticism, Or The Holiday Of The Future - Alternative View

On November 4, Russia once again celebrated the Day of National Unity. Meanwhile, this holiday is still (and it has been celebrated since 2005) is perceived by many as extremely ambiguous

Who Shot Down Senator McCain? - Alternative View

Who Shot Down Senator McCain? - Alternative View

Soviet veteran, retired lieutenant colonel Yuri Trushechkin, who took part in the Vietnam war, was part of a rocket crew that destroyed an American plane in the sky over Vietnam, piloted by future US presidential candidate John

Biography Of Maria Sklodowska-Curie - Alternative View

Biography Of Maria Sklodowska-Curie - Alternative View

Maria Sklodowska-Curie (born November 7, 1867 - death July 4, 1934) - French (Polish) experimental scientist, physicist and chemist, one of the founders of the theory of radioactivity

Was The Bronze Age Man A Cyborg? - Alternative View

Was The Bronze Age Man A Cyborg? - Alternative View

Last week, Swiss archaeologists announced an incredible find: treasure hunters in Switzerland discovered an ancient artifact - bronze arm adorned with a gold cuff

10 Copper Artifacts That Revealed The Secrets Of The Ancients To Scientists - Alternative View

10 Copper Artifacts That Revealed The Secrets Of The Ancients To Scientists - Alternative View

Copper - one of the first metals that people began to work with around 5000 BC, during the so-called copper era (chalcolithic period), when there was a radical transition from primitive stone technologies of the Neolithic to the bronze

Flight Of Amelia Earhart A Lifetime - Alternative View

Flight Of Amelia Earhart A Lifetime - Alternative View

The famous American aviator Amelia Earhart became famous for becoming the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by air. She died tragically, setting a new record: to fly an airplane around the entire globe

Found The Island Where Amelia Earhart May Have Died - Alternative View

Found The Island Where Amelia Earhart May Have Died - Alternative View

The search for the world celebrity, the pilot Amelia Earhart, concentrated on a small island in the Pacific Ocean. Archaeologists managed to find objects on which traces of DNA of a brave woman may remain

Amelia Earhart's Missing Plane: The Search Continues - Alternative View

Amelia Earhart's Missing Plane: The Search Continues - Alternative View

The disappearance of aviator and writer Amelia Earhart is one of the most famous in aviation history. The International Historic Aircraft Retrieval Group (TIGHAR) has been looking for the Earhart monoplane for many years, which disappeared without a trace in 1937

The Mysterious Return Of Flight 513 - Alternative View

The Mysterious Return Of Flight 513 - Alternative View

The plane, flying from Germany to Brazil in 1954, disappeared shortly after takeoff and landed at the destination airport … after 35 years. Passengers and crew turned into skeletons

The Plane That Disappeared In The Twilight Zone Returned After 37 Years And Disappeared Again! - Alternative View

The Plane That Disappeared In The Twilight Zone Returned After 37 Years And Disappeared Again! - Alternative View

In 1955, a plane en route to New York - Miami simply disappeared into thin air. The first ten years were looking for him, but all efforts were in vain. And in 1992 the charter board DC-4 landed in Caracas as if nothing had happened

The Last Astrologer Of The Reich - Alternative View

The Last Astrologer Of The Reich - Alternative View

The fate of Karl Kraft - a clear confirmation of the well-known truth: there is no prophet in his own country. The astrologer accurately predicted the assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler, and met his death in the Buchenwald concentration camp

The Marlboro Riddle: Sailboat With A Dead Crew - Alternative View

The Marlboro Riddle: Sailboat With A Dead Crew - Alternative View

When in October 1913 the mate and several members of his crew boarded the schooner Marlboro in one of the bays of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, they were shocked by a terrible sight: the bodies of the pass, dried up like mummies, were scattered all over the deck

A Ship With The Treasures Of The Nazis Was Found In Crimea - Alternative View

A Ship With The Treasures Of The Nazis Was Found In Crimea - Alternative View

Off the coast of Crimea, divers discovered the steamer Boy Feddersen, which sank in 1943. According to one version, the ship was taking out the treasures looted by the Nazis. Boy Feddersen was called "the steamer that didn't want to die"

Where Did The Wends Go - Alternative View

Where Did The Wends Go - Alternative View

Ptolemy Claudius named them after the Carpathians and the Baltic Sea. Perhaps they were the ones who founded Venice. The King of Sweden (Gustav I) proudly called himself their king. It is likely that they are the ancestors of the Slavs. Slavs?

Project A119: Why Did The United States Want To Detonate A Hydrogen Bomb On The Moon - Alternative View

Project A119: Why Did The United States Want To Detonate A Hydrogen Bomb On The Moon - Alternative View

The space race of the 20th century forced the superpowers to arrange impressive actions to amaze the world community and their own citizens

Biography Of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky - Alternative View

Biography Of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky - Alternative View

Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky (years of life: about 1091-1157) - from the Rurik family, the ancestor of the Vladimir-Suzdal grand dukes. Prince of Rostov-Suzdal (1125-1157); Years of reign: the Grand Duke of Kiev in 1149-1151

It Has Long Been Untrue: Myths About The Battle Of The Ice - Alternative View

It Has Long Been Untrue: Myths About The Battle Of The Ice - Alternative View

Snow-covered landscapes, thousands of warriors, a frozen lake and crusaders falling under the ice under the weight of their own armor

The Mystery Of The Three Chests - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Three Chests - Alternative View

At the height of the summer of 1971, in the basement of an old apartment building in Ternopil, ubiquitous teenagers discovered three old chests, padded with wrought iron. Gold "belongings"

The Great Historical Mystery: The Disappearance Of The Three Lighthouse Keepers On The Island Of Eileen Mor - Alternative View

The Great Historical Mystery: The Disappearance Of The Three Lighthouse Keepers On The Island Of Eileen Mor - Alternative View

On December 26, 1900, something inexplicable happened on Eileen More, the largest of the islands of the Flannan archipelago in Scotland. Three lighthouse keepers disappeared and were never seen again

In The Village Of Rechnoy, Four People Disappeared In A Strange Way Five Years Ago. Three Of Them Without A Trace - Alternative View

In The Village Of Rechnoy, Four People Disappeared In A Strange Way Five Years Ago. Three Of Them Without A Trace - Alternative View

The village of Rechnoy Oparinsky district of the Kirov region is more and more often called cursed by local residents. Here they tell stories about the yeti living in the forests, and in these forests people disappear with frightening frequency

An Ancient Islamic Text Was Found In Dagestan, Through Which The Words Of The Gospel Are Manifested - Alternative View

An Ancient Islamic Text Was Found In Dagestan, Through Which The Words Of The Gospel Are Manifested - Alternative View

Scientists of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences reported a unique, mystical find. During the study of the texts and manuscripts stored in the archives, an Islamic manuscript was discovered, through the text of which the words of the Gospel are manifested

Physicists Have Found In Pakistan The Oldest Traces Of Metallurgy On The Planet - Alternative View

Physicists Have Found In Pakistan The Oldest Traces Of Metallurgy On The Planet - Alternative View

Archaeologists and metallurgists have found, inside one of the Bronze Age amulets found in Pakistan, the first unambiguous traces that mankind mastered the secret of molding already six thousand years ago, according to an article published in the magazine

A Captain Who Immediately Became A General. An Unprecedented Case! - Alternative View

A Captain Who Immediately Became A General. An Unprecedented Case! - Alternative View

On April 9, 1943, by personal order of Stalin, the rank of Major General was awarded to Captain Mikhail Naumov. The case is unprecedented. For what such merits did the captain become a general at once?

To The 60th Anniversary Of The Victory Of The Cuban Revolution - Alternative View

To The 60th Anniversary Of The Victory Of The Cuban Revolution - Alternative View

Capitalism is disgusting. He only carries war, hypocrisy and rivalry. - Fidel Castro. 60 years ago, in January 1959, the Cuban Revolution ended. In Cuba, the pro-American Batista regime was overthrown

Three Corners Of The Palace Of Madrid - Alternative View

Three Corners Of The Palace Of Madrid - Alternative View

The burden of power often turns out to be an unbearable burden even for the chosen ones of fate. It happened with the Spanish king Charles IV

The War That Russia Has Never Lost - Alternative View

The War That Russia Has Never Lost - Alternative View

In our history, there are a number of persistent myths that often do not correspond to real facts. One of these myths is associated with the so-called Crimean War, in which Russia in 1853 - 1856

Where Did The Mysterious Artifacts Of Padre Crespi Disappear? - Alternative View

Where Did The Mysterious Artifacts Of Padre Crespi Disappear? - Alternative View

Over the past hundred years, a huge number of ancient artifacts have been found, most of them disappeared without a trace. One gets the impression that “inconvenient” artifacts disappear not by accident, but a real hunt for them is being conducted.Pad