Secrets of history 2024, October

Sold Alaska - Alternative View

Sold Alaska - Alternative View

150 years ago, on March 30, 1867, the North American United States issued a check to the government of the Russian Empire for $ 7.2 million and acquired 1,518,800 square kilometers of new land in its possession, that is, at $ 4.74 per km & sup2

In Peru, They Found A Secret Room For Human Sacrifices - Alternative View

In Peru, They Found A Secret Room For Human Sacrifices - Alternative View

Under the ruins of an ancient temple in the Peruvian province of Chiclayo, archaeologists have found a secret room for human sacrifice. The purpose of the premises was determined by the corpses of six women who were lying in unusual positions, according to the Daily Mail

Crimean Gothia. Ost Gotha In Crimea - Alternative View

Crimean Gothia. Ost Gotha In Crimea - Alternative View

The Goths, the people of the East German industry, played a significant role in the history of Taurida. Their ancestral home on the lower reaches of the Vistula and Pregel rivers

Found Traces Of The Massacre Of Children In Peru - Alternative View

Found Traces Of The Massacre Of Children In Peru - Alternative View

A group of archaeologists have discovered the remains of more than 50 children on the northern coast of Peru - representatives of the pre-Columbian culture Chimu (South America) - which were sacrificed. Reported by the South China Morning Post

Victims Of Predictions. Scientists Have Found Out Who And Why Were Sacrificed In Ancient China - Alternative View

Victims Of Predictions. Scientists Have Found Out Who And Why Were Sacrificed In Ancient China - Alternative View

In ancient times, human sacrifice was considered the most effective way to reach the heavenly (or underground) office, so ritual killings were common almost everywhere

The Indians Fattened Their Children Before The Sacrifice - Alternative View

The Indians Fattened Their Children Before The Sacrifice - Alternative View

Anthropologists from the British University of Bradford were able to restore the rituals associated with child sacrifice of the Inca Indians on the eve of the appearance of the first Europeans

Hawking: Colonization Of Mars Will Take Place During The Current Century - Alternative View

Hawking: Colonization Of Mars Will Take Place During The Current Century - Alternative View

Scientist Stephen Hawking reports that the colonization of Mars will take place over the next 100 years. This statement was made during a conversation with foreign journalists

Cave "Crystal Maiden" - Alternative View

Cave "Crystal Maiden" - Alternative View

The giant underground cave Aktun-Tunichil-Muknal (go to the "Crystal Maiden" cave) in the jungle of western Belize is unique in its own way

How Real People Tried To Become Immortal - Alternative View

How Real People Tried To Become Immortal - Alternative View

Immortality has always attracted man. In an attempt to avoid the inevitable fate, someone consoled themselves with the existence of life after the grave, and someone tried to prolong the days of their earthly vale

Secrets Of Calendars - Alternative View

Secrets Of Calendars - Alternative View

“The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called light day, and darkness night

Mortally Dangerous Palace Etiquette - Alternative View

Mortally Dangerous Palace Etiquette - Alternative View

Do you know, dear readers, how many people have died for a strange reason - simply because they observed or tried to observe palace etiquette? May I go out?

Odyssey Wine - Alternative View

Odyssey Wine - Alternative View

It is believed that the Arabs first got alcohol in the 7th century. In the old days, it was assumed that from wine during distillation its spirit is released, in Latin - spiritus. Hence the name - alcohol. This liquid was also called "water of life" (aqua vitae) and was used mainly as a medicine for all diseases …The great Greek poet Homer attributed the invention of alcohol to the Thracians who inhabited southern Europe

Biography Of Alexander II - Alternative View

Biography Of Alexander II - Alternative View

Alexander 2 Nikolaevich (born April 17 (29), 1818 - death March 1 (13), 1881) - Russian emperor (since 1855), (Romanov dynasty). In Russian history he is known as Alexander II the Liberator. Eldest son of Nicholas I

A Rare Find: An Inscription On A Stone Will Help Unravel The Secrets Of The Etruscan Civilization? - Alternative View

A Rare Find: An Inscription On A Stone Will Help Unravel The Secrets Of The Etruscan Civilization? - Alternative View

Etruscan inscriptions are rare, so each find produces a small - or large - sensation in the historical community

The Real Indiana Jones - Alternative View

The Real Indiana Jones - Alternative View

We all love Indiana Jones movies. This charismatic treasure seeker (and adventure on a famous body part) has long and firmly settled in our hearts. But is this character completely fictional?

Duel Of Lermontov With Martynov - Alternative View

Duel Of Lermontov With Martynov - Alternative View

A grave without a cross "I lay motionless with a lead in my chest", "a bloody wound was still smoking, my blood was pouring out drop by drop" - Lermontov wrote these poems about a month before the fatal duel

The Ancient Inhabitants Of The Urals Were Engaged In Metallurgy - Alternative View

The Ancient Inhabitants Of The Urals Were Engaged In Metallurgy - Alternative View

In Muravlenko, archaeological excavations in the settlement of Pyakipur 3 were completed. At the site of the settlement, ceramic items were found that do not look like items characteristic of this area

Revealed The Reasons For The Disappearance Of The Indian Mathematicians - Alternative View

Revealed The Reasons For The Disappearance Of The Indian Mathematicians - Alternative View

A group of American scientists discovered traces of the disappeared civilization of the Anasazi Indians by analyzing the genetic material of ancient domesticated birds

7 Of The Most Famous Ships That Have Become Ghosts - Alternative View

7 Of The Most Famous Ships That Have Become Ghosts - Alternative View

Legends about mysterious ghost ships have thrilled seasoned sailors and residents of coastal cities for centuries. Vessels with missing crews still wander the seas and oceans today

Seven Legendary Ghost Ships That Have Ever Sailed The Seas - Alternative View

Seven Legendary Ghost Ships That Have Ever Sailed The Seas - Alternative View

Ghost ships, or phantom ships that appear on the horizon and quickly disappear, according to sailors' belief, portend trouble (and early gray hair). Ships left by the crew under various, often mysterious, circumstances are also called the same

Rugen Island And Its Secrets - Alternative View

Rugen Island And Its Secrets - Alternative View

Rugen Island - an ominous place, praised by Pushkin himself, he is also Buyan Island. Why sinister? For several centuries, scientists and local residents have observed various anomalous phenomena on its territory. What are they connected with? It is worth understanding

Ingermanlanders: How Did This People Frighten The Soviet Government - Alternative View

Ingermanlanders: How Did This People Frighten The Soviet Government - Alternative View

Among the peoples who underwent total deportation under the rule of the communists were the Ingrian people, whose mention was banned in the USSR until the early 1990s. Other peoples repressed under Stalin were at one time rehabilitated

10 Most Influential Families In History - Alternative View

10 Most Influential Families In History - Alternative View

The list below shows families that have influenced the course of human history in one way or another. Among them there are both royal dynasties and families of ordinary people who, due to certain circumstances, were among the mighty of this world. 1

Lake Toplitz Treasure - Alternative View

Lake Toplitz Treasure - Alternative View

Lake Toplitz is called the "Black Pearl" of the Austrian Duchy of Styria. It is located sixty kilometers southeast of Salzburg, in the Dead Mountains, on the site of the ancient salt mines

In Altai, 50,000-year-old Needles Were Found - Alternative View

In Altai, 50,000-year-old Needles Were Found - Alternative View

Novosibirsk archaeologists claim a rare success. Experts managed to find sewing needles made about 50 thousand years ago. The rarest find was discovered by the Novosibirsk archaeological expedition

The Mystery Of The Death Of Henry McCabe, Who Was Found In The Lake After A Terrible Message To His Voicemail - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Henry McCabe, Who Was Found In The Lake After A Terrible Message To His Voicemail - Alternative View

The death of Henry McCabe is one of the most mysterious in the United States in recent years. Various conspiracy theories of how he died regularly appear on the network, but none of them has yet solved this mystery

Sent Cossack - Story About Eunuchs - Alternative View

Sent Cossack - Story About Eunuchs - Alternative View

Skoptsy (also known as "lambs of God" and "white doves") - these are followers of the mystical sect of "spiritual Christians", which elevates the operation of castration (removal of genitals) to the level of a godly deed

The Righteous Man Is Afraid Of The Whip - Alternative View

The Righteous Man Is Afraid Of The Whip - Alternative View

Who are the whips? Sect! - a person brought up in the USSR will immediately answer. But this word doesn't explain anything. What do they believe in? How do they serve? Well, they believe that God can incarnate in any of us who deserve it with our lives

10 Forgotten Religious Sects That Were Very Influential In Their Time - Alternative View

10 Forgotten Religious Sects That Were Very Influential In Their Time - Alternative View

In many world religions there are sects that appear due to differences in views on the doctrine itself or its practical implementation. Today, some of the sects that appeared at different times are forgotten, in others they still exist

Giacomo Casanova: Was He A Womanizer - Alternative View

Giacomo Casanova: Was He A Womanizer - Alternative View

Most of our contemporaries associate the name of Giacomo Casanova with numerous amorous adventures. Meanwhile, this is not entirely true

"Fourth Reich" In Moscow - Alternative View

"Fourth Reich" In Moscow - Alternative View

This story about Soviet majors is not just shocking, it penetrates to the depths of the soul. From her it becomes so insulting for the country that I want the story to be just someone's invention. But you can't erase words from a song

Ruler Anna Leopoldovna - Alternative View

Ruler Anna Leopoldovna - Alternative View

Anna Leopoldovna (at the birth of Elizabeth Katarina Khristina) (born December 7 (18), 1718 - death March 8 (19), 1746) Grand Duchess, ruler of the Russian Empire with her young son, Emperor John VI in 1740-1741

Strange Skulls From The Omsk Museum - Alternative View

Strange Skulls From The Omsk Museum - Alternative View

Recently, a video appeared on the network showing that skulls of a strange elongated shape are found not only in Egypt or South America, but also in Russia

Jeanne D ' Ark Was A Third Man - Alternative View

Jeanne D ' Ark Was A Third Man - Alternative View

The scandalous diagnosis was made by the Russian scientist Efroimson to the national heroine of the French people - the legendary Jeanne d ' Ark, who removed in a few days the siege of Orleans, which lasted several months, several times defeated the troops of the English king

Polygon Sary-Shagan - Alternative View

Polygon Sary-Shagan - Alternative View

On March 1, 1982, at the Novosibirsk State Technical University, diplomas were awarded and the distribution of graduates was read out. Half of the students from our faculty went to work at the Novosibirsk factories, others went to the Soviet army

The Mystery Of The Byzantine Flamethrower - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Byzantine Flamethrower - Alternative View

History keeps many cases of hiding military secrets. An example of this is the famous "Greek fire", a likely forerunner of the modern flamethrower. The Greeks guarded the secret of their weapons for five centuries until it was lost forever

10 Surprisingly Dangerous Ancient Weapons You Didn't Know About - Alternative View

10 Surprisingly Dangerous Ancient Weapons You Didn't Know About - Alternative View

Today, with the military industry growing at an ever faster pace, new weapons are reported almost daily - armed drones, destructive missiles and many other mechanisms that make it so easy to take the life of people

The Cult Of Virginity - Alternative View

The Cult Of Virginity - Alternative View

Virginity - symbol of purity. In Christian Russia, the groom could dissolve the marriage if on the wedding night the bride turned out to be unchaste. For a long time, the girl's premarital innocence was the key to the good name of the family

Riddles Of The "Royal Titular" - Alternative View

Riddles Of The "Royal Titular" - Alternative View

In one of the versions of the "Tsar's titular book" of the 17th century, elephant. How did this large animal that lived in southern countries get into the mythology of the northern peoples, and then into heraldry?

Where Did The Golden Gates Of Vladimir Disappear? - Alternative View

Where Did The Golden Gates Of Vladimir Disappear? - Alternative View

In 1158, Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky surrounded the city of Vladimir with a shaft, and an outstanding monument of Old Russian architecture called the Golden Gate was built under him in 1164