Secrets of history 2024, October

Mysterious Island - Alternative View

Mysterious Island - Alternative View

Alaska was discovered by the expedition of Gvozdev and Fedorov in 1731. But before them, even before their first voyages, during the life of Peter the Great, another expedition was equipped

The Mystery Of The Death Of 12 People In Yakutia In 1977 - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of 12 People In Yakutia In 1977 - Alternative View

This summer it will be 38 years since the mysterious death of two families in a remote Churapcha village. This is perhaps one of the most mysterious incidents throughout the history of Yakutia

Kievan Rus - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Kievan Rus - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Chronicle collection "The Tale of Bygone Years" - the only written source confirming the existence of the so-called Kievan Rus

Dried Human Heads - Alternative View

Dried Human Heads - Alternative View

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tsantsa were in vogue in Europe and North America

Doberman Is A Kind "devil's Dog" - Alternative View

Doberman Is A Kind "devil's Dog" - Alternative View

A hundred and fifty years ago, no one heard of Dobermans. And no wonder - in those days this breed simply did not exist in the world. Now everyone knows the Doberman, but somehow one-sided

Nietzsche: Beyond Good And Evil - Alternative View

Nietzsche: Beyond Good And Evil - Alternative View

He was named after the king because his birthday coincided with the birthday of King Frederick William IV

How Did The Attempted Coup D'etat In The USSR Of 1982 End - - Alternative View

How Did The Attempted Coup D'etat In The USSR Of 1982 End - - Alternative View

About the attempted coup in the USSR and the war of the Ministry of Internal Affairs against the KGB in 1982, they started talking recently. The plot of this plot is as follows: the Minister of Internal Affairs Nikolay Shchelokov on September 10 came to the reception to L

The History Of Great Inventions - Alternative View

The History Of Great Inventions - Alternative View

The history of mankind is the constant progress of technology, accompanied by new discoveries and inventions. We decided to find out how the things that surround us in everyday life were invented and became familiar to us

History Of Inventions. Interesting Facts Of Nikola Tesla - Alternative View

History Of Inventions. Interesting Facts Of Nikola Tesla - Alternative View

Nikola Tesla (born July 10, 1856 - death on January 7, 1943) - genius inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering. Origin

Computers And Washing Machines Were Invented By Ancient People, Scientists Believe - Alternative View

Computers And Washing Machines Were Invented By Ancient People, Scientists Believe - Alternative View

Archaeologists believe that computers and washing machines date back to antiquity. Moreover, ancient people had analogues of NASA and selfies

7 Unknown Names Of The Russian Land - Alternative View

7 Unknown Names Of The Russian Land - Alternative View

Hyperborea The legendary country of ancient Greek mythology. Many scientists argue that the Hyperboreans lived in the Russian North many thousands of years ago

The Main Inventions Of Soviet Scientists - Alternative View

The Main Inventions Of Soviet Scientists - Alternative View

The USSR was able to become one of the most powerful countries in the world thanks to the innovative inventions of Soviet scientists. Let's remember the main ones

Inventions That Killed Their Creators - Alternative View

Inventions That Killed Their Creators - Alternative View

Learn from mistakes. But with these people - physicists, engineers and even tailors - fate played a cruel joke

Alexander Nevsky - A Key Figure In Russian History - Alternative View

Alexander Nevsky - A Key Figure In Russian History - Alternative View

Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich managed to save Russia in a critical era An outstanding commander, hero of the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice, Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky was a wise ruler and an experienced diplomat

The Princely Share. Whom Did Alexander Nevsky Serve? - Alternative View

The Princely Share. Whom Did Alexander Nevsky Serve? - Alternative View

Today the Church honors the memory of the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, in the schema of Alexy († 1263). In the eyes of the Horde people, Alexander Nevsky was a loyal vassal, diligently guarding the borders of their great empire

Rzhevskaya Meat Grinder: What Horrors Of The War That Took Place There Shock Most Of All - Alternative View

Rzhevskaya Meat Grinder: What Horrors Of The War That Took Place There Shock Most Of All - Alternative View

The famous poem by Alexander Tvardovsky "I was killed near Rzhev" was written in memory of the Battle of Rzhev - one of the most bloody episodes of the Great Patriotic War

In The Ancient Runes, There Was No Mention Of The Courage Of The Vikings - Alternative View

In The Ancient Runes, There Was No Mention Of The Courage Of The Vikings - Alternative View

An ancient stone from the River, dotted with runes, as it was previously believed, told of a heroic feat, until a group of Swedish researchers from the University of Gothenburg did not reanalyze and found out that 762 runes do not speak of fearlessness

Attention, Fake: "Shoot More Priests" Or Document Numbered 13 And 666 - Alternative View

Attention, Fake: "Shoot More Priests" Or Document Numbered 13 And 666 - Alternative View

Let us continue our consideration of the false statements attributed to V. I. Lenin. Fashionable "historical" writers-denunciators of the Soviet period of our Motherland are based on them

The Spanish Explorer Is Confident That He Has Found The Remains Of Atlantis - Alternative View

The Spanish Explorer Is Confident That He Has Found The Remains Of Atlantis - Alternative View

Spanish explorer Manuel Cuevas said he was able to find the legendary Atlantis, reports Centro Meteo Italiano

How They Beat Out Debts In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

How They Beat Out Debts In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

Creditors paid for the maintenance of debtors in a debt prison.The prices for modern collectors would not have been in the time of Ivan the Terrible, when they did not stand on ceremony with debtors. It was Peter I who ruined everything again and replaced the pillars of shame with boring debt pits

Why Do Ukrainians And Southern Russians "gag" Actually - Alternative View

Why Do Ukrainians And Southern Russians "gag" Actually - Alternative View

The territories of present-day Ukraine and the south of Russia were inhabited by the Aryan tribes for thousands of years before and after their division into Indo-Aryans and Iranians. Aryan is believed to have been the population of Arkaim in the Southern Urals almost two thousand years BC

The Most Horrible Experiments On The Human Psyche - Alternative View

The Most Horrible Experiments On The Human Psyche - Alternative View

The laws of the human psyche are still little studied. During psychological experiments, the results can confuse scientists, and sometimes they can shock

What Are The Scariest Experiments Scientists Have Ever Conducted? - Alternative View

What Are The Scariest Experiments Scientists Have Ever Conducted? - Alternative View

Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein is often seen as an illustration of contemporary fears that humanity's pursuit of scientific knowledge and truth may often cross "sacred" moral and ethical boundaries

Secret Treasures Of Catherine The Great - Alternative View

Secret Treasures Of Catherine The Great - Alternative View

The surname of the Bobrinsky family was quite well known in the Russian Empire, representatives of this glorious family always had a certain weight at the imperial court

The Most High-profile Murders In The History Of - Alternative View

The Most High-profile Murders In The History Of - Alternative View

Famous people don't always die a natural death. They often die at the hands of calculating political opponents or insane fanatics. Here is a list of the murders that have shocked humanity the most over the past two hundred years

Stalin's Underground Shelter - Alternative View

Stalin's Underground Shelter - Alternative View

Was there a generalissimo's bunker near Yaroslavl? This story began in the last century, when a pigsty was built near the village of Mikhailovskoye (now the village of Mikhailovsky) of the Nekrasovsky district of the Yaroslavl region. Built and built

Nesvizh Castle. Belarus - Alternative View

Nesvizh Castle. Belarus - Alternative View

The palace and castle complex, located in the northeastern part of the city of Nesvizh, is famous not only for its historical and cultural value, but also for mystical phenomena

Belarusians: The Mystery Of The Origin - Alternative View

Belarusians: The Mystery Of The Origin - Alternative View

On August 5, 1772, the first partition of the Rzecz Pospolita took place. Austria received Galicia, Prussia - West Prussia, and Russia - Belarus. Russians and Belarusians admit that we are not very different from each other. But still we are different

When And How Did The Belarusians Come Up With - Alternative View

When And How Did The Belarusians Come Up With - Alternative View

Russians and Belarusians admit that we are not very different from each other. But still we are different. How Belarus was formed and what is its uniqueness. HISTORY OF WHITE RUSSIA The ethnonym "Belarusians" was finally adopted by the Russian Empire in the 18th - 19th centuries

Mysteries Of The Minsk Temple. Was The Oak "Volatom"? - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Minsk Temple. Was The Oak "Volatom"? - Alternative View

The Minsk temple (together with its main shrine, the "Dzed" boulder), which operated at the beginning of the 20th century, is now well known to the residents of the capital. They note that the Minsk temple - a unique phenomenon not only for Belarus, but for the whole of Europe

Which Is Correct: Belarus Or Belarus? - Alternative View

Which Is Correct: Belarus Or Belarus? - Alternative View

This topic has already been considered, revised and discussed a million times. And still there is no consensus

The Mystery Of The Chinese Mummy - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Chinese Mummy - Alternative View

Xin Zhui - She was the wife of the Imperial Viceroy of Changsha during the Han Dynasty. Perhaps her name would have sunk into oblivion if after her death she had not been mummified

Double Bottom Treasure Island - Alternative View

Double Bottom Treasure Island - Alternative View

The history of Oak Island is the longest and most mysterious treasure-hunting epic. Everything was here: precious finds, mysteries and discoveries, finally, human sacrifices

Biography Of Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova - Alternative View

Biography Of Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova - Alternative View

Princess Dashkova Ekaterina Romanovna (born March 17 (28), 1743 - see January 4 (16), 1810. Born Countess Vorontsova). The most educated woman of the 18th century, made a huge contribution to the organization of the scientific process in Russia

Georgy Malenkov: The Gray Cardinal. Was Georgy Malenkov The “chief Personnel Officer” Of The Country? - Alternative View

Georgy Malenkov: The Gray Cardinal. Was Georgy Malenkov The “chief Personnel Officer” Of The Country? - Alternative View

Of the members of the Stalinist team, this man is the least known. They don't talk about him, they don't write, and when they try to talk, it turns out that there is nothing to say

Biography And Execution Of Queen Catherine Howard - Alternative View

Biography And Execution Of Queen Catherine Howard - Alternative View

Catherine Howard (name in history - "Rose without thorns") (born around 1520-1525 - death on February 13, 1542) - queen consort of England 1540 - 1542 BC Fifth wife of King Henry VIII of England

Why Is Alternative History Dangerous? - Alternative View

Why Is Alternative History Dangerous? - Alternative View

Alternative history is a rather dangerous phenomenon when viewed over long periods of time

&Ldquo; Gray Cardinal "Count Andrei Ivanovich Osterman - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Gray Cardinal "Count Andrei Ivanovich Osterman - Alternative View

On May 4, 1703 in Germany, in the city of Jena, in the tavern "At the Rose", drunken students fought, and one of them, pulling out his sword, killed a comrade

Where Did The Turks Come From - Alternative View

Where Did The Turks Come From - Alternative View

Turks - progenitors of modern Turks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs and other Asians

Warriors From Trajan's Column: Ancient Falsification Of History? - Alternative View

Warriors From Trajan's Column: Ancient Falsification Of History? - Alternative View

Trajan's Column - one of the main monuments that survived the fall of Rome. And it remains the subject of scientific controversy to this day