Nietzsche: Beyond Good And Evil - Alternative View

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Nietzsche: Beyond Good And Evil - Alternative View
Nietzsche: Beyond Good And Evil - Alternative View

Video: Nietzsche: Beyond Good And Evil - Alternative View

Video: Nietzsche: Beyond Good And Evil - Alternative View
Video: NIETZSCHE Explained: Beyond Good and Evil (ALL PARTS) 2024, July

He was named after the king because his birthday coincided with the birthday of King Frederick William IV. He was born into a deeply religious family, and faith was the basis of his childhood outlook, which, however, did not prevent him from writing "Twilight of Idols" and "Antichrist" by the end of his life, where harsh criticism of Christian churches and people who called themselves Christians was deployed. actually not being them.


Few people know that Nietzsche was gifted musically, played the piano perfectly, composed music and dreamed of becoming a musician. Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, Beethoven and Bach were his idols. People who despised music would later be called by Nietzsche "spiritless creatures like animals." He also owns the following words: "I am annoyed by what cannot be expressed by music."

In his work "The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music" Nietzsche with might and main smashes the main dogma of Christianity - about eternal existence by the grace of God in the afterlife. It seemed absurd to Nietzsche that death should be the atonement for original sin. He believed that the stronger the will to die, the more terrible the fear of death. How can you live without thinking about death, but knowing about its inexorableness and inevitability, not being afraid of it?

Nietzsche's strange relationship with the composer Richard Wagner is known. At the beginning of his acquaintance, Nietzsche was so bewitched by the personality of a genius that he considered it possible to devote himself to serving this greatest composer and thinker.

But over the years, Nietzsche lost interest in Wagner, and the former friendship turned into a real war between two great minds. Wagner preferred to see in Nietzsche, as before, an enthusiastic and bright propagandist of his own views. And the views of Nietzsche have undergone major changes.

In 1878, Nietzsche's famous book "Human, Too Human" was published with an explosive subtitle: "A Book for Free Minds", where the author without special ceremony broke with everything at once: with Hellenism, Christianity, Schopenhauer and, of course, Wagner.

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Wagner's fans were shocked by Nietzsche's "betrayal" and this "betrayal" was explained by the usual envy of a failed musician for a genius. An extremely spiteful and aggressive article "The Public and Popularity" was published, where Nietzsche, although not named, was implied, and where his "Human …" was viewed as a consequence of the disease, and masterpiece aphorisms - as intellectually insignificant and morally deplorable. Blow for blow. The truce in the war with Wagner never came.


One of the mysteries of Nietzsche is his madness. More precisely, the reason for the loss of mind. Clerics angrily noticed that Nietzsche was punished by God's hand for his sharp attacks on the Church and Christian morality. But God had nothing to do with the unfortunate half-blind philosopher.

His existence practically justified the Buddhist principle - “life is suffering”: a strip of endless wanderings, miserable rooms in cheap boarding houses, where he wrote all day long, almost pressing his double glasses against a sheet of paper until his sore eyes refused; terrible remedies for insomnia - chloral, veronal and, there is a suspicion, Indian hemp.

He suffered from severe headaches, frequent stomach cramps and vomiting cramps, and suffered several apoplectic strokes. It is a proven fact that Nietzsche's state of health was directly related to his state of mind, which, in turn, directly depended on the recognition of his work. It “blew up” the brains of the townsfolk and could not be accepted “with a bang”. Nietzsche was doomed.

A fatal breakdown in his psyche occurred in 1889. It seemed to Nietzsche that he was in Rome and was preparing to convene a congress of European powers against Germany. And in this state, Nietzsche sent letters, from which the hair stood on end: "The world has been transformed, God is again on earth … I took over my empire, and I will throw the Pope into prison, and I will order to shoot Wilhelm, Bismarck and Stocker" or "With Wilhelm, Bismarck is done. Antichrist. Friedrich Nietzsche. Fromentin ".

Doctors diagnosed Nietzsche with progressive paralysis. But paralysis is not insanity, but a dysfunction of the brain caused by an external infection, most often syphilis. According to some reports, Nietzsche really had syphilis during his student years. But it is unlikely that syphilis began to "wait" in the wings for 20 years. In addition, after a mental breakdown, Nietzsche lived for another 11 years, which also does not fit into the framework of progressive paralysis, but died in general from pneumonia in a hospital for the mentally ill.

In his book Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche argued that in man, the creature and the creator merged into one. And he tried to destroy the "creature" in himself in order to save the creator. But the attempt ended with the fact that not only the "creature" was destroyed, but the creator himself.


Before the First World War, Germany's territorial and political claims were justified in the name of Nietzsche. Lord Kramer, one of the prominent English politicians, even stated: "One of the reasons that forced us to take part in the war is that we must protect peace, progress and culture so that they do not fall victim to the philosophy of Nietzsche."

In fact, Nietzsche was just irritated by the militant nationalism of the Germans. His quotes literally scream about it. For example, about Wagner, who preached this nationalism, he wrote: “Poor Wagner! Where did he go! Welcome to the pigs! And then to the Germans …"

The contradiction with reality was amazing: the Germans admired their belonging to the Nietzschean "supermen", and Nietzsche himself was very cold about the adherents of German exceptionalism, if not to say contemptuously. What are his such aphorisms: "The origin of the German spirit - from upset intestines", "Wherever Germany stretches, it spoils the culture." He dreamed of putting on a straitjacket on the Reich or provoking it into a knowingly losing war against a united Europe. In general, Nietzsche categorically denied aggression. In his opinion, a person can only attack himself.

If Nietzsche thought so, then why did it happen that after his death Nietzscheism became widespread in Germany, its texts began to be studied without fail in German gymnasiums, and German soldiers, leaving for the fronts of the First World War, in a backpack along with the Bible and Faust "Did Goethe put Nietzsche's" Thus Spoke Zarathustra "? Because they did not know the real Nietzsche! After the death of the philosopher, the terrible falsification of his manuscripts began, carried out by … Nietzsche's own sister, Elizabeth.


Nietzsche foresaw something similar. He did not have the best relations with his sister. Nietzsche called Elizabeth "a vindictive anti-Semitic fool", said that "… people like my sister inevitably turn out to be implacable opponents of my way of thinking and philosophy."

But this contemptuous attitude did not prevent Elizabeth from "giving birth" to the multivolume opus "The Life of Friedrich Nietzsche," where she described herself as a fiery adherent and almost the only student of her late brother. Immediately after his death, Elizabeth took possession of the entire philosophical legacy. She shamelessly removed from participation in the preparation of the collected works of Nietzsche the publisher, a good friend of Nietzsche, and a number of other people who opposed all sorts of forgery and arbitrary editing of manuscripts from the archive.

The result was a monstrous fake called The Will to Power, which later became almost Hitler's handbook. It was from Zarathustra and Will to Power that Nazi ideologues drew most of Nietzsche's thoughts.

In fact, Nietzsche did not write The Will to Power! Such a book simply does not exist in Nietzsche! The Will to Power is an absolute compilation fabricated by Elizabeth from Nietzsche's scattered notes written in the 1880s. Nietzsche then conceived of creating the "main work" of his entire life and sketched out a series of thoughts, totaling 372.

The result was a monstrous fake called "The Will to Power", which later became almost Hitler's handbook
The result was a monstrous fake called "The Will to Power", which later became almost Hitler's handbook

The result was a monstrous fake called "The Will to Power", which later became almost Hitler's handbook

Grief, the compilers shoved into the book not only all these notes, but also many others, so that the total number jumped over a thousand and significantly distorted the original idea. Only in 1956 did the Darmstadt professor Karl Schlechta restore the chronological composition of these notes and published them under the title "From the legacy of the 80s." Needless to say, this book has become a real exploding bomb? She convincingly demonstrated the terrible incommensurability of truly Nietzschean notes and the nightmare of a book fabricated from them. The damage from a fake is almost the most colossal in history. The name of this damage is World War II.
