Secrets of history 2024, October

Revealing The Secret Of The Dyatlov Pass Became A Process For The Sake Of The Process - Alternative View

Revealing The Secret Of The Dyatlov Pass Became A Process For The Sake Of The Process - Alternative View

At the next, 19th Ural conference dedicated to the death of tourists in the North Urals, speakers shared new versions and revised old ones

The Corpses Were Thrown Off The Helicopter: A Pensioner From Yekaterinburg Wrote A Detective Story About The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

The Corpses Were Thrown Off The Helicopter: A Pensioner From Yekaterinburg Wrote A Detective Story About The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

She is sure that the UPI students were killed by radiation. Yelena Gromova, a pensioner from Yekaterinburg, wrote a book with her version of the death of students at the Dyatlov Pass in 1959 "Ural Hiroshima"

More About The Secrets Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

More About The Secrets Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

Dmitry Savva, a representative of the Murom regional branch of Kosmopoisk, visited the open studio "TV-MIG". People who are carried away by distant stars turn out to be interested in completely earthly topics. After all, secrets, our guest is convinced, surround us everywhere

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: The Most Incomprehensible Case In The History Of The USSR - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: The Most Incomprehensible Case In The History Of The USSR - Alternative View

The small mountain Kholat-Syakhyl in the north of the Urals has long been notorious. Its name in the language of local aborigines - Mansi - means "Mountain of the Dead". The legend tells about 9 hunters who died here in ancient times

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass: What Really Happened To The Students - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass: What Really Happened To The Students - Alternative View

The pass in the Northern Urals, located between Mount Holatchakhl and the nameless height of 905, has found a sad fame for itself. It was there in 1959 that a group of nine tourists died under strange circumstances

Dyatlov Pass. A Bloody Sacrifice Of Fanatics Of An Unknown Cult - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass. A Bloody Sacrifice Of Fanatics Of An Unknown Cult - Alternative View

Let's try to figure out why on the night of February 2, 1959, a group of tourists was killed at the Dyatlov pass

Dyatlov Pass: A New Version Of The Tragedy Was Announced - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass: A New Version Of The Tragedy Was Announced - Alternative View

The Dyatlov Pass has long been considered one of the most mysterious places on the planet. The death of a tourist group, which occurred in these places, was overgrown with a colossal number of legends

Dyatlov Pass, Or Mystery Of The Nine: The Most Interesting Versions Of What Happened At The Mountain Of The Dead - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass, Or Mystery Of The Nine: The Most Interesting Versions Of What Happened At The Mountain Of The Dead - Alternative View

In February 1959, a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov went on a hike in the Northern Urals. One late evening something so terrible happened that seasoned travelers were frightened

Balts, Finns, Normans - Who Consisted Of Ancient Novgorod - Alternative View

Balts, Finns, Normans - Who Consisted Of Ancient Novgorod - Alternative View

Anthropological measurements of bone remains from the burial grounds of the Ancient Novgorod region made it possible to determine the ethnic history of this region. Until the 13th century, the basis of the local substrate was the Balts and partly the Western Slavs

Operation "Whirlwind" And Other Special Operations Of The KGB Abroad - Alternative View

Operation "Whirlwind" And Other Special Operations Of The KGB Abroad - Alternative View

Allen Dulles said: "The secret services keep quiet about successful operations, and their failures speak for themselves." However, we are still aware of several successful operations of the KGB of the USSR abroad, which cannot be called failure

In Africa, Found A Mysterious Ancient Library - Alternative View

In Africa, Found A Mysterious Ancient Library - Alternative View

French archaeologists have discovered in Sudan a collection of ancient texts and tablets written in the ancient Kushite language, which cannot always be deciphered. The find is 2700 years old. Reported by Science Alert

Scientists Are Looking For A Solution To The Found Alien Skull - Alternative View

Scientists Are Looking For A Solution To The Found Alien Skull - Alternative View

Over the past eight years, scientists and enthusiasts have been racking their brains as to which creature owned the famous Sealand skull, which vaguely resembles a human

How Pious King David Sinned And Why He Himself Was Sentenced To Death - Alternative View

How Pious King David Sinned And Why He Himself Was Sentenced To Death - Alternative View

The phrase "all the troubles of a man from a woman" is not an empty phrase … This concept has come into our life from the depths of centuries. And in this regard, it will be appropriate to recall the biblical story about Versavia and King David, who lived about three thousand years ago

The Amber Room Can Be Hidden Under Dresden &Zwj; - Alternative View

The Amber Room Can Be Hidden Under Dresden &Zwj; - Alternative View

Years and decades pass, but some processes do not lose their relevance - for example, looking for the amber room. Which, according to researchers from Germany, is reliably hidden from prying eyes in one of the caves of the Ore Mountains

Disappearance Of The Amber Room - Myth? - Alternative View

Disappearance Of The Amber Room - Myth? - Alternative View

One of the main attractions of the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo was the famous room, into the walls of which were mounted mosaic panels made of natural amber, presented to Peter I as a diplomatic gift by the Prussian

Monomakh's Hat - Not Monomakh - Alternative View

Monomakh's Hat - Not Monomakh - Alternative View

Cap of Monomakh End 13 - early 14th century. Gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fur; filigree, granulating, casting, chasing, engraving. Height 18.6 cm; circumference 61 cm. Armouries

The Location Of The Search For The Amber Room Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

The Location Of The Search For The Amber Room Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

Polish archaeologists believe that the Amber Room is hidden in an underground tunnel under the castle of the town of Paslenk. Experts plan to start searching for a masterpiece of 18th century art in the near future

What Do Secret Historical Libraries Hide? - Alternative View

What Do Secret Historical Libraries Hide? - Alternative View

In one of the suburbs of Damascus, underground there is a storage of books rescued from destroyed buildings. Over the past 4 years, volunteers have removed about 14 thousand books from the ruins

Where Is The Amber Room? - Alternative View

Where Is The Amber Room? - Alternative View

Ghosts of the Amber Room The Amber Room in the first two centuries of its existence was not as famous as it is today. The treasure of the Great Catherine Palace became the eighth wonder of the world only after it disappeared

Lost Riches Of The 20th Century That Have Never Been Discovered - Alternative View

Lost Riches Of The 20th Century That Have Never Been Discovered - Alternative View

Recent news about the found train with Nazi gold suggests that the legendary treasures can still be found even after a few decades

Where Is The Secret State Of The Nazis Hiding - Alternative View

Where Is The Secret State Of The Nazis Hiding - Alternative View

What kind of mysteries does the sixth continent throw up - the most incredible assumptions about what hides the multi-kilometer ice thickness

Enemies Of The People: What Fate Awaited Dispossessed Peasants - Alternative View

Enemies Of The People: What Fate Awaited Dispossessed Peasants - Alternative View

At the end of December 1929, Joseph Stalin announced that the kulaks should be eradicated as a class. We know the story of Pavlik Morozov's father and other cases of "dispossession", but how did the "kulak" differ from its neighbor?

How Did Women Live In The Viking Age? - Alternative View

How Did Women Live In The Viking Age? - Alternative View

At one time there was a lot of talk about the role played by women in the Viking Age. Were they warriors who wielded shields and swords side by side with men

William The Conqueror At The Battle Of Hastings - Alternative View

William The Conqueror At The Battle Of Hastings - Alternative View

Battle of Hastings (took place on October 14, 1066) - the battle between the Anglo-Saxon army of King Harold Godwinson and the army of the Norman Duke William. After death in 1035

Ancient Astronomy - Alternative View

Ancient Astronomy - Alternative View

Even today, the sight of the starry sky on a dark night makes an unforgettable, almost mystical impression on a person

Voyage Of Francis Chichester - Alternative View

Voyage Of Francis Chichester - Alternative View

Francis Charles Chichester for many has become a symbol of a strong spirit and determination

Interesting Facts About The Queen-pharaoh, Hatshepsut - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About The Queen-pharaoh, Hatshepsut - Alternative View

1. Scientists at the University of Boston have proved that the most famous queen of Egypt, deliberately killed herself with cosmetics and medicinal preparations for the skin of the face

Merovingian Mystics And Occultists - Alternative View

Merovingian Mystics And Occultists - Alternative View

What do we know about the famous Merovingian dynasty - the kings of France, whom contemporaries called "long-haired" and even "lazy"?

Bellos Mysterious Sphere - Alternative View

Bellos Mysterious Sphere - Alternative View

Parapsychologists have long dreamed of looking into the other world. And with my own eyes. It is even better to film another being, proving its reality to the whole world. The Greek researchers came closest to solving the problem

Crazy Testament. The Last Will Of The Russian Baroness Drives People Crazy - Alternative View

Crazy Testament. The Last Will Of The Russian Baroness Drives People Crazy - Alternative View

Today the editors are studying publications about Russia and Russians in the newspapers of the United States on May 20, 1914. We are told that Princess Demidova left a will - whoever spends 365 days and 366 nights in the family crypt on Père Lachaise will receive a significant amount

The Radioactive Killer Apartment In Kramatorsk - Alternative View

The Radioactive Killer Apartment In Kramatorsk - Alternative View

In the eighties of the last century, in the city of Kramatorsk of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, an incident occurred that eyewitnesses still recall with shudder, and those who have not heard about this story before often perceive it as

How Did Princess Olga Really Take Revenge For Her Husband's Death? - Alternative View

How Did Princess Olga Really Take Revenge For Her Husband's Death? - Alternative View

Olga, the wife of Prince Igor, the mother of Svyatoslav and the grandmother of the baptist of Russia Vladimir, entered our history as a holy princess, who was the first to bring the light of Christianity to our land

Facts That Prove That Many Ideas About The Ancient World Were Wrong - Alternative View

Facts That Prove That Many Ideas About The Ancient World Were Wrong - Alternative View

Today, many people form their idea of the ancient world based on information from popular books, TV shows and films. Long togas, sumptuous feasts, gladiator fights - this is how everyone usually represents ancient society

Archaeologists Have Established The Cause Of The Death Of Phanagoria In The 10th Century - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Established The Cause Of The Death Of Phanagoria In The 10th Century - Alternative View

On the Taman Peninsula, the next field season of the Phanagoria complex archaeological expedition ended. Since 2004, it has been a joint project of the Volnoe Delo Foundation of Oleg Deripaska and the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Voynich Manuscript Seems To Be Actually Written In An Unknown Language - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript Seems To Be Actually Written In An Unknown Language - Alternative View

The famous "Voynich manuscript" of the 15th century is considered the most mysterious text ever found, which has resisted any attempts to decipher itself for a century

Katherine Johnson: Hidden Figures Come Out Of The Shadows - Alternative View

Katherine Johnson: Hidden Figures Come Out Of The Shadows - Alternative View

There are many blank spots in the history of US space flight

Raphael Santi. Sistine Madonna - Alternative View

Raphael Santi. Sistine Madonna - Alternative View

A native of the city of Urbino Rafael (Rafaello Santi, years of life 06.04.1483 - 06.04

Rasputin Was Killed Exactly A Century Ago. Versions Old And New - Alternative View

Rasputin Was Killed Exactly A Century Ago. Versions Old And New - Alternative View

Little news can excite people in a hundred years. Recorded events can remain in memory for so long

Queen Elizabeth I Was A Man? - Alternative View

Queen Elizabeth I Was A Man? - Alternative View

Queen Elizabeth I ruled England with a firm hand for 45 long years. She never married, left no heirs, and the Tudor dynasty ended on her

Is It True That The State "Kievan Rus" Never Existed? - Alternative View

Is It True That The State "Kievan Rus" Never Existed? - Alternative View

When we say "Kievan Rus", we imagine a centralized state with the capital in Kiev, but to this day historians cannot say unequivocally whether Kievan Rus can be considered a state