Secrets of history 2024, October

In Search Of The Treasury Of Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

In Search Of The Treasury Of Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia possessed the largest gold reserves in the world. During the revolution, Kolchak managed to appropriate more than 500 tons of state-owned gold bars. Most of Russian gold was mined in special mines

In The USSR, "clairvoyant" Diplomats Were Trained, Capable Of Separating The Spirit From The Body - Alternative View

In The USSR, "clairvoyant" Diplomats Were Trained, Capable Of Separating The Spirit From The Body - Alternative View

According to the declassified CIA archives published in January for the second half of the 20th century, the USSR was seriously engaged in the preparation of "clairvoyant" diplomats

Magicians In The Service Of The Criminal Investigation Department: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Magicians In The Service Of The Criminal Investigation Department: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

The fact that human superpowers can be useful in solving crimes are sure not only ordinary people, but also professionals

Who And Why Killed Abraham Lincoln And Alexander II - Alternative View

Who And Why Killed Abraham Lincoln And Alexander II - Alternative View

Alexander II saves the United States (1864) France and England remembered the heavy losses and colossal expenses of the Crimean campaign imposed on them by the Rothschild clan and their minions

Lemuria - Disappeared Civilization - Alternative View

Lemuria - Disappeared Civilization - Alternative View

The secret of Limuria - the disappearance of an ancient civilization The legendary Atlantis, which sank in the waters of the Atlantic, is known to many

Stalin Was Different In That War - Alternative View

Stalin Was Different In That War - Alternative View

By the end of World War II, all the leaders of the allied states - Churchill, Roosevelt, de Gaulle - highly appreciated Stalin's role in the war, admired him through clenched teeth and set Hitler and Goebbels as examples

The Last Favorite Of Catherine The Great - Alternative View

The Last Favorite Of Catherine The Great - Alternative View

The last favorite of Catherine the Great was 38 years younger than her. Horse Guards Platon Zubov was a pale shadow of Orlov and Potemkin Young man, dance with me! Even great eras don't always end beautifully

The Lieutenant Colonel Who Saved The World: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

The Lieutenant Colonel Who Saved The World: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Recently, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spoke very respectfully about one of our compatriots from the UN rostrum: “This week the world learned that a little-known but very important person in the history of the Cold War passed away

In Yamal, Traces Of An Unknown Archaeological Culture Were Found - Alternative View

In Yamal, Traces Of An Unknown Archaeological Culture Were Found - Alternative View

The press service of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS informs that the treasure with unique objects, found near the mouth of the Kazym River in 2014, belonged to carriers of a previously unknown archaeological culture of the 1st century BC

Mother Of Nations - Alternative View

Mother Of Nations - Alternative View

The first woman described in the Bible was Sarah. The story of the beautiful Sarah and her husband takes up more space in the Book of Genesis than the story of the entire human race - - from the creation of the world to the time of Abraham

"Greek Fire" Against Guns - Alternative View

"Greek Fire" Against Guns - Alternative View

In 1821, part of the Ottoman Empire, Greece rose up against the sultan's rule. The largest naval battle of the war of independence is considered to be the battle in Gerontas Bay, where the semi-pirate rebel fleet, which did not actually have a centralized command, managed to pat the enemy's "international" armada using fire-ships

Andropov And Gorbachev - Bloody Path To Power - Alternative View

Andropov And Gorbachev - Bloody Path To Power - Alternative View

Like all Soviet people, we lived with our own concerns and problems, carried out the assigned work and did not particularly delve into what was happening “up there”. The reshuffles in the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers did not affect us, did not even interest us

Japan Has Declassified The Monstrous Lie Of The United States About The South Korean Boeing Downed By The USSR - Alternative View

Japan Has Declassified The Monstrous Lie Of The United States About The South Korean Boeing Downed By The USSR - Alternative View

The materials declassified by the Japanese Foreign Ministry regarding a number of events in the 70s and 80s of the last century, it is said about secret negotiations between the authorities of Japan and the United States about the South Korean liner shot down by the USSR on September 1, 1983

The CIA Has Declassified Documents About Gorbachev. How The USSR Was Falling Apart - Alternative View

The CIA Has Declassified Documents About Gorbachev. How The USSR Was Falling Apart - Alternative View

On the birthday of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, the leadership of the US National Security Archive prepared a rather original gift for the former General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee: they posted 14 secret documents related to the activities of the Soviet

The CIA Has Declassified Materials About Experiments In Parapsychology And Biolocation In The USSR - Alternative View

The CIA Has Declassified Materials About Experiments In Parapsychology And Biolocation In The USSR - Alternative View

In the documents declassified by the CIA, materials were found about the experiments on clairvoyance and dowsing, which were carried out by the United States and the USSR in the second half of the 20th century, reports Republic

The US Archives Has Published Drawings Of A Secret Flying Saucer - Alternative View

The US Archives Has Published Drawings Of A Secret Flying Saucer - Alternative View

The National Archives of the United States first published drawings of a secret supersonic flying saucer, which was developed from 1951 to 1956 for the US Air Force, the so-called Project 1794 (Project 1794)

Inexplicable Photos Of Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

Inexplicable Photos Of Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

In fact, there are a lot of such photos. But they prefer to keep silent about them, since no one can explain them, and the criminal case was initially falsified so that truth and fiction were intertwined in it

Secrets Of The Westford Project - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Westford Project - Alternative View

More than half a century has passed since the launch of the Westford project, but there are still discussions about - What was it? Some researchers believe that we are talking about a pure scientific experiment, others are sure - not without military

Blade Of Eternity - Alternative View

Blade Of Eternity - Alternative View

In the summer of 1952, an explosion thundered in one of the laboratories of the scientific complex near Moscow, which belonged to the All-Union Research Institute of Electric Power Engineering. Several employees died

The History Of The Battle On The Kosovo Field - 1389 - Alternative View

The History Of The Battle On The Kosovo Field - 1389 - Alternative View

Battle on the Kosovo field - a major battle, which took place on June 15, 1389. It was attended by a united army of Serbian feudal lords in alliance with the Kingdom of Bosnian on the one hand and the army of the Ottoman Turks on the other

Mister Nobody And The Mysterious Inscription - Alternative View

Mister Nobody And The Mysterious Inscription - Alternative View

On December 2, 1948, the Australian newspaper Advertiser published a short note: “Yesterday morning, a human body was found on Somerton Beach next to a boarding school for disabled children

Investigators Tell - Alternative View

Investigators Tell - Alternative View

Beginning: Fireballs over the "Mountain of the Dead" Prosecutor Lev Nikitich Ivanov, who opened a criminal case on the death of tourists, many years later worked as a lawyer in Kustanai

The Strangest Finds In The History Of Archeology - Alternative View

The Strangest Finds In The History Of Archeology - Alternative View

The relics left behind by ancient people are usually broken, buried and difficult to identify, but there are still some artifacts that can make us completely rethink our place in history. Meet thirteen interesting finds

An Ancient Jug Of The 17th Century Turned Out To Be A Moonshine Still - Alternative View

An Ancient Jug Of The 17th Century Turned Out To Be A Moonshine Still - Alternative View

Archaeologists have exposed our ancestors, who, as it turned out, were not fools to drink. Eh. If this discovery had been made before 1961, perhaps Leonid Gaidai would have made the film "Moonshiners" not about the Soviet era, but the most tsarist

In Siberia, Found Traces Of An Unknown Archaeological Culture - Alternative View

In Siberia, Found Traces Of An Unknown Archaeological Culture - Alternative View

Employees of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (SB RAS) came to the conclusion that the treasure found near the Kazym River could belong to carriers of a previously unknown culture

The Life Story Of Salah Ad-Din - Alternative View

The Life Story Of Salah Ad-Din - Alternative View

According to medieval legends, he was an exemplary knight of the era of the Crusades. Strong and merciful, wise and courageous

What Saint Valentine Actually Looked Like - Alternative View

What Saint Valentine Actually Looked Like - Alternative View

Computer graphics specialists have restored the image of the "patron saint of all lovers" Several countries and cities claim to possess the relics of St. Valentine

TOP-7: Deaths That Did Not Exist - Alternative View

TOP-7: Deaths That Did Not Exist - Alternative View

"Where could this person be … well, I can't even imagine …" As the deserved favorite of the "decommunisers" IV used to say. Stalin, ominously puffing on his pipe, “Death solves all problems. There is no man - no problem"

Scientists Have Uncovered The Secret Of The "curse" Of Ancient Egyptian Mummies - Alternative View

Scientists Have Uncovered The Secret Of The "curse" Of Ancient Egyptian Mummies - Alternative View

There is a belief that you cannot touch the mummy, since it can impose a curse

Biography Of Alexander Kerensky - Alternative View

Biography Of Alexander Kerensky - Alternative View

Kerensky Alexander Fedorovich (born April 22 (May 4) 1881 - death June 11, 1970

America Could Have Been Discovered By The Chinese In The Early 15th Century - Alternative View

America Could Have Been Discovered By The Chinese In The Early 15th Century - Alternative View

Who do you think is the discoverer of America? According to the official version of the story - Christopher Columbus. There is another version according to which America could have been discovered by the Vikings. But could the Chinese navigators also reach it, and even before Columbus?

How Do Germans Today Perceive The Battle Of Stalingrad - Alternative View

How Do Germans Today Perceive The Battle Of Stalingrad - Alternative View

During the battle for Stalingrad, the Soviet Union lost 1.3 million soldiers killed and wounded. Germany and its allies - Romania, Italy, Hungary, Finland and Croatia, the battle for Stalin's city cost 1.5 million killed, wounded and prisoners

Battle Of Stalingrad: Forgotten Heroes - Alternative View

Battle Of Stalingrad: Forgotten Heroes - Alternative View

The defense of Stalingrad is not just a chapter in the book of the history of the Patriotic War, but a separate book that has collected the exploits of hundreds of thousands of people who stood up to defend the city

What Did The Soviet General Secretaries Do During The War - Alternative View

What Did The Soviet General Secretaries Do During The War - Alternative View

Everyone knows that the only head of the Soviet Union who fought at the front in the Great Patriotic War was L.I. Brezhnev. N. Khrushchev, Yu. Andropov and K

Alchemists' Gold - Alternative View

Alchemists' Gold - Alternative View

On the pages of our newspaper, we have never addressed the problem of alchemy

Plan Nero: How Hitler Wanted To Destroy The Germans - Alternative View

Plan Nero: How Hitler Wanted To Destroy The Germans - Alternative View

On March 19, 1945, Hitler issued an order called "Plan Nero". It meant the destruction of strategic objects, food warehouses, and cultural values on the territory of the Reich. The continued existence of the German nation was called into question

The Battle Of Stalingrad: The Most Curious Facts - Alternative View

The Battle Of Stalingrad: The Most Curious Facts - Alternative View

“None of us will return to Germany unless a miracle happens. Time has passed to the side of the Russians. " (An entry from the "Stalingrad" diary of a German officer). The miracle didn't happen. For not only time has passed to the side of the Russians

Alchemists Of The NKVD And The Philosopher's Stone - Alternative View

Alchemists Of The NKVD And The Philosopher's Stone - Alternative View

It is believed that the secret services are good at keeping their secrets. If there is a leak that can cause a public outcry, then it is, as a rule, authorized or is outright disinformation

Death Rays - Alternative View

Death Rays - Alternative View

In all ages in all countries the powerful of this world have sought to acquire or create "rays of death", bringing death to their enemies

Third Reich In Search Of The Legacy Of The Ancestors - Alternative View

Third Reich In Search Of The Legacy Of The Ancestors - Alternative View

The power of ancient civilizations has long agitated the minds of people