Secrets of history 2024, October

Dyatlov Group. Strange Choice Of The Place Of The Last Overnight Stay - Alternative View

Dyatlov Group. Strange Choice Of The Place Of The Last Overnight Stay - Alternative View

It is very symbolic that it was in the first days of February that the prosecutor's office announced a new investigation into the death of Dyatlov's group. After all, it is believed that they died, in all likelihood, precisely in these numbers of the distant 1959

After Searching For The Missing Dyatlov Group, The Entire Forest Was Destroyed There! - Alternative View

After Searching For The Missing Dyatlov Group, The Entire Forest Was Destroyed There! - Alternative View

I found an interesting photograph. It was made in March 1959 in the forest area at a height of 1079. It was there that the search work was going on to find tourists from the group of Igor Dyatlov. A picture was taken in the forest, just opposite the cedar, where the bodies of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko were found

Dyatlov Group. Opinion On The Role Of The Military In This Matter - Alternative View

Dyatlov Group. Opinion On The Role Of The Military In This Matter - Alternative View

Continuing the theme about the participation of the "bloody gebni" and the military in the tragedy associated with the death of the Dyatlov group, I turn to the military. Or rather, the armed guards of some prison camp nearby.Let's start with the fact that the protection of camps with prisoners and other military facilities in 1959 was carried out by conscripts and these units were part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Old And New Versions Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Old And New Versions Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

A new investigation into the mysterious incident at the Dyatlov Pass has stirred up the Russian public. Strange theories began to appear on the Web again, and journalists recalled the most curious assumptions from the past

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. A Few More Thoughts On Interrogating Mansi - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. A Few More Thoughts On Interrogating Mansi - Alternative View

In this article, I decided to continue the topic of the involvement of representatives of the Mansi people in the death of the Dyatlov group. I want to say right away that I am not a categorical supporter of this version, I just want to consider everything in order. so

Version: "The Dead From The Dyatlov Pass Were Hidden For A Long Time" - Alternative View

Version: "The Dead From The Dyatlov Pass Were Hidden For A Long Time" - Alternative View

In February 1959, 9 tourists-skiers were killed in the mountains of the Northern Urals. In the middle of the night they cut open the tent, half-dressed and unclothed, fled one and a half kilometers from the place of their overnight stay. Everybody's frozen

An Unknown Photo Of Semyon Zolotarev, From The Dyatlov Group, In German Uniform Has Been Found! - Alternative View

An Unknown Photo Of Semyon Zolotarev, From The Dyatlov Group, In German Uniform Has Been Found! - Alternative View

I accidentally found one archive photo on the Internet. Group photo. The photo shows two non-commissioned officers of the SS troops in field uniforms and a middle-aged civilian woman. There is almost no data on the photograph, no

Nicholas Thibault-Brignoles Could Accidentally Find The Idol Of Sorni Nye - Alternative View

Nicholas Thibault-Brignoles Could Accidentally Find The Idol Of Sorni Nye - Alternative View

Found one very rare photograph. In the picture taken in one of the campaigns in the Northern Urals, Nikolai Thibault-Brignolle and his friends are standing next to a stone idol. I think the picture was taken in 1957-58

War With America: At Sea And In The Air - Alternative View

War With America: At Sea And In The Air - Alternative View

The story of the flight on April 13, 2016 by Russian aircraft of the American destroyer "Donald Cook" caused a very violent reaction

Concrete Mirrors Of England - Alternative View

Concrete Mirrors Of England - Alternative View

Remember, I told you, "How did air defense begin?", But an interesting topic in the continuation of this.Take a look at the photo - what is seen in the distance? Space communication station? Missile defense? Or are they ancient traces of alien activity?

A Failed Paradise Is An Incredibly Sobering Experiment - Alternative View

A Failed Paradise Is An Incredibly Sobering Experiment - Alternative View

In the early 90s of the last century, the world witnessed a very strange scientific experiment called "Biosphere-2"

Mysterious Orichalcum - Alternative View

Mysterious Orichalcum - Alternative View

Exploring the site of a shipwreck of the 6th century BC, archaeologists have found ingots of a brass alloy, the composition of which differs from other known ancient samples

20 Most Immoral Experiments In Human History On The Verge Of Good And Evil - Alternative View

20 Most Immoral Experiments In Human History On The Verge Of Good And Evil - Alternative View

People are by nature very curious and constantly ask questions about everything that surrounds them. Scientific research and discoveries are considered one of the most worthy areas

The Rarest Photos Of The Dyatlov Group Case Have Been Published - Alternative View

The Rarest Photos Of The Dyatlov Group Case Have Been Published - Alternative View

Over the course of several years of research, I have accumulated a huge amount of photographs, documents, material evidence, memoirs, personal diaries, and other materials. All of them, in one way or another, are connected with a mystery, which for 60 years in a row has aroused keen interest throughout the world

What Did Stalin Smoke? - Alternative View

What Did Stalin Smoke? - Alternative View

Recently, the image of Comrade Stalin has been popular and gaining momentum. It seems that this firm and fair hand is missing. The time where they defeated the most terrible enemy and became an industrial power of world significance

Mysterious Incident With Train N1702 - Alternative View

Mysterious Incident With Train N1702 - Alternative View

"UFO researchers around the world were simply shocked by the information received from Russian Karelia and associated with the events that happened with the train N 1702", - wrote Paul Stonehill, director of the California Center for Russian UFO Research

The Secrets Of The Great Sphinx No Longer Exist - Alternative View

The Secrets Of The Great Sphinx No Longer Exist - Alternative View

This photo clearly shows that the diadem on the head of the Sphinx is not in the center. That is, the remains of the diadem, which was on the right, if you look at the face of the Sphinx, have been preserved.- Salik.bizTutankhamun, that is, Jesus Christ, Ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt, had two diadems

Gloomy Lottery - Alternative View

Gloomy Lottery - Alternative View

One man died in 1968. Soon after the funeral, the widow recalls that before his death, the head of the family, bought a winning lottery ticket. But she did not find the ticket itself. And then it dawned on her that her husband kept the tickets in the inner pocket of the suit in which he was buried

Shroud Of Christ - Alternative View

Shroud Of Christ - Alternative View

Shroud of Turin - riddle solved

President Truman's Cryptic Recording Of A "satellite Attack" - Alternative View

President Truman's Cryptic Recording Of A "satellite Attack" - Alternative View

There is an archival document in the US Presidential Library, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt

The Onset Of Glaciation Brought Down Byzantium And Created The Caliphate - Alternative View

The Onset Of Glaciation Brought Down Byzantium And Created The Caliphate - Alternative View

The string of empires collapsed at the beginning of the Middle Ages and the emergence of the Arab Caliphate and the first Slavic states may be associated with the strongest period of ice onset in the last two thousand years and a decrease in global temperatures caused by three grains

Renaissance Horror: A Mermaid Monk Eating People - Alternative View

Renaissance Horror: A Mermaid Monk Eating People - Alternative View

It was the end of the Renaissance in the yard. Europeans, in love with art, science, philosophy, eagerly explored the world around them, enriching the paradigm of knowledge about the Universe and man

Secret Psychics - How Special Services Are Trying To Control The Human Psyche - Alternative View

Secret Psychics - How Special Services Are Trying To Control The Human Psyche - Alternative View

Is it possible to turn a reasonable person into an obedient biorobot? Mainstream science is skeptical about mind control experiments

Treasures For The Hermitage At The Bottom Of The Baltic - Alternative View

Treasures For The Hermitage At The Bottom Of The Baltic - Alternative View

In the late autumn of the distant 1771, a brigantine called "Frau Maria" left Amsterdam and headed for the shores of the Russian Empire. But the ship did not reach St. Petersburg, and did not return to Amsterdam … - Salik.bizValuable cargoThe two-masted sailing ship slowly moved across the Baltic Sea, entering all the oncoming ports. P

The Mayak Accident Surfaced 60 Years Later - Alternative View

The Mayak Accident Surfaced 60 Years Later - Alternative View

When it comes to a nuclear accident, Chernobyl, Fukushima or, less commonly, Three Mile Island come to mind. Few people will remember the Kyshtym accident, which affected the nuclear complex "Mayak"

Tiananmen Square Events In Beijing 1989 - Alternative View

Tiananmen Square Events In Beijing 1989 - Alternative View

The events in Tiananmen Square are a series of anti-government protests in the People's Republic of China in April-June 1989, which were caused by the lack of social and political democratization and the monopoly of power by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the active liberalization of the country's economic life

Disappearance - Alternative View

Disappearance - Alternative View

Anything can happen at work. And what you would not expect. For example, this is what happened to me in 1958

Chernihiv Ghoul - Alternative View

Chernihiv Ghoul - Alternative View

The name of the Chernigov Colonel Vasily Dunin-Borkovsky is associated with a terrible, either a legend, or a reality … Even in the 19th century, ethnographers wrote it down

The Faces Are Terrible. The Essence Of Ghosts And Ghosts Is Revealed - Alternative View

The Faces Are Terrible. The Essence Of Ghosts And Ghosts Is Revealed - Alternative View

The more people in the Victorian era were addicted to the supernatural, the more there were hoaxes

Archaeologists Have Found A Copper Icon Of The 15th And 16th Centuries In Moscow. - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found A Copper Icon Of The 15th And 16th Centuries In Moscow. - Alternative View

During the landscaping work in Moscow's Luchnikov Lane, archaeologists discovered a part of the icon for storing the relics. A unique artifact of the 15th & 16th centuries was found in Moscow: a fragment of a container for storing relics

The Long Death Of Michael Malloy - Alternative View

The Long Death Of Michael Malloy - Alternative View

This time, the amazing story will be short and scary. Because there is no time for a long one, but there were no funny ones

Lost Secrets, Taken To The Grave - Alternative View

Lost Secrets, Taken To The Grave - Alternative View

The fact that many secrets are carried away to the grave is nothing new, for sure each of us will also take several of them with him to the next world, perhaps to protect someone, or maybe in order to protect our own reputation or heritage

6 Stories About Mysterious Disappearances That Have Puzzled More Than One Generation - Alternative View

6 Stories About Mysterious Disappearances That Have Puzzled More Than One Generation - Alternative View

The history of mankind is full of mysteries to which we, apparently, are no longer destined to find out the answer. Many of them are associated with mysterious incidents that did not have witnesses

The Curse Of Tsarevich Dmitry: How Everything Went Wrong In Russia - Alternative View

The Curse Of Tsarevich Dmitry: How Everything Went Wrong In Russia - Alternative View

In October 1582, Ivan the Terrible had a son, Dmitry, who had the share of becoming the last offspring (in the male line) of the royal dynasty of Rurikovich

The Assassination Of Alexander II - Alternative View

The Assassination Of Alexander II - Alternative View

The assassination attempt on Alexander 2. Russia 1881, March 1. 1879, August - a secret organization "Narodnaya Volya" appeared in Russia. Her guide - Executive Committee - included professional revolutionaries

Irma Grese: The "beautiful Monster" From Auschwitz - Alternative View

Irma Grese: The "beautiful Monster" From Auschwitz - Alternative View

This Nazi sadist was hanged when she was less than 22 years old. The monstrous cruelty of the overseer of the Nazi death camps, Irma Grese, was combined with the beautiful appearance of the fury. She was just obsessed with the atrocities of prisoners

Germans In Soviet Captivity - Alternative View

Germans In Soviet Captivity - Alternative View

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, about three and a half million Germans and their allies were captured by the Soviet Union. Considering everything they had done, these people did not count on a warm welcome

At The Site Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group, In 1959, Ten Corpses Were Found! The Tenth Corpse Is In The Photographs! - Alternative View

At The Site Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group, In 1959, Ten Corpses Were Found! The Tenth Corpse Is In The Photographs! - Alternative View

The tenth corpse lay below the pass, in the place where the group's storage was. On the Internet, I found this: on February 1 in the morning we got up, had breakfast, laid a storage shed and only at 15-00 Igor Dyatlov's group went up the ascent to the pass

Nazi Medical Experiments - Alternative View

Nazi Medical Experiments - Alternative View

No noble goal of gaining new knowledge about the human body and creating effective medicines and finding methods for treating diseases can justify the completely egregious medical experiments carried out on prisoners in a concentration camp

10 Most Creepy Experiments On Humans - Alternative View

10 Most Creepy Experiments On Humans - Alternative View

Human experimentation will always be a controversial topic. On the one hand, this approach allows us to obtain more information about the human body, which will find useful application in the future, on the other hand, there are a number of ethical issues