Secrets of history 2024, October

Why Did Jeanne D'Arc Voluntarily Go To Her Death? - Alternative View

Why Did Jeanne D'Arc Voluntarily Go To Her Death? - Alternative View

In those days, when people knew how to see signs, many built their destiny, following the predictions of sages and oracles. But this girl decided the destinies of states and rulers, based on her own visions

People Discovered America 130 Thousand Years Ago! - Alternative View

People Discovered America 130 Thousand Years Ago! - Alternative View

Paleontologists have found processed bones of a mastodon and stone tools, with which ancient hunters butchered a huge beast. RIDE HERE! By the time Christopher Columbus arrived in America (1492), the New World was inhabited by approximately 54 million people

The Last Russian Emperor Nicholas II - Alternative View

The Last Russian Emperor Nicholas II - Alternative View

The era of the reign of Nicholas II was remembered for the hardest events in world and national history. During the period from 1894 to 1917, there were three revolutions and one world war

Russian America - Alternative View

Russian America - Alternative View

In childhood and adolescence, we read the novels of F. Cooper, T. Mayne-Read, G. Emard. In Russia, there were no writers who would romantically describe the development of new lands. Wonderful novels by N. Zadornov, I

Battle Of Kalka - Russian Tragedy Of May 31, 1223 - Alternative View

Battle Of Kalka - Russian Tragedy Of May 31, 1223 - Alternative View

Battle on the Kalka River - the battle between the united Russian-Polovtsian army and the Mongolian corps. Initially, the Polovtsians and the main Russian forces were defeated, and after 3 days on May 31, 1223, the battle ended in a complete victory for the Mongols

13 Disgusting Hygiene Habits From The Middle Ages - Alternative View

13 Disgusting Hygiene Habits From The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Five hundred years ago, the world was much darker, scarier and more ignorant than today

The Main Mysteries In Russian History - Alternative View

The Main Mysteries In Russian History - Alternative View

Winston Churchill said: "Russia is a puzzle, wrapped in mystery, wrapped in a riddle." We cannot but agree. Russian history is full of mysteries. We have selected 24 key ones. 1. What does the word "Rus" mean?

Strange Prejudices: Why In The "enlightened" Era The Europeans Stopped Bathing - Alternative View

Strange Prejudices: Why In The "enlightened" Era The Europeans Stopped Bathing - Alternative View

There is an opinion that people in the Middle Ages did not take baths and did not even wash in rivers and other bodies of water. In fact, in the “dense” era, elementary hygiene was observed, in cities one could find public baths, baths

Where Did Modern Europeans Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did Modern Europeans Come From? - Alternative View

As revealed by the recently published genomic sequences of a dozen early inhabitants of Europe, this continent was a melting pot in which the natives mingled with both people from the Middle East and mysterious northern peoples

English Order Of The Garter - Alternative View

English Order Of The Garter - Alternative View

In 1350, the English king Edward III returned to his homeland after the glorious victories he won at the city of Calais and at Crécy, where the French were defeated. To glorify his victorious army, the king wanted to establish a knightly order

An Ancient Oasis City Discovered In The Chinese Desert - Alternative View

An Ancient Oasis City Discovered In The Chinese Desert - Alternative View

The rounded city was fenced off from the outside world by a powerful wall.Chinese archaeologists found the remains of a unique ancient settlement in the northwest of the country

Secrets Of The Teutonic Order: Why Crusaders Threatened Russia - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Teutonic Order: Why Crusaders Threatened Russia - Alternative View

The Teutonic Order became a dangerous enemy for the whole of Eastern Europe

Alexander Nevsky: Did He Have His Own Knightly Order - Alternative View

Alexander Nevsky: Did He Have His Own Knightly Order - Alternative View

It is impossible to imagine medieval Europe without knightly orders. At the same time, it is rather strange that similar military formations did not officially exist in Russia in those years

Why Did The Order Of Malta Support Hitler In World War II - Alternative View

Why Did The Order Of Malta Support Hitler In World War II - Alternative View

During the era of the Crusades, 12 large and many small orders of knighthood were created in Europe, which eventually turned into large supranational formations that ruled the life of the old continent

Women's Knightly Order Of The Ax - Alternative View

Women's Knightly Order Of The Ax - Alternative View

Yes, this really was, a real knightly order, consisting exclusively of women. Where and when? But read on and find out everything

Russians Against The Teutons: Why Did The Latter Always Lose - Alternative View

Russians Against The Teutons: Why Did The Latter Always Lose - Alternative View

What is good for the Russian, death for the Teutonic. Russia has had many troubled neighbors in history. But the Teutonic Order stands apart, the proximity of the Russians with which became fatal for the crusaders

Occultism Of The Teutonic Order - Alternative View

Occultism Of The Teutonic Order - Alternative View

In modern conspiracy literature, it is believed that the most occult knightly order was the Order of the Templars. In fact, this is not so - the entire occult background of the "Templar Teachings" appeared not earlier than the Xviii century, at a time when Freemasonry began to look for worthy ancestors

Secret Society "Order Of Russian Knights" - Alternative View

Secret Society "Order Of Russian Knights" - Alternative View

The time has come to realistically evaluate an event important for the history of Russia - Decembrist revolt. In 1826, the leaders of the rebellion were executed on the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress

Legacy Of The Templars - Alternative View

Legacy Of The Templars - Alternative View

Transfer of the property of the Order of the Temple to the Hospitallers Even before the burning of Mole, disputes over the property of the Order of the Temple flared up in all parts of Europe. In France, this property was seized by agents of the king on October 13, 1307

Who Are You, "blue Knights"? - Alternative View

Who Are You, "blue Knights"? - Alternative View

Medieval Scottish legends, telling about heavy wars with the British in the XIII-XIV centuries, along with Robert the Bruce and Wallace often mention some "Blue Knights", "blue knights, invulnerable to the enemy

The Story Of The Black Knight And The Mysterious Guardian Of The Universal Balance - Alternative View

The Story Of The Black Knight And The Mysterious Guardian Of The Universal Balance - Alternative View

For the first time, the black knights were mentioned in the 800s, and in the XIII century they were already legendary. Although the Black Knights defended cities from unjust rulers and other threats, the medieval church banned all mention of them

Creation Of The USSR In 1922 And The Collapse Of The USSR In 1933 - Alternative View

Creation Of The USSR In 1922 And The Collapse Of The USSR In 1933 - Alternative View

Lenin's initial proposal to create union socialist republics with the right to secede from the RSFSR was revised in 1922 and documents were prepared to create a new state of the USSR.1923 year.- Salik.biz1924 year.After the end of the civil war in the USSR, according to the Soviet encyclopedia, the following countries entered: the RSFSR, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, the Far Eastern Republic (which was liquidated in 1922 and simply became part of the U

The Secret Weapon Of The Third Reich? - Alternative View

The Secret Weapon Of The Third Reich? - Alternative View

On March 25, 1942, Polish captain, pilot Roman Sobinsky from the British Air Force strategic bombers squadron took part in a night raid on the German city of Essen

In Vancouver, In 1937, Saw The Launch Of An Intercontinental Ballistic Missile? - Alternative View

In Vancouver, In 1937, Saw The Launch Of An Intercontinental Ballistic Missile? - Alternative View

On September 26, 2017, the whole, apparently, the Internet, discussed a strange light phenomenon in the sky of Russia, which the media unanimously called `` the launch of a Topol M ballistic missile ''. On December 23 of the same year, the glow was repeated (once again)

The Strange History Of The Village Of Spas-Korkodino - Alternative View

The Strange History Of The Village Of Spas-Korkodino - Alternative View

In the north of the Moscow region there is a small village called Spas-Korkodino, known to our contemporaries primarily as the alleged birthplace of the great Russian writer Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, the author of the famous "Minor", and

The 7 Most Influential Occultists In History - Alternative View

The 7 Most Influential Occultists In History - Alternative View

They made a significant contribution to the development of "secret knowledge", which has always retained its seclusion, but at the same time directly influenced world processes

New Amazing Find Of The Archaeologists Of The Dnieper - Alternative View

New Amazing Find Of The Archaeologists Of The Dnieper - Alternative View

This is not Stonehenge, but the sanctuary of the ancient Scythians who inhabited the lands of the present Dnipropetrovsk region, is very similar to a cult building in England

Witches And Sorcerers Of London: From The Middle Ages To The Present Day - Alternative View

Witches And Sorcerers Of London: From The Middle Ages To The Present Day - Alternative View

On the last day of October, Halloween is celebrated in Britain and many other countries, a buffoonery rooted in the Church's All Saints Day celebrations. This time of the year has long been associated with magic, witchcraft, ghosts and witches

Karl Haushofer - Magician Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Karl Haushofer - Magician Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

“Today, in the center and north of Europe, the soul of the race that lived in Zarathustra awakens with mythical power, beginning to become more aware of itself

A Book Made Of Human Skin Was Put On Display In Kazakhstan - Alternative View

A Book Made Of Human Skin Was Put On Display In Kazakhstan - Alternative View

The book is made of the skin of a scientist - in 1532 he donated his body for a Latin manuscript, forever preserving his mark in her tan leather cover

Colony Of Dignidad: How A Former Luftwaffe Medic Set Up A Personal Torture Center In Chile - Alternative View

Colony Of Dignidad: How A Former Luftwaffe Medic Set Up A Personal Torture Center In Chile - Alternative View

The colony of Dignidad in Chile is a terrible fragment of Nazi Germany. Sectarianism, human experimentation, torture, sexual abuse and political murder are intertwined in her story

Gypsies: Heirs Of The Great Magician - Alternative View

Gypsies: Heirs Of The Great Magician - Alternative View

The Roman Empire, as historians of all times and peoples unanimously affirm, fell, destroyed from within by wealth, idleness and self-interest

Waiting For John Froome - Alternative View

Waiting For John Froome - Alternative View

During the Second World War on the islands of Melanesia, a cult of cargo arose among the aborigines; worship of planes and gifts of heaven

Guardians Of The Heart Of Prussia - Alternative View

Guardians Of The Heart Of Prussia - Alternative View

The ancient Prussians occupied a fairly compact territory on the Baltic Sea coast between the Memele and Vistula rivers

Templars. The Preachers Of Poverty Have Amassed Unheard-of Wealth For Banking Transactions - Alternative View

Templars. The Preachers Of Poverty Have Amassed Unheard-of Wealth For Banking Transactions - Alternative View

In 1095, the Pope proclaimed a sacred crusade against Jerusalem. The main military force was European knighthood, which formed several monastic orders

Templar's Kiss - Alternative View

Templar's Kiss - Alternative View

The romance of chivalry is inherent in any boy. But even in adulthood, men are not averse to showing knightly qualities, especially if there is a nice lady nearby

Templars: Battle Of Hattin - Alternative View

Templars: Battle Of Hattin - Alternative View

Powerful military orders and strong royal power - this was the best balance of power for the successful defense of the Latin states. Unfortunately, in 1174, after the death of Amory, the royal power was shaken

The Templars And Sovereigns Of Western Europe - Alternative View

The Templars And Sovereigns Of Western Europe - Alternative View

After 1225, the Jerusalem crown did not return to the kingdom. Until 1268, she crowned the head of the Hohenstaufens, kings of Sicily, or, in the case of Frederick II, the emperor. Then, between 1269 and 1286

Templars - Order Of Pirates - Alternative View

Templars - Order Of Pirates - Alternative View

Any normal boy in his childhood dreamed of becoming a brave pirate. However, today even venerable historians hardly know that the famous pirate flag - a skull with bones - was "invented" not by evil corsairs, but by the famous Templars

How The Templars Appeared In Russia - Alternative View

How The Templars Appeared In Russia - Alternative View

On Friday, October 13, 1307, by order of the King of France, Philip IV the Fair, all French Templars were arrested. The order was officially banned, but traces of the "disappeared" Templars are found even in Russia